Meh, so do conservatives. When it came out that Bill O'Reilly had settled 5 sexual harassment lawsuits, it was "they're lying" "they were trying to get money" "a bunch of bimboes after him" blah blah. The Weinstien stuff comes out and it's "what a monster" "I bet Hillary knew he was a creep" "Hollywood liberals are all like Harvey". Never heard the same people that backed O'Reilley back Weinstien. Never heard them say "they were lying" or "they just want money." It was quite funny to note their absolute silence. And the only difference was one was a "conservative" pundit at Fox and the other a liberal Hollywood producer.
When it's your guy it's "they are lying" when it's the other guy it's "that dude is sick." Same game.
FWIW I'm neither conservative or liberal, more of a moderate to libertarian.
Why bring up common sense in America’s new favorite game of party over country?