This is exactly why black people get so frustrated when we see the words "animal" and "thug" thrown around when people of color riot and there was barely any mention when the events below happened.
I think that everyone agrees that the actions of those few hundred teens in Baltimore are indefensible, but the way that some ppl in here are trying paint the picture that the majority of that community acts that way is simply inaccurate.
Lastly, the poster that said he was passed up for a promotion because of affirmative action is full of shit. Affirmative action doesn't work that way.
I think that everyone agrees that the actions of those few hundred teens in Baltimore are indefensible, but the way that some ppl in here are trying paint the picture that the majority of that community acts that way is simply inaccurate.
Lastly, the poster that said he was passed up for a promotion because of affirmative action is full of shit. Affirmative action doesn't work that way.
After the Sab Francisco Giants won the World Series.
After a surf competition in Huntington Beach.
After Kentucky's National Championship win.
So yeah. There are instances. And none of these got the recognition or the vitriol that the Baltimore or Ferguson riots have. No one is calling them thugs and animals. No one is saying like someone in this thread said that they wish they would shoot them all.
But hey maybe that's because sporting events are a more worthy cause to destroy property and riot over multiple instances of police brutality and murders of black individuals. Sporting events over humanity sounds about right these days.