Let's be honest - no one is actually rooting for the virus. But both sides are using every aspect of it for political purposes. The right is spinning the positives and the left is trying to dispute them. A tale as old as time.
I do my best to try to see both sides of this, but it does come across that the left is far more aggressive in trying to disprove any positive news coming from the handling of this by this administration. For example, did the president overstep when he mentioned an unproven drug? Depends on your point of view I suppose. But the zeal I have seen from reporters and left-leaning friends pointing out all the reasons (not all founded) for why it shouldn't work is sad.
And it is hard not to think that there isn't an agenda out there from MSM against any success this administration has shown. Like I said, I try to see both sides, but when you see reports like below showing up only to be debunked within hours, you tend to wonder. And ABC still has the story up.
Statement from the head of the NCMI:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">JUST IN: Director of DIA’s National Center for Medical Intelligence issues rare, unrequested statement regarding COVID. <a href="
https://t.co/tCw0GRchJ6">pic.twitter.com/tCw0GRchJ6</a></p>— W.J. Hennigan (@wjhenn) <a href="
">April 9, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>