Charleston Police writing tickets for not wearing masks even on the street

Part of it is that some people don’t realize the true impact on our Healtchcare system....until they have it or someone close to them has it and they need that very system....they just cannot seem to get their mind around being as precautions as possible until we get out of this situation .... they’d rather argue because it’s such an inconvenience and they couldn’t possibly be of my best friends is exactly that and just doesn’t give a f$&# about anyone but himself. This pandemic is bringing out the worst in a lot of friends and family ... this thing can’t get under control soon enough.
The argument that 200 college kids packed in a bar(or wherever) isn't a big deal because covid really doesn't effect them is such a dumb argument. I don't understand how people can't understand that covid doesn't stop spreading when they leave the bar. It's amazing what people can't get their minds wrapped around.
I don't believe anyone has gotten covid by walking by someone on the sidewalk. The odds of getting it outside are extremely low unless you stand talking with someone and you are in close proximity for a decent period of time. If people want to wear masks outside while walking around by themselves - great. But it isn't moving the needle on whether or not they get covid.

If people are inside, than yes, people should wear a mask as it helps prevent spread.

Also, according to studies done, transmission is extremely rare by touching something, i.e. a door handle, that someone else had touched who had covid. So spending the time, effort, business intreruption and money in spraying and disinfecting more than what was considered normal prior to Covid doesn't make a ton of sense. It makes people feel better i guess and but not helpful.

I just think people need to be smart about it...if you are inside, you should wear a mask, if you are outside and find yourself in a crowded situation where you spend time standing in close proximity to someone for a longer period of time - like an outside cocktail party type thing, wearing a mask would benefit. But wearing a mask outside just walking down the street by yourself does not move the needle at all and is not helping (nor hurting) the situation.
Good points. Well written. Non bias. You should post more often.
So all of our collective intellectual, social, and political capital needs to go towards fixing the issues youve Identified vswriting tickets or screaming at the public about wearing masks.

The people that invented Amazon’s logistical capabilities or the Double Helix Chick Fil A drive through need to be in charge of vaccine distribution.

We have the innovation and know how to distribute this thing more effectively. This is what is going to save lives.

I know. As brilliant as Warp Speed was for streamlining the Governments side of the data review process, we've gone back to a government style documentation and requisition system. My drivers license has a bar code on the back. Why can't we just scan that some how and use it to track vaccines. Why are hospitals having to register folks like it is an outpatient procedure to give a vaccine?

Plus, and I think this is a public perception/expectation issue more than a distribution issue, but it is effectively a 6 hour window to give vaccines. Once its thawed you have to give them all. Maybe in higher volume areas you could do 2 windows a day. But its not like we have 24 hour assembly line for giving the vaccine. I think Pfizer is about 6 or 7 vaccines per vial. Not sure about Moderna. So you look at how many folks have an appointment and divide by 6 to get number of vials for that day. Thats it, no second chances, no second wave.
I don't believe anyone has gotten covid by walking by someone on the sidewalk. The odds of getting it outside are extremely low unless you stand talking with someone and you are in close proximity for a decent period of time. If people want to wear masks outside while walking around by themselves - great. But it isn't moving the needle on whether or not they get covid.

If people are inside, than yes, people should wear a mask as it helps prevent spread.

Also, according to studies done, transmission is extremely rare by touching something, i.e. a door handle, that someone else had touched who had covid. So spending the time, effort, business intreruption and money in spraying and disinfecting more than what was considered normal prior to Covid doesn't make a ton of sense. It makes people feel better i guess and but not helpful.

I just think people need to be smart about it...if you are inside, you should wear a mask, if you are outside and find yourself in a crowded situation where you spend time standing in close proximity to someone for a longer period of time - like an outside cocktail party type thing, wearing a mask would benefit. But wearing a mask outside just walking down the street by yourself does not move the needle at all and is not helping (nor hurting) the situation.

This x 100
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I know. As brilliant as Warp Speed was for streamlining the Governments side of the data review process, we've gone back to a government style documentation and requisition system. My drivers license has a bar code on the back. Why can't we just scan that some how and use it to track vaccines. Why are hospitals having to register folks like it is an outpatient procedure to give a vaccine?

Plus, and I think this is a public perception/expectation issue more than a distribution issue, but it is effectively a 6 hour window to give vaccines. Once its thawed you have to give them all. Maybe in higher volume areas you could do 2 windows a day. But its not like we have 24 hour assembly line for giving the vaccine. I think Pfizer is about 6 or 7 vaccines per vial. Not sure about Moderna. So you look at how many folks have an appointment and divide by 6 to get number of vials for that day. Thats it, no second chances, no second wave.

The biggest bottleneck is distributing the Moderna vaccine at nursing homes. I don’t believe Moderna has the cold storage requirement and can be stored in a refrigerator. We can and will improve. Americans tend to do well what we focus on. The conversations need to turn toward getting friends and family vaccinated. And for those in positions of influence in healthcare, and government the conversation needs to turn toward ways to improve the distribution.

We’ve put men on the moon, and can deliver a meal almost anywhere in the US In minutes via an app. We can get better at this. This is our way out.
I am curious. Do you feel the Federal Government should have made Federal laws requiring masks and social distancing? I thought allowing the states was the proper call. I mean why should South Dakota be required to follow the same rules as New York? Those states have totally different population density and such. I do think several states made atrocious decisions. That part is true.
No I do not think it should have been federal law. I agree the states should have made the call. I don't care if the states left it up to the cities; in fact, I think it should have gone by city or county. However, I think most cities would have enacted it if they were any sort of metropolitan area.

I live in Knoxville and our mayor enacted the mask thing before it was a federal mandate. Knoxville is still in the top 5 in cases and is not a large city. I'm pretty sure Greenville is #1 or was recently. Was it because people just didn't give 2 shits about the pandemic or were they making a political statement? I don't know.

The people getting it and the mentality/saying it "wasn't that bad" or "I beat COVID" were/are the problem. Same with the media that made it seem like if you got it, you were almost for sure dead. The problem was that it can and will spread like wild fire and overwhelm your hospital system. We reached points in Knoxville that if you needed ICU care you could not get it anywhere in East TN. That's 16 counties worth of hospitals and 0 ICU beds (reported by local news so I don't know if true).

Also, no I do not think we should have ever shut down the economy or had a mandated quarantine. I do think bars should have been required to have a <10% of the fire marshal capacity; Movie theatres to have limited seating; gyms only to allow something absurd like 5 people in at a time (obviously depending on size); country clubs should have closed locker rooms; etc. Yes, that would have made just about everyone that worked in the sector dealing with the public operate at a loss which is exactly what the PPO or whatever bill was for. The mega corporations could have operated at a loss for a year and been fine. We should have quarantined "at risk" and figure out how to best help them, financially, if they need it. Everyone else should have kept on keeping on limiting public exposure.

I'm just glad this whole thing is over. The pandemic has brought out the worst in a lot of people. The lets not do anything because it only has a 1% death rate and the lets shut down everything sides were both wrong. As always, the answer lied somewhere in the middle.

Edit: I will say the outside no mask thing in Charleston is absurd. If you're standing on the sidewalk on a busy street just hanging out with friends in a circle, you should where a mask or if you're at cocktail party or wedding. Same deal inside. Sure, it's possible someone is talking and spits outside and it lands in someone else's mouth but that still exists mask on or off.
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Maybe just maybe if we truly want to stop the virus, hospitalizations, and deaths with Covid our city and state officials would turn our attention fully towards the distribution of the vaccine.

The Federal Government has shipped over 300,000 doses to SC with more arriving weekly but we have administered barely half of those doses and mostly to our healthcare workers so far. The most egregious bottleneck is occurring in nursing homes and LTC facilities where we’ve barely administered 10% of the doses we’ve been given.

Masks outdoors are symbolic gestures at best. Chiding college students or the public at large about mask mandates in downtown Clemson or Charleston does little to stop the spread or stop deaths among the elderly especially when considering 1/3 to 1/2 of all Clemson students have had the virus already.

Over 2/3 of all deaths have occurred in people 70+ in SC with a majority of those in nursing homes yet nursing home residents make up less than 1% of the state’s population.

If you truly want to see the death and illness stopped you will exert your social and political capital towards improving the distribution of the vaccine in your community to those that need it most rather than mask shaming.

People are wearing their masks in public places, restaurants, groceries, stores indoors. When I enter a public place compliance is 95-99%. People are largely doing their part wearing masks in public but it has had little or no impact on spread. Spread occurs at home or in tightly confined places indoors where people are in close quarters with other infected people 15 mins or longer. No one is catching it on King St outdoors.

It’s time to turn our collective attention towards saving the truly vulnerable and getting this vaccine distributed to those who most need it in our communities. Make sure your friends and loved ones 70+ then 65+ are getting vaccinated. Bring attention and awareness to ways the distribution can be improved.

Those police writing tickets would’ve been better off at a community clinic ensuring orderly distribution of the vaccine to the elderly. That’s what is going to save lives.


They have started the next phase of the vaccine and distribution will spike

They made it too damn hard to get the vaccine requiring a bunch ofpaperwork

No appointment. walk in services are now opening up and innoculation is now more readily available

Most places I know of have been giving all they are getting

A large portion of the population does not want it
The biggest bottleneck is distributing the Moderna vaccine at nursing homes. I don’t believe Moderna has the cold storage requirement and can be stored in a refrigerator. We can and will improve. Americans tend to do well what we focus on. The conversations need to turn toward getting friends and family vaccinated. And for those in positions of influence in healthcare, and government the conversation needs to turn toward ways to improve the distribution.

We’ve put men on the moon, and can deliver a meal almost anywhere in the US In minutes via an app. We can get better at this. This is our way out.

I'm not well versed on how CVS and Walgreens plan to distribute and go to all the individual nursing homes. That has to be quite the adventure. Hospital-based nursing homes have a much easier time.

And yes, I've never understood why it isn't "healthcare workers and their immediate families" or "teachers and their immediate families?" What good is having 1 person in the household vaccinated when they can still bring the virus home?

Of course, on the flip side, both healthcare workers, teachers and their families have likely already been exposed to COVID.
The argument that 200 college kids packed in a bar(or wherever) isn't a big deal because covid really doesn't effect them is such a dumb argument. I don't understand how people can't understand that covid doesn't stop spreading when they leave the bar. It's amazing what people can't get their minds wrapped around.

Go back and look at the Clemson portal and read up on the science of transmission you will quickly realize that statistically speaking half or up to 75% of those kids are immune already.

Besides a steps were taken in less than 24 hours to keep Study Hall from doing that again. Students will still gather in apartments and off campus but Clemson students are being tested weekly and only 3% are testing positive while 30% of the general public is testing positive in the upstate. It no longer Clemson students spreading it because a majority are now immune from antibodies or natural T cell immunity.

The real focus and collective energy of the public now needs to turn towards getting our friends and family that are eligible vaccinated. This is our way out and fastest way to slow and ultimately stop the spread.
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This is the crux of the matter, but not in the way you are thinking. Its not selfish, its the current US tradition of a blanket refusal to accept any responsibility for their own actions. Its the "I'm low risk so I'm not wearing a mask" but its also the "I got sick because someone else wasn't wearing a mask." You (general you, not you) got sick because you were outside your home trying to live your life normal. Its just as much your fault as it is anyone else. You don't want to get sick, don't leave your house. The second you walk out the door with the intent of going to a public place, the risk is on you.

Thats been the problem with this whole response that fails the common sense test and why we have a behavioral rebellion on the protocols. Chances are you aren't getting exposed from being outside on the street. Chances are, you're not going to get exposed from a casual brief encounter at the grocery store. Chances are you are likely to be exposed if you are in a bar, wearing a mask or not. But instead of using a risk profile, we've implemented public health measures equally and across the board. It was stupid. It was stupid and dangerous to for folks (especially the media) to push for "when can everyone that wants a test get a test." Its stupid and dangerous for Fauci to keep talking and moving the goalposts because it just causes more folks to say "F it." All our protocols have done is take resources away from the most critical and medically fragile. You put all your resources into those and let the rest go about their normal lives. Testing asympotmatic people is like burning good dollars that could be going to treat the medically fragile in their own homes before they need to get to the hospital.

I call saying " I am low risk so not gonna wear a mask" selfish and to me it is because those people are only concerned about themselves. It is also failure to accept responsibility for their actions. You have to leave your home to do certain things and should take precaution when you do. You cannot stop your life. You cannot necessarily blame someone else if you get sick in general but there have been multiple people I know that gothic because someone having symptoms came to work couple days with symptoms, did not tell anyone or get tested.Then when the symptoms got worse they got tested and were positive. Now that is selfish as heck and failing to take responsibliity as well.

Agree testing asymptomatic people is low yield. Also when they do frequently it is done too early. If you are gonna do it you need to wait 7 days after exposure not immediately.

Maybe just maybe if we truly want to stop the virus, hospitalizations, and deaths with Covid our city and state officials would turn our attention fully towards the distribution of the vaccine.

The Federal Government has shipped over 300,000 doses to SC with more arriving weekly but we have administered barely half of those doses and mostly to our healthcare workers so far. The most egregious bottleneck is occurring in nursing homes and LTC facilities where we’ve barely administered 10% of the doses we’ve been given.

Masks outdoors are symbolic gestures at best. Chiding college students or the public at large about mask mandates in downtown Clemson or Charleston does little to stop the spread or stop deaths among the elderly especially when considering 1/3 to 1/2 of all Clemson students have had the virus already.

Over 2/3 of all deaths have occurred in people 70+ in SC with a majority of those in nursing homes yet nursing home residents make up less than 1% of the state’s population.

If you truly want to see the death and illness stopped you will exert your social and political capital towards improving the distribution of the vaccine in your community to those that need it most rather than mask shaming.

People are wearing their masks in public places, restaurants, groceries, stores indoors. When I enter a public place compliance is 95-99%. People are largely doing their part wearing masks in public but it has had little or no impact on spread. Spread occurs at home or in tightly confined places indoors where people are in close quarters with other infected people 15 mins or longer. No one is catching it on King St outdoors.

It’s time to turn our collective attention towards saving the truly vulnerable and getting this vaccine distributed to those who most need it in our communities. Make sure your friends and loved ones 70+ then 65+ are getting vaccinated. Bring attention and awareness to ways the distribution can be improved.

Those police writing tickets would’ve been better off at a community clinic ensuring orderly distribution of the vaccine to the elderly. That’s what is going to save lives.


SC has just opened up the vaccine to all over 70 can get it. Walk in clinics are now available some places but should be more available. Many places such as MUSC are requiring appointments and at their smaller locations there is a 4 week wait when you try to schedule one.

Would like to see your statistics on 2/3 of deaths being from nursing homes. Obviously those are highest risk but thought they were doing a better job of isolating. I know there were a couple where dumbs employees went to work with mild symptoms but no fever and a number of residents got it.
Good. My dad is back in SC going through some kind of neurological event and we can’t get him proper treatment because all of the hospitals in his area are overflowing with Covid patients. His doctor is trying to avoid sending him to any local ER because he’s worried that he will be stuck in the ER for 72 hours and catch Covid from the nearly 50 overflow patients who are stuck their on ventilators.

In the meantime my family has to try to keep my dad from falling and smashing his skull while he keeps trying to call his old assistant at the company he retired from years ago to pick him up so he can get to the office (we’ve had to take his keys). He called me yesterday telling me that he missed his flight and was stuck in a hotel room in Minneapolis. He was calling from his home phone in SC.

I don’t know why people can’t grasp how serious this thing is and the way it has crippled doctors’ ability to treat serious, non-covid related illnesses.
Praying for you and your father
That's tough
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SC has just opened up the vaccine to all over 70 can get it. Walk in clinics are now available some places but should be more available. Many places such as MUSC are requiring appointments and at their smaller locations there is a 4 week wait when you try to schedule one.

Would like to see your statistics on 2/3 of deaths being from nursing homes. Obviously those are highest risk but thought they were doing a better job of isolating. I know there were a couple where dumbs employees went to work with mild symptoms but no fever and a number of residents got it.

2/3 of deaths in S.C. are 70+. The head of DHEC said it Monday.

A majority of deaths in S.C. aged 70+ occurred or originated in a LTC facility. More than half of the 2/3.

It’s all on the SCDHEC website.

Despite all the click bait and angst in articles there have been zero hospitalizations or deaths among Clemson students.

Protect the vulnerable. Mandatory vaccines at nursing homes among staff. And for sure improve on the 10% rate of doses administered so far at nursing homes.

There are 961 “clinics” scheduled so I expect the number to go up. This is the answer to our problem. Not ticketing people outdoors on King Street.
Apparently a lot of folks are not really law and order proponents. That is not surprise. Heck, most of us speed; I sure do. Of course we do risk a fine when we speed and apparently we take the same risk when we walk down King Street without wearing a mask.

The Covid pandemic is going to be with us for a long time. At the current rate of inoculations it will take over 2 years to vaccinate 250M people, provided that we can get 250M to agree to be inoculated.
I expected that before all is said and done, most people who work in an office, industrial site, or with other people, every one who attends a school or goes into a day care or nursing home, enters an airport, eats out in a restaurant and so forth will be required to have a Covid inoculation certificate. As long as thousands are dying as a result of Covid, this sort of regulation in the name of public health seems inevitable. Sounds ominous.

Then again I can recall with fluoridation of drinking water was highly controversial.
Part of it is that some people don’t realize the true impact on our Healtchcare system....until they have it or someone close to them has it and they need that very system....they just cannot seem to get their mind around being as precautions as possible until we get out of this situation .... they’d rather argue because it’s such an inconvenience and they couldn’t possibly be of my best friends is exactly that and just doesn’t give a f$&# about anyone but himself. This pandemic is bringing out the worst in a lot of friends and family ... this thing can’t get under control soon enough.

So, you're saying that a combination of really caring down deep in my heart and masking outside will make this thing go away....I'm on board. Perhaps developing a fight song or a flash mob? Surely the virus knows Biden is soon to be president. It won't be such a meanie to us in 2021.
2/3 of deaths in S.C. are 70+. The head of DHEC said it Monday.

A majority of deaths in S.C. aged 70+ occurred or originated in a LTC facility. More than half of the 2/3.

It’s all on the SCDHEC website.

Despite all the click bait and angst in articles there have been zero hospitalizations or deaths among Clemson students.

Protect the vulnerable. Mandatory vaccines at nursing homes among staff. And for sure improve on the 10% rate of doses administered so far at nursing homes.

There are 961 “clinics” scheduled so I expect the number to go up. This is the answer to our problem. Not ticketing people outdoors on King Street.

sorry ......misread your post as 70% in nursing homes.......35% is reasonable as is 70% over 70 which is why they expanded the vaccine from medical personnel and first responders to now include all over 70. If there has only been 10% at nursing homes thus far that number should spike the next couple weeks if the nursing homes do their jobs.

As to your last paragraph those ticketing people in Charleston have nothing to do with the vaccination of people. The vaccine was introduced at a slower pace on purpose to see how it went . Jan 15 was the end of phase 1a and 1b
starts Monday.Those 2 phases address the people taking care of Covid patients and the highest risk portion of the population. AMA sent an email addressing this and advised to get the vaccine by Friday.

Understand your concern and the problem is being addressed. We will see if they have enough sites. I wasted about 64,000 doses are being sent a week to SC. I have no idea if that will be enough.
It’s perfectly legal to record anyone In public even if it’s against their will.

In most jurisdictions, they can literally film whatever they want unless you’re in the restroom....wherever you don’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Numerous stories of creeps going around stores and filming up skirt and there isn’t a thing the cops can do about it.
I guess that’s my point, is it’s legal now but I think it should change. I understand public security cameras but I’m talking about some Karen following you on video. I’d think it’s so prevalent now that the legislature needs to grow with the technology.
im not sure what the answer is, I just think it should be discussed & will be interesting.
I guess that’s my point, is it’s legal now but I think it should change. I understand public security cameras but I’m talking about some Karen following you on video. I’d think it’s so prevalent now that the legislature needs to grow with the technology.
im not sure what the answer is, I just think it should be discussed & will be interesting.
I think the laws are fine (without regards for the sexual predator stuff) for the most part.
I do think something needs to be done for the folks that’s are knowingly uploading to the internet with the expectation or assumption that millions of people could potentially view the video....kind of like how productions always blur out faces in the background or have folks sign permission slips ie amazing race, impractical jokers, etc
sorry ......misread your post as 70% in nursing homes.......35% is reasonable as is 70% over 70 which is why they expanded the vaccine from medical personnel and first responders to now include all over 70. If there has only been 10% at nursing homes thus far that number should spike the next couple weeks if the nursing homes do their jobs.

As to your last paragraph those ticketing people in Charleston have nothing to do with the vaccination of people. The vaccine was introduced at a slower pace on purpose to see how it went . Jan 15 was the end of phase 1a and 1b
starts Monday.Those 2 phases address the people taking care of Covid patients and the highest risk portion of the population. AMA sent an email addressing this and advised to get the vaccine by Friday.

Understand your concern and the problem is being addressed. We will see if they have enough sites. I wasted about 64,000 doses are being sent a week to SC. I have no idea if that will be enough.

Those officers writing those tix would be better served working local clinics making sure the public gets in and out in an orderly and safe fashion. Those violators outdoors did nothing to spread the virus. Wear them indoors or outside in tightly confined areas of near people more than 15 mins. Wearing masks Randomly walking down the street
in downtown Charleston offers no protection. Wasting tax dollars enforcing that law is wasteful spending and a waste of resources. Again send that foot patrol officer to a clinic directing traffic or providing security so we can get more people through the vaccination process.

We certainly adapted snd learned how to use police and national guard to provide widespread pcr testing. Put resources toward widespread vaccination.

We have doses going unused which is why the governor expanded the eligible pool.
They must need the funds. But total BS.

The city and county are trying to get property owners to go on monthly prepayment plans for taxes not due until 2022, THEY NEED THE MONEY.

Make no mistake that is what its about.
well Greenville area is the highest around and I see more people with masks than no I’m not a smart guy but I do have common sense and my common sense shows more people masked up and it isn’t slowing the “confirmed” cases. It’s also amazing that my daughter had it and no one else in the house got it. She was so upset because she thought she ruined Christmas that I even laid with her for 2 hours and snuggled with her willing to get it because she was upset and that’s my princess. contagious no one else got it
This is sort of like concluding that medications don't help people because more sick people are using them than healthy people.
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Go back and look at the Clemson portal and read up on the science of transmission you will quickly realize that statistically speaking half or up to 75% of those kids are immune already.

Besides a steps were taken in less than 24 hours to keep Study Hall from doing that again. Students will still gather in apartments and off campus but Clemson students are being tested weekly and only 3% are testing positive while 30% of the general public is testing positive in the upstate. It no longer Clemson students spreading it because a majority are now immune from antibodies or natural T cell immunity.

The real focus and collective energy of the public now needs to turn towards getting our friends and family that are eligible vaccinated. This is our way out and fastest way to slow and ultimately stop the spread.
Sorry, I didn't mean to allude to the study hall deal. I should have said young people (being people under 35). They don't have much to worry about, but them getting it compounds the overall problem. Its obvious, but some people don't seem to understand why.
Projecting blame on others is childish and yet another example of people failing to take responsibility for themselves. N95 masks are not readily available to the general public, but there have been countless examples of how to make homemade masks that provide similar protection. If everyone bitching about people not wearing masks OUTSIDE IN OPEN AIR, would do what they can to protect themselves, it would not matter. BUT, but but .... as has become the rule in society now, everyone thinks it is other peoples responsibility to protect them rather than taking responsibility to protect themselves.
How many people do you know that wear a mask(similar to the N95) to protect themselves when they are in public that have gotten covid?
FYI-I don't wear a mask in my house, driving around in my car, or outside. I do wear a mask in public enclosed spaces. I don't want one more person to get covid, but anyone who does get or has gotten it and was not wearing a mask that would protect them has no right to blame others if they were not doing everything they could to protect themselves.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the people who are staunchly against masks are simply unintelligent. I hope your father gets better!
I've come to the conclusion that people who make statements like yours are even more unintelligent than the people they are calling unintelligent. If you're so worried about catching a virus, stay your ass at home.

There's nothing more annoying than a bunch of people whining about other people not wearing a thin ass piece of cloth on their faces while they themselves are out running around in public telling everybody what to do.

If you dont like the fact that people don't wear masks, then keep your ass at home. You won't know what everybody else is doing if you keep your ass at home.

Now how do you like being told what to do by a complete stranger?
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The political divide is so bad, this is one situation where a united front is absolutely necessary. One party wanted to use the virus to their advantage for political gain and recapture the White House and the other was a little slow to react. IMO the first party was the worse because slow to react could have. We are the greatest country in the world and handled this the worse of any country. That is flipped pathetic.

However, It is not all our government . Our spoiled ass "me" society today is a huge issue. So much of our society takes something as simple as wearing a damn mask as an infringement of their liberties. So many refuse to realize that it is not just about them ( "I will not get sick from the virus because I am low risk.") and fail to or refuse to realize if infected they may give to someone that goes home and infects their grandma,etc who dies from it. Covid is a horrible way to die , it is a slow painful death full of suffering. Many that recover from the lung disease take months to recover or are left with long term problems.
While I agree that politicization has happened on both sides, you're downplaying the extent to which Trump and some others have been irresponsible with their rhetoric, which has confused people and led to resistance to public health measures. Those people helped undermine confidence in the public health experts we need to pay attention to, because they also wanted to win elections by painting rosier pictures than were reality, and by making the choice between better economic conditions and better health conditions seem simpler than it is. Instead of playing whataboutism in defense of the Trump administration, let's agree that trying to use the pandemic for political gain is bad, and that it's more important to figure what's going on with the pandemic and what works than to place blame.
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By state law, all you have to say is, "I have a medical condition." Authorities can not ask any further question.

The city of Charleston can not write an ordinance which violates state law.
I call saying " I am low risk so not gonna wear a mask" selfish and to me it is because those people are only concerned about themselves. It is also failure to accept responsibility for their actions. You have to leave your home to do certain things and should take precaution when you do. You cannot stop your life. You cannot necessarily blame someone else if you get sick in general but there have been multiple people I know that gothic because someone having symptoms came to work couple days with symptoms, did not tell anyone or get tested.Then when the symptoms got worse they got tested and were positive. Now that is selfish as heck and failing to take responsibliity as well.

Agree testing asymptomatic people is low yield. Also when they do frequently it is done too early. If you are gonna do it you need to wait 7 days after exposure not immediately.

Isn't the reason for testing asymptomatic people not to make sure those people are treated, but to prevent them from spreading it to others and to do contact tracing? Only a volume of testing that includes asymptomatic people can even get close to containing the spread of the virus.
The true character of people are shown during trying times. I think we are all seeing those true colors now.

Sorry about your father, Tboon.

This is an interesting observation. Equating not wearing a mask "outdoors" to a character issue. I love how some folks always say follow the science, but they really bend what the doctors and scientists say to fit their narrative and then if you don't fit into that narrative, you're the bad guy, or you have character issues.

No one is catching covid as 2 people pass 6 feet apart for 3-4 seconds. According to the science this just doesn't happen.

You can't simply have a difference of opinion or have the science on your side and that be the end of it. You must be cast as a deviant with character issues if you disagree.

Hope your father fully recovers TBoon.
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This is an interesting observation. Equating not wearing a mask "outdoors" to a character issue. I love how some folks always say follow the science, but they really bend what the doctors and scientists say to fit their narrative and then if you don't fit into that narrative, you're the bad guy, or you have character issues.

No one is catching covid as 2 people pass 6 feet apart for 3-4 seconds. According to the science this just doesn't happen.

You can't simply have a difference of opinion or have the science on your side and that be the end of it. You must be cast as a deviant with character issues if you disagree.

Hope your father fully recovers TBoon.
You can absolutely have a difference of opinion. And I can call you out for having an opinion that doesn't see the bigger picture.

Sure walking outside likely has a lower chance of transmitting COVID. But I believe the ordinance is more in line of making people realize that we need to be wearing masks when out in public. Not just in crowded areas, or when you see fit, but when amongst the public. I like that because there is no ambiguity on what one should or shouldn't do.

You and I both know that there is a large portion of the population who think wearing masks at all is some kind of infringement of their rights. Instead of seeing it help their fellow man. And if you give this crowd one inch, then they will take a mile in the name of "my rights".

To me, that absolutely reflects that person's character.
I know several who got tickets today for not wearing masks on King St and Meeting. I didn’t realize you have to wear a mask while being outside. Seems ridiculous to me.

Seriously? I didn't know that either.

We barely go anywhere public, but I wear a mask indoors, in lines, in crowded areas, etc. But walking around outdoors? That's dumb.

How much is the ticket?
Serious question...If mask work so well why are the numbers “rising” as mask wearing has greatly risen. Much more people are wearing mask and yet the numbers are climbing. If more people are wearing masks why aren’t numbers declining...serious question because masks are much more common and being utilized more but numbers seem to be climbing...are masks really the answer?

People I know who have had it wear masks regularly as most are in healthcare so if so effective why do people who wear them religiously getting Covid?

I’m still shocked I haven’t gotten it because it only wear masks where required. It’s really mind blowing to me.

Mask wearing is only preventing the flu, apparently it doesn't work on Covid......go figure
You mention “ending up on you tube” (or social media)... what are the courts / legislation gonna do in the future with people in public being filmed against their will? I believe that someone continuing to record you w/o consent is a violation of rights (especially with kids).

... nothing ...

There is no expectation nor right to “privacy” in public.
Mask wearing is only preventing the flu, apparently it doesn't work on Covid......go figure
... because contact tracing is showing that transmission is occurring in homes at gatherings where people aren’t wearing masks.

additionally COVID is significantly more contagious and this more transmissible than the flu.

both of these facts have been discussed numerous times
Nah Im just saying we cant be too careful and fighting over masks or quarintine time / regulations isnt helping anything.... we cannot get out of this damn thing fast enough as its been as divisive event as Ive seen in my lifetime. . mock all youd like.

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While I agree that politicization has happened on both sides, you're downplaying the extent to which Trump and some others have been irresponsible with their rhetoric, which has confused people and led to resistance to public health measures. Those people helped undermine confidence in the public health experts we need to pay attention to, because they also wanted to win elections by painting rosier pictures than were reality, and by making the choice between better economic conditions and better health conditions seem simpler than it is. Instead of playing whataboutism in defense of the Trump administration, let's agree that trying to use the pandemic for political gain is bad, and that it's more important to figure what's going on with the pandemic and what works than to place blame.

I think public health is doing is own job of undermining itself, and I say that as a recovering CDC worker. They have so many different public health voices out there that you really can't follow the guidance. Not to mention that each of these voices have a camera or twitter account to pose themselves as "experts." Furthermore there really hasn't been any testing of these hypothesis masquerading as policy. Messaging from public health has been like arguing with a woman with split personalities while on PMS.

But I also don't think it is "whataboutism" to point out that opposite extreme from the extreme Trump supporter is just as dangerous. What we have now is a virtual rebellion of the complete overreach and lack of common sense that places like NY and Cali and others have put on their people. They are fed up and there is essentially pent up demand for human contact. People will put up with those draconian measures for a finite amount of time with measurable milestones. But to keep changing the time and milestones (Fauci..we might need these measures into 2022) means people quit listening and believing.

And I don't think it is wrong to point out the "science" is really "politics" in this pandemic. You can look at just in the vaccination policies. The scientists say we need 2 shots within a very specific timeframe to have effectiveness. The manufacturers can predict the amount of supply they have at a given time and have recommended that states reserve a dose for every first dose that someone receives to make sure that manufacturing and shipping delays do not reduce the effectiveness of the first treatment. What does "Mr Science" President-elect do even before he's in office....recommend giving out all doses and not reserving any. Why? Because it looks like not enough vaccines have been distributed from a political perspective. Its the equivalent of painting your house when they are calling for rain.