Agree.Well that would be an incredibly stupid argument for the defense to make. If he had "attempted suicide" by gunshot - whether self inflicted or not - he'd be dead. Alex has been around guns his entire life. Nobody, and no juror, is going to believe that was a suicide attempt.
Motive is unusual here, but that's because we look at it through our own lens of not being a narcissistic sociopath. The prosecution is building a very good case, though I admit they're going too deep into the financials and they risk losing the jury on a lot of the details. Motive is clear if you consider pretty much only the following:
- Seckinger confronted Alex at work on the murder date about the missing $792,000. At this point, Alex knows the jig is up and the walls are closing in. In his own warped sense of reality, he thinks he can still fix everything if he can just buy some more time. He always has.
- Tinsley testifies that he would've discontinued his pursuit of Alex's assets if public perception was that Alex did not commit the killings. Alex knew this very well. He wanted and desperately needed public sympathy.
But forget about motive, because the state doesn't have to prove it anyway. The evidence points to Alex and only to Alex. If we assume Alex is innocent, then we must also assume the following:
1. Someone wanted to kill both Paul AND Maggie. (This pretty much eliminates any boat case vigilante)
2. The killer learned on June 7th that Paul and Maggie were going to be at Moselle that night, when neither of them were primarily staying there.
3. The killer was able to stay out of Alex's view at 8:55, and kill both Maggie and Paul within a maximum of 4 to 5 minutes of Alex leaving their side.
4. Alex left Moselle at 9:06. So they were killed while Alex was at Moselle, but Alex heard no gunshots.
5. Alex wanted Maggie to go with him to his mom's, and even called and texted her before he left. But he didn't ride by the kennels, where he admits Maggie loves to go, because ....?
6. The killer or killers accessed the property (most likely on foot), while carrying two long guns instead of hand guns.
7. The killer wanted to kill Maggie and Paul, but did not wish to kill Alex.
8. If Alex knows the killer, he remains unwilling to tell law enforcement even though the bad guys have already killed his family and he is currently at risk of being convicted of their murders.
9. All of the blackout 300 shell casing evidence testimony is either a huge coincidence, or witness is lying about the casings around Maggie matching other casings on property.
10 Both missing 300 blackouts were stolen but were not reported to law enforcement.
11. Alex lied about his whereabouts leading up to and during the murders because of brain fog maybe? Drugs?
12 Alex called Rogan Gibson 5 times after discovering the bodies, but does not call Buster, because Alex just really likes Rogan Gibson a lot.
13. Alex offers to pay for caretaker's wedding and help her get a better job because he is kind.
14. Alex changed clothes, and shoes, after checking bodies for pulse and handling Paul's phone.
15. Housekeeper lied during testimony about Alex telling her in August 2021 what shirt he was wearing on June 7.
16. It's normal for Alex to visit his invalid mom at 9:30 PM on a Monday for 20 minutes
17. Alex had enjoyed some target shooting that day while wearing the clothes he was in when LE arrived. This left the GSR.
18. The state planted GSR in the blue jacket
Also for #3, for AM not to be involved, we must assume that he left the scene almost immediately after the kennel video was taken.
In that video, Alex is saying "come here Bubba" to the dog that had the chicken in its mouth. Alex was in active pursuit but hadn't caught Bubba yet. It did not appear that Maggie was in pursuit of Bubba based on the video. Paul certainly was not.
Keeping in mind, at least one witness testified that Bubba the dog was stubborn with a bird in mouth and often took time to get the dog to release.
Also keeping in mind that we know someone eventually got ahold of Bubba and returned him to his kennel because that's where he was when police arrived. Police video also showed chicken carcass on top of some object and not on the ground where a dog would've left it.
So for AM not to be involved, he would've needed to stop pursuit of Bubba/chicken immediately after the video was taken and return to the house. Maggie and/or Paul would've had to pick up the pursuit of Bubba, had him release the chicken, and return Bubba to his kennel all before their killer showed up.