This is so funny & Proverbs 3:5-6!
I too am a Christian, I too am a Black Man! I too am a Military Man! I too am the product of a single mother! I too have been profiled by policeman, spit on by racist people, called a ******, & denied promotion because of racist people. Also I have raised two very productive Black Men (Profiled & Abused By racist people including policeman), married to the same woman for 30+ years, Retired Military with a MA Degree, business owner & proud member of the NAACP! But, I am Not Perfect!
Also, I do not agree with violent protest anywhere (You know Dr. King - Oh They Killed Him To), do not accept that people cannot be saved, do not understand how so many in this forum have zero empathy for these young people, & to label a man or woman as animals - WoW! I Am Not Perfect!
Anyone can complain but real Americans do something, help find a solution. For me & My Imperfect Self, I volunteer to help change a life, before I criticize I try to emphasize ie why did that police officer do what he did to me - not accepting but trying to understand! For those labeling those kids as animals etc... Go today & find one of those you have stereotype & make a difference; those you are labeling as animals may come in all shapes, color & sizes. Most importantly they could use a mentor, hero, male/female figure in their lives or just a hug!
Most importantly, Pray, Trust God, 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 - To Help you to save enhance/change a life! Yes, People Of Many Race & Socio-economic groups Helped Save Me! So Please Stop Labeling/Complaining & Become A Blessing! Or You can stay behind your key board; complain, call names & remain that perfect homo sapian in the ivory tower!
May God Bless You & Your Family, Signed I Am Not Perfect But Blessed To Be A Blessing!