Don’t ya think? A little too ironic. It’s like raaaiinQuite ironic.
Don’t ya think? A little too ironic. It’s like raaaiinQuite ironic.
Ooops Pennsylvania
Pa. discovers big COVID-19 vaccine glitch — thousands of second doses given out by mistake
At least 30,000 people will have to reschedule second doses, and first doses might be delayed for many
Point taken. Proof will be difficult for sure. There are nations that will soon institute a vaccine "passport" but I don't see that flying in the US.
I'm sure there will be private institutions that institute requirements such as medical reports with titers (similar to what Clemson and other universities/jobs require). There is a CDC authored card that everyone gets when they are vaccinated, which may be a good starting point.
I don’t feel that any information is ridiculous whether you agree or not, someone took the time to write an article to inform the public.That article is ridiculous. There is no difference in the first dose or second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. Both doses are exactly the same thing of each vaccine.
Did you attend Clemson or have children that attended Clemson? If so what were your feelings on the forced vaccinations for attendance? Did it violate personal freedoms?My company has already gone on record saying they will not force employees to be vaccinated. I hope others follow suit. We need to preserve personal freedoms, a founding principal of the country.
Did you attend Clemson or have children that attended Clemson? If so what were your feelings on the forced vaccinations for attendance? Did it violate personal freedoms?
I remember having to get shots to go to camps growing up, and of course before I enrolled at Clemson as mentioned. I don’t recall any sort of dialogue about personal freedoms in those days.
Still haven't seen the pope????To all that have or are getting the vaccination I would like to thank you all for having the courage to donating your live tissue to science.
To all that have or are getting the vaccination I would like to thank you all for having the courage to donating your live tissue to science.
What does the Pope have to do with the vaccine? Mutually exclusive issues globally.Still haven't seen the pope????
You were proven wrong and ran with your tail between your legs. Now you are doing the same with vaccines and election I see.What does the Pope have to do with the vaccine? Mutually exclusive issues globally.
If you can’t except our election being rigged you certainly are not ready for the Vatican issues.
Seems like more of a logistical issue.That article is ridiculous. There is no difference in the first dose or second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. Both doses are exactly the same thing of each vaccine.
You’re not going to be forced into it for schools or employment until vaccines get full FDA approval, I don’t think. Maybe some social events will require it for admission. But that doesn’t make thinking the vaccines are dangerous any less of a tenuous stance.Yes attended Clemson and had to do those mandatory vaccinations to live in the dorms. It may appear similar on the surface but I think this situation has some nuance that should be considered. I'm not anti-vax. I have a strong immune system, do not fear COVID, and do not feel I need to be inoculated with a brand new treatment that was developed, tested, and deployed in 9 months, when the standard is 5-10 years. I'll just wait. I don't want to be forced into it. The TB and meningitis vaccines have been an established norm for years and years with lots of data proving the efficacy and the safety.
You’re not going to be forced into it for schools or employment until vaccines get full FDA approval, I don’t think. Maybe some social events will require it for admission. But that doesn’t make thinking the vaccines are dangerous any less of a tenuous stance.
The whole immune system and not fearing COVID stuff is beside the point, since we know you’re at far higher risk from COVID than you are from adverse events due to the vaccine, and since the society has already chosen to take harsh public health measures against the virus. Maybe you’ll get lucky and be one of the 20-30% of people who doesn’t have to get vaccinated for us to end this pandemic, and a smaller subset that doesn’t get sick from this virus, while the rest of us contribute to an immune population.
How can you make dogmatic statements like this? You appear to be all knowing. This treatment/vaccine has only been on the scene a few months and was developed at warp speed. The technology itself is relatively new (been around about a decade?) and was never successful in trials with humans in the past. How do you know what the ramifications will be on a human body in 5,10, or 15 years? I’ve read articles written by doctors and scientists that express wayyy more concern than you do. Some doctors are a little concerned it could create autoimmune issues down the road. It could be 100% safe and I hope it is. Your blanket dogmatic statements are just as ridiculous as an anti-vaxxersYou’re not going to be forced into it for schools or employment until vaccines get full FDA approval, I don’t think. Maybe some social events will require it for admission. But that doesn’t make thinking the vaccines are dangerous any less of a tenuous stance.
The whole immune system and not fearing COVID stuff is beside the point, since we know you’re at far higher risk from COVID than you are from adverse events due to the vaccine, and since the society has already chosen to take harsh public health measures against the virus. Maybe you’ll get lucky and be one of the 20-30% of people who doesn’t have to get vaccinated for us to end this pandemic, and a smaller subset that doesn’t get sick from this virus, while the rest of us contribute to an immune population.
How can you make dogmatic statements like this? You appear to be all knowing. This treatment/vaccine has only been on the scene a few months and was developed at warp speed. The technology itself is relatively new (been around about a decade?) and was never successful in trials with humans in the past. How do you know what the ramifications will be on a human body in 5,10, or 15 years? I’ve read articles written by doctors and scientists that express wayyy more concern than you do. Some doctors are a little concerned it could create autoimmune issues down the road. It could be 100% safe and I hope it is. Your blanket dogmatic statements are just as ridiculous as an anti-vaxxers
I'm curious about the concern for autoimmune issues down the road. Mind linking the articles? The proposed interferon response is an acute one, so the "autoimmune" disease-like issues should happen rather quickly after the shot (haven't happened yet).
Also, I think your claim about "never successful in trials with humans in the past" is misleading. You seem to imply that it was tried in humans and didn't work. The reality is, the process has been slower and so far only phase 1 trials have been performed for MRNA vaccines for CMV, Rabies, Influenza, and Zika.
Recall, phase 1 trials ONLY test safety (not efficacy) and every vaccine was well-tolerated and safe (So they successfully passed phase 1). None have progressed to efficacy trials yet. The CMV one is promising. The need for a zika one has pretty much gone away. Rabies will be extremely hard to test because the disease is so rare. After covid is controlled, I strongly suspect the yearly flu shot will be replaced with a more effective mRNA version.
Also, I wonder why you think there will be ramifications of a vaccine 5, 10, or 15 years down the road? There has never been a vaccine with side effects that far in the future, but there have been viruses with those long term effects. The mRNA from the vaccine is broken down and removed from the body rather quickly, so why would their be issues 5 years down the road? Is there a mechanism for it? Is the reason just that its new and we don't know?
If the mRNA vaccines REALLY have a safety issue, we should know rather soon...over 100 million doses have already been administered and they are constantly being studied. The first large scale review of safety will come from Israel. They released their early efficacy
Could mRNA COVID-19 vaccines be dangerous in the long-term?
‘There is a race to get the public vaccinated, so we are willing to take more risk.'
thsi Is just one article I found. I’m sure folks will scoff the source and discredit Bosh. But clearly you have to highly educated doctors with different opinions. He is not in a panic but expressed some concerns. There are a ton of other articles and videos out there of doctors expressing similar and different concerns.