Communist Kamala Harris Refuses Debate. - Now Says Speech Must Be Regulated.

Biden/Harris did not do it - I never said that - it is the Democrat party establishment, Deep State actors, and the corrupt main stream media that did it.

That is your election interference.

Should also note Zuckerberg‘s letter mentions suppressing the Burisma story not necessarily hunters’s laptop. The Burisma story was is and always will be bullshit. What scares me the most is that now Facebook is saying that whatever lies and misinformation you don’t put out there. They’re gonna run with it. That’s terrifying.
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I waste way more time than I should on the internet talking to morons I wouldn't bat an eyelash at in real life. I mean seriously, if you encountered some piece of redneck shit who referred to Kamala Harris as Kum-Allah, you'd probably just keep walking and not actually set up shop at the trailer park to attempt a real discussion.

There's a scene in The Mothman Prophecies where Richard Gere asks Alan Bates why don't these supernatural entities just tell us what they want instead of just being seen randomly, and Bates looks at him and says "have you ever tried explaining yourself to an ant?". A lot of that notion holds true here and especially across the MAGAverse, except the ants can actually vote here.

That is exactly what my wife asked me. Why do you spend time arguing with morons who you wouldn’t give three seconds up your time to in real life?

I told her she was right and then said I’ll never be talking to her sister again
And here is the example of what a Communist government does - censor free speech - this is your threat to Democracy ...

In other words, magas should be able to lie with impunity?

"In his letter, Zuckerberg acknowledges that the Biden administration pressured the company “to censor certain Covid-19 content, including humor and satire” and says that the pressure was “wrong.” Zuckerberg added that his company was “ready to push back if something like this happens again.”

"This is not news. The Biden administration did pressure Meta, as well as its competitors, to crack down on Covid-19 misinformation throughout the pandemic. In 2021, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy called it “an urgent threat,” and Biden himself said that misinformation was “killing people,”

That is exactly what my wife asked me. Why do you spend time arguing with morons who you wouldn’t give three seconds up your time to in real life?

I told her she was right and then said I’ll never be talking to her sister again
Ok, that was funny.😂
In other words, magas should be able to lie with impunity?

"In his letter, Zuckerberg acknowledges that the Biden administration pressured the company “to censor certain Covid-19 content, including humor and satire” and says that the pressure was “wrong.” Zuckerberg added that his company was “ready to push back if something like this happens again.”

"This is not news. The Biden administration did pressure Meta, as well as its competitors, to crack down on Covid-19 misinformation throughout the pandemic. In 2021, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy called it “an urgent threat,” and Biden himself said that misinformation was “killing people,”

What about Democrats? Should they be able to lie with impugnity? Has anyone been held accountable for Russian Collusion yet? 51 Intelligence agents?

Democrats are never held to account.
What about Democrats? Should they be able to lie with impugnity? Has anyone been held accountable for Russian Collusion yet? 51 Intelligence agents?

Democrats are never held to account.
Did 51 agents kill anybody by stating what they firmly believed "at the time" about a laptop story that didn't matter in the first place?

Russian Collusion was a Republican investigation that Democrats had NOTHING to do with.
I'll stand behind the post because i posted it, but for the record i did not author that post. I should have made that clear, i apologize. I guess i assumed since it was a wall of text no one would really think i wrote that. In the future I will credit posts.
lol “I apologize that I blindly posted something without knowing anything about it”
Did 51 agents kill anybody by stating what they firmly believed "at the time" about a laptop story that didn't matter in the first place?

Russian Collusion was a Republican investigation that Democrats had NOTHING to do with.
Always lying. It was funded by the Clintons and the DNC wtf...
You and those 51 agents.... Did one of them touch you as a kid? Where is @TigerRagRob when we actually need him?
Funny how you think its a flex to call me out for being against child sex trafficking. If Trump wins I do hope they bring on the death penalty for those involved in that, as he has stated. I know you are losing lots of sleep over that and always like to invoke my name on the subject...
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Always lying. It was funded by the Clintons and the DNC wtf...
Stop lying and peddling your alt-right misinformation Raggie. Remember, your sources ALWAYS lie to you.

You're confusing the Collusion investigation with the dossier, which had nothing to do with the investigation and led to ONE FISA warrant against Carter Page - that's it! The Collusion investigation was started because of what Papadopolous shared with an Australian diplomat about some dirt on Hillary the Russians wanted to peddle.

Stop lying and peddling your alt-right misinformation Raggie. Remember, your sources ALWAYS lie to you.

You're confusing the Collusion investigation with the dossier, which had nothing to do with the investigation and led to ONE FISA warrant against Carter Page - that's it! The Collusion investigation was started because of what Papadopolous shared with an Australian diplomat about some dirt on Hillary the Russians wanted to peddle.

It had everything to do with it you lying pos. It was the bases for the first of two coup attempts Dem's tried. Its all tied together. Your sources ALWAYS lie as do YOU.....
It had everything to do with it you lying pos. It was the bases for the first of two coup attempts Dem's tried. Its all tied together. Your sources ALWAYS lie as do YOU.....
You are a dumbass for believing what Tim Pool or some chucklefvck on twatter told you, Republican Trey Gowdy was part of the initial investigation and these are his quotes:

"...There is a Russia investigation without a dossier…"

"...the dossier has nothing to do with the meeting at Trump Tower…"

"...The dossier has nothing to do with an email sent by Cambridge Analytica…"

"...The dossier really has nothing to do with George Papadopoulos' meeting in Great Britain…"

"...It also doesn't have anything to do with obstruction of justice…"

"...So there's going to be a Russia probe, even without a dossier."

Just read dude SMFH
You are a dumbass for believing what Tim Pool or some chucklefvck on twatter told you, Republican Trey Gowdy was part of the initial investigation and these are his quotes:

"...There is a Russia investigation without a dossier…"

"...the dossier has nothing to do with the meeting at Trump Tower…"

"...The dossier has nothing to do with an email sent by Cambridge Analytica…"

"...The dossier really has nothing to do with George Papadopoulos' meeting in Great Britain…"

"...It also doesn't have anything to do with obstruction of justice…"

"...So there's going to be a Russia probe, even without a dossier."

Just read dude SMFH
I rather follow the evidence and whats was stated in sworn testimony over opinion pieces in bias propaganda media sources that you fall for so easy. The main thing I was countering was when you said the Dem's had nothing to do with that. Thats a lie at best for you. Again the whole crossfire-hurricane operation was a deepstate op with DEM support...
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I rather follow the evidence and whats was stated in sworn testimony over opinion pieces in bias propaganda media sources that you fall for so easy. The main thing I was countering was when you said the Dem's had nothing to do with that. Thats a lie at best for you. Again the whole crossfire-hurricane operation was a deepstate op with DEM support...
Got it - serious journalism WITH QUOTES is propaganda

Insurrection Barbie is not

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Got it - serious journalism WITH QUOTES is propaganda

Insurrection Barbie is not

Just keep with gaslighting and strawman antidotes to frame things the way you wish they were... I doubt you could ever be honest about anything even if your own life depended on it...
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Just keep with gaslighting and strawman antidotes to frame things the way you wish they were... I doubt you could ever be honest about anything even if your own life depended on it...
I love how you try to work in the two new words you learned in every post whether they make sense or not. In this case, they don't make sense at all since I am only relaying facts that you are unable to disprove. The ones you should be mad at for gaslighting you are catturd, DC Draino, Insurrection Barbie, Tim Pool and @fatpiggy etc... These are not experts or professional journalists and they have no desire to tell you the truth, they only want to piss you off and you allow it because you're so weak and want to believe their propaganda sooo badly. Seek help...

Oh and Congrats on using "your" correctly but the word you missed this time was "anecdotes"
I love how you try to work in the two new words you learned in every post whether they make sense or not. In this case, they don't make sense at all since I am only relaying facts that you are unable to disprove. The ones you should be mad at for gaslighting you are catturd, DC Draino, Insurrection Barbie, Tim Pool and @fatpiggy etc... These are not experts or professional journalists and they have no desire to tell you the truth, they only want to piss you off and you allow it because you're so weak and want to believe their propaganda sooo badly. Seek help...

Oh and Congrats on using "your" correctly but the word you missed this time was "anecdotes"

I literally cannot believe that the biggest source for the MAGAs on here is an admitted loser named Catturd who has never had any government connections or jobs. But, apparently in the most important qualification for a MAGA he has been bankrupt and been divorced 3 times.

If I jokingly suggested that nobody would believe me.

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In other words, magas should be able to lie with impunity?

"In his letter, Zuckerberg acknowledges that the Biden administration pressured the company “to censor certain Covid-19 content, including humor and satire” and says that the pressure was “wrong.” Zuckerberg added that his company was “ready to push back if something like this happens again.”

"This is not news. The Biden administration did pressure Meta, as well as its competitors, to crack down on Covid-19 misinformation throughout the pandemic. In 2021, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy called it “an urgent threat,” and Biden himself said that misinformation was “killing people,”

You are going to use Left wing propaganda Vox as your source (opinion) about Zuckerberg? LOL

COVID-19 was a real virus but if you were less than 65, you had a 0.2% chance of fatality which is similar to the flu.

The ability of the vaxx to mitigate the spread of the virus and virus deaths has been debunked.

The entire medical bureaucracy of the Federal government lied about the vaxx and its benefits - led by the political left.

It is proven that natural immunity was 20x better than the vax and the post vaxx implementation deaths were higher. Further, the calculations of vaxx vs unvaxx hospitalization/death rates was shown to be flawed math.

I participated on a team between Europeans doctors and statisticians that proved these points and the UK government stopped it mandates in UK.

You understand that 90% of Europe banned the Moderna vaxx for those under 30 because it was proven to be creating heart injuries?

So the mis-information was the Federal government not the people and the Left should be crucified for that.
You are going to use Left wing propaganda Vox as your source (opinion) about Zuckerberg? LOL

COVID-19 was a real virus but if you were less than 65, you had a 0.2% chance of fatality which is similar to the flu.

The ability of the vaxx to mitigate the spread of the virus and virus deaths has been debunked.

The entire medical bureaucracy of the Federal government lied about the vaxx and its benefits - led by the political left.

It is proven that natural immunity was 20x better than the vax and the post vaxx implementation deaths were higher. Further, the calculations of vaxx vs unvaxx hospitalization/death rates was shown to be flawed math.

I participated on a team between Europeans doctors and statisticians that proved these points and the UK government stopped it mandates in UK.

You understand that 90% of Europe banned the Moderna vaxx for those under 30 because it was proven to be creating heart injuries?

So the mis-information was the Federal government not the people and the Left should be crucified for that.
Do you have any evidence to support the barrage of claims in here?
You are going to use Left wing propaganda Vox as your source (opinion) about Zuckerberg? LOL

COVID-19 was a real virus but if you were less than 65, you had a 0.2% chance of fatality which is similar to the flu.

The ability of the vaxx to mitigate the spread of the virus and virus deaths has been debunked.

The entire medical bureaucracy of the Federal government lied about the vaxx and its benefits - led by the political left.

It is proven that natural immunity was 20x better than the vax and the post vaxx implementation deaths were higher. Further, the calculations of vaxx vs unvaxx hospitalization/death rates was shown to be flawed math.

I participated on a team between Europeans doctors and statisticians that proved these points and the UK government stopped it mandates in UK.

You understand that 90% of Europe banned the Moderna vaxx for those under 30 because it was proven to be creating heart injuries?

So the mis-information was the Federal government not the people and the Left should be crucified for that.
It wouldn't matter what source I used, if it wasn't a dark-right site or catturd, you'd have a problem with it. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, that's what you've been trained to say.

People like you are the very reason Biden put pressure on facebook because you weren't interested in public health - just like all the magas, you only wanted to mock and downplay the virus and the TRUMP VACCINE because you were angry that Trump lost and you wanted Biden to fail.

Your entire narrative is distorted and colored by those facts alone. It doesn't matter that many more Trumpers died after the vaccine rollout because of this idiocy, along with a lack of concern about social distancing (see Herman Cain).

It didn't matter what world renowned experts had to say about it, if they had the nerve to say Trump was wrong, they had to be bullied and badgered. You would cling to any person, expert or not who said the opposite because Trump broke you people and you no longer recognize the difference between truth and lies and right and wrong - only what helps Trump, period.

The Federal government was doing everything in their power to try and save lives, no matter if they got some things wrong while they wrestled with the data that was coming through a firehose, their sole interest was saving lives despite what your perfect 20/20 hindsight tells you.

Because of your LIES, people DIED and therefore if anyone should be crucified, it should be weirdos like you.
I literally cannot believe that the biggest source for the MAGAs on here is an admitted loser named Catturd who has never had any government connections or jobs. But, apparently in the most important qualification for a MAGA he has been bankrupt and been divorced 3 times.

If I jokingly suggested that nobody would believe me.

Says the people that have fallen for every hoax their beloved media has told

Oh have they found those WMDs yet? Still buy into the jab hype? You fell for all of that...
I love how you try to work in the two new words you learned in every post whether they make sense or not. In this case, they don't make sense at all since I am only relaying facts that you are unable to disprove. The ones you should be mad at for gaslighting you are catturd, DC Draino, Insurrection Barbie, Tim Pool and @fatpiggy etc... These are not experts or professional journalists and they have no desire to tell you the truth, they only want to piss you off and you allow it because you're so weak and want to believe their propaganda sooo badly. Seek help...

Oh and Congrats on using "your" correctly but the word you missed this time was "anecdotes"
I dont consider Insurrection Barbie a journalist. That being said she has been right way more than the people you claim are the experts and is batting 1.000 against you. When are you heading to Ukraine? Please hurry before its all over...
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You are going to use Left wing propaganda Vox as your source (opinion) about Zuckerberg? LOL

COVID-19 was a real virus but if you were less than 65, you had a 0.2% chance of fatality which is similar to the flu.

The ability of the vaxx to mitigate the spread of the virus and virus deaths has been debunked.

The entire medical bureaucracy of the Federal government lied about the vaxx and its benefits - led by the political left.

It is proven that natural immunity was 20x better than the vax and the post vaxx implementation deaths were higher. Further, the calculations of vaxx vs unvaxx hospitalization/death rates was shown to be flawed math.

I participated on a team between Europeans doctors and statisticians that proved these points and the UK government stopped it mandates in UK.

You understand that 90% of Europe banned the Moderna vaxx for those under 30 because it was proven to be creating heart injuries?

So the mis-information was the Federal government not the people and the Left should be crucified for that.
Yep when my brother-in-law died after getting the jab that asshole mocked his death here. This is why i go hard at him and dont care about his feelings. Dude is a total liar and pos...
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Do you have any evidence to support the barrage of claims in here?
Yep - there are tons of Medical papers and articles on this.

Here is a small sampling of it from the Swiss Policy Research:

I am not going to provide you a litany of all the other research and data supporting the lies of the medical bureaucracy in USA (we were the worst in the world).
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Yep when my brother-in-law died after getting the jab that asshole mocked his death here. This is why i go hard at him and dont care about his feelings. Dude is a total liar and pos...
My company instituted a vaxx mandate for all employees due to the unconstitutional acts of the Biden Harris admin forcing vaxx mandates on companies.

We had 2 employees that died within 48 hours of getting the vaxx. I have had friends who were big on taking the vaxx repeatedly have died of sudden heart attacks in the past few years (no family history of heart problems). I told them not to take the poison but they did. So these people trusted a corrupt medical bureaucracy and died for it.

It is the biggest thing in the election for me but no one talks about it.

Hell - the left censored speech! They attacked democracy to the core by censoring speech.
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Yep when my brother-in-law died after getting the jab that asshole mocked his death here. This is why i go hard at him and dont care about his feelings. Dude is a total liar and pos...
Truly sorry about your BIL, but everything else you said I agree with.
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It wouldn't matter what source I used, if it wasn't a dark-right site or catturd, you'd have a problem with it. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, that's what you've been trained to say.

People like you are the very reason Biden put pressure on facebook because you weren't interested in public health - just like all the magas, you only wanted to mock and downplay the virus and the TRUMP VACCINE because you were angry that Trump lost and you wanted Biden to fail.

Your entire narrative is distorted and colored by those facts alone. It doesn't matter that many more Trumpers died after the vaccine rollout because of this idiocy, along with a lack of concern about social distancing (see Herman Cain).

It didn't matter what world renowned experts had to say about it, if they had the nerve to say Trump was wrong, they had to be bullied and badgered. You would cling to any person, expert or not who said the opposite because Trump broke you people and you no longer recognize the difference between truth and lies and right and wrong - only what helps Trump, period.

The Federal government was doing everything in their power to try and save lives, no matter if they got some things wrong while they wrestled with the data that was coming through a firehose, their sole interest was saving lives despite what your perfect 20/20 hindsight tells you.

Because of your LIES, people DIED and therefore if anyone should be crucified, it should be weirdos like you.
All of that is BS lies. You do not have a clue.
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Yep when my brother-in-law died after getting the jab that asshole mocked his death here. This is why i go hard at him and dont care about his feelings. Dude is a total liar and pos...
Liar, I never mocked your brother. Lots of people die after getting vaccinated, just like lots of people die after brushing their teeth or eating a pickle but that doesn't mean the pickle killed them. I can have sympathy for the death of your brother without blindly trusting that the vaccine killed them, especially since deaths from mRNA vaccines are unproven and usually associated with a covid infection itself. Does your brother's death certificate list vaccination as the cause of his death? I'd be willing to bet it does not.
My company instituted a vaxx mandate for all employees due to the unconstitutional acts of the Biden Harris admin forcing vaxx mandates on companies.

We had 2 employees that died within 48 hours of getting the vaxx. I have had friends who were big on taking the vaxx repeatedly have died of sudden heart attacks in the past few years (no family history of heart problems). I told them not to take the poison but they did. So these people trusted a corrupt medical bureaucracy and died for it.

It is the biggest thing in the election for me but no one talks about it.

Hell - the left censored speech! They attacked democracy to the core by censoring speech.
How strange is it that almost every conservative you talk to knows someone who died from the mRNA vaccine but no liberal I've ever talked to even knows someone with a bad reaction to it. How does the vaccine know which person is a MAGA? 🤔
All of that is BS lies. You do not have a clue.
I don't know if you know it or not, but "Tinkerbell" aka 73 dikpics and dpic73 is a paid troll. No sense trying to reason with it.

"Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" --Mark Twain
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Liar, I never mocked your brother. Lots of people die after getting vaccinated, just like lots of people die after brushing their teeth or eating a pickle but that doesn't mean the pickle killed them. I can have sympathy for the death of your brother without blindly trusting that the vaccine killed them, especially since deaths from mRNA vaccines are unproven and usually associated with a covid infection itself. Does your brother's death certificate list vaccination as the cause of his death? I'd be willing to bet it does not.
Like I told you then thats what the doctor concluded. It was a reaction to the jab. You laugh and mocked that and at the time claimed it was a crazy rightwing conspiracy that the jab was killing people. You called me, my wife, and the doctor a liar. You should have just kept your mouth shut about something that you knew nothing about. Instead you wanted to make a political statement and call us out and tried to portray us and being crazy and unhinged...
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How strange is it that almost every conservative you talk to knows someone who died from the mRNA vaccine but no liberal I've ever talked to even knows someone with a bad reaction to it. How does the vaccine know which person is a MAGA? 🤔
Because you people are in a cult and are in denial about the fact the people you worship have been lying to you the whole time. Tons of videos of them doing this and tons of threads of you defending them and repeating their bs...
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Like I told you then thats what the doctor concluded. It was a reaction to the jab. You laugh and mocked that and at the time claimed it was a crazy rightwing conspiracy that the jab was killing people. You called me, my wife, and the doctor a liar. You should have just kept your mouth shut about something that you knew nothing about. Instead you wanted to make a political statement and call us out and tried to portray us and being crazy and unhinged...
What does the death certificate list as the cause of death? Again, he may have died after getting vaccinated but that doesn't mean the vaccine is what killed him. How would the doctor be able to tell that when there are no reliable studies that show that as a contributing cause?
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Because you people are in a cult and are in denial about the fact the people you worship have been lying to you the whole time. Tons of videos of them doing this and tons of threads of you defending them and repeating their bs...
I repeat, why is it that every conservative knows someone who died or had heart trouble related to the vaccine but liberals don't? That has nothing to do with people we worship, I assure you because we don't worship politicians like Trumpers do. Can you explain how/why it only happens to Trumpers?
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I repeat, why is it that every conservative knows someone who died or had heart trouble related to the vaccine but liberals don't? That has nothing to do with people we worship, I assure you because we don't worship politicians like Trumpers do. Can you explain how/why it only happens to Trumpers?
Again you are in denial. I know several libs that had bad reactions to the jab. My brother-in-law was one of them. Wasnt there even a thread here where leftist had bad reactions to the jab and you cried and tried to claim we were cheering that fact? The wife's aunt died after her 2nd booster due to Myocarditis. It triggered a heart attack.
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