This is a good example of the way sensational stories are always more memorable and affecting than stories of normal competence. You can tell people all you want that the chance of even a serious adverse event related to COVID vaccination is much lower than the chance of death from COVID in the nation's whole population, but if they hear that one person had a stroke 3 weeks after vaccination, they'll think they've got a good chance of having a stroke after vaccination.
Stay home 2 weeks and flatten the curve it’s so dangerous. I have not seen people flipping in the street have you? Literally just falling out like the videos and footage from Wuhan they used to force us into our homes for 2 weeks, months, 6 months, a year in some places. In SC we were lucky. Let’s not use fear as a vaccine excuse when fear mongering is why we are here today. All we are saying is it’s not necessary, your body was built to fight viruses and be 1000% sure you want to take a risky, experimental treatment. This isn’t using fear it’s using common sense and critical reasoning.
A- most of us can fight a virus, some won’t make it, fact of life.
B- fear was used to rush this to market even when safe treatments were brought up (see HCQ, now approved by CDC) ivermectin and other treatments, but #1 is healthy body.
C- they have conditioned people to think the only way to get out of this FEAR state is by welcoming a relatively unknown vaccine.
D- we see adverse affects, many of which go unreported, chalked up to body adjustments to the vaccine.
E- studies on mRNA are questionable at best
All these things add up to what some are touting as a “great idea”, “only way to get to full stadiums”, “need to save our grandparents, protect others”.
why if this is such a great idea do vaccinated people still have to wear a mask? But a-symptomatic can still spread... what... so then what’s the point of the vaccine? Aren’t vaccinated people or people that have had the virus still able to spread low levels or shedding? At what levels are we no longer contagious? Wait... so you wanna take my temp to come into your business? Ok fine no fever means not contagious, right? Well why do you insist I wear a mask if I just proved I’m not contagious? Oh you don’t want other patrons scared? Well crap, why’d I get the vaccine then?
STOP ASKING SO MANY Q’s. You are making my head spin and you sound crazy, why can’t you just agree with Fauci and get vaccinated? I can tell you why, no one has proven to me that my body cant do the job, and no one not profiting from the vaccine is really saying it’s a good idea.
but hey what does it matter, everyone else will be safer, just do it... no i would rather grow old and watch my family grow than knee jerk after being locked down, just to get back to “normal”
this is not normal behavior, it stems from fear and I’m calling it out. Every day above ground is a blessing, but fearing death leads to irrational decisions, irrational decisions usually end with poor outcomes. It would be a lot easier if I could stick my head in the sand and line up, I’m just not built that way. I know in my soul this virus and vaccine are the work of nefarious actors, and if I have caused 1 person to pause and look harder at what’s going into your body, I did my job.