But why?

wait wait wait. what you are arguing isnt at all what that article says. from the national review nonetheless.

1. Did those people vote? No.
2. Are those people all democrats? Absolutely not.
3. Is that fraud? again, absolutely not.

This is a problem with the way clerks in those places deal with dead people and people who move. This is an administrative problem, not a god damn democratic conspiracy.

and the idea that you should be able to, subjectively, decide what qualifies someone to vote in this country is literally unamerican.
Who cares if they are all democrat? Fact also shows that where the numbers were skewed the most were urban areas very left leaning. Being made to literally show you are eligible to vote is un-American? Lol only in your world. By showing up with I’d it drastically reduces the opportunity for voter fraud, to argue otherwise is an obvious lie. Why are you afraid to make sure only eligible people are allowed to vote? There are already provisions in place for people who can’t get to the polls. How easy would it be for side A or B to mail out ballots to people who shouldn’t get one? On a national scale, there is no way to properly, fairly, and effectively police mail in balloting an you know it. Democrats know they can exploit mail in balloting to their advantage, that’s why they have blowhards like you out attempting to make the case. It’s not going to work, you and your husband will endure 4 more years of Trump.
In many cases someone used their name to vote. Who cares if they are all democrat? Fact also shows that where the number were skewed the most were urban areas very left leaning. Being made to literally show you are eligible to vote is un-American? Lol only in your world. By showing up with I’d it drastically reduces the opportunity for voter fraud, to argue otherwise is an obvious lie. Why are you afraid to make sure only eligible people are allowed to vote? There are already provisions in place for people who can’t get to the polls. How easy would it be for side A or B to mail out ballots to people who shouldn’t get one? On a national scale, there is no way to properly, fairly, and effectively police mail in balloting an you know it. Democrats know they can exploit mail in balloting to their advantage, that’s why they have blowhards like you out attempting to make the case. It’s not going to work, you and your husband will endure 4 more years of Trump.

no, it doesnt say that either. many? it says: “the analysis showed 119 dead people have voted a total of 229 times in Chicago in the last decade.” KCBS–Los Angeles reported in May 2016 that 265 dead voters had cast ballots in southern California “year after year.”

in California, thats 265 votes out of 6.6 million cast in 2018.
Thats .00004015151 of all votes cast. This is what we are freaking out about. 1 or 2 votes per county? This is the grand democratic conspiracy?

Chicago is a similar number. come on man. this isnt a real problem.
no, it doesnt say that either. many? it says: “the analysis showed 119 dead people have voted a total of 229 times in Chicago in the last decade.” KCBS–Los Angeles reported in May 2016 that 265 dead voters had cast ballots in southern California “year after year.”

in California, thats 265 votes out of 6.6 million cast in 2018.
Thats .00004015151 of all votes cast. This is what we are freaking out about. 1 or 2 votes per county? This is the grand democratic conspiracy?

Chicago is a similar number. come on man. this isnt a real problem.
You are cherry picking what you pull out of the article. There was massive voter fraud in many areas. Tell me the most accurate way to ensure no voter fraud? Should that be what both parties strive for?

But California’s San Diego County earns the enchilada grande. Its 138 percent registration translates into 810,966 ghost voters. Los Angeles County’s 112 percent rate equals 707,475 over-registrations. Beyond the official data that it received, Judicial Watch reports that LA County employees “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144 percent of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

All told, California is a veritable haunted house, teeming with 1,736,556 ghost voters. Judicial Watch last week wrote Democratic secretary of state Alex Padilla and authorities in eleven Golden State counties and documented how their election records are in shambles.”
And you expect a fair, uncontested result from this? To date there have been zero efforts to clean this mess up, why? This is just the tip of the iceberg.
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and the idea that you should be able to, subjectively, decide what qualifies someone to vote in this country is literally unamerican.

you literally supported it in this thread.

The signature is the key piece here so that we can match it to the signature you put on your ballot.

Literally thousands of voters have their mail in ballots rejected every year due to this system being overly cautious.
Why would you oppose mail-in ballots? T

Fraud goes up? Thats made up nonsense. How do I know? We've been doing mail in statewide in Colorado since 2014. There is a system in place to check the signature you provide on the ballot against the signature you use to register. It works.

So, since there's objectively no fraud, or any real concern about fraud, how could you oppose mail-in ballots?

Why is the republican party so vehemently against ballot access? Fraud is not real.

why not strong voter ID laws and voter identification?
You want ordinary election volunteers checking and authenticating signatures? U don’t see the corruption potential their?

you are a hanging Chad
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Poor Ice didn't get it in 2016 and unfortunately still doesn't. He will have another 4 years to try and figure it out
Why would you oppose mail-in ballots? T

Fraud goes up? Thats made up nonsense. How do I know? We've been doing mail in statewide in Colorado since 2014. There is a system in place to check the signature you provide on the ballot against the signature you use to register. It works.

So, since there's objectively no fraud, or any real concern about fraud, how could you oppose mail-in ballots?

Why is the republican party so vehemently against ballot access? Fraud is not real.
You know why...

We all know why...
Why would you oppose mail-in ballots? T

Fraud goes up? Thats made up nonsense. How do I know? We've been doing mail in statewide in Colorado since 2014. There is a system in place to check the signature you provide on the ballot against the signature you use to register. It works.

So, since there's objectively no fraud, or any real concern about fraud, how could you oppose mail-in ballots?

Why is the republican party so vehemently against ballot access? Fraud is not real.

everyone getting angry and defensive in this thread knows the answer, they just don't want to say it out loud.

The GOP is against mail in voting because it will torpedo decades of successful voter suppression of minorities in this country. Things like gerrymandering, closing polls in minority areas, ID laws, and refusing to declare election day a holiday do that poor minorities can leave work to vote.
They also didn’t say everyone standing on American soil could vote. The way it was framed it’s easy to see their intent. They did say you had to be a legal citizen, it’s the election officials duty to ensure that stipulation is adhered to. Best way? Show up with valid ID.
If you don’t have a 6th grade understanding of our gov’t, you absolutely shouldn’t be able to vote. BTW, in San Diego, Democrats used Mail in ballots to bloat the voter count drastically in favor of dems, how much? 3.5 million more people are registered to vote than are alive.

This take is all about restricting constitutional rights. Period. You don't get to vote because you are smart--you get to vote because you get to vote. If you give the govt the power to say what the level of intellect is required to vote that is the very definition of a slippery slope and since states and localities are in charge it could be abused insanely--it is really about the worst idea you can have apart from requiring people to pay to be able to vote.

If states want to make sure that every citizen has an ID card by providing it for every citizen, then whatever. But again, my right to vote isn't contingent on a govt checklist. I get to vote and shouldn't have to prove anything.

BTW--those rolls are like that because of states rights and federalism. You want to nationalize voter rolls and make it easy to check them across states--done. No longer do you have states that don't clean their voter rolls when people move or die or don't match up with the census (which is what is going on in your example). But no one wants to nationalize voter roles (or even could) because of federalism/states rights/administration of elections as laid out in the constitution. But if you want more centralized power with the federal govt--that is you...

If someone moves between three different states--it isn't the person's job to fix their registration in the states they left--the state should do that.

BTW--the idea of 'cleaning' voter rolls is also problematic. If I don't want to vote in an election cycle or two and then show up to vote but you don't let me because I was 'inactive.' What is that nonsense? I now have to prove a series of govt tests on my right to vote--who gets to say that?? That is a voter suppression tactic that disenfranchises or keeps people from voting in larger numbers than any unproven fraud.

BTW--voter fraud is easy to prove. If there was any fraud in the 3.5 million peeps--it could easily be found. Try again. Again--vote by mail has happened FOR DECADES. The sudden problems with it bc someone writes a dumb tweet and makes this a partisan issue are sad and people should stop being sheeple.
everyone getting angry and defensive in this thread knows the answer, they just don't want to say it out loud.

The GOP is against mail in voting because it will torpedo decades of successful voter suppression of minorities in this country. Things like gerrymandering, closing polls in minority areas, ID laws, and refusing to declare election day a holiday do that poor minorities can leave work to vote.
Wow you hit almost all the liberal talking points, all of which are complete bs fabrications. Everyone knows conservatives usually are the ones struggling to get off work to vote, a simple look at the demographics of unemployment shoots your “theory” to shreds. How does an I’d law suppress eligible minorities rights any more than any other group? It doesn’t, it’s just another falsehood put forth to try and put in place a way for Democrats to cheat. What it does do is drastically reduce the chance for voter fraud.
BTW the total number of votes In any given state , cumulatively the “popular vote “ doesn’t elect the President . The electoral college does . Brilliantly by the founders . Federalists at their best . Keeps all the voters in the huge states ..California , NY , Illinois , etc. from deciding lots of things for the majority of smaller states .
Wow you hit almost all the liberal talking points, all of which are complete bs fabrications. Everyone knows conservatives usually are the ones struggling to get off work to vote, a simple look at the demographics of unemployment shoots your “theory” to shreds. How does an I’d law suppress eligible minorities rights any more than any other group? It doesn’t, it’s just another falsehood put forth to try and put in place a way for Democrats to cheat. What it does do is drastically reduce the chance for voter fraud.

you are entitled to your own wrong opinion.
Democrats orchestrating a massive voter fraud conspiracy is hilarious. They could not even defeat Trump straight up.

GOP operatives in North Carolina were accused of massive tampering of absentee ballots.

Deployed soldiers have been voting via absentee or mail-in ballots for years. Where is the fraud?

The US has one of the worst voter turn-outs in the free world. What is wrong with increasing turnout?

Why limit voting to just one day? (Change the constitution.)

I suspect the real answer to voter suppression is maintaining influence by those in charge(Lobbyists/Big Donors). Politicians on both side of the aisle are held accountable not by the voters but by the Lobbyists. The more voters in the system would water down the influence of big money.
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Wow you hit almost all the liberal talking points, all of which are complete bs fabrications. Everyone knows conservatives usually are the ones struggling to get off work to vote, a simple look at the demographics of unemployment shoots your “theory” to shreds. How does an I’d law suppress eligible minorities rights any more than any other group? It doesn’t, it’s just another falsehood put forth to try and put in place a way for Democrats to cheat. What it does do is drastically reduce the chance for voter fraud.

No it doesn't. Because there's almost zero in person voter fraud. Just like there's almost zero mail in voter fraud.
Icehearts performance in this thread is weak even by his low standards. Typical, and expected. When common sense is not on your side this happens.

I was actually really interested as to why this had become a thing beyond just the normal--dems steal elections stuff...

Apparently QAnon has spoken, that is why it is such a big deal to those who swim in those RIDICULOUS circles.

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OK Boomer.

Technically I am Gen X, but damn proud to actually not be a leech.

The United States of America is not a democracy folks, though as you can tell by the decay of the atrraction to its root principles, its getting closer to that tradgedy.
Where in the constitution does it say that my god given right to vote is contingent on anything other than being a citizen (but nowhere does it say that I have to prove that to anyone to vote).

Founding fathers didn't say--you can vote if you the govt or state issues you a piece of plastic with your name and picture on it. They didn't say you had to pay any money (for an id or a poll tax or anything). They didn't say you had to even speak a specific language or that your signature needed to match something on some roll (with even worse signature tech in person for voting than the ridiculous grocery store signing thingy).

You are a citizen--you get to vote. Period. And if you vote and you aren't a citizen then you are subject to jail time (you don't have to prove it, but you have to pay a penalty if you break that rule).

I don't know why everyone that is all about freedom is suddenly super happy to have the govt step in and curtail citizens rights. The flips and flops people make because of partisanship is weird.

This is not partisianship-driven and not an unusual idea. Its about how best to run a Republic. Property ownership was originally a requirement to vote as well as reaching the age of 21 (and honestly if you cant legally be trusted to drink a beer in the US now at 18 you shouldn’t be trusted to vote...they go together in my mind- though I support 18 for both along with military service).

The guys that put the Republic together originally - they also didnt want or allow the people to elect the States representatives.
voting in an american election is the most powerful choice a person has to make.

the objective is to allow only those who have skin in the game vote.

to buy

a gun



attend a school

drive a car

get a job

open a bank account

receive federal state or local aid

be seen by a doctor

get insurance

all of these need a photo id.

if obtaining a photo id is sooooo fukking hard

how the hell can you even live in america????
This is not partisianship-driven and not an unusual idea. Its about how best to run a Republic. Property ownership was originally a requirement to vote as well as reaching the age of 21 (and honestly if you cant legally be trusted to drink a beer in the US now at 18 you shouldn’t be trusted to vote...they go together in my mind- though I support 18 for both along with military service).

The guys that put the Republic together originally - they also didnt want or allow the people to elect the States representatives.

You are right. We should go back to the times when woman and blacks weren't allowed to vote. Good call.
This series of tweets this morning is absolutely indefensible. And full of lies. And multiple GOP state secretary's of state sent out the same applications to residents in their states.


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This series of tweets this morning is absolutely indefensible. And full of lies. And multiple GOP state secretary's of state sent out the same applications to residents in their states.


Look, we do not agree on politics, but the people defending Trump on here are just neglectful. They do not care about facts or truth. They do not care about freedom or the constitution. They care about being right. They care about winning. They care about not having to be reflective internally. And the thing that really upsets me, is that they defend and honor Reagan, while Reagan would roll over in his grave rather than defend the authoritarianism that Trump represents.

just give it time.

more "truth" will be coming out.

you will see you were wrong to side with clinton, pelosi, schiff, comey, brennan, clapper, aoc, jackson, the idiot from minn.

you think thats a group that cares about american taxpayers?
Why would you oppose mail-in ballots? T

Fraud goes up? Thats made up nonsense. How do I know? We've been doing mail in statewide in Colorado since 2014. There is a system in place to check the signature you provide on the ballot against the signature you use to register. It works.

So, since there's objectively no fraud, or any real concern about fraud, how could you oppose mail-in ballots?

Why is the republican party so vehemently against ballot access? Fraud is not real.
Are you really this naive?
Are you really this naive?

Lolololo wut?

Find me proof. Any. Find it. I dare you.

I'm the naive one? You are, what, going with your gut here? Over decades of experience doing this is a safe and secure way?

Did you know the military has been voting by mail (and recently by email) for decades? So much fraud going on there huh?

**** me.
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Playing devils advocate because I’m in agreement we need to figure out ways to modernize voting. To me, mail in ballots become sketchy on the receipt part. Duplicating becomes easy after a ballot is filled out, ballots can be destroyed, etc.

My idea of modernizing voting would be to require each voter to show an id card that can be checked to prove that they are actually alive and actually a citizen.
My idea of modernizing voting would be to require each voter to show an id card that can be checked to prove that they are actually alive and actually a citizen.
Was talking more about modernizing the absentee process, but the ID card is way overblown. A person showing up to a precinct and voting under a dead persons name doesn’t happen.
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Was talking more about modernizing the absentee process, but the ID card is way overblown. A person showing up to a precinct and voting under a dead persons name doesn’t happen.

Yes the number of potential dead voters are less than the potential number of illegal voters. I would agree with that.
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just give it time.


more "truth" will be coming out.

No it won't.

you will see you were wrong to side with clinton, pelosi, schiff, comey, brennan, clapper, aoc, jackson, the idiot from minn.

No we won't. They aren't even involved with most of the problems going on.

you think thats a group that cares about american taxpayers?

They care about donors, we already know that. That's all politicians. I swear I look forward to the day you spend more than 3 brain cells on a post here.


No it won't.

No we won't. They aren't even involved with most of the problems going on.

They care about donors, we already know that. That's all politicians. I swear I look forward to the day you spend more than 3 brain cells on a post here.

the truth is out there

you need to wake up.