Worst convention speech ever?

You can tell the Trump camp really cares about Mr. Comparatore. They very nearly almost spelled his name right. here. When it's really, really, really insincere, people can tell. Just an FYI .

Brother, in an attempt to rip Trump, you misspelled his name as well. And that jacket was legitimate. Unfortunately, people pounce on things without doing any of the necessary research.
Few notes.

Nobody really cares about the conventions other than the die hards.

Convention was great up until last night if the goal was going after moderate voters. Very little to no talk about abortion or election stealing. Talk of unity and the economy.

The written version of Trump's speech followed these themes and was good.

Trump himself, was a disaster. You can't have watched that and thought it went well. He should have ended the speech after the first 5 minutes. It would have been a huge mic drop.

But, it doesn't matter that he was a disaster last night. It's his party, nobody is going to work against him, and he's likely to win the presidency at this point.

He should have stuck with about 25-30 minutes. He just needs to stop going full rally mode in speeches like this.

First part was good Trump. Second part was bad Trump. People were tired. Four days is too long for a convention in my opinion. It was a great convention for the GOP. End with meaning and energy and move on. Everyone knows his views. All Trump needs to do is stick to the middle and don't be a total dickhead and he'll probably win. But his base trait is that he thinks he has to be a dick to get things done. That's always been his problem.
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Trump knows he has a problem with suburban women so how smart was he to bring them home with a final night lineup of Tucker Carlson, Kidrock, Hulk Hogan and Dana White? 🤣🤡
Trump is making up lots of ground here due to the tactics of the left. You wont win by killing Trump and posting, being the total pieces of shit that you are, crying that the shooter missed. Also when a leftist stands outside the RNC and yells at Trump supporting women he "hopes your daughters get raped". That wont win you any suburban women either. You tards are pushing them to the right and it may not only be a landslide for Trump, but the Reps may win both houses and can pass whatever bills they want and the dems cant stop them. So keep doing what you tards are doing....
Trump is making up lots of ground here due to the tactics of the left. You wont win by killing Trump and posting, being the total pieces of shit that you are, crying that the shooter missed. Also when a leftist stands outside the RNC and yells at Trump supporting women he "hopes your daughters get raped". That wont win you any suburban women either. You tards are pushing them to the right and it may not only be a landslide for Trump, but the Reps may win both houses and can pass whatever bills they want and the dems cant stop them. So keep doing what you tards are doing....
What a churlish little chode you're being today. Ask mommy for a snack.
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Oh he most certainly bombed. A credible presidential candidate would never spend an hour reliving his greatest grievance lies and hope to get elected - unless his base is a moshpit of sycophants who sold their souls to that ogre and bask in the glory of his idiocy.
But you watched it?
But you watched it?
It's called know thine enemy. I'll be honest that even I was moved by the first thirty minutes of his speech and thought he was hitting the perfect tone. But then it devolved into a cesspool of lies and self-aggrandizement and I could only take so much of it before I had to turn it off. Seemed like he was trying to break the Guiness World Record for rambling hallucinations.
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Oh he most certainly bombed. A credible presidential candidate would never spend an hour reliving his greatest grievance lies and hope to get elected - unless his base is a moshpit of sycophants who sold their souls to that ogre and bask in the glory of his idiocy.
You’re not a clown…you’re just ignorant!
It's called know thine enemy. I'll be honest that even I was moved by the first thirty minutes of his speech and thought he was hitting the perfect tone. But then it devolved into a cesspool of lies and self-aggrandizement and I could only take so much of it before I had to turn it off. Seemed like he was trying to break the Guiness World Record for rambling hallucinations.
Agreed. I think Trump had the opportunity to end the election last night (if Biden stays the nominee). All he had to do was stick to the script. If I were a dem I’d be running ads nonstop showing mashups of last nights rambling nonsense.
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Agreed. I think Trump had the opportunity to end the election last night (if Biden stays the nominee). All he had to do was stick to the script. If I were a dem I’d be running ads nonstop showing mashups of last nights rambling nonsense.
The democrats let Joe ramble nonsense for a couple years. I don't think that would be an effective strategy for them.
Did not watch any of the party of trump. We no longer have a conservative party.

If making a balance sheet comparison of reason to not vote for Biden vs Trump, would be single digits on the Biden side to infinity on the Trump side.

Anything with a brain lives in it's head unless in a coma..

If capable, not using it can be a dangerous thing.
The democrats let Joe ramble nonsense for a couple years. I don't think that would be an effective strategy for them.
Also just make ads showing the hate and all the attacks the last several years against conservatives. Show the hateful tweets about the shooting and the idiot calling for the rape of conservative women at the RNC etc...
Did not watch any of the party of trump. We no longer have a conservative party.

If making a balance sheet comparison of reason to not vote for Biden vs Trump, would be single digits on the Biden side to infinity on the Trump side.

Anything with a brain lives in it's head unless in a coma..

If capable, not using it can be a dangerous thing.
The democrats let Joe ramble nonsense for a couple years. I don't think that would be an effective strategy for them.
That’s my point, everyone has seen Biden ramble and talk nonsense. That’s why the dems are trying to get him out, he’s unelectable.

I’d say something like, “we cared enough about the future of our country to ask Biden to step down, meanwhile republicans are sticking with their geriatric maga leader. All they care about is regaining power etc.”

I’m not saying that the scenario is sincere. It’s politics.