That's because everyone misunderstands the the meaning of the Greek timing words. I call it 'Rubberbanding', where they can take a word that means something near or imminent, and stretch it 2000 years long.
When Paul said he hoped that Timothy would come too you soon, the same word is used in Revelation 1:1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. The Philippian Church probably did not think that Paul could mean 10, 100, 1000, or 2000 years? Yet they take the exact same word in Revelation 1:1 and do just that. Look up all the times when the word soon (Greek: ταχέως; Transliteration: tacheós) is used and show me where it does not mean soon, quickly, hastily, or shortly. Those bible commentators who neglect the proper usages of these words know that if they use the correct meaning(s) their assumptions come apart quickly...
Who actually wrote the book of Revelation? They know it wasn't John the Baptist and they know it wasn't John the disciple
That’s because he’s telling you what you want hear! I’m telling you the Truth! What are going to do when what I said comes to pass? And it will. The RFID Chip is in Obamacare... look it up! Gates is working on a Quantum Microdot Vaccine & the Enzyme Luciferase is what makes it work!
Make no mistake about, we are witnessing a NWO Takeover!
If Trump is ousted, we are going into Bondage!
We are going to be taxed into Oblivion!
Agenda 21 will be Implemented, they will tell you where you can & can’t live & visit! We will pay a Global Climate Change Tax & a Global Carbon Footprint Tax!
We will be given a choice to Take The Mark of the Beast ((Revelation 13) Computer Chip! Those who don’t, won’t be able to buy or sell! Those who do will partake in one or more of 16 Plagues from GOD starting in Revelation 6, The 6Th Seal! Those who take the “Mark“ will also spend Eternity in the Lake of Fire.
They will force us to Worship The Beast/Antichrist! Those who do will be slaves to the NWO. Those who do will partake in one or more of the 16 Judgements/Plagues starting with the 6th Seal in Revelation 6 & will spend eternity in the Lake Of Fire.
The First Seal has been opened which is the Rider on The White Horse & he goes out conquering & To Conquer. (Beast/Antichrist)
The Second Seal is on the Clock which is the Rider on The Red Horse. He was given a Great Sword to take Peace from the Earth so men would slay each other!
I’m telling y’all this over & over because some have never heard this before & when it comes to pass, hopefully some will heed these words.
John 3:3 Unless a man is Born Again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
John 3:16 For GOD so loved the World HE gave his only begotten SON, That whoever believes in HIM should NOT perish but have everlasting life!
JESUS said, “I’M the Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The Father But Through Me!
Romans 10:9 If You Confess with your Mouth The Lord JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, You Shall be Saved!
Roman 10:13 Whoever Calls on The Name of The LORD shall be saved.
JESUS said, “If anyone would come after ME, let him take up his cross daily & follow ME, for whoever seeks to save his life will lose it but he who loses HIS life for MY sake will Find it!!
I could care a less how much Greek you know! What I said will come to pass right in front of your face! I’ve said what I had to say, MULTIPLE times! Sit back & watch! It’s right around the corner! A day to the the LORD is as a thousand years! And a thousand years is as a day! I’m not getting my interpretation from Revelation from a book. One of the functions of the Holy Spirit is to “Show you things to come!” You believe what you believe & I believe what I believe. Time will tell who’s right! I’d bet both lungs on my interpretation! for the record, I’ll say it one more time!
I believe there is a very good possibility our country experiences anarchy & possibly, Civil War between Liberals & Conservatives.
If Trump gets ousted we’re going into Bondage
We will become a Socialist Nation
It will affect our Religious Freedoms
They will impose outrageous Taxes
They will come after our guns. Global registration leads to confiscation.
Under the guise of Environmental Protection, Agenda 21 will be implemented. They will tell you where you can & can’t live & visit. They will impose a Global Climate Change Tax & a Global Carbon Footprint Tax.
They will impose very little air travel
They will make Worship on Saturday Illegal
They will confiscate property
They will cause us to take The Mark Of The Beast (Some Type if Computer Chip inserted in Hand or Forehead... Revelation 13)
They will try to make Everyone Globally Worship The Beast/Antichrist. Those who don’t will be Terminated.
Those who receive “The Mark of the Beast” & or Worship the Beast/ Antichrist will partake in one or more of 16 Plagues from GOD. Two Seals, 7 Trumpets & 7 Vials.
The first 5 Seals are what Papal Rome, The Beast/Antichrist & The NWO will do to humanity. The next 16 Plagues from GOD, starting in Revelation 6, The 6Th Seal. The Sixth Seal is when the people in the Entities that make up the NWO will be hiding in their underground cities (under Denver Airport, Headqtrs for the Illuminati, is one one example) They will be allowed to see JESUS sitting on his throne & they will call for the rocks & mountains to fall on them & hide them from the Lamb that sits on the Throne. (Revelation 6)
America will be the recipient of a EMP attack & a tactical Nuke attack. Washington D.C. will be one of the cities attacked. I believe this will happen in the Fourth Seal, The Rider on the Pale Horse. Authorities will blame the attack on China, Russia, Iran or North Korea or a combination of the four. Authorities will require citizens be transported to Shelters (FEMA Camps, there are 800 + in the US) Citizens will be told the will receive shelter, food, water, protection & clothing. This is a lie! Once @ the Camps, Citizens will be given the choice to be re-educated & they will be required to Worship The Beast/Antichrist. Those who don’t will be Terminated! The Mark of Beast could also be administered @ The FEMA Camps. I say that because both events are found in Revelation 13! However, the Mark of the Beast could be implemented @ some point before Citizens are taken to the Camps.
The enriched Plutonium will be released from a shuttle the Obama Administration launched on December 13th, 2012. I know this because I met the Special Ops man who told me about it. I asked him to give me 5 key words or phrases that someone who I know Who was in Special Ops would recognize. Two days after meeting this man, I spoke to the guy I know who was Special Ops. Mike, the guy I know, told me he recognized 3 out of the 5. He said the other two were probably the name of a mission specific to him.
Unfortunately, Time will reveal what I have shared with the board will come to pass. It doesn’t do anyone any good to argue about it. My hope & prayer for each person is they Receive JESUS as their Savior & LORD & they don’t worship the beast/antichrist or receive The Mark of the Beast/ Computer Chip. Everyone’s Eternal Soul depends On these decisions. (Revelation 13 & 14)
For those who disagree with some or all of the things I shared, I respect your opinions. Let’s agree to disagree. This thread could last till JESUS comes back if we keep going back & fourth. GOD Bless Y’all!
There was a thread on tMB called End of Times that was similar to this started by another nut job like @areeves. It lost steam somewhere around page 20.I would like to see this thread best the epic gypsy thread from many years ago on the MB.
I wish I had the tech knowledge to pull it out and post
help us out Chis, Paul and Larry on the N Augusta families.. Inquiring minds wont to know moreThere was a thread on tMB called End of Times that was similar to this started by another nut job like @areeves. It lost steam somewhere around page 20.
There was a thread on tMB called End of Times that was similar to this started by another nut job like @areeves. It lost steam somewhere around page 20.
Nah, those earthquakes were Elon Musk’s Boring company drilling tunnels underneath.Holy Crap! Who knew we had so many conspiracy theorist living among our tiny little group of Clemson Followers?
So a friend of mine threw one at me:
The NAVY Ships sent to LA & NY to help battle COVID were actually not there for the reasons stated but to save children from Deep State Pedophiles. Along with this they also stated that the earthquakes in California were really explosions to create tunnels to allow for movement of the children.
I started this just kinda as a joke, because I saw someone post something similiar on social media. Thought it might get a bite or 2. Never thought it would come to this. I’m kinda proud that something I started has reached this level. LolI would like to see this thread best the epic gypsy thread from many years ago on the MB.
I wish I had the tech knowledge to pull it out and post
Reasons they are wanting to get rid of Trump. He is exposing them. It wasn’t supposed to be him in office. The spying, fake impeachment were hoaxes made up to get rid of him. They all thought Killary was gonna win and no one would ever find ou about the spying. Trump wins and they had to try and cover their a$$e$. Slowly, the little birds are chirping.I also know a lot of the medical
Community is killing off older patients. I know 4 people who took their parents in for a routine procedure & each one of them died due to a screw up by the surgeon.
It’s also a known fact doctors are given 13k for saying their patient died from Covid-19. And they are receiving 39k to put them on a ventilator! They are doing this to give NWO mayors & governors an excuse to keep their cities & states locked down. Obviously, this destroys lives & businesses. I’m very concerned the Blue State mayors & governors will use these inflated Covid-19 numbers so people won’t be able to go to the polls, they’ll be forced to mail their ballots in.
Read the articleQuantum dot technology has nothing to do with luciferase. That’s an enzyme found in certain animals and plants responsible for bioluminescence, and it emits visible light. Quantum dots are a completely encapsulated copper based polymers that once implanted emit no visible light, but can be seen using special infrared cameras for up to several months to a year, at this point. The tech was discovered and is being developed at MIT. The applications for it have literally nothing to do with the nonsense you continue to spew itt. The primary goal is to be able to use it to track vaccine administration in the developing world in places where records are unreliable or unable to be kept.
Yep, you’re rightReasons they are wanting to get rid of Trump. He is exposing them. It wasn’t supposed to be him in office. The spying, fake impeachment were hoaxes made up to get rid of him. They all thought Killary was gonna win and no one would ever find ou about the spying. Trump wins and they had to try and cover their a$$e$. Slowly, the little birds are chirping.
I was not given that informationQuick question - From where did they launch the shuttle on December 13, 2012? For spreadsheet purposes.
When these things happen are you still going to call me a nut job?There was a thread on tMB called End of Times that was similar to this started by another nut job like @areeves. It lost steam somewhere around page 20.
Where does Leonidus and his 300 men come in?I don't think I will ever finish my book, 'The Five W's of Revelation', but if I did it would certainly open some eyes and minds. Of all the many Revelation books that I have read, I have not seen any other book use the this method. You have many verse by verse, chapter by chapter, views side by side, etc., but none written with this pattern.
Many over look the clues right in front of them when interpreting the Book of Revelation. Regarding the number of the beast (666), Rev. 13:18. It is almost universally thought that this beast represents to Roman Empire personified in its Emperor Nero, either by the early Roman period, or a new revived Roman Empire. This is further illustrated in Rev. 17:9, And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. (10) And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. (11) And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
First, there is used in the ancient cultures of the Jews, Greeks, Roman, and Latin's, a form of coded numerology called gematria. Gematria is a form of numerology in which the letters of the Hebrew (or Greek or Latin) alphabet are substituted with corresponding numbers. The first ten letters are given number values that increase consecutively from 1 to 10.
Even though the Book of Revelation was written in Greek, it used Hebrew symbology, thus Hebrew gematria. Nero Caesar, written as Neron Kaisar by the Hebrews, adds up exactly to the Hebrew spelling of 666. In the Latin Vulgate the number is written 616, which equals Nero Caesar in Latin.
Back to the above Rev. 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. (11) And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
The Hebrews view Julius Caesar as the first king or emperor, even though he was a dictator in the Roman Republic (See Josephus and other Jewish writings). Augustus Caesar (my avatar!) was officially the 1st Emperor of the Roman Empire, but not in the listing of Roman rulers (kings) by the Jews. So, starting with (1) Julius Caesar, (2) Augustus Caesar, (3) Tiberius Caesar, (4) Caligula Caesar, (5) Claudius Caesar, the five (5) who had fallen at the time of the writing of the Book of Revelation.
Rev. 17:10...and one is...(6) Nero Caesar...he must continue a short space (time)...Nero committed suicide on 9 June 68 AD. You then had three emperors in a short span, Galba (8 June 68 AD–15 January 69 AD), Otho (15 January 69 AD–16 April 69 AD), and Vitellius (17 April 69 AD–20 December 69 AD), before finally Gen. Vespasian was declared emperor by his army, and he marched on Rome and deposed Vitellius. He became emperor on 22 December 69, and ruled to his death on 24 June 79. Emperor Vespasian was the general that Nero sent to put down the Jewish rebellion in 66 AD. He had Jerusalem surrounded in 68 when Nero committed suicide. He withdrew from Jerusalem to return to Rome, and when he became emperor, he sent his son Titus back to siege Jerusalem again, which he did until its brutal fall in 70 AD.
Early Christians writers mention that it was at this time (Vespasian's withdrawal) that many of the Christians who were trapped in Jerusalem fled to Pella, in the mountains of Judea. Matt. 24: 16-22, "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; (17) Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. (18) Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. (19) How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! (20) Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. (21) For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again. (22) “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.
They were shortened because of Nero's death and Vespasian's withdrawal. They had a short time to get out before Titus returned, hence the call for urgency to leave.
Well, I read all of your posts.
Does that count?
When these things happen are you still going to call me a nut job?
I started this just kinda as a joke, because I saw someone post something similiar on social media. Thought it might get a bite or 2. Never thought it would come to this. I’m kinda proud that something I started has reached this level. Lol
There was a thread on tMB called End of Times that was similar to this started by another nut job like @areeves. It lost steam somewhere around page 20.
Yes @purplehaze but the most recent was @Inversion_@purple-haze
@areeves makes that guy look like a MENSA member. I have to assume these people are on watchlists and can’t do things like own firearms, procreate, drive, and dress themselves.
I suppose not. For the time being though...When these things happen are you still going to call me a nut job?
Read the article
I was not given that information
username checks outyoungin, (2018) shut the **** up and go back to social media. Ill pay a nanny to put your diapers on
username checks out
ok. Have a good dayusername has gottin hundreds of likes. That confirms what I know. Stay in this place for a while. People here will teach you proper etiquette
If Trump is ousted, we are going into Bondage!
Within 5 years, Florida, the whole east coast, west coast, the states along the Mississippi River & the states around the Hoover Damn will be fully or partially under water. Check out US Navy Maps 2020-2025I think the climate is changing more rapidly now. we may see pockets of large environments completely changed before we die.
could you imagine a savannah in south American instead of the amazon rain forest
a north pole with no ice
Columbia to the beach becomes a desert
It’s coming whether you believe it or not! I don’t care if you don’t believe it. I don’t have to lie about anything!What article? You didn’t link one. And, you can save yourself the 30 seconds. I won’t read it. I’ll assume it is like every other link you’ve posted here, and chock full of patently incorrect information and written by someone as deluded and unintelligent as you.
Right. Well the last shuttle was retired in 2011. There are only a few places they can launch. Only one in the US. And, they aren’t inconspicuous. And, why even use a shuttle filled with plutonium? There are hundreds if not thousands of pounds of the stuff already in orbit. We use it regularly to power satellites and robotic spacecraft. Can you start to see at least some of the holes in this nonsense? (That’s rhetorical, btw. I know you can’t.)
I’m not going to argue with you! The things I’ve said are well documented. Time will prove the information I passed along is accurate @ truthful. I have no reason to lie about anything!What article? You didn’t link one. And, you can save yourself the 30 seconds. I won’t read it. I’ll assume it is like every other link you’ve posted here, and chock full of patently incorrect information and written by someone as deluded and unintelligent as you.
Right. Well the last shuttle was retired in 2011. There are only a few places they can launch. Only one in the US. And, they aren’t inconspicuous. And, why even use a shuttle filled with plutonium? There are hundreds if not thousands of pounds of the stuff already in orbit. We use it regularly to power satellites and robotic spacecraft. Can you start to see at least some of the holes in this nonsense? (That’s rhetorical, btw. I know you can’t.)
I’m not going to argue with you! The things I’ve said are well documented. Time will prove the information I passed along is accurate @ truthful. I have no reason to lie about anything!
Everything I said is coming right up your assWhat article? You didn’t link one. And, you can save yourself the 30 seconds. I won’t read it. I’ll assume it is like every other link you’ve posted here, and chock full of patently incorrect information and written by someone as deluded and unintelligent as you.
Right. Well the last shuttle was retired in 2011. There are only a few places they can launch. Only one in the US. And, they aren’t inconspicuous. And, why even use a shuttle filled with plutonium? There are hundreds if not thousands of pounds of the stuff already in orbit. We use it regularly to power satellites and robotic spacecraft. Can you start to see at least some of the holes in this nonsense? (That’s rhetorical, btw. I know you can’t.)
You surely can’t be serious?? Guess I won’t be getting that ROI on the house I just bought.Within 5 years, Florida, the whole east coast, west coast, the states along the Mississippi River & the states around the Hoover Damn will be fully or partially under water. Check out US Navy Maps 2020-2025
You surely can’t be serious?? Guess I won’t be getting that ROI on the house I just bought.
Also sucks I guess this run for Clemson football will be ending in 5 years. I’m curious as to where in the Bible it references the NWO, Pope and all the other specific individuals you have referenced? I’ve never seen individuals currently living in 2020 ever referenced in Revelation. Every generation thinks “the world is ending” during their lifetime. You’re no different.
Let’s reconvene in 4-5 years! You’re going to have a totally different outlook than you do now. I’m not here to argue. Time will prove me right. I’ll tell you what, if some of the things I mentioned haven’t happened in the five years, I’ll be more than happy to buy you, your family & Tree Tiger & his family & whoever else busted my balls, a nice steak dinner with some good wine. You can even invite Ard, Strelow, Larry to join y’all! I’ll pick up the check! You won’t to come looking for me, I’ll find you! I’m a man of my Word!Wake up bro. The people of thousands of years ago - who didn’t know anything about medicine/physiology, biochemistry, the most basic technologies of today, etc., and who had life expectancies less than half of our’s today - predicted the existence of yet unknown elements, biological/chemical warfare, shadow orgs., and implantable RFID chips. The fact that you don’t understand this is proof of your own ignorance. Definitely not the mental health issues of @areeves
What you don’t understand is that GOD gave the people who wrote the Bible visions & dreams about what would happen in the Future. There are certain events & prophecies that tell us where we are in prophetic history. For instance the Parable of the Fig Tree in Mathew 24. The Parable of the Fig Tree is when Israel was recognized as a nation in May of 1948.Let’s reconvene in 4-5 years! You’re going to have a totally different outlook than you do now. I’m not here to argue. Time will prove me right. I’ll tell you what, if some of the things I mentioned haven’t happened in the five years, I’ll be more than happy to buy you, your family & Tree Tiger & his family & whoever else busted my balls, a nice steak dinner with some good wine. You can even invite Ard, Strelow, Larry to join y’all! I’ll pick up the check! You won’t to come looking for me, I’ll find you! I’m a man of my Word!