I don't care if they do a recount because I know it won't change a thing. You'd think that Arizona would get the benefit of the doubt after the Cyber Ninnies spent six months looking for bamboo, kinematic artifacts and counterfeit ballots and came up with more ballots for Biden LOL. That means if there was fraud, it was in FAVOR of the Republicans, though I don't believe fraud was the reason at all.
Just because there were some issues at polling stations, doesn't indicate fraud was being perpetrated against Republicans because Democrats were voting there as well. And if you still believe your vote wasn't counted there was an easy way to check
Just one more stupid reminder that lying and frivolous lawsuits to appease your base don't pay. Will they ever learn? 😅
An Arizona-based federal judge has ordered sanctions against Kari Lake's lawyers because of a failed case against Katie Hobbs and other government officials.
First off, Richer started a PAC to defeat Kari Lake. He’s biased AF. I would take anything he says with a grain of salt.
Secondly, you don't understand what the Cyber Ninja's were looking for - you're citing news reports that only focused on the recount of the paper ballots. That's not even close to the whole story, that just means tabulators counted within a +/-, it doesn't look at all at where the ballots came from and how they were handled.
It was an audit of the process of the election decided by 11k votes. They weren't doing a criminal investigation. Because of the secret ballot, it's nearly impossible to ferret out fraud once a ballot is cast (especially when the election authorities delete data, don't provide chain of custody and generally don't cooperate). That's why sending a mail in ballot to every "registered voter" using voter rolls that are terribly maintained it a horrible idea and leads to the mess we're in. But to help educate you on the mess that is AZ elections here are some key findings MSNBC failed to tell you:
• None of the various systems related to elections had numbers that would balance and agree with each other. In some cases, these differences were significant.
these should match very closely, unless there was rampant fraud
• There appears to be many 27,807 ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election.
case in point on messy voter rolls...
• Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server.
• Ballot images for 284,412 ballots on the EMS were corrupt or missing.
if you wanted to cheat, wouldn't you alter or destroy the ballot images and systems logs you used to cheat?
• Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in the database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully cleared.
this means they erased a ton of critical data making it impossible for a complete audit...they are required by law to maintain these files for 2 years but nothing came of it because corruption
• On the ballot side, batches were not always clearly delineated, duplicated ballots were missing the required serial numbers, originals were duplicated more than once, and the
Auditors were never provided Chain-of Custody documentation for the ballots for the time-period prior to the ballot’s movement into the Auditors’ care. This all increased the complexity and difficulty in properly auditing the results; and added ambiguity into the final conclusions.
this is one of the biggest issues - when the chain of custody is broken we don't know where ballots came from, how they were handled/delivered or who delivered/handled them...this is a terrible indictment that they were hiding something in MC
• Maricopa County failed to follow basic cyber security best practices and guidelines from CISA
CISA is a federal agency...why not follow their security protocols regarding hacking?
• Software and patch protocols were not followed
this means that it was a free-for-all as to how and what software could be loaded on the tabulators both before the election and after/before the audit
• Credential management was flawed: unique usernames and passwords were not allocated
again, huge security breach to not limit access properly to tabulators and the counting software
• Lack of baseline for host and network activity for approved programs, communications protocols and communications devices for voting systems
meaning they couldn't prove tabulators were not connected to the internet, which we now know they were
This information is just from report 1.
Report 3 has some extremely concerning results.
1) 5.3 shows 23.3k votes rec'd from voters using old addresses. Read the copy, it highlights just how inept MC was at maintaining clean voter rolls. It's almost like they don't care because messy voter rolls provide the excess ballots they need to cheat.
2) 5.4 shows 9k instances where more ballots were returned by a voter than were rec'd. This means that John Doe was sent 1 ballot but 2 or 3 were marked as rec'd and counted. How is this possible? This alone is nearly the total needed to swing the election results.
3) 5.2k ballots rec'd from voters who voted in multiple counties.
4) 3.4K ballots that don't match the official results from the county.
5) Duplicate ballot discrepancies - the audit team counted 29.5k duplicate ballots but the country only reported 26.9k being reported to duplication. That's 2.5k unexplained duplicates that were likely counted. We don't know b/c the serial code process they are supposed to follow wasn't followed.
6) 1500 votes were counted in excess of the total number of voters in MC. This happened in several precincts.
All of this ties into the complete mess that mass mail-in voting causes. FL uses mail in ballots, but they are absentee by request. That cleans most of this mess up. It doesn't create a flood of ballots in the field that can be used by harvesters to cheat.
The bottom line is the Cyber Ninja's found more than enough votes that couldn't be confirmed legit, a process that was rife with fraud and deleted information and a test case for why we need to go back to normal pre-Covid election standards. It was not "debunked" because the goal was never to find and arrest people, it was an audit of the process that showed it was a complete mess.
And focusing on the recount to confirm tabulator performance is oversimplification and gaslighting.
Here's the whole thing if you care: