Biden Crime Family Investigations

IRS whistleblower turns tables on Hunter Biden lawyers over leak allegation as Congress seeks probe​

Hunter Biden prosecutor denies retaliating against IRS whistleblower​

"U.S. Attorney David Weiss also reiterated that he commands "ultimate authority" over the investigation, including "deciding where, when and whether to file charges."
It looks like the Biden Crime family (the Biden family and the IRS, FBI, and DOJ, etc.) went after this guy who was set to testify at the congress committee. Dr. Gal Luft, the former Israeli army officer, claims he was arrested in Cyprus to stop him from testifying to the House Oversight Committee that the Biden family received payments from individuals with alleged ties to Chinese military intelligence and that they had an FBI mole who shared classified information with their benefactors from the China-controlled energy company CEFC.

I also see the the corrupt DOJ has brought charges against one of the whistle blowers. My oh my how corrupt this government has become. Everything and in everywhere that the communists get hold of is corrupt. The Russian communist government has been corrupt since its inception. The corrupt circle of elites are the haves, the rest of the people are the have-not's. And this is the system of government they want to incorporate here. Well, it's off to a nice corrupt start!!!

Yep they are going after the whistleblowers just like a shit dictator would....

Each day that more information of how corrupt this government has become, and how corrupt the Biden family is, I shake my head in disbelief, only to find out a day or so later that the corruption is even worst than a couple of days ago!!! They were able to bring these false charges against Dr. Gal Luft to effectively keep him from coming to this country to testify. They have tried to block the Ukrainian Burisma executive from entering this country by denying him a visa/passport. Now chasing down an Israeli citizen and his family trying to bring him to NYC for a monkey court where he wouldn't even be able to even mention the Biden name where his whole case would involve the Biden family is absolutely unbelievable.

I hope when Trump wins in 2024 that he has all of these people (communist and corrupt entities) rounded up and thrown in prison where they rot. Although by the looks of it Hillary Clinton is already rotting before she goes to prison. I imagine that they will need to build more prison to house all of these treasonist communists, which Trump can call his 'Build Back to make this nation Better Plan'. Damn I hate communists, and hate them more by the day!!!
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It looks like the Biden Crime family (the Biden family and the IRS, FBI, and DOJ, etc.) went after this guy who was set to testify at the congress committee. Dr. Gal Luft, the former Israeli army officer, claims he was arrested in Cyprus to stop him from testifying to the House Oversight Committee that the Biden family received payments from individuals with alleged ties to Chinese military intelligence and that they had an FBI mole who shared classified information with their benefactors from the China-controlled energy company CEFC.

I also see the the corrupt DOJ has brought charges against one of the whistle blowers. My oh my how corrupt this government has become. Everything and in everywhere that the communists get hold of is corrupt. The Russian communist government has been corrupt since its inception. The corrupt circle of elites are the haves, the rest of the people are the have-not's. And this is the system of government they want to incorporate here. Well, it's off to a nice corrupt start!!!

How profoundly stupid are you to blindly trust the word of an "informant" who:
  • fled after he was let out on bail after being arrested for being an unregistered foreign agent
  • was an arms trafficker
  • violated US sanctions against Iran
  • made false statements to federal agents
  • was a Chinese spy
It's you treetumor, you are the corrupt one - it's you...
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How profoundly stupid are you to blindly trust the word of an "informant" who:
  • fled after he was let out on bail after being arrested for being an unregistered foreign agent
  • was an arms trafficker
  • violated US sanctions against Iran
  • made false statements to federal agents
  • was a Chinese spy
It's you treetumor, you are the corrupt one - it's you...
Damn dipshit73!!! You came up with this after seeing the video? I imagine you are still one of those believing that Hillary Clinton lost to Trump due to Russian collusion. Who dresses you each morning for the day. Is the same person that wipes the drool off your lip, then pushes you out the door in some direction just to get you going? I'm being serious here, you may be the stupidest post on TI, and 2nd place may not be close. Can I please (with your permission) copy your posts and bring them to the office? I don't want to do that if you have some real disability, and apologize for pointing it out. But if this is the real you with no acknowledged defects, I may like to use your posts as a training tool. Please give me the OK. Everyone needs to know what kind of mental struggles some people have.


Damn dipshit73!!! You came up with this after seeing the video? I imagine you are still one of those believing that Hillary Clinton lost to Trump due to Russian collusion. Who dresses you each morning for the day. Is the same person that wipes the drool off your lip, then pushes you out the door in some direction just to get you going? I'm being serious here, you may be the stupidest post on TI, and 2nd place may not be close. Can I please (with your permission) copy your posts and bring them to the office? I don't want to do that if you have some real disability, and apologize for pointing it out. But if this is the real you with no acknowledged defects, I may like to use your posts as a training tool. Please give me the OK. Everyone needs to know what kind of mental struggles some people have.
Meth is bad for you treetumor. Seek help
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Hunter Biden mystery: Why did Delaware prosecutor not bring charges his office approved?​

Early 2022 memo states David Weiss’ top prosecutor supported larger felony case dating to 2014.

By John Solomon
Updated: July 12, 2023 - 3:41am
An IRS document from early 2022 states Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss’ office signed off on bringing a felony tax evasion case against Hunter Biden that stretched back to 2014 and money from Ukraine, creating fresh intrigue as to how the president’s son ultimately escaped more serious charges and got a plea deal on tax misdemeanors involving conduct years later.
The document, a prosecution “conclusions and recommendations” memo, escaped much notice when it was released last month by the House Ways and Means Committee along with the testimony of IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley.
But it is taking on new significance now that Weiss has issued several carefully crafted statements to Congress appearing to contradict Shapley and a second whistleblower’s account of what when in the case.
Shapley and a publicly unnamed colleague were the top two IRS agents on the Hunter Biden tax case and they told Congress in a transcribed interview that Weiss’ office wanted to bring a felony tax case against Hunter Biden charging him for crimes dating to 2014 but was turned down by his Joe Biden-appointed colleagues in Washington and Los Angeles where the alleged crimes occurred.
Weiss was appointed by former President Donald Trump and was kept on by the Biden administration to continue overseeing the Hunter Biden case.
The whistleblowers allege Weiss told the investigative team he requested to be named a special counsel so he could bring the charges himself but was turned down by the Biden Justice Department and then Weiss’ office let the statute of limitations expire on crimes before 2017, a claim that directly contradicts Attorney General Merrick Garland’s testimony there were no political roadblocks to prosecuting Hunter Biden.
Weiss has issued multiple letters to Congress since Shapley’s testimony was made public, saying he couldn’t talk much about the deliberations because Hunter Biden has not yet appeared in court to consummate his plea deal.
But the chief federal prosecutor for Delaware acknowledged his ability to file criminal charges was "geographically limited” from bringing tax charges in the two other cities and would have first consulted his colleagues in those districts. He also has flatly denied he ever requested or was denied special counsel status while suggesting he could have requested “special attorney” status to bring the charges in the districts outside Delaware.
2023.06.30-OUT-Jordan-David Weiss.pdf
“I've followed the process outlined in my June 30 letter and have never been denied the authority to bring charges in any jurisdiction," Weiss wrote in a letter this week to Sen. Lindsey Graham, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Weiss’ current account to Congress is essentially that he had the authority to bring the charges, which is begging the question across Washington as to why he did not charge Hunter Biden for the felonies dating to 2014 that Shapley and the other agent described in their testimonies.
That question is taking on more significance with the IRS memo completed Jan. 27, 2022, that flatly states both a prosecutor in the DOJ tax division named Mark Daly and Weiss’ top deputy on the case, Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, reviewed the memo and that Wolf herself signed off on charging Hunter Biden for felony tax charges alleging he did not pay taxes all the way back to 2014, including on $400,000 in income from the controversial Burisma Holdings energy company in Ukraine.
“The recommendation for prosecution is based on the facts above and recommends that RHB (Robert Hunter Biden) be prosecuted under the provisions of Title 26 USC Sections 7201and 7206 (1) for the tax years 2014, 2018 and 2019 and under the provisions of Title 26 USC Section 7203 for the tax years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019,” the IRS memo signed by the case agent and approved by Shapley stated.
“A draft of this SAR has been given to DOJ-Tax Senior Attorney Mark Da!y, as well as Assistant United States Attorney Lesley Wolf,” the memo also states. “AUSA Wolf has reviewed the appendices and the charges cited in this report and agrees with the prosecution recommendation of the above cited charges against RHB.”
You can read that memo here.
Congressional investigators and one of Shapley’s lawyers told Just the News they are confused about why Weiss is claiming he had the authority to bring whatever case he wanted, then didn’t bring the one his office signed onto in the prosecution memo.
“Lesley Wolf concurred with the recommendation memo from the agents that the 2014 year should be charged and that they should be charged as felonies,” Empower Oversight whistleblower center found Jason Foster, one of Shapley’s lawyers, told the John Solomon Reports podcast. "She is Weiss's agent in those discussions. She is the primary person at the ground level. She's the person who Gary Shapley would have had the most interactions with the most frequently on the prosecution team."
“She wouldn't have agreed and put that in and allowed them to put that in writing if she didn't have Weiss's agreement,” Foster also said. “So then the question becomes for Weiss, why on earth would, if he had the authority to bring the charges, this magic golden ticket that was never written down, apparently by Merrick Garland that he could bring charges wherever he wanted, whatever he wanted, then why did he not do so?”

John Solomon Reports
Tuberville pushes back against Dems, says acting commandant told him Marines just fine without leaderTuberville pushes back against Dems, says acting commandant told him Marines just fine without leader

Such intrigue has even reached the presidential campaign trail, where GOP candidate and former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie has openly questioned Weiss’ performance.
“U.S. attorney Weiss has to explain himself, and he has to explain himself in public,” Christie told Fox News this week. He added: "This investigation into Hunter Biden in Delaware is either a lie or is incompetent.”
“There’s no way that it should take five years to get to a two-count misdemeanor tax plea and to dismiss the gun charges.”
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has added a second line of inquiry about Weiss, revealing this week that Weiss’ office in the person of Wolf was briefed two weeks before the 2020 presidential election that the FBI had an informant alleging Joe Biden was involved in a bribery scheme involving Ukraine and Burisma. The briefing occurred in October 2020.
The revelation “begs the question that I’ve been asking since the start of my oversight in this matter: What steps have the Justice Department and FBI taken to investigate the allegations?” Grassley wrote Weiss on Sunday, “You, Attorney General Garland, and Director Wray have failed to answer.”
Everyone knows the US attorney from Delaware is an establishment tool and he is just there to keep a lid on this fiasco until Joe is out of office. The public will be informed on specifically what happened and how bad it is at some point.


House Rep. Confirms ‘Foreign National’ Behind Suspected Biden Bribery Scheme, Hunter Biden Illegally Lobbied for Visa​

July 14, 2023
Hunter Biden and his associates made efforts to secure a U.S. visa for Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, shortly after Biden joined the Ukrainian energy company’s board.
These emails, found in Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop archive, reveal a coordinated attempt to obtain the visa while Zlochevsky was under investigation by Ukrainian authorities for corruption, the Daily Caller reported on Thursday.
The emails indicate that Hunter Biden and his associates may have engaged in activities that require registration as lobbyists, with potential violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). A FARA expert who examined the emails noted the possibility of such violations occurring outside of the email exchanges.
Between 2014 and 2016, Hunter Biden collaborated with former Burisma board member Devon Archer, Rosemont Seneca adviser Eric Schwerin, former Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP Partner Heather King, and other business associates to assist Mykola Zlochevsky with his visa reapplication after his visa was revoked by the State Department in 2014.
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) confirmed that Zlochevsky is the “foreign national” involved in an alleged bribery scheme with President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. Greene, who viewed a redacted FBI FD-1023 form, stated that the redacted name was linked to Burisma. The form reportedly detailed how Zlochevsky discussed a $10 million bribe to the Bidens with an informant.
The emails reveal that Hunter Biden and his partners communicated with Vadim Pozharskyi, a Burisma board member who acted as a conduit for Zlochevsky, regarding Zlochevsky’s U.S. visa application. Pozharskyi referred to Zlochevsky as “Nikolay” in these correspondences. Heather King also contacted the U.S. State Department and the Ukrainian Embassy to inquire about Zlochevsky’s visa status.
Pozharskyi confirmed that Zlochevsky was “totally in line” with King’s recommendations and mentioned engaging in joint conversations with Hunter Biden. King recommended a public relations firm, an investigative research firm, and a lobbyist to work on the visa application, as she would have to register as a lobbyist if she pursued it independently.
The emails also show that Hunter Biden discussed working on Zlochevsky’s behalf and suggested using the media to portray him positively. Meanwhile, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) charged Zlochevsky and his associates in 2020 for an alleged attempt to send $6 million in bribes to halt the investigation.
The investigation into Zlochevsky’s corruption case involved several changes in leadership within the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO). Vitaly Yarema initially prosecuted the case but left shortly after a U.K. criminal court’s decision. Yarema was accused of colluding with Zlochevsky by former Ukrainian MP Sergey Leshchenko and former deputy prosecutors.
Viktor Shokin replaced Yarema and was later accused of corruption by Western officials and Ukrainian activists, including then-Vice President Joe Biden. Biden used a $1 billion loan guarantee as leverage to push for Shokin’s removal, citing alleged corruption concerns. Shokin was replaced by Yuriy Lutsenko, who cleared Zlochevsky and Burisma of criminal charges.
The House Oversight Committee, chaired by Republican Representative James Comer, has stated that the FBI is actively investigating the bribery allegations. The committee’s investigation also includes Zlochevsky’s visa-related correspondence as part of a broader examination of Burisma’s business dealings and the potential abuse of power by Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) charged Hunter Biden with a felony gun charge and two tax avoidance misdemeanors in June. He pleaded guilty to these charges but still faces an ongoing investigation. An IRS whistleblower, Gary Shapley, accused the Biden-appointed U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia of neglecting potential violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act in 2014 and 2015.
Joe Biden has dismissed the bribery allegations as “malarkey” and downplayed questions about the FBI document. Hunter Biden’s lawyer, his business associates, and relevant government entities have not provided comments or responses to inquiries about the matter.
Devon Archer, one of Hunter Biden’s associates, was sentenced to one year in prison in February 2022 for defrauding a Native American tribal entity. His appeal was rejected in March 2023.
Fang Fang says hi. Its funny that you are willing to use him in any capacity.
This is why you spend so much time lying like a cheap rug. You know that all the MAGA dumbs have to hear is an accusation and couldn't care less about an exoneration.

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Hunter Biden's lawyers just fired back at Trump with a blistering cease and desist letter for Trump's continued threats, incitement, and defamation.


NEW: House Oversight member, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene, has confirmed that the "unnamed" foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden with $10 million, was none other than Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

The now infamous FBI FD-1023 form provide by Wray had redacted Zlochevsky's name but detailed a $10 million bribe to the Bidens with someone connected to Burisma.

Putting it all together...

We know that Zlochesvsky was already paying Hunter an exorbitant sum, $83,000/mo, to sit on the board of his Ukrainian energy company.

We know Zlochevsky was facing a corruption investigation in Ukraine by prosecutor Viktor Shokin.

We know then-Vice President Joe Biden accused Shokin of corruption.

We know that then-VP Biden successfully threatened to pull a $1 billion US loan guarantee as leverage to push for Shokin’s removal.

We know Shokin was replaced by Yuriy Lutsenko, who cleared Zlochevsky and Burisma of criminal charges in 2019.

We know that Zlochevsky and his associates were eventually charged in 2020 for attempting $6 million in bribes to halt the ongoing investigation (the guy has a history of bribes).

And we know that Zlochevsky was a rich, corrupt foreign oligarch who needed the type of help only connected, corrupt DC cronyism could deliver.

And it all points to one conclusion: Joe and James and Hunter were willing to sell out American interests to keep the Ukrainian money flowing.

And now hundreds of billions of your taxpayer money is flowing back to Ukraine.

Get it, now?
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This is insane. The FBI took all this guys stuff so he couldnt use it against the bidens. Its that simple.

Key Hunter Biden witness poised to testify, but still lacks access to critical cache of evidence​

Devon Archer set to testify July 24 to House Oversight Committee, but the documents the FBI seized from him years ago are still locked in storage

By John Solomon
Updated: July 17, 2023 - 1:27am
In his hey-day as a Democratic trailblazer a decade ago, Devon Archer worked alongside Hunter Biden in the pursuit of global deals, including inside China and Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings energy firm.
He golfed with Joe Biden, rubbed elbows with John Kerry and stood at the intersection of Washington power brokers and foreign oligarchs seeking to curry favor with the future first family.
Today, Archer is weeks away from beginning a prison sentence on a 2018 federal conviction for fleecing investors in a bond deal involving a Native American tribe. He has told friends he hopes to get home confinement from the trial judge, instead of prison, maintaining he was unaware fraud had occurred with the deal.
He's also days away from becoming the most consequential witness to date in the GOP-led House hearings into alleged Biden family corruption. Archer knows how and why Hunter Biden landed on the Burisma board and was courted by oligarchs from Russia to China. He knows what, if any, business partners got access to then-Vice President Joe Biden and what, if any, favors the 46th president may have bestowed on Hunter Biden’s business suitors.
He also knows well the labyrinth of companies through which Hunter Biden moved and took money.
“I am looking forward to hearing from Devon Archer,” said Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., a member of the House Oversight committee. “It takes a lot of courage for him to come forward. He is he was close to that family and to Hunter and Joe.”
Biggs said one of the questions lawmakers wanted to pursue is whether Archer faced any pressure during the years the Biden political machine tried to suppress the allegations.
“I'll tell you what else. I have no doubt that these these folks have tried to put pressure and threatened him as well,” Biggs said. “And I look forward to hearing what Devon Archer has to say.”
Archer is slated to tell the House Oversight and Accountability Committee what he knows during a transcribed interview the week of July 24.
But just days away from that crucial appearance, he lacks access to a critical cache of evidence: tens of thousands of pages of emails, memos, documents and text messages the FBI seized from him and his businesses around the time of his arrest in spring 2016.
Like most legal defense teams in major criminal cases, Archer’s lawyers had the vast tranche of documents the FBI returned to them during trial discovery and digitized memos so they could be quickly searched in trial preparation.
However, the New York firm that did that work still has the documents.
Archer was overdue on paying some of the bills for the storage but months ago made the payments and removed any liens, court records show. But the firm has yet to provide a digital copy of the document collection, according to memos reviewed by Just the News and interviews.

Efforts to secure the documents were continuing this week without an immediate resolution, the memos show, raising the possibility that Congress may need to subpoena the records for the evidence to be available in time for his transcribed interview.
“The cache of documents freezes in time all of the essential communications that Devon was part of, including documents and evidence that weren’t recovered from the Hunter Biden laptop,” a person briefed on the matter told Just the News.
Congressional investigators hope the tranche of documents includes a December 2015 memo from a Democrat firm called Blue Star Strategies that outlines a strategy for helping Burisma after the firm’s members met with Joe Biden’s staff as well as contemporaneous documents about Archer and Hunter Biden’s dealings with Chinese investors for Rosemont Bohai Harvest, details about Burisma board meetings and the efforts to woo a Russian oligarch named Yelena Baturina.
Just the News confirmed that one of the documents the FBI seized during the Archer probe was from a company that Archer was courting to buy, and it lays out extensive details about firms involving Archer and Hunter Biden that were involved with China and other foreign interests.
One of the claims in that memo was that Baturina, the oligarch and wife of Moscow’s former mayor, had invested as much as $200 million in projects inside the business empire that included Archer, Hunter Biden and other business partners. A source close to Archer said the actual amount was closer to $120 million.
“Mr. Archer further discussed the possible sale of his company and the revenues that might be realized, which he said would be a big liquidity event for him, as well as his connections with Bohai, which he said was sponsored by major banks and institutional investors in China,” the memo stated. “He also discussed his client relationship with Yelena Baturina, who he said had invested over $200 million dollars in his various investment funds."
You can read that document here:
Baturina BIT Board meeting.pdf

Today, our committee staff conducted a transcribed interview with a former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the FBI’s Wilmington office and the Biden criminal investigation. The agent CONFIRMED key portions of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony, including that both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were TIPPED OFF about the planned Hunter Biden interview. In fact, on the day of the Hunter Biden interview, FEDERAL AGENTS WERE TOLD TO STAND BY AND TO NOT APPROACH HUNTER BIDEN— they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation. The former FBI supervisory special agent told committee investigators he had never been told to wait outside to be contacted by the subject of an investigation. The agent’s testimony is sickening and reveals the lengths to which the DOJ is willing to go to cover up for the Bidens. The Oversight Committee, along with the
, will continue to seek the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.
This is pretty fricking bad when the house is doing the work for the DOJ who then fights them and covers up at every turn. Even someone with that that famous 2 digit iq that the looney libs and trump haters love to refer to on here can figure this out easily.

BREAKING IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley and Whistleblower X will testify at our committee next week. These whistleblowers have provided information about how
refused to follow evidence that implicated Joe Biden, tipped off Hunter Biden’s attorneys, allowed the clock to run out with respect to certain charges, and put Hunter Biden on the path to a sweetheart plea deal. DATE: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 TIME: 1:00 pm ET LOCATION: 2154 Rayburn House Office Building

Forbidden questions, denied warrants, witness tipoffs: Agents detail interference in Biden probe​

Retired FBI supervisor latest to alert Congress as IRS whistleblowers prepare for day of public testimony

retired FBI supervisor’s account to Congress of how the bureau tipped off Joe Biden’s team in December 2020 about plans to conduct a surprise interview of his son Hunter not only corroborates a key allegation from two IRS whistleblowers, it further paints a portrait of unusual meddling into the investigation of the first family’s overseas business dealings and taxes.

From search warrants denied to critical evidence kept from the investigative team, three experienced federal law enforcement agents have now offered Congress significant testimony and proof that the Hunter Biden probe did not follow FBI or IRS norms and left veteran investigators as well as the powerful House chairman seeing political favoritism and undue interference.

“The Justice Department’s efforts to cover up for the Bidens reveals a two-tiered system of justice that sickens the American people," House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., said Monday night after releasing a summary of the FBI supervisory agent’s account.

Comer’s counterpart on the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, dropped a bombshell of his own Monday, saying the FBI has “materially” impacted Congress’ efforts to unmask the weaponization of law enforcement by refusing to turn over evidence and that Director Christopher Wray could be held in contempt as early as next week.

The retired FBI agent, a new witness for Congress, gave his account to Comer’s panel in a transcribed interview Monday, corroborating several aspects of the account IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley and a second agent gave Congress last month.

The agent, whose name wasn't immediately made public, said the bureau tipped off both Joe Biden's transition office and the Secret Service on Dec. 7, 2020, ultimately thwarting a planned interview of Hunter Biden and other witnesses the next day.

"The night before the interview of Hunter Biden, both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were tipped off about the planned interview," Comer explained. "On the day of the Hunter Biden interview, federal agents were told to stand by and could not approach Hunter Biden – they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation."

In his testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee back in May, Shapley described how the tipoff around Dec. 7-8, 2020, was a major setback for the investigation, and one of several instances in which political favoritism and interference occurred.

"I was informed that FBI headquarters had notified Secret Service headquarters and the transition team about the planned actions the following day," Shapley testified.

You can read Shapley's complete interview with lawmakers here.

Whistleblower 1 Transcript_Redacted.pdf

He said the alert afforded Hunter Biden and his team "an opportunity to obstruct" the investigation.

Shapley told Just the News in a recent interview Hunter Biden was treated differently and more favorable than other suspects he investigated in his 13-year career. “I believe in what we're doing, when we're treating people fairly. And, you know, it just didn't happen in this particular case,” he said.

Shapley and his IRS colleague are slated to testify in public for the first time as early as Wednesday before Comer's panel, and officials told Just the News they hope to release a transcript of the FBI agent's corroborating testimony in the next few days.

In the interview with Congress on Monday, aides said, the retired FBI agent said:

  • Multiple witness interviews were planned in the Biden family probe for Dec. 8, 2020, with he and Shapley assigned to interview Hunter Biden.
  • Late on Dec. 7, 2020, Shapley and the FBI agent learned that FBI headquarters had notified Secret Service headquarters about the Hunter Biden interview and that the Biden transition team was also notified, contrary to the original investigative plan.
  • The next day, the FBI agent and Shapley were instructed not to approach Hunter Biden’s house and instead would have to wait until Hunter Biden contacted them, an instruction the FBI agent said he had never before gotten.
  • Hunter Biden never approached them, and the interview never happened.
In just a few short months, three GOP-led House committees – Oversight, Judiciary and Ways and Means – have uncovered more than a dozen alleged instances of interference and abnormal meddling in the Hunter Biden and Joe Biden probes. Here are some of the biggest revelations:

  1. FBI and IRS agents were told they could not ask questions about Joe Biden in connection with the probe into his son’s foreign business dealings. “We weren’t allowed to ask questions about dad. We weren’t allowed to ask about the ‘Big Guy.’ We weren’t allowed to include certain names and document requests and search warrants. So we were precluded from following that line of questioning,” Shapley said during a recent interview.
  2. Agents were denied search warrants for both the guest cottage on Joe Biden’s property where Hunter Biden lived and a storage locker where the first son stored some of his business records that law enforcement sought as evidence. The agents said they had met the standard of probable cause required for such warrants.
  3. In addition to the tipoff about the planned Hunter Biden interview, agents have testified that Hunter Biden’s legal team was alerted by federal prosecutor Lesley Wolf to a plan to search the storage locker. “No sooner had we gotten off the call [than] we heard AUSA Wolf had simply reached out to Hunter Biden’s defense counsel and told him about the storage unit, once again ruining our chance to get to evidence before being destroyed, manipulated, or concealed,” Shapley testified.
  4. The IRS and FBI had gathered evidence that Hunter Biden had not paid taxes on at least $400,000 from the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings dating to 2014, but prosecutors did not charge that crime and allowed the statute of limitations to expire.
  5. The FBI had corroborated Hunter Biden’s laptop as far back as November 2019 and knew the device was not part of a foreign disinformation campaign – an entire year before intelligence community experts and surrogates of Joe Biden’s campaign made the false allegation.
  6. FBI counterintelligence agents, who probe foreign espionage operations, were interested in the Biden’s dealings with a Chinese energy company that was tied to the communist country’s military. "The FBI is considering a lot of national security type issues here," Shapley said when asked about CEFC China Energy.
  7. Prosecutors were pressured by the Biden team. Shapley alleged that Hunter Biden attorney Chris Clark threatened prosecutors that if they charged his client, they would be committing "career suicide."
  8. Agents had evidence that Joe Biden may have been involved in his son’s dealings with the Chinese energy firm, including testimony from a family friend who said he saw the future president meet the Chinese executives in 2017 and a text message in which Hunter Biden pressures the same executives for money by claiming his father was with him at the time.
  9. Prosecutors failed to share with the IRS agents an FBI informant’s evidence that a Ukrainian businessman may have engaged in a scheme to bribe Joe and Hunter Biden with $10 million.
The pattern, the head of the Judicial Watch watchdog group, said Monday, smacks of a political protection racket.

"Americans see outright in large measure that Joe Biden has a significant corruption scandal. And I think the challenge for Republicans is what are they going to do about it?" Tom Fitton said. "I mean, they've got it, they've made the case. You know, when's the penalty phase going to come? Or is the FBI going to have its funding curtailed? Are people going to lose their jobs? Is there going to be impeachment."
This is much worse than anything that Trump was even falsely accused of.

FBI tipped off Biden team, Secret Service about plan to interview Hunter, agent tells Congress​

Retired agent's account backs up account of IRS whistleblowers set to testify Wednesday before House Oversight Committee.

By John Solomon
Updated: July 17, 2023 - 8:25pm
Arecently retired FBI supervisory agent told Congress behind closed doors Monday that the bureau tipped off Joe Biden's team and the Secret Service in late 2020 about a plan to interview Hunter Biden in his criminal tax probe, corroborating allegations from two IRS whistleblowers.
The FBI agent, who worked alongside the IRS whistleblowers on the Hunter Biden case when he was assigned to the Wilmington field office, gave his account in a transcribed interview before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, providing fresh evidence of alleged political interference in the treatment of Joe Biden's son.
He corroborated several aspects of the account IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley and a second agent gave Congress last month, including that law enforcement's plan to conduct a surprise interview in early December 2020 with Hunter Biden about alleged tax crimes was foiled by the tipoff.
The agent, whose name wasn't immediately made public, said the bureau told both Joe Biden's transition office and the Secret Service, creating a tipoff that thwarted the planned interview.
"The night before the interview of Hunter Biden, both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were tipped off about the planned interview," Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky. said. "On the day of the Hunter Biden interview, federal agents were told to stand by and could not approach Hunter Biden—they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation.
“The Justice Department’s efforts to cover up for the Bidens reveals a two-tiered system of justice that sickens the American people," he added.
In his testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee back in May, Shapley described how the tipoff around Dec. 7-8, 2020, was a major set back for the investigation, and one of several instances in which political favoritism and interference occurred.
"I was informed that FBI headquarters had notified Secret Service headquarters and the transition team about the planned actions the following day," Shapley testified.
You can read Shapley's complete interview with lawmakers here.
Whistleblower 1 Transcript_Redacted.pdf
He said the alert afforded Hunter Biden and his team "an opportunity to obstruct" the investigation.
Shapley and his IRS colleague are slated to testify in public for the first time as early as Wednesday before Comer's panel, and officials told Just the News they hope to release a transcript of the FBI agent's corroborating testimony in the next few days.
In the interview with Congress on Monday, aides said, the retired FBI agent said:
  • Multiple witness interviews were planned in the Biden family probe for Dec. 8, 2020, with he and Shapley assigned to interview Hunter Biden.
  • Late on Dec. 7, 2020, Shapley and the FBI agent learned that FBI headquarters had notified Secret Service headquarters about the Hunter Biden interview and that the Biden transition team was also notified, contrary to the original investigative plan.
  • The next day, the FBI agent and Shapley were instructed not to approach Hunter Biden’s house and instead would have until Hunter Biden contacted them, an instruction the FBI agent said he had never before gotten.
  • Hunter Biden never approached them and the interview never happened.
He is correct.

Biden was not authorized when he was a senator to take or declassify top secret documents and that is a fact. What in the hell is going on with his investigation? I can answer that question and the answer is "NOT A D@MN THING!!" What is going on here? Even you looney libs know what the law is and hopefully have a smidgen of common sense so why can you not see what is occurring here? Do you just hate Trump so bad that you do not give a crap....just get him no matter what and then we will go back to normalcy after?

Smith was purposefully given a broad unlimited mandate on the documents case by Garland so he can go scorched earth on Trump and now he is going to try and put him in jail for giving a speech and telling people to go home on J6. THIS IS INSANITY!!


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