CEOs at Trump meeting: Ex-president ‘meandering’ and ‘doesn’t know what he’s talking about’

Neither one should be running.

Edit: it’s really sad that out of a Country of 330 million this is the best we can do.

Free Nikki!

I agree. What are you running on?
Then vote Dem for President. The right leaning supreme court’s ruling on citizens united is the reason why we have such terrible candidates.

Those who can raise the most money are going to win the primaries. If you don’t like it, then make sure we have judges who will overturn citizens united.
Then vote Dem for President. The right leaning supreme court’s ruling on citizens united is the reason why we have such terrible candidates.

Those who can raise the most money are going to win the primaries. If you don’t like it, then make sure we have judges who will overturn citizens united.
The People are the reason we have such terrible candidates. I love how everyone wants to blame everything other than themselves. This is our fault. We have voted in these people, voted in the people around them. We have made decisions as a people that we no longer can see each other as having more in common than not (which is ridiculous) and have chosen to value our differences to such an extreme that this is where we have lead ourselves. Not a supreme court issue, this is a people of this country issue. We are quick to judge each other. Quick to damn each other, and slow to forgive each other. When your nation starts to turn away from objectivity and value peoples' subjective experience more than the reality they dwell in, this is what you get. This is our fault and we are getting what we deserve. We need to come together as a people and push the fringes of each side away and agree to start some things over again. We need to find a way to incentivize good people to "serve" their country, because right now, what actual good person would want to uproot their lives to have every moment and every decision judged in the town square? No one. But, we like entertaining news, so that is what they provide.
The PARTIES are the reason we have such terrible candidates.

They control access to the tickets, to districts, to the debates, to the offices. Two parties is only one more than the Commies or the Nazis had prior to WWII.

Each Party has put up road blocks to outside candidates. Each party is guilty of building districts that favor extreme candidates.

Rank Choice Voting would help.
Take district drawing out of legislature's hands.
Get the vote out.
The People are the reason we have such terrible candidates. I love how everyone wants to blame everything other than themselves. This is our fault. We have voted in these people, voted in the people around them. We have made decisions as a people that we no longer can see each other as having more in common than not (which is ridiculous) and have chosen to value our differences to such an extreme that this is where we have lead ourselves. Not a supreme court issue, this is a people of this country issue. We are quick to judge each other. Quick to damn each other, and slow to forgive each other. When your nation starts to turn away from objectivity and value peoples' subjective experience more than the reality they dwell in, this is what you get. This is our fault and we are getting what we deserve. We need to come together as a people and push the fringes of each side away and agree to start some things over again. We need to find a way to incentivize good people to "serve" their country, because right now, what actual good person would want to uproot their lives to have every moment and every decision judged in the town square? No one. But, we like entertaining news, so that is what they provide.
Doesn’t matter. For the last 25 years it has always been about who can raise the most money. If the people were in control, Bernie Sanders would’ve been the candidate in 2016.

They control access to the tickets, to districts, to the debates, to the offices. Two parties is only one more than the Commies or the Nazis had prior to WWII.

Each Party has put up road blocks to outside candidates. Each party is guilty of building districts that favor extreme candidates.

Rank Choice Voting would help.
Take district drawing out of legislature's hands.
Get the vote out.
Ranked Choice would 100% help remove both sides extremes. Keep banging that drum.
The People are the reason we have such terrible candidates. I love how everyone wants to blame everything other than themselves. This is our fault. We have voted in these people, voted in the people around them. We have made decisions as a people that we no longer can see each other as having more in common than not (which is ridiculous) and have chosen to value our differences to such an extreme that this is where we have lead ourselves. Not a supreme court issue, this is a people of this country issue. We are quick to judge each other. Quick to damn each other, and slow to forgive each other. When your nation starts to turn away from objectivity and value peoples' subjective experience more than the reality they dwell in, this is what you get. This is our fault and we are getting what we deserve. We need to come together as a people and push the fringes of each side away and agree to start some things over again. We need to find a way to incentivize good people to "serve" their country, because right now, what actual good person would want to uproot their lives to have every moment and every decision judged in the town square? No one. But, we like entertaining news, so that is what they provide.
I see your point but do you think this is the fault of the man on the street or the corrupt bought small number of people running the govt making decisions that affect all of us? What percentage of elected officials go to DC and even state legislatures and stick to their campaign pledges? The governmental system has been slowly subverted to allow rule over the many by the few and not the will of the people. Things like lobbying, private ownership of mass media, unfettered dollars in campaigns and other similar stuff has helped put us in this situation. There is no easy fix at this point.

We can't count on the people getting rich that are also probably compromised as part of it to help fix it. The few that go in and try to buck the system get crushed. Trump has been the biggest challenge to the current system ever and they have attacked him commensurately.
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I see your point but do you think this is the fault of the man on the street or the corrupt bought small number of people running the govt making decisions that affect all of us? What percentage of elected officials go to DC and even state legislatures and stick to their campaign pledges? The governmental system has been slowly subverted to allow rule over the many by the few and not the will of the people. Things like lobbying, private ownership of mass media, unfettered dollars in campaigns and other similar stuff has helped put us in this situation. There is no easy fix at this point.

We can't count on the people getting rich that are also probably compromised as part of it to help fix it. The few that go in and try to buck the system get crushed. Trump has been the biggest challenge to the current system ever and they have attacked him commensurately.
I will ask that both the man on the street, as well as the "small number of people running the government" take accountability for their part in it. It is easy to pass failings onto others. If we asked ourselves each day how could I be a little better today (no matter if you are at the low or high-point of your life), and then do our best to do that, knowing that quite a few days will be a failure, then we would have a better outcome. We do not do this though. We value ourselves. These small number of people that run the government come from American universities, American businesses, American services, American homes, American families, and American culture. We get what we give. When we worship ourselves, ourselves is all we will have. There isn't room for others, as you see currently. Just me.

We must understand that there are higher purposes for us as individuals, families, businesses, and places of learning. The idea is to serve others, not yourself. The blame is on all of us, and I include myself in this statement. We have failed each other, though perhaps not ourselves, but we must understand that to fail each other is to fail ourselves. We don't understand that as a culture at the moment. However, in a moment of severe threat, we will snap back into place, and come into alignment. The process of getting there though, is going to be painful.
Doesn’t matter. For the last 25 years it has always been about who can raise the most money. If the people were in control, Bernie Sanders would’ve been the candidate in 2016.
The people are in control, but the secret to that is that the people don't want to be in control, because with control comes a great weight of responsibility, and people don't like having to carry weight. It is also much easier to have someone tell you what to do, than have to have the answers yourself. Most people don't want to take a risk, because what if they are wrong? If the people would realize that sometimes pain and struggle is about purpose, they could have control tomorrow. There is nothing that can stop the tsunami of the people should they decide to take on the weight. Nothing.

They control access to the tickets, to districts, to the debates, to the offices. Two parties is only one more than the Commies or the Nazis had prior to WWII.

Each Party has put up road blocks to outside candidates. Each party is guilty of building districts that favor extreme candidates.

Rank Choice Voting would help.
Take district drawing out of legislature's hands.
Get the vote out.
Then the people should stop them, no? Why haven't they done so? Because life is much easier being told what to do then to have to understand what can be done and what can't be done. The people could stop all of this tomorrow, but they would individually have to place themselves at risk of seizure or persecution, and you won't find many willing to put themselves in that place. That is why this continues to go on. The corrupt feel very comfortable in their positions. If the people would lose their fear, then they would be unstoppable and could change whatever they wish.
I will ask that both the man on the street, as well as the "small number of people running the government" take accountability for their part in it. It is easy to pass failings onto others. If we asked ourselves each day how could I be a little better today (no matter if you are at the low or high-point of your life), and then do our best to do that, knowing that quite a few days will be a failure, then we would have a better outcome. We do not do this though. We value ourselves. These small number of people that run the government come from American universities, American businesses, American services, American homes, American families, and American culture. We get what we give. When we worship ourselves, ourselves is all we will have. There isn't room for others, as you see currently. Just me.

We must understand that there are higher purposes for us as individuals, families, businesses, and places of learning. The idea is to serve others, not yourself. The blame is on all of us, and I include myself in this statement. We have failed each other, though perhaps not ourselves, but we must understand that to fail each other is to fail ourselves. We don't understand that as a culture at the moment. However, in a moment of severe threat, we will snap back into place, and come into alignment. The process of getting there though, is going to be painful.
I think there is a lot more evil and subterfuge involved here while agreeing that what you say is true in most respects. The system is now set up to let bad stuff that is against the will of more than 90% of the people and then keep right on rolling with little accountability. With msm and lawyers spouting lies they get all of us at each other throats arguing about base reality. We cannot even agree on what is a man and what is a woman now.
Then vote Dem for President. The right leaning supreme court’s ruling on citizens united is the reason why we have such terrible candidates.

Those who can raise the most money are going to win the primaries. If you don’t like it, then make sure we have judges who will overturn citizens united.
I will die on this hill. Citizens United is the largest power grab in this country since the Federal Reserve was established. Conservatives and Liberals alike should be able to agree on this.
I will die on this hill. Citizens United is the largest power grab in this country since the Federal Reserve was established. Conservatives and Liberals alike should be able to agree on this.
Please give an overview detail on why citizens united is bad.
Please give an overview detail on why citizens united is bad.
In short: the citizens united ruling equates money to free speech in the context of campaign finance. Given the context of corporations earning "citizenship" they now have free reign to spend money financing their choices for elections. Firstly corporations are not citizens but they used to be kept out of elections largely. Now they can spend to their hearts desire on commercials and social media campaigns. Which provide disinformation to the masses.
In short: the citizens united ruling equates money to free speech in the context of campaign finance. Given the context of corporations earning "citizenship" they now have free reign to spend money financing their choices for elections. Firstly corporations are not citizens but they used to be kept out of elections largely. Now they can spend to their hearts desire on commercials and social media campaigns. Which provide disinformation to the masses.
Good point but unfettered money to campaigns and workarounds is already here and this just sanctifies some of it. Look at the Zuck Bucks from 2020 and look at the Biden admin using the govt itself to finance supposed get out the vote projects that just benefit dems this year. in my gut short of a miracle I still expect Biden to win this year due to the mechanisms that are currently in place.

I can see it now, the msm with a straight will marvel how joe somehow gets over a hundred million votes.
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I find it funny that even Trumps biggest fans aren't trying to defend him. If you ever hear him speak in public it's exactly as described in this article. He's all over the map and has no substance or plans at all. He just throws out talking points he knows are popular with his fans.

He literally has no idea how he would do any of it. I will continue to point to his great," Repeal and Replace" plan. When push came to shove, he had no idea or plan on what the replacement would be.

We could have had a good candidate but dumbass MAGAs wouldn't let it happen. They want to burn it all down.
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Good point but unfettered money to campaigns and workarounds is already here and this just sanctifies some of it. Look at the Zuck Bucks from 2020 and look at the Biden admin using the govt itself to finance supposed get out the vote projects that just benefit dems this year. in my gut short of a miracle I still expect Biden to win this year due to the mechanisms that are currently in place.

I can see it now, the msm with a straight will marvel how joe somehow gets over a hundred million votes.
...unfettered money to campaigns is already here because citizens united was passed 15 years ago. it's not some new/recent thing.
...unfettered money to campaigns is already here because citizens united was passed 15 years ago. it's not some new/recent thing.
Correct, its so tiring having to teach these folks our current actual state of things. They are so confused and misinformed. Thanks a lot Dubya.
They are trying to hide Bidens mental decline and claim that the videos are misleading. The videos are what they are. They clearly show Joe is not all there. It is sad. It is real.

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I don't have a clue in this instance, but the fact that you insist that if you see a video that it's real is what makes you extremely easy targets for misinformation.

It is so easy to create edited or complete fake videos that are extremely realistic and hard to tell from reality.

I basically take every single story I see and check multiple sites, particularly if it comes from a Social Media post which are known to be rife with misinformation.
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I don't have a clue in this instance, but the fact that you insist that if you see a video that it's real is what makes you extremely easy targets for misinformation.

It is so easy to create edited or complete fake videos that are extremely realistic and hard to tell from reality.

I basically take every single story I see and check multiple sites, particularly if it comes from a Social Media post which are known to be rife with misinformation.
Just watch the video and let us know if you think Joe Biden got confused or not. We will be waiting.

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