Who are you voting for in the upcoming SC elections?

SC has voted too much based on an R in front of the name just like New York has with a D. We need to drop the silly party stuff and vote for the best person to do the job. But I am not sure if we have a good choice concerning Governor.

Funny that some on here are giving Scott props for his willingness to work with the other party while at the same time slamming Graham for doing just that.
Haley and Tim Scott.

Vince had me hedging a little until he tried to bring back the confederate flag debate at the eleventh hour. That was a desperate, pandering move.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Tim Scott

This post was edited on 10/27 11:41 PM by gcsoccer16
Originally posted by steele-tiger:
Originally posted by Howard's Jock:

Ravenel. We share similar interests!
Originally posted by Orange Valley:

anyone who is not for making the illegals, legal

I would love to see someone beat out Graham because he wants to make them legal and not block the borders

you can't tell me you can't get the illegals out of the country if you really want to. Hitler rounder up millions of jews with no computers just man power. We can do it today if they really want to.
Holy Mary Mother of God! The elite level of unintended awesomeness in this post is on a scale so grand that it won't be fully understood for generations.
Haley, Scott, Graham, no on penny sales tax.

I know a lot don't like Haley, but the truth is, she is conservative just like Sanford. However many of the so called republican voters in this state have a lot of liberal ideas, and they just don't know it. And therefore find themselves at odds with Haley on may things.

I don't know who I will vote for for Superintendent of Ed. The position needs to be done away with anyways. Spearman is primarily liberal, but running on the R ticket because that is the only way she will win.
Originally posted by semperfiger:

I don't care. I pulled for Clemson in 1975 also, just as hopeless. I'll just vote my conscience, thank you.

This post was edited on 10/27 9:25 PM by semperfiger
I have no opinion of your choices, just of the likely outcome. I encourage everyone to be an informed voter. As long as folks know why they are voting for something or someone, it's all good.
Originally posted by Tillmanlegend:
It's time for Graham to be voted out. I hate career politicians and forefathers didn't intend for it to be a career. Go serve 2 terms then come back home and let somebody else go. Keeps ideas fresh and minimizes lobbyist corruption.
Honestly, I'm not sure how a gay, democrat in disguise has been in office for so long representing SC. He's as establishment as they come and needs to go, for sure.
Originally posted by ClemTigers83:
Originally posted by Tillmanlegend:
It's time for Graham to be voted out. I hate career politicians and forefathers didn't intend for it to be a career. Go serve 2 terms then come back home and let somebody else go. Keeps ideas fresh and minimizes lobbyist corruption.
Honestly, I'm not sure how a gay, democrat in disguise has been in office for so long representing SC. He's as establishment as they come and needs to go, for sure.
Go back to my post. There are many people in this state that claim to be Republican, but if you drill down to their ideologies, they are fiscally liberal.

Graham also gets reelected for the same reason John Spratt and Fritz Hollings got elected so many times. He is part of the establishment. He gets voted just by default. He also gets the military vote, the teacher voter and anyone over 60 vote. The only way Graham will ever leave office is by death or retirement.
Originally posted by Ron Munson:

Originally posted by ClemTigers83:

Originally posted by Tillmanlegend:
It's time for Graham to be voted out. I hate career politicians and forefathers didn't intend for it to be a career. Go serve 2 terms then come back home and let somebody else go. Keeps ideas fresh and minimizes lobbyist corruption.
Honestly, I'm not sure how a gay, democrat in disguise has been in office for so long representing SC. He's as establishment as they come and needs to go, for sure.
Go back to my post. There are many people in this state that claim to be Republican, but if you drill down to their ideologies, they are fiscally liberal.

Graham also gets reelected for the same reason John Spratt and Fritz Hollings got elected so many times. He is part of the establishment. He gets voted just by default. He also gets the military vote, the teacher voter and anyone over 60 vote. The only way Graham will ever leave office is by death or retirement.
If people cared as much about what their reps did as they do "8 reasons you're dating the right guy" lists on facebook we'd be much better off.

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