Maybe just maybe if we truly want to stop the virus, hospitalizations, and deaths with Covid our city and state officials would turn our attention fully towards the distribution of the vaccine.
The Federal Government has shipped over 300,000 doses to SC with more arriving weekly but we have administered barely half of those doses and mostly to our healthcare workers so far. The most egregious bottleneck is occurring in nursing homes and LTC facilities where we’ve barely administered 10% of the doses we’ve been given.
Masks outdoors are symbolic gestures at best. Chiding college students or the public at large about mask mandates in downtown Clemson or Charleston does little to stop the spread or stop deaths among the elderly especially when considering 1/3 to 1/2 of all Clemson students have had the virus already.
Over 2/3 of all deaths have occurred in people 70+ in SC with a majority of those in nursing homes yet nursing home residents make up less than 1% of the state’s population.
If you truly want to see the death and illness stopped you will exert your social and political capital towards improving the distribution of the vaccine in your community to those that need it most rather than mask shaming.
People are wearing their masks in public places, restaurants, groceries, stores indoors. When I enter a public place compliance is 95-99%. People are largely doing their part wearing masks in public but it has had little or no impact on spread. Spread occurs at home or in tightly confined places indoors where people are in close quarters with other infected people 15 mins or longer. No one is catching it on King St outdoors.
It’s time to turn our collective attention towards saving the truly vulnerable and getting this vaccine distributed to those who most need it in our communities. Make sure your friends and loved ones 70+ then 65+ are getting vaccinated. Bring attention and awareness to ways the distribution can be improved.
Those police writing tickets would’ve been better off at a community clinic ensuring orderly distribution of the vaccine to the elderly. That’s what is going to save lives.