Active Shooter in Philadelphia

This shit seems to be getting out of hand. And I'm torn on it. I've always believed in the constitution and states' rights but it doesn't seem every motherfvcker needs to stay strapped.

57 people were shot last weekend in chicago and that got hardly any attention by the main stream media outlets. 7 people were killed. Also, if you are still getting your news from fox, cnn, msnbc I feel for you.
57 people were shot last weekend in chicago and that got hardly any attention by the main stream media outlets. 7 people were killed. Also, if you are still getting your news from fox, cnn, msnbc I feel for you.
I am just posting this because I didn't see it posted previously. You keep fighting whatever fight you're fighting.
This shit seems to be getting out of hand. And I'm torn on it. I've always believed in the constitution and states' rights but it doesn't seem every motherfvcker needs to stay strapped.

I agree, it is out of hand.

However, my big question is what has changed the last 25 years? 25+ years ago we had guns, semi automatic weapons, mental illness, large magazines, bad parents, graphic media, etc. I know the Federal Assault Weapons Ban enacted in 1994 and expired in 2004.

So, why were there not more mass shootings in past?

For me, this is a complex issue that has become more of a copy cat issue.
I agree, it is out of hand.

However, my big question is what has changed the last 25 years? 25+ years ago we had guns, semi automatic weapons, mental illness, large magazines, bad parents, graphic media, etc. I know the Federal Assault Weapons Ban enacted in 1994 and expired in 2004.

So, why were there not more mass shootings in past?

For me, this is a complex issue that has become more of a copy cat issue.
Again, I am not an expert. I am simply a concerned citizen that believes this is getting out of hand.
57 people were shot last weekend in chicago and that got hardly any attention by the main stream media outlets. 7 people were killed. Also, if you are still getting your news from fox, cnn, msnbc I feel for you.
Random killings (mass shooting) accordingly draw a different reaction than the ones in Chicago (and everywhere else) where the victim knows he shooter.
I agree, it is out of hand.

However, my big question is what has changed the last 25 years? 25+ years ago we had guns, semi automatic weapons, mental illness, large magazines, bad parents, graphic media, etc. I know the Federal Assault Weapons Ban enacted in 1994 and expired in 2004.

So, why were there not more mass shootings in past?

For me, this is a complex issue that has become more of a copy cat issue.
That's a contributing factor for sure. The next shooter is lonely, sick, scared, etc and just saw two people that had some sort of noteriety, justification, or closure they'd like to emulate.
I agree, it is out of hand.

However, my big question is what has changed the last 25 years? 25+ years ago we had guns, semi automatic weapons, mental illness, large magazines, bad parents, graphic media, etc. I know the Federal Assault Weapons Ban enacted in 1994 and expired in 2004.

So, why were there not more mass shootings in past?

For me, this is a complex issue that has become more of a copy cat issue.

I think a large part of it is social media as well as easy and largely anonymous access to information via the internet.
Believe police officers were serving a warrant on a drug case. So not your random shooter situation according to some reports.
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I know but over 50 people shot in a US city in one weekend gets virtually zero tv attention. Why?
Because we're able to subconsciously disconnect or rationalize the murders in that the vctim probably had some measure of fault. Whethers its being in a dangerous part of town "I would never go to" or "associating with ppl like that", people don't think that kind of thing can happen to them. So it's not a concern.

Going to work? People do that. Go to Walmart? People do that. It's the same reason people don't care about the genocide going on in another Continent right now. They can't relate to it.
I agree, it is out of hand.

However, my big question is what has changed the last 25 years? 25+ years ago we had guns, semi automatic weapons, mental illness, large magazines, bad parents, graphic media, etc. I know the Federal Assault Weapons Ban enacted in 1994 and expired in 2004.

So, why were there not more mass shootings in past?

For me, this is a complex issue that has become more of a copy cat issue.

I’m guessing social media and weirdo message boards have contributed somewhat. Maybe more antidepressants/prescription drugs? And 24 hour news cycle.

But we should explore things like increased background checks for sure.
This shit seems to be getting out of hand. And I'm torn on it. I've always believed in the constitution and states' rights but it doesn't seem every motherfvcker needs to stay strapped.

Time out

This is just a drug bust gone bad. Cops trying to arrest a drug dealer.

I don't believe in taking drugs but prohibition is just a dumb idea. If drugs were legalized, police could stop patrolling neighborhoods by 50 percent and we would have a whole lot less shootings. Republicans need to rethink this war on drugs. If cocaine were legal, drug addicts wouldn't need to get it from a drug dealer. They could bring it in themselves by the kilo from Colombia SA for $2500. That's $2.50 per gram. Let nature take its course. Trust me, there would be a lot less crime shootings, pimps and whores too and you wouldn't have to worry about which drug dealer your daughter is sleeping with to get high.
Time out

This is just a drug bust gone bad. Cops trying to arrest a drug dealer.

I don't believe in taking drugs but prohibition is just a dumb idea. If drugs were legalized, police could stop patrolling neighborhoods by 50 percent and we would have a whole lot less shootings. Republicans need to rethink this war on drugs. If cocaine were legal, drug addicts wouldn't need to get it from a drug dealer. They could bring it in themselves by the kilo from Colombia SA for $2500. That's $2.50 per gram. Let nature take its course. Trust me, there would be a lot less crime shootings, pimps and whores too and you wouldn't have to worry about which drug dealer your daughter is sleeping with to get high.
I do not disagree with you. The war on drugs is a generational joke.
57 people were shot last weekend in chicago and that got hardly any attention by the main stream media outlets. 7 people were killed. Also, if you are still getting your news from fox, cnn, msnbc I feel for you.
I have an app for conservative news on my phone and it provides
the daily wire
the daily caller
red state
the gateway pundit **** my fav
National review
American thinker

Just doesn't have my other favorite
I agree, it is out of hand.

However, my big question is what has changed the last 25 years? 25+ years ago we had guns, semi automatic weapons, mental illness, large magazines, bad parents, graphic media, etc. I know the Federal Assault Weapons Ban enacted in 1994 and expired in 2004.

So, why were there not more mass shootings in past?

For me, this is a complex issue that has become more of a copy cat issue.

Let me digress. Welcome to my world of out of the box thinking. Some call me crazy for this.

The debate about gun control has become so politicized that it is not out of the realm of possibilities that some of these mass shooter are doing it to promote more division and gun control. I want to focus on the Vegas Shooter. Everyone seems to have forgotten that one.

Here is a man who spend $100,000 on multiple AR-15s to shoot a bunch of likely Trump supporters a distance of 400-500 yards with a 5.56 round which has a maximum range of 300 yards. For that kind of money, he could have purchased a fully automatic machine gun that shoots 7.62x54 that has a range of 1000 yards and done much more killing. So you would think, if his objective was to kill, he could have killed many more had he chose the right weapon. So why didn't he? Why did he choose a less effective off the shelf totally legal AR15?

The only thing I can think of is that he wanted people to ban the AR-15 and they almost did. Now consider a Right wing Terrorist like McVeigh. What did he use? He didn't use a gun. He used a truck bomb. What was his motive? To kill the feds.

My point is, that many are doing it to cause political divide over the 2A.

What makes me think this way? Cause and effect. I'm trained that way. You can't tell me that these shooters can't foresee the outcome of their actions.
I’m guessing social media and weirdo message boards have contributed somewhat. Maybe more antidepressants/prescription drugs? And 24 hour news cycle.

But we should explore things like increased background checks for sure.
Increased background checks is a part of it, but if there's a citizen hasn't been arrested, they'll have a clean background. Ongoing mental health checks would be a start. An even better start would be enacting laws where the police can make a determination that a person is or isn't of sound mental judsment to own or have access to a firearm.

The Ohio shooter made a hitlist in high school. Also made comments indicating he'd thought about a mass shooting to friends. Those friends should be held accountable to report it and the police should be held accountable to enforce the new laws.

We've got to try something. There's not a singular thing that's going to stop this. But we've got to find what combo of things will.