Biden declares war on MAGA


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Facts are facts. This is what they are doing. They are targeting individual American citizens if they support MAGA. This cannot stand.

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Facts are facts. This is what they are doing. They are targeting individual American citizens if they support MAGA. This cannot stand.

Are you saying most domestic terrorists are not magas? I had hundreds of articles I could have posted but here's a smattering.

Now let's hear you disown the people constantly threatening judges, juries and government officials over one stupid criminal.

Trump-inspired death threats are terrorizing election workers​

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OK we know where you lunatics stand. I expected it from drug addled Communists anyway.
Go ahead and make the case that Trump and me by association are really nazi if you can.
I can. I have. I will continue to on a nearly daily basis. You are. You just don't realize it because they changed the name from nazi to maga, and you're far too stupid to see through such a clever facade.

You are a nazi, and so is every single person in America who votes for Trump in 2024.
I can. I have. I will continue to on a nearly daily basis. You are. You just don't realize it because they changed the name from nazi to maga, and you're far too stupid to see through such a clever facade.

You are a nazi, and so is every single person in America who votes for Trump in 2024.
This is stupid and I hope you can realize it one day. You basically didn't say anything. You just called me a name like a 1st grader on the playground.

Once again please tell why you think I'm a nazi in detail. This is something serious to call someone.
This is stupid and I hope you can realize it one day. You basically didn't say anything. You just called me a name like a 1st grader on the playground.

Once again please tell why you think I'm a nazi in detail. This is something serious to call someone.
Shut the **** up you piece of shit nazi.
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This is stupid and I hope you can realize it one day. You basically didn't say anything. You just called me a name like a 1st grader on the playground.

Once again please tell why you think I'm a nazi in detail. This is something serious to call someone.
Can you tell us why you’re not a Nazi? What are the key differences between the Maga movement and the Nazi movement?
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I will give you the chance too. Tell me why I am a nazi and I will reply.
I don’t think you’re a Nazi, I’m just wondering if you can accurately express why you’re not. I’m kind of morbidly curious to find out what you think a Nazi is.
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I don’t think you’re a Nazi, I’m just wondering if you can accurately express why you’re not. I’m kind of morbidly curious to find out what you think a Nazi is.
You don't think I'm a nazi. We are good then.

This technically is the definition of nazi in the liberal mainstream.

a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers' Party.
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You don't think I'm a nazi. We are good then.

This technically is the definition of nazi in the liberal mainstream.

a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers' Party.
So I’m guessin the answer is no, you can’t walk us through the differences between Nazism and Trumpism.
I can. I have. I will continue to on a nearly daily basis. You are. You just don't realize it because they changed the name from nazi to maga, and you're far too stupid to see through such a clever facade.

You are a nazi, and so is every single person in America who votes for Trump in 2024.
You are so brave @okclem.

So anyone who votes for Trump in 24 is a Nazi?
You don't think I'm a nazi. We are good then.

This technically is the definition of nazi in the liberal mainstream.

a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers' Party.
The MAGA movement, like the Nazi movement, seeks to unify the country by blaming "others' for all the nation's ills - immigrants, lgbt, trans, Woke, the Deep State, "Marxists" etc. ..

You're definitely Nazi-adjacent

Nazism, totalitarian movement led by Adolf Hitler as head of the Nazi Party in Germany. In its intense nationalism, mass appeal, and dictatorial rule, Nazism shared many elements with Italian fascism. However, Nazism was far more extreme both in its ideas and in its practice. In almost every respect it was an anti-intellectual and atheoretical movement, emphasizing the will of the charismatic dictator as the sole source of inspiration of a people and a nation, as well as a vision of annihilation of all enemies of the Aryan Volk as the one and only goal of Nazi policy.

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The MAGA movement, like the Nazi movement seeks to unify the country by blaming "others' for all the nation's ills - immigrants, lgbt, trans, the Deep State, "Marxists" etc. ..

You're definitely Nazi-adjacent

Nazism, totalitarian movement led by Adolf Hitler as head of the Nazi Party in Germany. In its intense nationalism, mass appeal, and dictatorial rule, Nazism shared many elements with Italian fascism. However, Nazism was far more extreme both in its ideas and in its practice. In almost every respect it was an anti-intellectual and atheoretical movement, emphasizing the will of the charismatic dictator as the sole source of inspiration of a people and a nation, as well as a vision of annihilation of all enemies of the Aryan Volk as the one and only goal of Nazi policy.

Nazi adjacent might be a better term. To me, the key markers of Nazism were 1) their desire to forcibly take land in the name of “lebensraum” or living space and 2) their absolute obsession with eugenics and belief that they could engineer a perfect race.

In terms of living space, Putin is actually very close to Hitler on this issue, and in fact many of Putin’s talking points on invading Ukraine match - almost verbatim - with Hitler talking points on invading Poland.

On the eugenics issue, I believe that is purely unique to Nazism. Other authoritarian states have certainly been racist and xenophobic but none went nearly as far as the Nazis did. You couldn’t even join the Nazi party without extensive background research into your and your spouses ethnic background.

To this point, Trump has had a mostly isolationist stance which is completely opposite from the Nazi desire to expand. And although Trump has used some questionable language like immigrants “poisoning the blood” he hasn’t suggested any policy that comes close to even the early Nazi policies in eugenics, such as forced sterilization, before they eventually turned to genocide.

The parts that you bolded around anti-intellectualism are not unique to Nazism, although it might be fair to argue the Nazis were much more militant in their striving to stamp out intellectualism/science etc. but even this was rooted in eugenics, as many of the scientists in the country were Jewish or at the very least non-German, which meant that by policy they couldn’t be trusted. This was actually a huge help to the US in the development of the atomic bomb and, eventually, landing on the moon.

The Nazis were also extraordinarily efficient in their propaganda methods.

The other more common elements of Fascism are surely shared by the Trump/maga movement, with Project 2025 intentionally creating a clear pathway to authoritarian rule. But it’s not fair to call them Nazis, given that Nazism is ideologically unique in global history.

There you go @TigerGrowls I gave you the answer to the test.
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Well, I haven’t seen MAGAs go to war with an entire continent nor have they attempted to exterminate millions of Jews, so there’s that.
Neither had anyone in Germany 1934. The war and genocide are always the LAST step. You do get that, right? They're openly talking about concentration camps and a total overhaul of the federal government. You have to be able to identify it on the FRONT end.

Y'all can parse the terms all you want, this is a fascist movement attempting to take over this country, and if they succeed, the word maga will go on to overshadow the word nazi on the grand scale of evil. Nazis, not Nazis, magas, it really doesn't matter at the end of the day what they're called, because whatever it is, it's steeped in fervent Nationalism that will send this country into a bloody mess.

They want to control everything about your life. They want to burn books. They adore their dear leader sent by God himself to save America. They want a white Christian nation, they just haven't told you yet that it's by any means necessary. That's just fascism with a fanatical religious bent, which is like fascism on steroids.
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One last comment on all this. Stephen Miller's influence is all over this movement, and Stephen Miller is a Nazi. They're using the nazi playbook to seize power for sure, and I'll go so far as to guarantee that if they win, within a few months we'll have our own Reichstag fire event.
Nazi adjacent might be a better term. To me, the key markers of Nazism were 1) their desire to forcibly take land in the name of “lebensraum” or living space and 2) their absolute obsession with eugenics and belief that they could engineer a perfect race.

In terms of living space, Putin is actually very close to Hitler on this issue, and in fact many of Putin’s talking points on invading Ukraine match - almost verbatim - with Hitler talking points on invading Ukraine.

On the eugenics issue, I believe that is purely unique to Nazism. Other authoritarian states have certainly been racist and xenophobic but none went nearly as far as the Nazis did. You couldn’t even join the Nazi party without extensive background research into your and your spouses ethnic background.

To this point, Trump has had a mostly isolationist stance which is completely opposite from the Nazi desire to expand. And although Trump has used some questionable language like immigrants “poisoning the blood” he hasn’t suggested any policy that comes close to even the early Nazi policies in eugenics, such as forced sterilization, before they eventually turned to genocide.

The parts that you bolded around anti-intellectualism are not unique to Nazism, although it might be fair to argue the Nazis were much more militant in their striving to stamp out intellectualism/science etc. but even this was rooted in eugenics, as many of the scientists in the country were Jewish or at the very least non-German, which meant that by policy they couldn’t be trusted. This was actually a huge help to the US in the development of the atomic bomb and, eventually, landing on the moon.

The Nazis were also extraordinarily efficient in their propaganda methods.

The other more common elements of Fascism are surely shared by the Trump/maga movement, with Project 2025 intentionally creating a clear pathway to authoritarian rule. But it’s not fair to call them Nazis, given that Nazism is ideologically unique in global history.

There you go @TigerGrowls I gave you the answer to the test.
You're correct in pointing out that the MAGA movement doesn't "appear" to be that extreme because that was a unique movement but as @okclem pointed out, they don't telegraph their darkest plans ahead of time. But after they purge 50,000+ government employees in favor of ideological loyalists and he doesn't have to worry about the election anymore, all bets are off.

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You don't think I'm a nazi. We are good then.

This technically is the definition of nazi in the liberal mainstream.

a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers' Party.
I do have to give credit here to @TigerGrowls for recognizing that Nazism was a FAR RIGHT political party even though it had the name socialism in it. Despite numerous attempts by magas over the last 6-8 years to paint Nazism as a left wing movement merely because of that word.

So, major props to you @TigerGrowls, even though it's because you definitely slipped up and didn't catch that, because you have been one of the ones who frequently calls it a left wing ideology.

Do you, as an America First conservative, consider yourself moderate, right wing, or far right?

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