Worst convention speech ever?

Some final questions for @tboonpickens @okclem @TheValley91 and any other liberal that would care to answer. What is wrong with putting this Country first? What’s wrong with securing our borders? What’s wrong with protecting life, the board and the unborn? What’s wrong with keeping dudes out of women’s bathrooms? Why can’t you admit there are only TWO genders?

The morality in America is going down the tubes and I’m not even talking about Biden or Trump…so take them out of the equation and simply stick with the questions I’ve asked.
What is wrong with putting this Country first?
There's nothing wrong with putting the country first but the politician you follow favors isolationism, which is a dangerous policy. It didn't work out well in the past and it's an even worse idea today. We would be stupid to withdraw ourselves from political and economic entanglements with other countries( see NATO, TPP etc...) and don't forget Alaska is only 53 miles from Russia.
What’s wrong with securing our borders?
Nothing is wrong with it but to do it right, it must be done legislatively by changing the laws. We had the best bi-partisan border bill in history ready to be signed by Biden immediately and Trump told the Republican controlled Congress to turn it down and that may be the last/best opportunity to ever fix it.
What’s wrong with protecting life, the board and the unborn?
Pro-choice doesn't mean you endorse killing life, it means giving a woman authority over her own body, within reasonable constraints, to make decisions without the government interfering and/or criminalizing her over a choice that should be between her and her doctor. No one is pro-abortion but the majority of the country is pro-choice, though red states are attempting to disallow it altogether.
What’s wrong with keeping dudes out of women’s bathrooms? Why can’t you admit there are only TWO genders?
Irrational hysteria over something extremely rare and something the majority of people will never confront. What's wrong with allowing other adults do what they want with their own bodies? It's not your life.
The morality in America is going down the tubes
In your opinion. People have more freedom today to be who they really are and if that makes them happier, why not leave them be? If you weren't pummeled with propaganda coming from the right, you'd probably rarely even be exposed to things you disapprove of. And if you'd quit irrationally stewing over it, you'd be a lot happier.
The people you listen to are: a) detached from reality b) completely infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome and c) so obsessed they have long abandoned the truth in favor of the outcome they desire for their narrative.

You should move on man. It's not good for you to live in that kind of world.
The voice of reason using the phrase Trump derangement syndrome will never not be funny.
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