NEVER FORGET: Not a Single Election Expert Has Been Able to Explain the “Drop and Roll” Phenomenon that Flipped the 2020 Election to Joe Biden



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This is why the Trump campaign was denied to forensically examine the Dominion voting machines in the Nov 3, 2020 election,

“Two Clark County technical employees came forward completely independent of each other and explained that they discovered that the number of votes recorded by Dominion voting machines stored on USB drives would change between the time the polls were closed at night and when they were reopened the next morning.”

“We have video tape of Jackie Amos inserting thumb drives into machines”

“I personally observed USB cards uploaded to machines 24 times, as of today 47 USB cards are missing and no where to be found"
Well well our guy who only selectively even keeps up with these issues magically pulls info here and there that coincidentally leans to the leftist viewpoint every time. must have esp. This woman is a former OANN reporter and a lawyer that worked for Trump and this is the only reason she is being charged. This is once again communist persecution and the lemmings are all too happy to applaud it as righteous. What a joke!!
Well well our guy who only selectively even keeps up with these issues magically pulls info here and there that coincidentally leans to the leftist viewpoint every time. must have esp. This woman is a former OANN reporter and a lawyer that worked for Trump and this is the only reason she is being charged. This is once again communist persecution and the lemmings are all too happy to applaud it as righteous. What a joke!!
It was sent to me in a group text and i laughed and thought immediately of you. She's being charged bc she's a criminal, not bc of her political affiliation. Or the trial will prove she's innocent... who knows
It was sent to me in a group text and i laughed and thought immediately of you. She's being charged bc she's a criminal, not bc of her political affiliation. Or the trial will prove she's innocent... who knows

Here is the response from your fellow member of the British Accreditation Regency.

Trump lawyer Christina Bobb says when she switched to being counsel for Trump as it relates to election integrity she has had US Marshalls show up at her house, the FBI, she was interrogated by Biden’s DOJ twice and now she is facing up to 50 years in prison for helping to bring election challenges in Arizona.

By a DA that “won” her race by 207 votes with 9,000 votes left they refuse to count.

This is what the gestapo look like. The best way to show people just how “legitimate” the 2020 election was is to intimidate, harass and try to imprison lawyers who filed legal challenges about its legitimacy.

This is America. This is happening in America. Are people getting where we are?
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BREAKING: The Nevada Supreme Court has made a unanimous ruling AGAINST Democrats and rejected their fight to stop a Voter ID initiative from being on the November ballot

The ballot initiative would impose photo ID requirements for in-person voting and require voters who vote by mail to include an identifying number— such as a driver’s license number or partial Social Security number — with their mail-in ballot. Currently, the state does not require voters to present ID while voting

These wins are so important for election integrity

Bill Barr knew there was massive election fraud in 2020. Barr shut down the investigations telling many to "stand down". Barr knew about all the bad stuff on the Hunter Biden laptop, before the Nov.3rd election, yet did nothing. Barr began his career with the CIA. He worked for and made millions with Verizon Communications (until 2008). Yes, the same Verizon which transfers the voting results via the internet on election nights. Just saying. Fellow citizens its Sovereign Fraud = our own government is stealing our elections. Trace any election fraud back far enough and you'll eventually come to our own federal govt. I've posted it before, but specially the DOD, DIS, DIA, FBI, State Dept., other three letter agencies and Obama. They computerized all parts of the election system, which gave them control of it. The only solution is going back to paper.

If it takes 3 weeks to count 12,000 ballots, if all six swing states send home reporters and say they will stop counting votes only to start counting again three hours later when they pull them out of duffle bags, if republican poll watchers are kicked out, if over 900 American citizens fill out affidavits under penalty of perjury that they saw duplicate ballots being counted, signature verification requirements being ignored, and mail in ballots in stacks that have no fold marks and if we see video footage of people dropping off stacks of ballots in gloves after they take a picture of the pack at drop boxes at 3 AM then no democrats we won’t accept the results of the 2024 election.

Because all those things make it a selection. Not an election.
It's AMAZING how all the accusations keep popping up... And yet when they get to actual court where people have to say these things under oath... All of a sudden these same folks don't have NEARLY as much to say.
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Illinois citizens group files formal complaint with state Board of Elections after unearthing what could possibly be an elaborate election fraud scheme.

“A couple from Illinois, Jodie and Ken Zitko, have formed a group of concerned citizens who have been analyzing the Illinois state voter database. And they have found serious irregularities.”

Some of those include 300,000 votes mysteriously deleted post election, 2.5 million votes made before the voters even registered, plus so much more!

“From April through June 2022, they also sat down with over 1,300 Illinois residents across the state and — with their consent — reviewed their 20-year voting histories. They uncovered over 57% irregularities, including:

votes cast when voters did not vote votes missing when they did vote
voters registered and voting at addresses where they did not live
registrations with illogical registration dates”
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This theory makes perfect sense. No President has ever gained as many votes as Donald Trump did in a reelection bid and still lost. Let's not forget 18 of 19 bellwether counties voted for Trump, and yet somehow he "lost?"

What also fits perfectly is the 51 Intel officials who INSISTED Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation and the fact that Bill Barr told US Attorney Bill McSwain in Philadelphia to stand down on investigating election fraud. (Bill Barr knew what was going on. Whether he was an active participant or simply surrendered to the plot is another question.)

The 2020 election was indeed a color revolution from within.

COLOR REVOLUTION🧵: What if the United States was the victim of a color revolution orchestrated by the intelligence community in 2020? There is compelling evidence suggesting sophisticated election fraud occurred in at least six swing states, and that January 6th was a setup designed to prevent any investigation or congressional challenge to the election.

The U.S. intelligence community anticipated widespread disbelief in the election outcome and targeted a handful of 'influencers' to disseminate false election fraud information. One such influencer was attorney and author Sidney Powell, who gained prominence for exposing DOJ malfeasance and was platformed by Rush Limbaugh. The intelligence community knew she was already skeptical of the DOJ and the so-called deep state. With Rush Limbaugh promoting her book to his massive audience, she became the perfect target.

Powell was fed a constant stream of disinformation from intelligence assets, including bribery schemes involving Georgia's governor and secretary of state and claims that Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez was involved with Dominion voting machines. The information she received was so damning that she famously told Rush she was about to 'release the kraken.' Eventually, it became clear she had fallen victim to an intelligence community disinformation campaign designed to discredit her and anyone who repeated her claims.

Over the coming days and weeks, I'll add to this thread and share the information I've uncovered over the past four years. Afterward, I'll compile it all into an X article for posterity. In the meantime, stay strong and make sure you get out and vote—we've got to make Trump's victory too big to rig this time.

And here it is,

The State of Michigan,

Obituaries CONFIRM beyond the shadow of a doubt, the dead voted in the 2020 Presidential Election,

17, 327 MAiL IN BALLOTS that were sent out to the dead. Obituaries confirm they were still dead on November 3, and still voted in the Michigan General 2020 election.“Check for yourself.”

The reason Fauci made up the 6 foot social distancing and mask wearing, was to make the citizens fear being close to one another.

They needed the public to fear voting in person.

This opened the door to justify implementing mass mail-in voting, which the Deep State then used to harvest millions of usable ballots, to then drop off at contested swing States in the middle of the night, to ensure Trump did not win.

This is ultimately what Fauci and the Dems are hiding. Covid was a significant cog in a coup to overthrow Trump.

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