Worst convention speech ever?

My president got shot in the face and then came out and spoke off the cuff for 1.5 hours to a packed house. He was introduced by Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock and Dana White.

Your President is back in the basement with a cold despite getting three vaccines and 12 boosters.

We are not the same.

My President is a boss.

Your President is a bust.

Speaking of the RNC debacle, is it normal for the nominee to have all of these family members speak, or is that just another function of the cult?

Son 1
Son 2
Daughter In Law
Son 1 Girlfriend
I’m praying he makes it to November. Your party will try again to take him out.

Looks like you are confident that the election will be stolen again.
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Speaking of the RNC debacle, is it normal for the nominee to have all of these family members speak, or is that just another function of the cult?

Son 1
Son 2
Daughter In Law
Son 1 Girlfriend

Really? I think having offspring capable of speaking in front of a national audience plays better than having offspring that smoke crack and have to be shielded from the public eye.
Prepared. Then you went into an absolute tailspin after you lost the bet. Kinda like your great leader Trump.

It was sad and tough to watch.
Are you high? Or simply a glutton for being wrong?

I did nothing of the sort, and did exactly as I said I would. Ask around, since you seem to be uninformed.

I know your political utopia is crumbling as we type, but don’t go complete emo.
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I'm sorry that's not a question I'm going to take seriously.
Because you can’t! You seriously have some mental issues…I don’t mean normal discontent for the man but pure mental hatred for the man!!! You look for every and anything possible to jump on and criticize…you are definitely mentally unstable. There’s no pleasuring you, no rational thinking…nothing!

So, again, “Literally not a single member of Trump's former cabinet was present last night for his speech. What a totally normal sign.”

Why the freak does that matter to you?????
Really? I think having offspring capable of speaking in front of a national audience plays better than having offspring that smoke crack and have to be shielded from the public eye.
Can you give other examples where 5 members of someone's family have talked at a convention like that? I mean I know you cultists think it's perfectly fine that the dude's DIL is now in charge of the RNC and that it was totally cool that he gave his daughter and both sons roles in the WH and that his SIL got a $2B gift from the people who planned 9/11 as part of his WH role.

And I don't give a damn about Hunter Biden, but I sure as hell know that most of this country couldn't give two shits about hearing from cokehead Don Jr or the very qualified Botox lady who's now running your RNC (when not releasing awful covers of Tom Petty songs).
Because you can’t! You seriously have some mental issues…I don’t mean normal discontent for the man but pure mental hatred for the man!!! You look for every and anything possible to jump on and criticize…you are definitely mentally unstable. There’s no pleasuring you, no rational thinking…nothing!

So, again, “Literally not a single member of Trump's former cabinet was present last night for his speech. What a totally normal sign.”

Why the freak does that matter to you?????
Pretty logical that if someone leads a high level leadership team of basically executives. Then years later is up for the job and not a single person on that team supports him getting another chance at leadership.

Have whatever feelings you want about the alternative certainly, and you can personally support him in spite of that fact. But pretty silly to act like that’s not a logical concern.
So, again, “Literally not a single member of Trump's former cabinet was present last night for his speech. What a totally normal sign.”

Why the freak does that matter to you?????
You can't possibly be this dense, man.

First off, it was insane the amount of cabinet members Trump blew through during his term relative to anyone else in history. That should tell you plenty right there.

The fact that 40 of his 44 former cabinet members have refused to endorse him (along with the VP that he almost got killed) and didn't show up at the RNC speaks volumes. If Trump gets a second term, he won't have the human guardrails from the first term who prevented him from doing all kinds of crazy shit like shooting peaceful protesters "in the leg or something".

This time around he'll have nothing but loyalist loons and Project 2025 morons in his cabinet like Stephen Miller. Human garbage like Paul Manafort, Peter Navarro, and Roger Stone will be in his orbit.
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You can't possibly be this dense, man.

First off, it was insane the amount of cabinet members Trump blew through during his term relative to anyone else in history. That should tell you plenty right there.

The fact that 40 of his 44 former cabinet members have refused to endorse him (along with the VP that he almost got killed) and didn't show up at the RNC speaks volumes. If Trump gets a second term, he won't have the human guardrails from the first term who prevented him from doing all kinds of crazy shit like shooting peaceful protesters "in the leg or something".

This time around he'll have nothing but loyalist loons and Project 2025 morons in his cabinet like Stephen Miller. Human garbage like Paul Manafort, Peter Navarro, and Roger Stone will be in his orbit.
Please see my above post for you!
Are you high? Or simply a glutton for being wrong?

I did nothing of the sort, and did exactly as I said I would. Ask around, since you seem to be uninformed.

I know your political utopia is crumbling as we type, but don’t go complete emo.
Are you also geriatric like the two presidential candidates? I’m sure it is hard for you to remember 4 years ago.
Can you give other examples where 5 members of someone's family have talked at a convention like that? I mean I know you cultists think it's perfectly fine that the dude's DIL is now in charge of the RNC and that it was totally cool that he gave his daughter and both sons roles in the WH and that his SIL got a $2B gift from the people who planned 9/11 as part of his WH role.

And I don't give a damn about Hunter Biden, but I sure as hell know that most of this country couldn't give two shits about hearing from cokehead Don Jr or the very qualified Botox lady who's now running your RNC (when not releasing awful covers of Tom Petty songs).

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Speaking of the RNC debacle, is it normal for the nominee to have all of these family members speak, or is that just another function of the cult?

Son 1
Son 2
Daughter In Law
Son 1 Girlfriend
no surprise that a strong and united family bothers you.
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Haha @tboonpickens you a child!

There’s a reason I’ve tried to stay off this political side of TI, it’s because of people like you and the others…there’s no common sense or civil discourse with you guys, so let me just put it this way and then I’m done with you clowns!

I don’t give a crap if none, ZERO, of his former cabinet members showed up, I don’t care if every member of his family spoke, I don’t care if he spoke for 3 hours…if you didn’t like it, you could have turned it off. In fact, I’m willing to bet most of you trash talkers didn’t ever watch…you got your talking points from Twitter, MSNBS and CNN. You can’t form an opinion, you are given one!

You guys don’t love this country, in fact it’s people like you that are truly a “threat to democracy!” You think it’s okay to have open boarders and open bathrooms. You think it’s okay to murder a baby, born and unborn. You think it’s okay to try and destroy a man because he sends out mean tweets and hurts your little feelings…you are everything that is wrong with society and with this country. You’re not an American, if you were, you wouldn't hate it country so much and you wouldn't be trying to destroy it!! You want to put a man in office that can’t even complete a sentence, remember what day it is, who his wife is or who foreign leaders are.
Haha @tboonpickens you a child!

There’s a reason I’ve tried to stay off this political side of TI, it’s because of people like you and the others…there’s no common sense or civil discourse with you guys, so let me just put it this way and then I’m done with you clowns!

I don’t give a crap if none, ZERO, of his former cabinet members showed up, I don’t care if every member of his family spoke, I don’t care if he spoke for 3 hours…if you didn’t like it, you could have turned it off. In fact, I’m willing to bet most of you trash talkers didn’t ever watch…you got your talking points from Twitter, MSNBS and CNN. You can’t form an opinion, you are given one!

You guys don’t love this country, in fact it’s people like you that are truly a “threat to democracy!” You think it’s okay to have open boarders and open bathrooms. You think it’s okay to murder a baby, born and unborn. You think it’s okay to try and destroy a man because he sends out mean tweets and hurts your little feelings…you are everything that is wrong with society and with this country. You’re not an American, if you were, you wouldn't hate it country so much and you wouldn't be trying to destroy it!! You want to put a man in office that can’t even complete a sentence, remember what day it is, who his wife is or who foreign leaders are.
If you don’t think how I think, then you aren’t American!

The most non-American form of thinking.
Can you give other examples where 5 members of someone's family have talked at a convention like that? I mean I know you cultists think it's perfectly fine that the dude's DIL is now in charge of the RNC and that it was totally cool that he gave his daughter and both sons roles in the WH and that his SIL got a $2B gift from the people who planned 9/11 as part of his WH role.

And I don't give a damn about Hunter Biden, but I sure as hell know that most of this country couldn't give two shits about hearing from cokehead Don Jr or the very qualified Botox lady who's now running your RNC (when not releasing awful covers of Tom Petty songs).

You seem angry. I’m not a Trump supporter. Just saying that having multiple offspring even capable of that is better than having a crackhead son. But enjoy your rage.
Some final questions for @tboonpickens @okclem @TheValley91 and any other liberal that would care to answer. What is wrong with putting this Country first? What’s wrong with securing our borders? What’s wrong with protecting life, the board and the unborn? What’s wrong with keeping dudes out of women’s bathrooms? Why can’t you admit there are only TWO genders?

The morality in America is going down the tubes and I’m not even talking about Biden or Trump…so take them out of the equation and simply stick with the questions I’ve asked.
Some final questions for @tboonpickens @okclem @TheValley91 and any other liberal that would care to answer. What is wrong with putting this Country first? What’s wrong with securing our borders? What’s wrong with protecting life, the board and the unborn? What’s wrong with keeping dudes out of women’s bathrooms? Why can’t you admit there are only TWO genders?

The morality in America is going down the tubes and I’m not even talking about Biden or Trump…so take them out of the equation and simply stick with the questions I’ve asked.
I think there should be some new ideas that help fix our issues with people crossing the border. I don’t agree with how people paint these people coming to the US as “criminals, terrorists, murderers, rapists”. It makes black and brown people who are here legally feel hated for being an immigrant.

I believe a woman should make the decision what she wants to do with her body. Not the government. If a woman firmly believes in not having an abortion because of religious beliefs then more power to her. But I believe that another woman who does not feel the same, should also get to decide what she can do with her body. Of course there should be limits on when an abortion can be done but allowing religious beliefs to dictate policy is not what I want from my government.

Transgender people don’t bother me one bit. They just want to be treated as people just like anyone else. Being worried about “dudes” in women’s restrooms is a silly thing. Odds are you’ve been in a restroom with a transgender man and had no clue.

Anything else?
Are you also geriatric like the two presidential candidates? I’m sure it is hard for you to remember 4 years ago.
Mid 40s and blessed. Beautiful wife, incredible kids, and own multiple businesses.

Memory like an elephant.

Maybe the next 4 years will fix you.
You seem angry. I’m not a Trump supporter. Just saying that having multiple offspring even capable of that is better than having a crackhead son. But enjoy your rage.
lol I don't give a damn about Hunter Biden, but I'm guessing the guy who did Yale Law can probably speak just fine. His crackhead adventures don't concern me at all as he's not a part of the administration.

Trump's son got in legal trouble for diverting funds that were supposed to be used for charity to the Trump organization to the point where they had to pay over a million dollars in fines and dissolve the damn "charity". This is the same clown who got up and spoke Thursday night about how God saved his dad (who beat and raped his own mother according to her autobiography icymi) while of course allowing the poor retired fireman to get his head exploded in front of his family.

You seem incapable of showing me any other conventions where a candidate trots out his entire family or gives them all positions in his administration, which was the basis of my question.
why was Trump wearing a tampax on his ear during the RNC if he didn't even need stitches?


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