You're starting to sound like Lil' Poot.This top legal mind didn’t finish his analysis. Yes the state experts came back and discredited the defense experts, but Kinsley also discredited his previous testimony and basically testified that “we don’t know what happened, it’s chaos.”
Tha pathologist got to say she was right and they were wrong, but the defense got her to admit she’s never done a shotgun case before.
Yes the law partner, who despite what he says is incensed with anger at alex, says you can hunt hogs in the day and that you always carry high powered rifles to eliminate them admits many times he was in that property without said high powered rifles discrediting the states point that Alex wouldn’t have had a .22 with him but a 300 blackout instead.
Basically we one again have people confirming what they want to be the truth instead of accurately presenting what happened.
This is why I think there’s a much better chance at acquittal than anyone is giving credit for.
When you’re on the jury you don’t get to hear what Netflix or “the top legal minds” or anything else for that matter about the case. You get to hear the case as presented in the courtroom. That’s it. How was it presented, how were the attorneys and witnesses received/viewed. Who handled their case better. That all has to matter.
I believe Alex killed them. I don’t believe the trial as presented should convict Alex.
You claim, "Basically we one again have people confirming what they want to be the truth instead of accurately presenting what happened." Aren't you doing the same thing, but claiming to be the only one competent enough to follow the evidence.
He did it. There is ample evidence for a moron to reach a guilty verdict.