The Fascist War on Trans is Really The War on Civil Rights

the left: trans people are people

the right: yea, we know, no one cares what adults do. shut up

the left: men can have babies, gender is whatever you say you are regardless of what biology might have to say. men can have babies, women can have dicks.

the right: wtf are you talking about? none of that is true but just live your life and shut up about it. we'll leave you and your delusions be if you go away

the left: no we demand constant attention. our only skill is complaining and we found a new community to complain on behalf of. we're going to indoctrinate your children and encourage them to become alphabet soup members as well as encourage them to mutilate themselves.

the right: absolutely not. now we have a problem

the left: omg fascists!!!
the left: trans people are people

the right: yea, we know, no one cares what adults do. shut up

the left: men can have babies, gender is whatever you say you are regardless of what biology might have to say. men can have babies, women can have dicks.

the right: wtf are you talking about? none of that is true but just live your life and shut up about it. we'll leave you and your delusions be if you go away

the left: no we demand constant attention. our only skill is complaining and we found a new community to complain on behalf of. we're going to indoctrinate your children and encourage them to become alphabet soup members as well as encourage them to mutilate themselves.

the right: absolutely not. now we have a problem

the left: omg fascists!!!
... and then everyone clapped.
That totally happened
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Wait, you went from being outraged about high school students seeing a rainbow flag to CRT and actions by Biden to protect LGBT. How does that make sense?

Now back to the original point - why is it wrong or harmful to acknowledge gay people in high school?
Two birds with one stone I guess......

Is it or is not being taught in schools? You spent months calling everyone a bigot for suggesting it was but here you are now asking why it's not ok.......which direction are you arguing?

Btw - nice thong

Two birds with one stone I guess......

Is it or is not being taught in schools? You spent months calling everyone a bigot for suggesting it was but here you are now asking why it's not ok.......which direction are you arguing?

Btw - nice thong

I'm starting to think republican men are really really into monitoring gay folks. Like they just need to see them and make sure what they are up to all the time. Because..... Kids yep..protecting the kids. That's why republicans are talking about and furiously posting and sharing pics of gay guys
Two birds with one stone I guess......

Is it or is not being taught in schools? You spent months calling everyone a bigot for suggesting it was but here you are now asking why it's not ok.......which direction are you arguing?

Btw - nice thong

WTF are you talking about and please explain what you mean by "it's" being taught in school? Are you suggesting "how to be gay" is part of the school curriculum now? Or "how to wave a rainbow flag?"

Funny how before DeSatan passed the Don't Say Gay bill no one was talking about it and you assholes cried that he was just "protecting the children!" How quickly that has morphed into a crime for students of all ages to hear a word about gay people. SMDH

I swear to god I hope one of your kid's turns out to be gay and one trans so you'll be forced to deal first hand with the shame and humiliation they have to suffer because of pathetic political ****wads like you.
Oh look totally random anecdotal story that I will now attribute to all republican men because that's how they operate
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Cool by me - I don't worship politicians and y'all call him much worse.
WTF are you talking about and please explain what you mean by "it's" being taught in school? Are you suggesting "how to be gay" is part of the school curriculum now? Or "how to wave a rainbow flag?"

Funny how before DeSatan passed the Don't Say Gay bill no one was talking about it and you assholes cried that he was just "protecting the children!" How quickly that has morphed into a crime for students of all ages to hear a word about gay people. SMDH

I swear to god I hope one of your kid's turns out to be gay and one trans so you'll be forced to deal first hand with the shame and humiliation they have to suffer because of pathetic political ****wads like you.
DeSatan? You earlier in a post said that conservatives were calling Ms Clinton Satan. Now you are calling the governor of Florida Satan, we should AlL refrain from such remarks in my opinion.
Fascism.... You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Cary Elwes Disney Plus GIF by Disney+
DeSatan? You earlier in a post said that conservatives were calling Ms Clinton Satan. Now you are calling the governor of Florida Satan, we should AlL refrain from such remarks in my opinion.
But he really is - she isn't, so I won't stop. Thanks for your input.
WTF are you talking about and please explain what you mean by "it's" being taught in school? Are you suggesting "how to be gay" is part of the school curriculum now? Or "how to wave a rainbow flag?"

Funny how before DeSatan passed the Don't Say Gay bill no one was talking about it and you assholes cried that he was just "protecting the children!" How quickly that has morphed into a crime for students of all ages to hear a word about gay people. SMDH

I swear to god I hope one of your kid's turns out to be gay and one trans so you'll be forced to deal first hand with the shame and humiliation they have to suffer because of pathetic political ****wads like you.
I'm starting to think republican men are really really into monitoring gay folks. Like they just need to see them and make sure what they are up to all the time. Because..... Kids yep..protecting the kids. That's why republicans are talking about and furiously posting and sharing pics of gay guys
Yep, it's the Republican men..........that's on the White House lawn btw.......we aren't a serious country anymore.

I don't really care one way or another about thongs in public. Go to any beach city and you'll see dozens of people walking around in them.
You would want a young son or daughter to see that and with someone twerking. I find that hard to believe.
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Very rude, you can not complain about the “Satan” comment over her, when you use it on another. You are better than that
You do realize you're on the TI Off Topics Forum right? This is not the Vacation Bible School board so we don't need you smacking us across the knuckles with a ruler every time we cross you, got it?
You would want a young son or daughter to see that and with someone twerking. I find that hard to believe.

The challenge with Tweets like that is that we don't have any idea what was happening. It could easily be taken completely out of context and have been any number of things.

Would you be equally bothered had it been a women? How about swimmers? How about a parade where a parent brought their child? Doesn't the parent have the final say in what their children see?

I just don't get easily offended. I also don't think a kid is gonna be warped seeing some dude in a thong. I was more bothered seeing old naked dudes at the golf club showers when I went with my dad.
You do realize you're on the TI Off Topics Forum right? This is not the Vacation Bible School board so we don't need you smacking us across the knuckles with a ruler every time we cross you, got it?
No smacking from me, but irrational comments that it is awful for conservatives to call Ms Clinton Satan (which I agree is inappropriate but have NOT seen anybody on this board use that term) and then turn around and call the Governor of Florida Satan, not rational. Based on previous posts, it appears that you do not consider yourself a believer in God, if true, why would you believe that Satan exists? Does that seem logical for a”non-believer”?
The challenge with Tweets like that is that we don't have any idea what was happening. It could easily be taken completely out of context and have been any number of things.

Would you be equally bothered had it been a women? How about swimmers? How about a parade where a parent brought their child? Doesn't the parent have the final say in what their children see?

I just don't get easily offended. I also don't think a kid is gonna be warped seeing some dude in a thong. I was more bothered seeing old naked dudes at the golf club showers when I went with my dad.
I never watched the old naked dudes in the showers so that never affected me. Yes, it may have been taken out of context, but can you say it was taken out of context? I do think children should not be subject to offensive gestures if possible.
No smacking from me, but irrational comments that it is awful for conservatives to call Ms Clinton Satan (which I agree is inappropriate but have NOT seen anybody on this board use that term) and then turn around and call the Governor of Florida Satan, not rational. Based on previous posts, it appears that you do not consider yourself a believer in God, if true, why would you believe that Satan exists? Does that seem logical for a”non-believer”?
Umm, you're trying to take this to a place this didn't need to go but if you've followed me, you'd know that I don't mock religion or other people's religious beliefs. It doesn't matter what I believe, I completely respect your beliefs and would never try to make you believe the way I do. That's all you need to know.
I never watched the old naked dudes in the showers so that never affected me. Yes, it may have been taken out of context, but can you say it was taken out of context? I do think children should not be subject to offensive gestures if possible.

I see images like that faked so frequently on Right wing Twitter that I just assume until proven differently that it's probably out of context. I just feel so much of this outrage is manufactured and unfortunately many on the right aren't savvy enough to recognize it.

I would say that we have to assume that's the parent, let's for the sake of argument say that this is a Pride Parade. I have never known of a parade that wasn't really obvious. If you brought your young child to a parade, it's probably your responsibility to know what you are taking them to. Don't Republicans claim to be the party of parental rights?
Umm, you're trying to take this to a place this didn't need to go but if you've followed me, you'd know that I don't mock religion or other people's religious beliefs. It doesn't matter what I believe, I completely respect your beliefs and would never try to make you believe the way I do. That's all you need to know.
I see images like that faked so frequently on Right wing Twitter that I just assume until proven differently that it's probably out of context. I just feel so much of this outrage is manufactured and unfortunately many on the right aren't savvy enough to recognize it.

I would say that we have to assume that's the parent, let's for the sake of argument say that this is a Pride Parade. I have never known of a parade that wasn't really obvious. If you brought your young child to a parade, it's probably your responsibility to know what you are taking them to. Don't Republicans claim to be the party of parental rights?
Left wing Twitter provides many “fake” images as well. I would say some parades “Thanksgiving”, “July 4th” or Christmas” for example-parents would expect the parade to be a wholesome activity.
I see images like that faked so frequently on Right wing Twitter that I just assume until proven differently that it's probably out of context. I just feel so much of this outrage is manufactured and unfortunately many on the right aren't savvy enough to recognize it.

I would say that we have to assume that's the parent, let's for the sake of argument say that this is a Pride Parade. I have never known of a parade that wasn't really obvious. If you brought your young child to a parade, it's probably your responsibility to know what you are taking them to. Don't Republicans claim to be the party of parental rights?
I just got back from Europe and we went to a big Carnival of Cultures parade in Berlin, where people came from all over the world dressed in their native costumes and many were half naked and/or a little freaky. There were over a million spectators of all ages there and it was eye opening how different it is there. Nobody cares what you are or how different you might be - everyone is accepted for who they are, everyone gets along and they all seem to grow up to be decent, civilized adults. It's depressing to come back here to see all the hatred casually tossed around in the name of fake political culture wars. It's really sad...
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You would want a young son or daughter to see that and with someone twerking. I find that hard to believe.
I personally don't take my young children to pride events as I know they can have adult themes to them sometimes. It's a personal choice on my part. How many pride parades do you take your kids too a year? Or do you just make them read all the same social media posts that you see?
I personally don't take my young children to pride events as I know they can have adult themes to them sometimes. It's a personal choice on my part. How many pride parades do you take your kids too a year? Or do you just make them read all the same social media posts that you see?
My son is through college and married, so that would be zero. If he were young, I would not take him to a pride event.
I just got back from Europe and we went to a big Carnival of Cultures parade in Berlin, where people came from all over the world dressed in their native costumes and many were half naked and/or a little freaky. There were over a million spectators of all ages there and it was eye opening how different it is there. Nobody cares what you are or how different you might be - everyone is accepted for who they are, everyone gets along and they all seem to grow up to be decent, civilized adults. It's depressing to come back here to see all the hatred casually tossed around in the name of fake political culture wars. It's really sad...
Did you take your children?
I'm so confused. How do you get upset about this stuff if you don't see it or hear it?
I will agree with the confused part, it appears that you suffer from that a considerable amount of the time. Excellent confession, I am impressed.
You would want a young son or daughter to see that and with someone twerking. I find that hard to believe.
Do I want to see my potential young son or daughter seeing some person twerking in a thong? Not particularly, but I don't see why the person being gay doing it has any bearing on that. Take your kids to really any beach and you'll see similar bathing suits all around you.