Q Drop #2657 is a crucial drop. I'm surprised more people haven't paid attention to it, TBH.
The C_A/MIC runs 'Congressional Intel Oversight'.
They took it over long ago.
Understand the full implications of that:
There **is** no civilian oversight of the intelligence agencies, and the public has been slowly becoming aware of this for some time now.
You've been watching a fake puppet show for decades where the C_A/MIC that controls the House and Senate Intel oversight committees use hand-picked proxies and their own people act like 'civilians' have oversight and control over what the intel agencies are doing.
That is now and always has been an ILLUSION.
And Adam Schiff, intrepid CIA agent that he's always been, is a **KEY PART** in maintaining that illusion, that there is civilian oversight of the CIA/MIC.
There isn't.
At the end of this very crucial CIA/MIC related drop #2657, what does Q Team tell you about CIA Senator Adam Schiff? Read this CAREFULLY:
"Does the C_A hold blackmail on political leaders?
Does the C_A protect those who protect them?
Why are ex C_A contractors running for office?
How many ex C_A contractors are currently in office?
Hello, [AS].
Once an agent, always an agent.
Q "
That's right. Q Team outed CIA agent Adam Schiff, pretend Congressman and 'civilian' as a CIA/MIC agent back in 2019. That was six years ago.
The best position in Washington DC to protect C_A/MIC blackmail/control operations on political leaders both here in the US and around world is...where? WHERE would you NEED to place someone to ensure control of what is allowed to come out?
There is no such thing as an 'ex C_A contractor'.
Once an agent always an agent.
Our Congress is RIDDLED with C_A agents who never told voters they have 'A Higher Loyalty'.
They've been allowed to operate as 'hidden' spies who represent the interests of the International Crime Syndicate of which our US C_A/MIC is the US subsidiary.
They are NATIONAL SECURITY THREATS, every single last ****ing one of them.
They are all of them, right now, absolutely TERRIFIED that Donald J. Trump, Pam Bondi, and Kash Patel are about to EXPOSE AND PROSECUTE THEM for getting elected while hiding their true loyalties and the fact they are by their very nature...traitors to this Republic.
If you are a C_A/MIC asset hand-picked to run for Congress so you can play a role in protecting the ongoing crimes/activities of the corrupt-as-**** CIA/MIC and the International Crime Syndicate they work for?
You got elected under false pretenses by fooling the voters into thinking you work for them when you don't.
They've been doing this for decades at this point, so it could that hidden CIA/MIC/Int'l Crime Syndicate assets make up anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3rd of our US Congress. These people are also riddled throughout our federal agencies.
As the corruption grew over the decades, and these hidden CIA/MIC agents in our Congress couldn't really hide the fact any longer that they don't really represent their constituents, that their higher loyalty obviously lay elsewhere, it became increasingly necessary to **rig and control the elections** so the CIA/MIC could ensure the people it controls stay in office and in power.
That's why it was **very very important** to the CIA/MIC and the International Crime Syndicate [ICS] to move to 'black box' electronic voting machines and away from paper ballots and clean voter rolls.
All this time many patriots have been thinking they are only fighting corrupt local officials rigging their county/state elections just to stay in office. It's only now beginning to be understood who put many of these people in place and stand behind them, protecting them: the CIA/MIC/ICS.
This entire House of Cards is about to come down.
Every single one of these hidden CIA/MIC agents that got themselves elected to the US Congress while hiding the fact they are CIA agents is going to be arrested and prosecuted.
And you can quote me on that.