Biden Crime Family Investigations

If there is anyone who could bring down the so-called “Biden crime family,” it is Eric Schwerin. The long-time Biden insider knows where all the money is buried and from whence it came. That may include the $31 million in Chinese riches that fattened the Biden bank accounts.
In their bid to follow the money, “congressional investigators have scored a major breakthrough by securing cooperation from Schwerin,” according to investigative reporter, John Solomon, who is my guest on this edition of “The Brief.”
Joe Biden must have broken out in a cold sweat when news broke that his son Hunter’s close business associate, Eric Schwerin, is poised to spill the beans to the House Oversight Committee. Gaining his assistance could blow a hole in the brick wall that the Bidens erected to cover-up their suspected overseas influence peddling schemes.
Who is Schwerin? He’s the guy who kept the books —the equivalent of Al Capone’s accountant. However, there is no suggestion that Schwerin engaged in any wrongdoing himself. This may help explain his sudden decision to cooperate.
According to an interim report by the Oversight Committee, Hunter’s laptop documents verify that Schwerin helped handle Joe’s finances and tax filings. He “had access to the father’s bank accounts and was able to transfer money between Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.” In other words, they commingled their finances. The report notes that father and son “shared bank accounts and possibly profits.” Schwerin was also present for key business meetings attended by Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and foreign nationals.
Schwerin wrote the infamous memo about the Veep’s lucrative “future earnings potential” just 18 months into his 8 years of the Obama Administration. Hunter and his crony Devon Archer, a convicted fraudster, saw to it that it happened. Truckloads of currency secretly poured into the Biden coffers from foreign entities with direct ties to their governments —America’s adversaries.
How much? It’s estimated that Russians shelled out $40 million, China lavished more than $30 million, and Ukraine brought up the rear with $11 million. Factor in Romania, Kazakhstan and several other nations, and the Bidens netted more than $100 million. Not a bad haul for allegedly selling out your country.
Bestselling author Peter Schweizer wrote that “the Bidens —father and son together— apparently followed a business model offering access to the highest levels of power in Washington in exchange for big-money international deals” while the elder Biden was vice president.
The shady deals were so lucrative that U.S. banks flagged a staggering 150 Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) with the financial crimes unit at the Treasury Department reflecting tens of millions of dollars paid in suspected illegal transactions. When Biden became president, those reports were buried in a deep vault under lock and key. Congress wants them, but Joe’s Treasury won’t budge. It’s another ugly component of the Biden cover-up.
Beyond Russian and Ukrainian payola, Beijing’s covert commercial relationship with the Bidens offered the biggest financial windfall of all. Three different Biden-China deals involved associates with close ties to the intelligence apparatus run by the Chinese Community Party. Access to the elder Biden and promises of future influence were reportedly pledged. It was a corrupt match made in heaven.
But Hunter’s abandoned laptop and the trove of incriminating evidence contained therein unraveled the hidden schemes and exposed the high-level communications and clandestine meetings in Beijing and Hong Kong. Schwerin helped set up those meetings. When one Hunter partner cautioned about maintaining absolute secrecy, Schwerin replied, “What happens in Hong Kong stays in Hong Kong.” And so it did.
Except no one counted on a drug-addled Hunter forgetting all about his laptop at a Delaware repair shop. The notorious device appears to implicate the father as complicit in his son’s illicit enterprises. Emails and text messages show Joe’s intimate involvement in Hunter’s sleazy deals and how he stood to profit from them.
In one smoking-gun communication, Hunter would hold 10 percent of the equity for “the Big Guy” in a major Chinese energy deal with a company called CEFC. Hunter partner, Tony Bobulinski, who says he met personally with Joe Biden to talk about his role, identified him as “the Big Guy.” Later, Bobulinski received an urgent message, “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid.” Of course they were paranoid. The Bidens didn’t want to get caught.
To this day, President Biden continues to deny any knowledge of his son’s overseas business schemes. It is a brazen lie and demonstrably so. Volumes of documents including photographs and email communications contradict Joe’s claim. And so do visitor records showing that Biden met often with his son’s partners during the Obama Administration. Schwerin logged 27 separate visits to the White House and other official venues to meet with the vice president.
Joe Biden misled the American public with dishonest statements about his involvement. He continues to be untruthful. Not long ago, a Biden flack stated that the president’s connection to his son’s activities was “long ago debunked.” Really? By whom? If that’s true, then why did Hunter’s foreign clients send emails thanking him for arranging meetings with his dad. The record shows that Joe was an active participant and benefited handsomely in what may be the largest influence peddling operations in history.
It is a crime to exploit or abuse your position of power in public office for financial profit. So, the Oversight Committee is well within its constitutional jurisdiction to investigate. Equally important is its duty to discover whether the President of the United States has jeopardized American interests and is, for example, now beholden to the Communist Chinese government.
Is that why President Biden has been so soft on China? Columnist Michael Goodwin suspects that Biden’s hands are tied when it comes to any provocation by Beijing. “His response to the spy balloon suggests he was pulling his punches,” wrote Goodwin.
Senator Rick Scott (R- Florida) recently remarked that the president shows nothing but weak appeasement toward Beijing. “All that Biden does is pacify China. I don’t know if he’s compromised,” said Scott, but he suspects so.
Oversight Chairman James Comer is convinced that the president is, indeed, compromised. “Hunter and members of the Biden family have peddled access to the highest levels of government to enrich themselves. This is an ethics nightmare and national security threat,” said the chairman.
With the news that a key Biden partner will cooperate in his committee’s probe, Comer told reporter John Solomon, “I think that Schwerin is going to be a very valuable witness for us in the investigation.” It may be a breakthrough that will open the door to other witnesses coming forward.
But don’t count on Hunter Biden being one of them. His newly constituted team of hot shot lawyers is doing everything they can to block the congressional investigation by refusing to produce relevant documents voluntarily. The committee may now have no choice but to invoke its subpoena power. If Hunter continues to resist, the House could —and should— vote to hold him in criminal contempt.
Would his father’s Department of Justice prosecute? Attorney General Merrick Garland would be hard pressed to explain why he would not, given that he prosecuted former Trump adviser Steve Bannon for ignoring a congressional subpoena issued by House Democrats.

It’s abundantly clear that Garland and the FBI have been running interference for the Bidens. How else do you explain an investigation into the president’s son that has now entered its fifth year with no criminal charges being filed despite a plethora of damning evidence involving self-enrichment, influence peddling, money laundering, fraud, foreign lobbying violations, and other corrupt acts?
How else do you explain the FBI’s documented efforts to pressure social media giants like Twitter to censor and suppress the laptop story weeks before the 2020 presidential election? It was all part of the protection racket designed to cover-up for the “Biden crime family.”

Biden is finished.

James Comer: “It’s as bad as we thought… Since we’ve last spoken we have bank records in hand. We have individuals who are working with our committee. In the last two weeks we’ve met with either these individuals personally or with their attorneys. And that would be four individuals who had ties in with the Biden family in their various schemes around the world. So now we have in hand documents We have in hand documents in hand that show just how the Biden family was getting money from the Chinese Communist Party.”
Comer’s got the goods!

This is a pivotal moment in American history. They finally have the goods on the Biden Crime Family.

How will Democrats deal with this? With more phony charges against President Trump? Or maybe Old Joe will suffer a slip and fall?
Oh the "whataboutism" ITT by the left.
Last I checked, Trump was not POTUS, this is why we have the focus on Uncle Joe.

The light is getting brighter on ole Joe, that's for sure.
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'Getting very close to Joe Biden': Congress probes dozen bank accounts that enriched first family​

Rep. James Comer says Middle East, several new family members emerge as focus of inquiry as evidence mounts that some money was funneled to future president.

Congressional investigators have identified a labyrinth of at least a dozen bank accounts that were used to funnel money from foreign sources to Joe Biden's family and uncovered the first evidence that some funds went to benefit the future president, the chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee has disclosed.
"It's getting very close to Joe Biden," Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) told Just the News.
In a wide-ranging interview with the "Just the News, No Noise" television show Wednesday night, Comer said his investigators were finally allowed to see Suspicious Activity Reports filed with the Treasury Department by banks flagging Biden family overseas business transactions dating back years.
Whistleblowers have augmented those financial records with testimony, Comer revealed.
The Kentucky Republican said the new evidence makes clear that several members of the Biden family were involved in receiving or forwarding foreign money and that some of the money came from places other than widely reported sources in China, Russia and Ukraine. He cited the United Arab Emirates as one new area of investigative interest.
"The Middle East, that's very underreported, especially with Jim Biden, the president's brother," Comer said. "He had a lot of deals in the Middle East. We know about a lot of these deals, because a lot of them are in federal bankruptcy court right now.
"And that's the other story here: I don't know if any of these business deals ever lasted. I mean, they were all scams and schemes and failures. So why would people continue to send this family massive amounts of money? Because they don't have any expertise. Were they getting something in return? If so, then Joe Biden would be the primary suspect, because I don't think that Hunter Biden or Jim Biden, or any of the family members of the Biden family can actually do something on behalf of the government. But Joe Biden could, and that's why we're investigating this."
Comer said investigators have identified "over a dozen accounts, at least, and maybe many more" through which foreign money flowed to the family and the committee is now in the process of subpoenaing the records directly from the banks. Money flowed to several family members, including one who has escaped any public notice, he said, declining to be more specific.
"We identified a very new Biden family member that I honestly never would have even suspected would have been a recipient of a big paycheck from an account that was funded through two individuals closely aligned with the Chinese Communist Party," Comer said. "So I think you're gonna find that there are many Biden family members that were involved in the schemes."
"It doesn't make sense for this family to receive these massive amounts of money from our adversaries," he added. "They're not dealing with Canada. They're not dealing with the Europeans, you know, the normal European Union countries. They're dealing with countries like Russia and China, and the United Arab Emirates. I mean, it's bizarre some of the countries that are doing business with the Bidens."
A spokesperson for the Biden White House and a personal lawyer for the president did not return calls and emails seeking comment Wednesday.
The president's son Hunter Biden has acknowledged he is under federal investigation for tax matters, but his lawyers have expressed confidence he will be cleared of any wrongdoing. They admit Hunter Biden recently paid $2 million in overdue taxes.
Joe Biden has adamantly insisted he did not get involved or benefit from his son's or family's business dealings and did nothing wrong, suggesting the investigations were nothing more than political paybacks. But White House officials now say it is possible the president met with some of his son's foreign business partners, including from China and Ukraine.
Comer said the bank records have been augmented with information from cooperating witnesses and whistleblowers who allege money flowed from foreign sources through limited liability companies and then in some cases was routed to pay bills or provide other benefits directly to Joe Biden, not just to Hunter Biden or other family members. Moreover, Comer revealed, the future president met with some of the foreign players during his last year as Barack Obama's vice president.
"One of the things that all of our whistleblowers have told us," Comer said, "is that they were all — through these LLCs — paying for things for Joe Biden. So that's very curious, you know. This is getting to the point where it's getting very close to Joe Biden.
"I mean, he's not going to be able to say that he had no knowledge of his family's business activities, because a lot of these people that sent this money to the LLCs that then sent it to the Bidens, Joe Biden then met with, especially during the last year of his vice presidency. So, you know, Biden was in on the game. But what we want to know is did he benefit personally from it? We know his family did. But did he benefit personally, and that's what we're investigating."
Comer said if the records corroborate the witness allegations that money got funneled to Joe Biden, it raises a slew of new legal questions for the sitting president.
"There's so many problems," he said. "He would have ethics violations, disclosure violations, tax evasion problems. So at the end of the day, we're investigating Joe Biden. I know the press calls it the Hunter Biden investigation, but there's so many Biden family, I mean, it's investigating Joe Biden for the Biden family influence peddling. And I can tell you with confidence, they were influence peddling."

When will China Joe Biden be arrested?

We know the answer...never. He is sitting potus, so he can only be impeached and removed and that will never happen as commiecrats have no integrity or honor to do the right thing.

BREAKING: House Oversight Committee Shows Bidens Received $1 Million after China Wired $3 Million to Biden Associate​

By Joe Hoft Mar. 16, 2023 11:59 am


The Biden family received $1 million after an associate received $3 million from China. This is absolute and total corruption and treason.
Shocking news was released moments ago from the House Oversight Committee.
JUST IN – House Oversight Committee: Biden family received over $1 million after a Chinese company wired $3 million to Robinson Walker LLC, a company owned by a Biden family associate.
Here is a related tweet:

Here is the message from the House Oversight Committee moments ago:
Today, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability issued a memorandum revealing new evidence resulting from the investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling and business schemes. Subpoenaed financial records show that from 2015 to 2017, Biden family members – Hunter Biden, James Biden, Hallie Biden, and an unknown “Biden” – and their companies collectively received $1.3 million in payments from accounts related to Rob Walker, a Biden family associate.
Notably, on March 1, 2017, less than two months after Vice President Joe Biden left public office, State Energy HK Limited, a Chinese company, wired $3 million to Rob Walker’s company. The next day, the company wired $1,065,000 to a company associated with James Gilliar, another Biden family associate. Afterwards, the Biden family received approximately $1,065,000 in payments over a three-month period in different bank accounts. From the bank records, it appears that the Biden family received approximately one-third of the money obtained from the China wire.
Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) issued the following statement on this new evidence of the Biden family’s suspicious business transactions:
“Democrats described our subpoena as providing nothing more than records for Papa John’s and Starbucks, but they failed to mention the records we’ve received documenting the Biden family’s business schemes. Over the course of several years, members of the Biden family and their companies received over $1.3 million in payments from accounts related to their associate, Rob Walker. Most of this money came as a result of a wire from a Chinese energy company and went not only to Hunter and James Biden, but also to Hallie Biden and an unknown ‘Biden.’ It is unclear what services were provided to obtain this exorbitant amount of money.
“The Oversight Committee is concerned about the national security implications resulting from President Biden’s family receiving millions of dollars from foreign nationals. We will continue to follow the money trail and facts to determine if President Biden is compromised by his family’s business schemes and if there is a national security threat.”
Hunter mea culpa but he says its all above board....sure it is. LOL!

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They didn't pay Trump via dodgy, scaled out wire transfers. A Chinese bank leased office space from Trump Towers. That contract existed back in 2008. Trump's business was leasing commercial space, not exactly peddling influence.

The only thing Trump did wrong was not remove himself from ownership of the LLC that was charging for the office space despite the legal recommendations of government attorneys.
They didn't pay Trump via dodgy, scaled out wire transfers. A Chinese bank leased office space from Trump Towers. That contract existed back in 2008. Trump's business was leasing commercial space, not exactly peddling influence.

The only thing Trump did wrong was not remove himself from ownership of the LLC that was charging for the office space despite the legal recommendations of government attorneys.
"That put him in an unusual position, given that government-owned entities in China hold at least 70% of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. Suddenly, a routine real estate deal became a conduit for a foreign superpower to pay the president of the United States."

"The arrangement posed legal concerns, since the U.S. Constitution prohibits federal officials from accepting “any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state” without Congressional approval. Ethics experts, who have often focused on the president’s hotel in Washington, D.C., argued that the president would be in violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clause from the moment he took office."

"Trump has other financial connections to China. The New York Times revealed Tuesday that the U.S. president has a bank account in China. His daughter, Ivanka Trump, received 41 Chinese trademarks from the time she was appointed a White House adviser in March 2017 to April 2019, according to an analysis of documents. The review also showed that the trademarks Ivanka applied for after her father’s inauguration got approved about 40% faster than those she sought out beforehand."


  • Donald Trump Jr. Promoted Trump Org real estate in China while Father was President, made money speaking in China, and appears to have made money from a Chinese Investment fund.
  • Eric Trump Involved in the Trump Org real estate projects in China, which include a hotel & residential buildings.
  • Melania Trump Manufactured products in China. Sold her skincare line of products to Chinese consumers.
  • Jared Kushner Received loans from financial institutions with ties to the Chinese government.
  • Nicole Kushner Offered Visas to Chinese clients in exchange for investments into property
"That put him in an unusual position, given that government-owned entities in China hold at least 70% of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. Suddenly, a routine real estate deal became a conduit for a foreign superpower to pay the president of the United States."

"The arrangement posed legal concerns, since the U.S. Constitution prohibits federal officials from accepting “any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state” without Congressional approval. Ethics experts, who have often focused on the president’s hotel in Washington, D.C., argued that the president would be in violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clause from the moment he took office."

"Trump has other financial connections to China. The New York Times revealed Tuesday that the U.S. president has a bank account in China. His daughter, Ivanka Trump, received 41 Chinese trademarks from the time she was appointed a White House adviser in March 2017 to April 2019, according to an analysis of documents. The review also showed that the trademarks Ivanka applied for after her father’s inauguration got approved about 40% faster than those she sought out beforehand."


  • Donald Trump Jr. Promoted Trump Org real estate in China while Father was President, made money speaking in China, and appears to have made money from a Chinese Investment fund.
  • Eric Trump Involved in the Trump Org real estate projects in China, which include a hotel & residential buildings.
  • Melania Trump Manufactured products in China. Sold her skincare line of products to Chinese consumers.
  • Jared Kushner Received loans from financial institutions with ties to the Chinese government.
  • Nicole Kushner Offered Visas to Chinese clients in exchange for investments into property
Rather than argue, I say we just arrest them all. Let's lock them all up and just be done with it
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, Rather than argue, I say we just arrest them all. Let's lock them all up and just be done with it
If that would ensure that neither would run again, I'd be fine with it, but you'd first have to show that Joe did something illegal, which hasn't happened.
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They didn't pay Trump via dodgy, scaled out wire transfers. A Chinese bank leased office space from Trump Towers. That contract existed back in 2008. Trump's business was leasing commercial space, not exactly peddling influence.

The only thing Trump did wrong was not remove himself from ownership of the LLC that was charging for the office space despite the legal recommendations of government attorneys.
Thanks for blowing his stupid what about info up in a great way!
If that would ensure that neither would run again, I'd be fine with it, but you'd first have to show that Joe did something illegal, which hasn't happened.
Trump was/is rich and made his money before he ever went to DC legally. China Joe on the other was not and has not made his money legally. Its illegal and treasonous to use your office and the resources of the United States govt to get rich.

CNN host Erin Burnett said that evidence indicating that a Chinese company gave $3 million to a Biden family associate, who then sent major payments to the Biden family, "doesn't look good."
"It doesn't sound good," Burnett said Friday on CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront," before recapping reporting about the financial trail linking the Biden family to a Chinese energy company.

Comer Says Biden Is Lying About Family's Chinese Cash Payments​

'It's rich that the president just stood there and lied to the American people,' says House Oversight chairman​

House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) in front of a poster about Hunter Biden's laptop / Getty Images

March 22, 2023
House Oversight chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) on Tuesday called on White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to "issue a correction" after President Joe Biden denied that his family received a payout of more than $1 million from a CCP-backed energy company.

"It's rich that the president just stood there and lied to the American people," Comer told Fox News. "It's also rich that the mainstream media hasn't called him out on it."
Earlier this month, when asked about the payments to his family, Biden said to a reporter, "That’s not true." Hunter Biden’s legal team, however, confirmed the payments from the Chinese energy company, according to a letter from Comer to the press secretary.
"The Committee is concerned about the national security implications of a President’s or Vice President’s immediate family members receiving such lucrative financial deals from foreign nationals and foreign companies without any oversight," the letter reads.
Comer's comment comes as the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability ramps up its investigation of the Biden family's foreign business dealings. Bank records obtained by the committee revealed that "State Energy HK Limited, a Chinese company, wired $3 million to Robinson Walker, LLC.," which then sent over $1.3 million to three Biden family members.

"We're going to get the truth out," Comer told Fox News. "[T]he mainstream media is not going to be able to let him stand up there and lie to the American people about the fact that his family's taken millions and millions of dollars from our adversary."
Oh Sh1t!! A 4th unknown Biden disbursed funds. Its China Joe living up to his nickname.

Pressure mounting.


Joe Biden forbids gas and energy production, including fracking, in the US.

The Daily Mail reported:

Joe Biden pushed for Ukraine to frack gas during his 2014 vice presidential visit – just days after his son Hunter joined the board of a firm set to profit from it.
The first son joined the board of allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm Burisma on April 18, 2014, the company announced in a press release at the time.
Three days later, Joe was aboard Air Force 2 for an official visit to the East European country.
One of his senior officials briefed reporters on the plane that the VP was pushing ‘medium- and long-term strategies to boost conventional gas production, and also to begin to take advantage of the unconventional gas reserves that are in Ukraine.’
Hunter landed the gig just two months after he was discharged from the US military for cocaine use.

Joe Biden forbids gas and energy production, including fracking, in the US.