No one is saying that a lot of the people crossing illegally are not great people with incredible potential and good intentions. I am in full support of what President Trump is doing. We need a generous LEGAL immigration program and little to no illegal immigration. Illegal immigration even by the most conservative estimates is costing the American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars per year and there a lot of bad stories related to illegal immigrants. We cannot look at this issue emotionally because we get to know some of the illegals personally. I understand it, but this whole deal has to stop. Terrorists from all over the world are able to cross the southern border.
I agree that we should focus on how to ensure immigration is legal. Immigrants that come to the US to work in a needed area should be prioritized as opposed to those that simply have
extended family or have connections (hi, Melania).
As for Trump, he is using a hammer on a problem that needs pliers- he is working at a real problem but will likely make it a bigger mess than when he started.
I would hesitate to use your arguments as they are mostly wrong based simply on facts.
Illegals perform billions of dollars of work that would not be done by most US citizens at pay rates that most US citizens would laugh at, resulting in billions of dollars of
benefit to the US economy. Illegals working in the US under false names/IDs are actually paying taxes and subsidizing social security - they pay in under a false name and cannot collect future benefits. Many pay state and federal income taxes via paycheck under these false ID's but do not file for refunds. In effect they are screwing themselves for US citizen benefit.
The terrorists that have come to the US and have done any significant damage (911, Trade Center bombing, Boston, California, Shoe Bomber, Ft Hood, Oklahoma City, Orlando, any school shooting, etc) either:
1. were homegrown US citizens that were born here
2. legally came to the US through the US's international airports on valid passports.
I cannot remember a
terrorist incident involving an illegal entering the southern border. There have been
criminal events involving illegals, but generally less than similar criminal events by US citizens on a per 100,000 person basis (most illegals
strictly follow the law, down to the speed limit, to avoid attracting law enforcement attention).
Based on facts, we should be:
- focusing our efforts on stamping out homegrown terrorist groups and their ability to obtain heavy weaponry/explosives
- finding ways to better screen legal entrants
- replacing and streamlining our legal immigration laws to prioritize those that would benefit the US as a whole, not just for tech workers
- removing any incentive to illegally enter and work in the US
- developing a realistic process to deal with the past 40 years' failed policies for those that are already here- 100% deportation isn't the answer nor is 100% amnesty, need to be looking at net value (a 30 year illegal resident that has been fully employed and clean record should not be treated the same as a drug dealer or recent border crosser without ties to a community).