Also, asshole, this is much less important than your obvious ignorance and racism, but in response to your comment about the kind of person I’ll be as I age and develop comment, let me tell you
I’m 43 years old. My undergrad degree is in physics from MIT. My grad degree is in materials science from Stanford. But I gave up a lucrative engineering career in 2002 to start over entirely and to get involved in politics because I love my country and I was aghast at George W Bush being put in charge of it.
I literally lived with 4 other dudes in a one-bedroom apartment in my first political job, while I worked 6.5 days a week. I worked my way up to become a successful political strategist, always only working for people or causes I believe in.
Hell yes, I’m a liberal, and I damn proud of it. And while I disagree with honest conservatives like the late John McCain, I still respect the hell out of the ones like him that always put country first.
what I don’t respect are snowflakes like you that get so easily triggered that they feel the need to go on an embarrassing, racist, condescending rant, instead of taking 30 seconds to look up John Lewis.
and I certainly don’t need a jackass like you telling me that I’ll grow out of this “woke” phase of mine.
I know exactly who I am, and what I stand for, and I’m damn proud of it.
right now, I doubt you can say the same thing.
(Apologizes for any typos above, typed on an iPhone with, as you can tell, more passion than proofreading)
Congrats. I truly believe this may he the most self congratulatory post ever made on T1! You Sir are quite the man, nay quite the Human Being! Most of us (earthlings) can only dream about attaining the intelligence, compassion, and especially the humility that you have already achieved! You can't see me but I am bowing as I type this .