Woody McCorvey...

Prompting all the black dudes to come out and back you up - that's gonna be a bad look. Dabo is the leader. He's the one that makes far, far more money than anyone else. And he makes it primarily from the performance of black student athletes. It's time for Dabo to say something. When the hell has Dabo not wanted to talk about anything? And someone tell him to go a little deeper than "alexa, tell me about martin luther king" when he talks about overcoming racism.

The stakes are higher than we realize. This could take a turn and you'll see a hit to recruiting. Or maybe it blows over and all is well.
Dabo hasn't spoken because no matter how peaceful or respectful his statement might be, certain people will undoubtedly twist it & misinterpret it. And he'd be dealing with what Drew Brees is right now.
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I'm not condoning the use of the word. Historically, the Black community usually took what was meant for bad and turned it to good. Not looking for confrontation but shedding a little I have learned. Take for example, all the stuff slave owners didn't eat, they would throw it to the slaves. They took the scraps and turned them into great delicacies and survived. As for that Word, blacks started using it mocking the people that was calling them that. Turning something meant for bad to mean something good was a way to fight mentally in our communities. It shouldn't be used but it's become a part of a culture. A culture that the majority of kids listen to the same things and are into the same fashion no matter the color. The thing that hurts is when the kids can see that the adults need to grow up. I pray every day for change. It's not going to happen though because some people still thinks that blacks must remain in their "historic" place. And that's happy to be in America. Change the mindset and watch America change for the best. It can still happen. I truly believe it
You think he's the only one on here who's family owned slaves?

Stats are different but up to 32% of all southern families owned slaves (lowest I saw using Google-fu is 1.4%). So guess what? Up to a 1 in 3 chance yours did if you grew up in the South.

Not commenting on the rest of it but I wanted to bring perspective to this one part of the argument.

As far as I know, mine did not. But I do not know for certain. I don't know if the records even exist anymore. But that doesn't change who I am as - until someone invents a time machine - there's nothing I can do about it now.
No of course I don’t think he’s the only one. But he’s the only one somehow trying to use the fact that his did and they “treated them well” to support some kind of argument l.
No one wants to say it. Where the hell did that come from? If it truly is so hurtful, it needs to go away. The only way to do that is if everyone stops using it so that kids never learn it. That isn't complicated.

Then again, if you don't want it to go away... that's different.

It's not our choice. If black people want to use, black people get to use it. It's really that simple.
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I suspect this is not currently in Dabo's hands. It is likely not his decision to make at the moment. His opinion matters for sure, but there are people above him who will want this handled a certain way. Especially given the likelihood this never made it up the line to begin with.

It is entirely possible there isn't agreement on the course to take, obviously i am speculating and that can be dangerous to do.

So as much as the lag in response may be distasteful to some, i would prefer they get the facts and all get on the same page before they try to address it.

My guess is if he wanted to say something he could but I don't know that for sure.
My guess is if he wanted to say something he could but I don't know that for sure.

I am sure he could issue some statement, but he has probably been asked not to until the whole thing can be vetted and resolved. It would look bad to address it now only to have to do so again in two days if DP loses his job.
My guess is if he wanted to say something he could but I don't know that for sure.

I mean he needs to say something. FSU shockingly enough handled it well today own up to mistake and now have made noticeable changes and concrete plans for helping the community. Dabo has the opportunity to do the same and the longer no one speaks on it the worse it looks to be honest.
I mean he needs to say something. FSU shockingly enough handled it well today own up to mistake and now have made noticeable changes and concrete plans for helping the community. Dabo has the opportunity to do the same and the longer no one speaks on it the worse it looks to be honest.

I agree.
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I'm gonna ask again. Why are you a clemson fan? Maybe try Idaho or yale?
This doesn’t make any sense...always been a Clemson fan, always will be a Clemson fan...

Besides, I don’t know about Idaho, but there ain’t no way I could be a fan of one of those libtard Ivy League schools...
Speaking as A Black Man, Raised in Jim Crow South, Decendent of Slaves & An American! The Word Hurts! When Anyone Use It, It Hurts! Does it Hurt More when White People Use it in Any Context; Without A Doubt!
Do I wish everyone would respect the History, especially Blacks...Without A Doubt!

By the way, How Do You Treat Slaves “Pretty Well?”
Don't know.......hence my follow up exclmation: Slaves????? - can't wrap my little mind around it.
Hold started by saying your family owned slaves (treated pretty well so no big deal), then somehow you try to make a point about skin color being the least important part of somebody...when the only reason your family’s slaves were slaves was...wait for it...because of the color of their skin. Incredible!
You sir are a dumbass.

1) I followed the 'pretty well' (which I have little knowledge of. very) with ....Slaves?????
If YOU had any ability to read between the lines, which you don't, I was questioning exactly that.
How would one do that?
I don't know. I cannot fathom slavery.

I also cannot fathom or know anything about what my ancestors fighting in the American Revolution or the Civil War did with their time or how they treated anybody.
I'm old, but I'm not the dumbass you are to think I'm THAT old.

So let's just not go down that path.
Plantation owners did not get in their Cigarette Boats and shoot over to the African coast and run into the jungle and kidnap people. Their black brethren were doing the capturing. And, selling.
FTR - The largest slave owner in SC was a Black Man. Look it up.

Slavery anywhere, anytime is wrong. Always was from the creation of man and always will be until the world ends.

2) Further clarification needed, I suppose. Again.
I stated EXACTLY what I meant. Doesn't seem hard to understand.
Of course there are many of YOU who want to twist and turn and make up things that aren't there.

Should you make to Heaven.....and I hope you do.....I am fairly certain a few of my LONG DEAD Ancestors will be there. A few.
Buddy, YOU ask them about their lives and their slaves and their battles for this Country.

I'll be grovelling at the Throne, too amazed that I am there and too busy to worry about twisting or trying to rewrite History.
There's enough of you doing that, as it is.
You sir are a dumbass.

1) I followed the 'pretty well' (which I have little knowledge of. very) with ....Slaves?????
If YOU had any ability to read between the lines, which you don't, I was questioning exactly that.
How would one do that?
I don't know. I cannot fathom slavery.

I also cannot fathom or know anything about what my ancestors fighting in the American Revolution or the Civil War did with their time or how they treated anybody.
I'm old, but I'm not the dumbass you are to think I'm THAT old.

So let's just not go down that path.
Plantation owners did not get in their Cigarette Boats and shoot over to the African coast and run into the jungle and kidnap people. Their black brethren were doing the capturing. And, selling.
FTR - The largest slave owner in SC was a Black Man. Look it up.

Slavery anywhere, anytime is wrong. Always was from the creation of man and always will be until the world ends.

2) Further clarification needed, I suppose. Again.
I stated EXACTLY what I meant. Doesn't seem hard to understand.
Of course there are many of YOU who want to twist and turn and make up things that aren't there.

Should you make to Heaven.....and I hope you do.....I am fairly certain a few of my LONG DEAD Ancestors will be there. A few.
Buddy, YOU ask them about their lives and their slaves and their battles for this Country.

I'll be grovelling at the Throne, too amazed that I am there and too busy to worry about twisting or trying to rewrite History.
There's enough of you doing that, as it is.
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