Biden drops out

I don't know but they're all grassroots donations and they wouldn't have given them if they didn't approve. If you find out how to tell, let us know.
I just feel like some of it would be since we know some donors were holding back.

Dems need the candidate settled fast to avoid in fighting and allow for a full campaign. My guess is this was all orchestrated and Biden agreed to drop off everyone supported Harris.

Need to get through the convention and see where polling levels out after that bump.

Will Biden speak at the convention? Can Harris make a compelling case to pull in moderates?

I’m interested to see
Yes I do and he has a competent team around him for support as well. I don't think he could have made it to 86 but I think he'll be fine for the next six months.
Dpic just admit that you could care less what is occurring at the WH as long as it's Democrats doing it.
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I just feel like some of it would be since we know some donors were holding back.

Dems need the candidate settled fast to avoid in fighting and allow for a full campaign. My guess is this was all orchestrated and Biden agreed to drop off everyone supported Harris.

Need to get through the convention and see where polling levels out after that bump.

Will Biden speak at the convention? Can Harris make a compelling case to pull in moderates?

I’m interested to see
It was the big money donors who were holding out so maybe that was the case for them. I'm guessing you saw that one pac today contributed 150 million to her campaign so they're clearly happy about the choice.

The candidate will be settled soon unless another candidate can come up with 300 delegates before Aug 1st with no more than 50 from any one state. If that doesn't happen, she's got it, period end of story.

Biden will absolutely speak at the convention- no doubt about it. And he will bring the house down and the tears will be flowing.

I'm excited to see if they can match the production the RNC put on. How insane would it be if Taylor Swift performed? haha
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I think it is clear he has diminished capacity. Having dealt with an elderly parent (FIL) that exhibited similar symptoms, there is no way I am comfortable with him being in charge in a crisis.

Harris and the rest of his family and staff have been protecting him. I can’t imagine anyone thinking the debate was the first sign of these issues.
Are you comfortable with Trump?
You can take the bet. He can't prove that cheating occurred in 2020. No case that went to court about cheating survived because they lacked one important piece...evidence that there was cheating! LOL
No evidence has ever been heard. They have been dismissed due to lack of standing including the state of TX right after the election which was absurd and wrong.
No evidence has ever been heard. They have been dismissed due to lack of standing including the state of TX right after the election which was absurd and wrong.
The lawsuits didn't allege fraud dude because they were afraid to perjure themselves by lying, you dope.
Are you comfortable with Trump?
Comfortable that he can wake up and be alert and make decisions? Yes.

Comfortable that he will be able to in 4 years? Roll of the dice for sure.

Comfortable with the decision he would make? More so than Biden.

I don’t like either candidate.
Neither is in debt.

Work harder.
wut. pay your taxes. you don't get to just benefit from our roads, infrastructure and schools without paying for it. thanks for you concern. we will still be saving these kids, without your help.
wut. pay your taxes. you don't get to just benefit from our roads, infrastructure and schools without paying for it. thanks for you concern. we will still be saving these kids, without your help.
Why can't he when tens of millions of others get to do it?
Comfortable that he can wake up and be alert and make decisions? Yes.

Comfortable that he will be able to in 4 years? Roll of the dice for sure.

Comfortable with the decision he would make? More so than Biden.

I don’t like either candidate.
Biden isn't the other candidate
We're talking about two of the four most populous states, so of course there will be a lot more votes there and those votes count just as much as someone in Tulsa when it comes to the popular vote.
The point is that your statement of the 7 million difference in the popular vote is a bogus statement.

The election was a difference of 100,000 votes.

Can 100,000 votes be manipulated? The answer is yes.
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I live in South Carolina. My vote for POTUS has never meant anything. Again, we appreciate your willingness to stick up for us, and doubly so the sincerity with which you do it.
I’m glad you have a wasted vote…imagine if it mattered, we’d really be in trouble!!
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I’ve paid enough in taxes to retire twice.

You’re funny.
you're aloof. I earn a lot, and pay my fair share of taxes as well, but my wife is killing herself cleaning up the messes in conservative county. Not that anyone cares. you want to go low? you don't care. you are a selfish forgettable person who only enriches and cares about yourself, from what i can see. go away and do better you turd.
you aren't smart. you're just stupid enough to know you've got it good.
you're aloof. I earn a lot, and pay my fair share of taxes as well, but my wife is killing herself cleaning up the messes in conservative county. Not that anyone cares. you want to go low? you don't care. you are a selfish forgettable person who only enriches and cares about yourself, from what i can see. go away and do better you turd.
you aren't smart. you're just stupid enough to know you've got it good.
If you’d stop whining so much, you could focus on doing what it takes to be successful. Funny what you consider “smart”, & “stupid”.

Whining about what you don’t have, and upset about about what others have earned that you haven’t. Yeah, you’re brilliant. lol

And never mistake confidence for selfishness. You have zero clue what anyone here does in regards to helping others. You should be careful with that.

You’re such a whiner.
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No evidence has ever been heard. They have been dismissed due to lack of standing including the state of TX right after the election which was absurd and wrong.

Lack of Standing - If the party cannot show harm, the party does not have standing and is not the right party to be appearing before the court.

I asked Google...'Do you need evidence to show harm in legal cases?"

Response - Yes, you usually need evidence to show harm in legal cases. Evidence can help establish liability and damages, and can strengthen your claim.

I rest my
Lack of Standing - If the party cannot show harm, the party does not have standing and is not the right party to be appearing before the court.

I asked Google...'Do you need evidence to show harm in legal cases?"

Response - Yes, you usually need evidence to show harm in legal cases. Evidence can help establish liability and damages, and can strengthen your claim.

I rest my
Your response is not legitimate or correct imo. When the state of TX and a few other states were dismissed and they had no standing? Thats stupid as crap. Go read in depth the long threads on this board about the massive election fraud that occurred and was perpetrated and facilitated by the establishment then you would change your mind. Strongly disagree with your take.
If you’d stop whining so much, you could focus on doing what it takes to be successful. Funny what you consider “smart”, & “stupid”.

Whining about what you don’t have, and upset about about what others have earned that you haven’t. Yeah, you’re brilliant. lol

And never mistake confidence for selfishness. You have zero clue what anyone here does in regards to helping others. You should be careful with that.

You’re such a whiner.

I think plenty of people on here one person has cornered the market on
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Your response is not legitimate or correct imo. When the state of TX and a few other states were dismissed and they had no standing? Thats stupid as crap. Go read in depth the long threads on this board about the massive election fraud that occurred and was perpetrated and facilitated by the establishment then you would change your mind. Strongly disagree with your take.

First, go read the actual law. That will help a lot.

I am not here to debate who had standing. I don't know any details about those cases. So, I can't debate you on that.

As far as in-depth threads here on election fraud, you reference. Everything presented here in this forum on election fraud lacks any evidence to back it up. Just because a person interprets a Twitter post or as evidence of election fraud or just makes a claim usually doesn't have basis in fact.

We always, as critical thinkers, need to discern opinion from fact.
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First, go read the actual law. That will help a lot.

I am not here to debate who had standing. I don't know any details about those cases. So, I can't debate you on that.

As far as in-depth threads here on election fraud, you reference. Everything presented here in this forum on election fraud lacks any evidence to back it up. Just because a person interprets a Twitter post or as evidence of election fraud or just makes a claim usually doesn't have basis in fact.

We always, as critical thinkers, need to discern opinion from fact.
There are a number of active cases still in progress. Here in Georgia Fulton County has already admitted major errors. Check it out if interested.

The point is that your statement of the 7 million difference in the popular vote is a bogus statement.

The election was a difference of 100,000 votes.

Can 100,000 votes be manipulated? The answer is yes.
Outside of CA and NY, there is no popular vote difference.
I was responding to this comment and saying you can't disqualify the popular vote just because it's concentrated in two of the most populous states. Those people still count.

Can 100,000 votes be manipulated? The answer is yes.
The point isn't "could" they be manipulated, they weren't and you have no proof that they were. This would never have been a thing without that insecure, bellicose felon accusing the anonymous "they" of fraud non-stop. This is not Venezuela so it should disgust you that the leader of the free world made up some shit in his head and now 40% of the population believe it without proof. There are a lot of things that "could" happen but not like this, in a presidential election in the United States. There are multiple guardrails that prevent it and after four years, we don't have a single name of one of the "they" members, so anyone with a moral compass needs to stop pretending like it was a real thing and let it go.
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Reactions: okclem is up to the candidate to decide when they drop out of an election. So, not sure this is cheating. It is more like a prudent step by someone that realizes they can't win. I mean Nicci Haley dropped she cheating? No. She made a prudent decision.

Plus, if you are not worried about Trump losing to Harris, this shouldn't matter. is up to the candidate to decide when they drop out of an election. So, not sure this is cheating. It is more like a prudent step by someone that realizes they can't win. I mean Nicci Haley dropped she cheating? No. She made a prudent decision.

Plus, if you are not worried about Trump losing to Harris, this shouldn't matter.
Most of us don't dispute the legality, just the morality. Those close to Joe knew he was sick. The lack of transparency, deceit if you will, disenfranchised millions of voters in favor of the elite.
Most of us don't dispute the legality, just the morality. Those close to Joe knew he was sick. The lack of transparency, deceit if you will, disenfranchised millions of voters in favor of the elite.
We appreciate your concern. We'll live.