Communist Kamala Harris Refuses Debate. - Now Says Speech Must Be Regulated.

Yep - there are tons of Medical papers and articles on this.

Here is a small sampling of it from the Swiss Policy Research:

I am not going to provide you a litany of all the other research and data supporting the lies of the medical bureaucracy in USA (we were the worst in the world).
LULZ, of course you don't trust the most world renowned experts in epidemiology here in the US because one of them had the unmitigated gall to say that hydroxywhatthefvck didn't work! And that made Trump look bad, which means he should be sentenced to an excruciating death. And of course your study was only referencing the Astra Zeneca vaccine that we don't even use here. You magats are an embarrassing stain on this country.
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Again you are in denial. I know several libs that had bad reactions to the jab. My brother-in-law was one of them. Wasnt there even a thread here where leftist had bad reactions to the jab and you cried and tried to claim we were cheering that fact? The wife's aunt died after her 2nd booster due to Myocarditis. It triggered a heart attack.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
LULZ, of course you don't trust the most world renowned experts in epidemiology here in the US because one of them had the unmitigated gall to say that hydroxywhatthefvck didn't work! And that made Trump look bad, which means he should be sentenced to an excruciating death. And of course your study was only referencing the Astra Zeneca vaccine that we don't even use here. You magats are an embarrassing stain on this country.
See, in denial and a cult. Your TDS controls your mind...
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I don't know if you know it or not, but "Tinkerbell" aka 73 dikpics and dpic73 is a paid troll. No sense trying to reason with it.

"Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" --Mark Twain
Look at you quoting Mark Twain and talking about dikpics and tinkerbell in same post. Pretty impressive. I bet your mama is proud. Oh but I know you fought for freedom, so never mind my judgment of your lack of ...of....well everything.