@tboonpickens you a child!
There’s a reason I’ve tried to stay off this political side of TI, it’s because of people like you and the others…there’s no common sense or civil discourse with you guys, so let me just put it this way and then I’m done with you clowns!
I don’t give a crap if none, ZERO, of his former cabinet members showed up, I don’t care if every member of his family spoke, I don’t care if he spoke for 3 hours…if you didn’t like it, you could have turned it off. In fact, I’m willing to bet most of you trash talkers didn’t ever watch…you got your talking points from Twitter, MSNBS and CNN. You can’t form an opinion, you are given one!
You guys don’t love this country, in fact it’s people like you that are truly a “threat to democracy!” You think it’s okay to have open boarders and open bathrooms. You think it’s okay to murder a baby, born and unborn. You think it’s okay to try and destroy a man because he sends out mean tweets and hurts your little feelings…you are everything that is wrong with society and with this country. You’re not an American, if you were, you wouldn't hate it country so much and you wouldn't be trying to destroy it!! You want to put a man in office that can’t even complete a sentence, remember what day it is, who his wife is or who foreign leaders are.