Why the establishment hates Trump by Michael Moore

lol, you're pro trump because he told a company that they need to spend more to build their cars? you want less competition in the market and more expensive cars because of government interferance? how in the fvck do you guys call yourselves conservatives?
lol, you're pro trump because he told a company that they need to spend more to build their cars? you want less competition in the market and more expensive cars because of government interferance? how in the fvck do you guys call yourselves conservatives?
how fukking dense are you? its not about endorsing any particular policy or idea, the speech in totality touches on the question you refuse to ask yourselves because the truth isn't kind to your willfully ignorant demagoguery. you refuse to honestly address who truly makes up trump's base, and how did they conclude he was their representative? its not a bunch of racist fascist clan members you like to label because it allows you to retain some moral superiority over a primordial class who's influence needs to be #resisted in the name of democracy. its primarily people who've seen their quality of life dissipate continually, who've watched the growth and influence of government that continually expands on empty promises seemingly at their expense. what you miss is it's largely the same desperation for someone who will actually represent them, a new face that isn't a member of the establishment largesse, that saw obama's rise on his message of hope and change. instead of actually standing for anything he just closed the door behind him once he got into the club, though not before he could prey on sewing even more divisiveness within the masses. its about whether or not you have a genuine interest in understanding where things are rooted because, if not, you can fk off pretending to care about your country. like how do you just sit there screaming maga when 10-15% of voters went bush to obama to trump? that should be far more alarming than this hysteria over trump and russians hiding in the walls. that should make any rational person evaluate a little more thoroughly where they lost voter support, though its easier to draw blind assumptions to conclude they must be the problem. if you can't hold yourself to account, or remove yourself from the tribal echo chamber far enough to pull the virtue-signaling stick that's shoved so far up your hoop there's sht rotting in your brain, to genuinely evaluate it's deviations of stated purpose and effective impact, then you have a purposeless understanding of exactly nothing. which seems to clearly be the case here.