The Brief: Newly Cooperating Hunter Biden Associate Could Expose Joe Biden's Role In Corrupt Schemes | Gregg Jarrett
Gregg is joined by investigative journalist John Solomon, CEO and Editor in Chief of “Just the News."

If there is anyone who could bring down the so-called “Biden crime family,” it is Eric Schwerin. The long-time Biden insider knows where all the money is buried and from whence it came. That may include the $31 million in Chinese riches that fattened the Biden bank accounts.
In their bid to follow the money, “congressional investigators have scored a major breakthrough by securing cooperation from Schwerin,” according to investigative reporter, John Solomon, who is my guest on this edition of “The Brief.”
Joe Biden must have broken out in a cold sweat when news broke that his son Hunter’s close business associate, Eric Schwerin, is poised to spill the beans to the House Oversight Committee. Gaining his assistance could blow a hole in the brick wall that the Bidens erected to cover-up their suspected overseas influence peddling schemes.
Who is Schwerin? He’s the guy who kept the books —the equivalent of Al Capone’s accountant. However, there is no suggestion that Schwerin engaged in any wrongdoing himself. This may help explain his sudden decision to cooperate.
According to an interim report by the Oversight Committee, Hunter’s laptop documents verify that Schwerin helped handle Joe’s finances and tax filings. He “had access to the father’s bank accounts and was able to transfer money between Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.” In other words, they commingled their finances. The report notes that father and son “shared bank accounts and possibly profits.” Schwerin was also present for key business meetings attended by Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and foreign nationals.
Schwerin wrote the infamous memo about the Veep’s lucrative “future earnings potential” just 18 months into his 8 years of the Obama Administration. Hunter and his crony Devon Archer, a convicted fraudster, saw to it that it happened. Truckloads of currency secretly poured into the Biden coffers from foreign entities with direct ties to their governments —America’s adversaries.
How much? It’s estimated that Russians shelled out $40 million, China lavished more than $30 million, and Ukraine brought up the rear with $11 million. Factor in Romania, Kazakhstan and several other nations, and the Bidens netted more than $100 million. Not a bad haul for allegedly selling out your country.
Bestselling author Peter Schweizer wrote that “the Bidens —father and son together— apparently followed a business model offering access to the highest levels of power in Washington in exchange for big-money international deals” while the elder Biden was vice president.
The shady deals were so lucrative that U.S. banks flagged a staggering 150 Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) with the financial crimes unit at the Treasury Department reflecting tens of millions of dollars paid in suspected illegal transactions. When Biden became president, those reports were buried in a deep vault under lock and key. Congress wants them, but Joe’s Treasury won’t budge. It’s another ugly component of the Biden cover-up.
Beyond Russian and Ukrainian payola, Beijing’s covert commercial relationship with the Bidens offered the biggest financial windfall of all. Three different Biden-China deals involved associates with close ties to the intelligence apparatus run by the Chinese Community Party. Access to the elder Biden and promises of future influence were reportedly pledged. It was a corrupt match made in heaven.
But Hunter’s abandoned laptop and the trove of incriminating evidence contained therein unraveled the hidden schemes and exposed the high-level communications and clandestine meetings in Beijing and Hong Kong. Schwerin helped set up those meetings. When one Hunter partner cautioned about maintaining absolute secrecy, Schwerin replied, “What happens in Hong Kong stays in Hong Kong.” And so it did.
Except no one counted on a drug-addled Hunter forgetting all about his laptop at a Delaware repair shop. The notorious device appears to implicate the father as complicit in his son’s illicit enterprises. Emails and text messages show Joe’s intimate involvement in Hunter’s sleazy deals and how he stood to profit from them.
In one smoking-gun communication, Hunter would hold 10 percent of the equity for “the Big Guy” in a major Chinese energy deal with a company called CEFC. Hunter partner, Tony Bobulinski, who says he met personally with Joe Biden to talk about his role, identified him as “the Big Guy.” Later, Bobulinski received an urgent message, “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid.” Of course they were paranoid. The Bidens didn’t want to get caught.
To this day, President Biden continues to deny any knowledge of his son’s overseas business schemes. It is a brazen lie and demonstrably so. Volumes of documents including photographs and email communications contradict Joe’s claim. And so do visitor records showing that Biden met often with his son’s partners during the Obama Administration. Schwerin logged 27 separate visits to the White House and other official venues to meet with the vice president.
Joe Biden misled the American public with dishonest statements about his involvement. He continues to be untruthful. Not long ago, a Biden flack stated that the president’s connection to his son’s activities was “long ago debunked.” Really? By whom? If that’s true, then why did Hunter’s foreign clients send emails thanking him for arranging meetings with his dad. The record shows that Joe was an active participant and benefited handsomely in what may be the largest influence peddling operations in history.
It is a crime to exploit or abuse your position of power in public office for financial profit. So, the Oversight Committee is well within its constitutional jurisdiction to investigate. Equally important is its duty to discover whether the President of the United States has jeopardized American interests and is, for example, now beholden to the Communist Chinese government.
Is that why President Biden has been so soft on China? Columnist Michael Goodwin suspects that Biden’s hands are tied when it comes to any provocation by Beijing. “His response to the spy balloon suggests he was pulling his punches,” wrote Goodwin.
Senator Rick Scott (R- Florida) recently remarked that the president shows nothing but weak appeasement toward Beijing. “All that Biden does is pacify China. I don’t know if he’s compromised,” said Scott, but he suspects so.
Oversight Chairman James Comer is convinced that the president is, indeed, compromised. “Hunter and members of the Biden family have peddled access to the highest levels of government to enrich themselves. This is an ethics nightmare and national security threat,” said the chairman.
With the news that a key Biden partner will cooperate in his committee’s probe, Comer told reporter John Solomon, “I think that Schwerin is going to be a very valuable witness for us in the investigation.” It may be a breakthrough that will open the door to other witnesses coming forward.
But don’t count on Hunter Biden being one of them. His newly constituted team of hot shot lawyers is doing everything they can to block the congressional investigation by refusing to produce relevant documents voluntarily. The committee may now have no choice but to invoke its subpoena power. If Hunter continues to resist, the House could —and should— vote to hold him in criminal contempt.
Would his father’s Department of Justice prosecute? Attorney General Merrick Garland would be hard pressed to explain why he would not, given that he prosecuted former Trump adviser Steve Bannon for ignoring a congressional subpoena issued by House Democrats.
It’s abundantly clear that Garland and the FBI have been running interference for the Bidens. How else do you explain an investigation into the president’s son that has now entered its fifth year with no criminal charges being filed despite a plethora of damning evidence involving self-enrichment, influence peddling, money laundering, fraud, foreign lobbying violations, and other corrupt acts?
How else do you explain the FBI’s documented efforts to pressure social media giants like Twitter to censor and suppress the laptop story weeks before the 2020 presidential election? It was all part of the protection racket designed to cover-up for the “Biden crime family.”