Another Trump Assassination Attempt! Shots Fired Near Trump. Intended Target? Teflon Don Ok.

Guess I should support Kamala and Tampon Tim because they have such Christian views, right? So Christian for men to participate in women’s sports and Transgenders to come in the bathroom with little girls and children to decide they want to be a different gender and Kamala and Tim will go ahead and make that happen. You can’t make this stuff up.

They aren't out here acting and claiming to be Christian.

Trump is and has. He has also stated he never asked Jesus for forgiveness because he didn't need to.
Che with his parents

Every dollar you have is only worth around 68% of what it was worth in 2019, your gas bill has well over doubled, car prices up 25%, your grocery bill is now 30% higher, you first time homeowner friends and family can no longer afford to buy or rent a house because illegals have sucked up the affordable stuff and ran the prices through the roof. The cost of every illegal immigrant to the taxpayer is $8,776 per year. That amounts to $73 billion since Biden took office – and taxpayers are left holding the bag.
Person debt is way up, personal savings are down. Facts call you a liar

Those aren't facts, but we all know MAGA doesn't know what facts are. They believe in feelings.
He won’t answer, at best you will get a deflect and divert. Where is that phag Iceheart? He must be out looking for a good copy / paste on politico
When Trump speaks just listen. He is saying these negative and
He won’t answer, at best you will get a deflect and divert. Where is that phag Iceheart? He must be out looking for a good copy / paste on politico
Trump is making these negative and egregious statements because he is hoping to win the election through racism and fear. He understands loud and clear that if he loses the election, his future is living in a jail cell, where he belongs. he is under a lot of pressure now that he did not experience in 2016. Remember he lost the election to Mr. Biden by eight million votes. Heck, even Hillary Clinton received three million more than he did. He knows that he has an uphill battle.
You're a Christian and support Donald Trump.... Make that make sense.

You cannot be serious. You support a party that supports killing babies nonchalantly and you want to go here??!! Less than 1% of abortions are due to rape, incest or health of the mother but dems parrot those fallacy of reasons. You support killing babies as a form of birth control due to careless actions alone and you want to talk about God. Do you think before speaking?
You cannot be serious. You support a party that supports killing babies nonchalantly and you want to go here??!! Less than 1% of abortions are due to rape, incest or health of the mother but dems parrot those fallacy of reasons. You support killing babies as a form of birth control due to careless actions alone and you want to talk about God. Do you think before speaking?

I would be glad to debate this issue with you, but I doubt that you'd be open to a discussion.

How about address Trump claiming to be a Christian while saying he has never asked Jesus for forgiveness because he didn't need to.
Wonder why he didn’t set up these camps during his 1st term? Amazing how well minorities did his 1st term but you believe he wants to destroy them. Why didn’t he become a dictator 1st time around when he easily could have used Covid as a reason to do so?

You libs are brainless idiots
Because in his first term he cared more about getting re-elected than he cared about the country and never stopped campaigning for it from the moment he took office. That's not normal dude.
Yes we do know she's a damn good person and contributes more money to food banks in every city she visits than they normally get in a year. Tell Trump not to use his platform to create fake AI images of her that make it appear that she supports him and maybe she wouldn't have to. It's not like she's some punk-ass scum like KidRock or Ted Nugent.

You are exactly like all of them. Your party is the party of hate. You are all so hate filled. You point your finger at everyone else and accuse them of exactly what you are and what you do. Narcissists do that, too. If everyone doesn’t agree with you…. then you all attempt to insult, attack and destroy. Or in Trumps case…kill him.

Trump does a lot of philanthropic work. And he does much of it anonymously.
I would be glad to debate this issue with you, but I doubt that you'd be open to a discussion.

How about address Trump claiming to be a Christian while saying he has never asked Jesus for forgiveness because he didn't need to.

No Christian can say that so I agree with you there but he doesn’t light up and get all giddy like Dems do when the topic of abortion comes up. Yes, he should repent, like we all should and a platform of killing babies is purely satanic
You are exactly like all of them. Your party is the party of hate. You are all so hate filled. You point your finger at everyone else and accuse them of exactly what you are and what you do. Narcissists do that, too. If everyone doesn’t agree with you…. then you all attempt to insult, attack and destroy. Or in Trumps case…kill him.

Trump does a lot of philanthropic work. And he does much of it anonymously.

The flat crazy of this one is funny. Trump is literally a narcissist.

He literally said today that he Hates Taylor Swift.

Talk about projection.
The deranged 💩 y’all spew is scary. You are all scary. I’m not hate filled. I’m a Christian and the Left and their policies goes against my morals and values and everything I believe in. Period. I vote for the candidate who has policies I support. And that ain’t never anyone on the Left.

You are 100% full of hate. Claiming to be Christian has nothing to do with it. God is watching your actions, not listening to your false words and testimony.

I pray you find salvation before the end.
No Christian can say that so I agree with you there but he doesn’t light up and get all giddy like Dems do when the topic of abortion comes up. Yes, he should repent, like we all should and a platform of killing babies is purely satanic

Nobody, there is nobody who wants an abortion.

There is a difference in believing that people have a right to make decisions with their body, and wanting to have abortions.

Like most of the world, there is room for a common sense times frame.
Nobody, there is nobody who wants an abortion.

There is a difference in believing that people have a right to make decisions with their body, and wanting to have abortions.

Like most of the world, there is room for a common sense times frame.

As a Christian, I disagree. God says I have known you from the time of your conception and knitted you in your mother’s womb. There is no timeline that is right for killing a baby.
You vote for a rapist who has cheated on all three wives and sells Bibles to rubes while making fun of disabled reporters and lying about innocent, hard-working legal immigrants while being married to an immigrant who came here on an Einstein visa lol and then moved her parents here with her. This same moron that leads your family values party was a friend of Epstein and was on his plane upwards of 10 times while saying that he wished Epstein's pimp lady well before she was sentenced to prison for her role in plying a sex abuser.

Your deeds belie your words about being a Christian. I'd pay good money to be there the moment some of you charlatans explain your support of Trump to God. They should put those one-on-ones on PPV.
This is an excellent post. My friends and I discuss this frequently. How can you even come close to calling yourself a christian and support this evil devil. There is nothing and I mean nothing that is godly about this devil. If the truth were to be told he is worse than the devil in hell, and he is probably the worst human being on earth at this point!
You are exactly like all of them. Your party is the party of hate. You are all so hate filled. You point your finger at everyone else and accuse them of exactly what you are and what you do. Narcissists do that, too. If everyone doesn’t agree with you…. then you all attempt to insult, attack and destroy. Or in Trumps case…kill him.

Trump does a lot of philanthropic work. And he does much of it anonymously.
He has earned every bit of the hate he receives - every damn bit of it. Don't bury your head and pretend like he hasn't done and said all the things the rest of us are aware of. Ever since he's come on the scene, he has sought to divide, demean and destroy anyone who won't bend the knee to his hallucinations.

Me and everyone I know have been affected by his attempts to divide us - I've even lost friends because of him and we've become distant with parts of our family because of their sick devotion to that ONE stupid man. One of my best friend's mother has pretty much ex-communicated him due to his "heresy" for not worshipping Trump. It's sick!

You extreme maga devotees deserve to be insulted and attacked because you're the fuel that drives that malicious sociopath.
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You are 100% full of hate. Claiming to be Christian has nothing to do with it. God is watching your actions, not listening to your false words and testimony.

I pray you find salvation before the end.

Isaiah 5:20.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

I’m a sinner just like you but I believe in Jesus Christ. He’s my personal Lord and Savior and I have my salvation. My name is written in the Book of Life and I know where I’m going for eternity.
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As a Christian, I disagree. God says I have known you from the time of your conception and knitted you in your mother’s womb. There is no timeline that is right for killing a baby.

I understand your point, but I also acknowledge that our country has citizens of many faiths and some who have no religion. They also have rights in our country and I dont feel that my Religion should supercede other people's rights.
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Isaiah 5:20.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

I’m a sinner just like you but I believe in Jesus Christ. He’s my personal Lord and Savior and I have my salvation. My name is written in the Book of Life and I know where I’m going for eternity.

And what you just stated Donald Trump says he never needed to say.

Care to acknowledge that you are actively supporting someone who is a false Christian?
He has earned every bit of the hate he receives - every damn bit of it. Don't bury your head and pretend like he hasn't done and said all the things the rest of us are aware of. Ever since he's come on the scene, he has sought to divide, demean and destroy anyone who won't bend the knee to his hallucinations.

Me and everyone I know have been affected by his attempts to divide us - I've even lost friends because of him and we've become distant with parts of our family because of their sick devotion to that ONE stupid man. One of my best friend's mother has pretty much ex-communicated him due to his "heresy" for not worshipping Trump. It's sick!

You extreme maga devotees deserve to be insulted and attacked because you're the fuel that drives that malicious sociopath.

My goodness Deserve to be attacked and insulted? You just proved what I said. You sound just like mainstream media.

I’m going to say a prayer for you. You need to breathe. And pray.
You and I can agree to disagree. This conversation is over.
My goodness Deserve to be attacked and insulted? You just proved what I said. You sound just like mainstream media.

I’m going to say a prayer for you. You need to breathe. And pray.
You and I can agree to disagree. This conversation is over.
Good, I do hope you leave this conversation, get a good night's rest and contemplate how you've contributed to the division in this country and decide to do better.
I don’t know what’s in his heart. I know his policy and the direction he will take this country. That’s why he has my vote.
"I have a concept of a plan" ...only been 9 years or so for him to work on his brilliant healthcare plan.

Just put the healthcare plan in the same file as Mexico paying for the wall, infrastructure week every week, Covid going away before Easter, doing nothing about guns, and drill baby drill. Great policies.
I understand your point, but I also acknowledge that our country has citizens of many faiths and some who have no religion. They also have rights in our country and I dont feel that my Religion should supercede other people's rights.

We will have to just agree to disagree. Every person on this earth was made in God’s image and are His children whether they know it or not.

My belief comes from the fact that I paid for an abortion when I was in college after getting my girlfriend pregnant. We mindlessly made the decision to abort with no careful thoughts given at all. I made the decision to spend that money with about the same regard as buying a pack of gum.

There is not one day of my life that I do not regret that selfish decision and it weighs heavily on me even after repenting and counseling years later. I have asked for God’s forgiveness but it is still a heavy burden and the biggest mistake of my life. Nothing else comes close. No baby deserves that. None
We will have to just agree to disagree. Every person on this earth was made in God’s image and are His children whether they know it or not.

My belief comes from the fact that I paid for an abortion when I was in college after getting my girlfriend pregnant. We mindlessly made the decision to abort with no careful thoughts given at all. I made the decision to spend that money with about the same regard as buying a pack of gum.

There is not one day of my life that I do not regret that selfish decision and it weighs heavily on me even after repenting and counseling years later. I have asked for God’s forgiveness but it is still a heavy burden and the biggest mistake of my life. Nothing else comes close. No baby deserves that. None

I understand and wish you the best.
We will have to just agree to disagree. Every person on this earth was made in God’s image and are His children whether they know it or not.

My belief comes from the fact that I paid for an abortion when I was in college after getting my girlfriend pregnant. We mindlessly made the decision to abort with no careful thoughts given at all. I made the decision to spend that money with about the same regard as buying a pack of gum.

There is not one day of my life that I do not regret that selfish decision and it weighs heavily on me even after repenting and counseling years later. I have asked for God’s forgiveness but it is still a heavy burden and the biggest mistake of my life. Nothing else comes close. No baby deserves that. None
Somewhere between 10-20% (probably more than 20% since many women don't even realize they're pregnant at the time) of pregnancies end in miscarriage before the first trimester.

It would seem God doesn't have a problem with the concept. Sorry you feel guilty for what already happens anyway to 1 out of every 5 or so pregnancies. I hope you forgive yourself for a very normal reaction.
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He has earned every bit of the hate he receives - every damn bit of it. Don't bury your head and pretend like he hasn't done and said all the things the rest of us are aware of. Ever since he's come on the scene, he has sought to divide, demean and destroy anyone who won't bend the knee to his hallucinations.

Me and everyone I know have been affected by his attempts to divide us - I've even lost friends because of him and we've become distanthat is so with parts of our family because of their sick devotion to that ONE stupid man. One of my best friend's mother has pretty much ex-communicated him due to his "heresy" for not worshipping Trump. It's sick!

You extreme maga devotees deserve to be insulted and attacked because you're the fuel that drives that malicious sociopath.
That is so sad. It is a cult to the highest degree. Maybe soon they will probably be drinking the kool aide especially if Trump loses in November. He does not want to go to prison and I believe he has the personality to order all of his supporters to follow him to hell.
Isaiah 5:20.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

I’m a sinner just like you but I believe in Jesus Christ. He’s my personal Lord and Savior and I have my salvation. My name is written in the Book of Life and I know where I’m going for eternity.

I’ll pray for you. But no amount of prayer can balance the hate towards your fellow man that you spew.

Ask yourself, what would Jesus do? If what you do is the opposite of that every day, then you are not going where too think you are going. Despite your confessions.

I will leave you with this. Please heed my warnings for your own good.

1 Corinthians 10:​

Therefore my beloved, flee from idolatry.
Makes one wonder if the suspect had inside information / help since Trumps golf round was not on his schedule.
No doubt its inside job
I was wondering the same thing … how would an average Joe Schmo even know that Trump was playing golf at that course on this particular day and that particular time? I guess when you’re protecting democracy all things are possible.
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