Covid vaccine tomorrow!!

What do you mean by truly work? The pfizer and moderna mrna are ~95% effective against standard strains of covid.
And for how long? 2 months 6 months, a year? Just line up sheep and take your medicine. People just need to consider alternate forms of health is all. To be healthy and know your own body is the most important.
Fair points, I just disagree with them is all. Long term vaccines took 10+ years to make safe. I will not worry about what not being vaccinated does to my life. I am extremely healthy, take all the right Vitamins to combat viruses and eat healthy. No vaccine can do better than I’m doing for myself. More people should work at making their bodies a fortress and stop making excuses for fat people.
Ignorant af
I posted about this in an earlier post on this thread.

Mrna was first injected in humans back in 2008. It had been used in phase 1/phase 2 trials in humans since 2011 and has so far been safe, even in those early trial participants.

I understand the vaccine was released very quickly, but there was nothing rushed in the trials about safety or efficacy. The key parts that were rushed were beaurocratic protocols and the organization/funding needed to move from and enact each stage.

Rather than taking years for a company to fund and organize a phase 3 trial with 30,000+ participants, it was done in weeks. The trials themselves were not really shortened. Phase 3 may seem shortened compared to other vaccines, but all you need is a certain number of infections among trial participants which is fairly easy in a pandemic.
I’m not here to argue or dispute anything but have some honest questions. How can you say nothing was rushed during trials/testing of this vaccine. The virus is only a year old. Most vaccines are studied for years. There is not data on what the potential side effects of this particular vaccine is 2,5,10 (or longer) years down the road. I’ve seen some doctors express concern that we simply don’t know and it could potentially create autoimmune issues down the road . Is that not a possibility? Why are we as a country that worship science always, always being reactive and not proactive? There’s so much science on what a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise eating real whole foods, and taking certain vitamins can do for your immune system. Why aren’t we focused on that? In gerneral the virus is a big “nothing burger” for folks that are metabolically healthy (there are a few outliers but those are rare). Also do we REALLY know how safe the vaccine is? I know a a person that worked in the Anderson hospital system here in upstate SC. She was NOT a doctor just an employee that’s all the details I’ll share. She received the second shot. 7days later she contracted Covid......7 days after that she was dead. Will that be reported? Did the vaccine have anything to do with it? Who knows. I feel like everybody who is posting stuff as absolute fact in this thread are arrogant imbeciles.
Just wanted to pass along that the Covid vaccine is making its way to us and I am scheduled to get my first of two shots tomorrow morning!! I'd encourage everyone to not only get the vaccine when it is made available to you but work within your social circles to get others to take this vaccine as well. Getting enough of the population vaccinated is the only way we stand to get this virus behind us. No different than getting the flu vaccine. Hopefully by mid 2021 this damn virus is in our rear view mirror. Regardless of your politics I think we can all agree the last 10 months have sucked!!
Why would I get a research chemical injected into my body to prevent what is essentially a cold to a metabolically healthy individual. If I was 80 I would probably get it. But since I don’t need it I will not be putting myself at risk. The average vaccine takes around 10 years to get approved. This one took a couple months. There is a real possibility of future immune system issues if this wasn’t done correctly.
I am an anesthesiologist and therefore considered a Tier 1 health care worker. I received an email from the CDC directing me how to sign up after the primary hospital I work at, Self Regional in Greenwood, sent the CDC a prioritized listing of whom should be vaccinated in the initial wave starting tomorrow.

My understanding is that across the country frontline health care workers and those in nursing homes will be prioritized first and then we will work outwards from there, probably moving to the elderly next and so on.

Think hard about your decision on whether to get this vaccine or not folks. Educate yourself and make an informed decision, not one tainted by your political views or some wild conspiracy theories you may have heard. Most of you would survive the virus just fine without the vaccine but it might be your parent, your grandparent, the old lady down the street, that you are protecting by getting this vaccine. Many times we do things for the greater good. This is one of those times.
So as a medical professional you would tell people to inject an experimental drug into themselves to help the “old lady down the street” gtf out of here. After 5-10 years when we know the longer term effects of this drug on the immune system I’ll consider taking it. There is a reason they aren’t giving it to people under the age of 18. It’s because they don’t know what it will actually do to us.
I’m 36 so I’m sure re I won’t be offered the vaccine for a while, but I’ll definitely get it as soon as I’m offered it. I can’t possibly fathom why anyone wouldn’t get it.
Because it’s a research chemical that the VAST majority of the population doesn’t need?
Fair points, I just disagree with them is all. Long term vaccines took 10+ years to make safe. I will not worry about what not being vaccinated does to my life. I am extremely healthy, take all the right Vitamins to combat viruses and eat healthy. No vaccine can do better than I’m doing for myself. More people should work at making their bodies a fortress and stop making excuses for fat people.
Oh, get off your high horse. Congrats on being so healthy, but your comment about fat people shows how immature you are. Obviously, you just have an issue with fat people, because no one in more than a year had made excuses for fat people. If anything, I haven’t seen one defender of fat people on any thread about this subject even before the vaccine. So, what’s your point in the last sentence above? That the vaccine is just an excuse for fat people to keep up their crappy eating habits? Is it only fat people that are being affected by the virus? No, so stick with your concerns about the vaccine and stop trying to sell it as just a reason for people less healthy than you.

For the record, I have legitimate concerns about the vaccine. I’m not an anti-vaccine guy at all, but it is relatively new tech and we just don’t know the long term effects yet. That’s not from me, I cover hospital pharmacies in four states and that’s the opinion of many pharmacists I’ve spoken to. Not that they can prove it’s not okay. Their scientists and it’s in their nature to collect as much data to be certain. They don’t believe that has been done yet so it is a bit of a Hail Mary in their opinion. They also mention that several countries have vaccines that are built like more traditional vaccines that have been successful as well. And they never mentioned fat people when I spoke with them.
I’m not here to argue or dispute anything but have some honest questions. How can you say nothing was rushed during trials/testing of this vaccine. The virus is only a year old. Most vaccines are studied for years. There is not data on what the potential side effects of this particular vaccine is 2,5,10 (or longer) years down the road. I’ve seen some doctors express concern that we simply don’t know and it could potentially create autoimmune issues down the road . Is that not a possibility? Why are we as a country that worship science always, always being reactive and not proactive? There’s so much science on what a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise eating real whole foods, and taking certain vitamins can do for your immune system. Why aren’t we focused on that? In gerneral the virus is a big “nothing burger” for folks that are metabolically healthy (there are a few outliers but those are rare). Also do we REALLY know how safe the vaccine is? I know a a person that worked in the Anderson hospital system here in upstate SC. She was NOT a doctor just an employee that’s all the details I’ll share. She received the second shot. 7days later she contracted Covid......7 days after that she was dead. Will that be reported? Did the vaccine have anything to do with it? Who knows. I feel like everybody who is posting stuff as absolute fact in this thread are arrogant imbeciles.
Do you think taking vitamins will better protect the population than the vaccine?
I’m not here to argue or dispute anything but have some honest questions. How can you say nothing was rushed during trials/testing of this vaccine. The virus is only a year old. Most vaccines are studied for years. There is not data on what the potential side effects of this particular vaccine is 2,5,10 (or longer) years down the road. I’ve seen some doctors express concern that we simply don’t know and it could potentially create autoimmune issues down the road . Is that not a possibility? Why are we as a country that worship science always, always being reactive and not proactive? There’s so much science on what a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise eating real whole foods, and taking certain vitamins can do for your immune system. Why aren’t we focused on that? In gerneral the virus is a big “nothing burger” for folks that are metabolically healthy (there are a few outliers but those are rare). Also do we REALLY know how safe the vaccine is? I know a a person that worked in the Anderson hospital system here in upstate SC. She was NOT a doctor just an employee that’s all the details I’ll share. She received the second shot. 7days later she contracted Covid......7 days after that she was dead. Will that be reported? Did the vaccine have anything to do with it? Who knows. I feel like everybody who is posting stuff as absolute fact in this thread are arrogant imbeciles.

He literally spelled it out for you. It’s funding and bureaucratic red tape that take years. The safety and efficacy are actually pretty quick. Once you get to phase 3, you only need a certain amount to be infected, which is easy in a pandemic.
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I’m not here to argue or dispute anything but have some honest questions. How can you say nothing was rushed during trials/testing of this vaccine. The virus is only a year old. Most vaccines are studied for years. There is not data on what the potential side effects of this particular vaccine is 2,5,10 (or longer) years down the road. I’ve seen some doctors express concern that we simply don’t know and it could potentially create autoimmune issues down the road . Is that not a possibility? Why are we as a country that worship science always, always being reactive and not proactive? There’s so much science on what a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise eating real whole foods, and taking certain vitamins can do for your immune system. Why aren’t we focused on that? In gerneral the virus is a big “nothing burger” for folks that are metabolically healthy (there are a few outliers but those are rare). Also do we REALLY know how safe the vaccine is? I know a a person that worked in the Anderson hospital system here in upstate SC. She was NOT a doctor just an employee that’s all the details I’ll share. She received the second shot. 7days later she contracted Covid......7 days after that she was dead. Will that be reported? Did the vaccine have anything to do with it? Who knows. I feel like everybody who is posting stuff as absolute fact in this thread are arrogant imbeciles.
Was the person you know who worked in the Anderson hospital system "metabolically healthy"?

PS. Maybe it would be a good idea to re-read your last sentence and apply it inward. ;)
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I’m not here to argue or dispute anything but have some honest questions. How can you say nothing was rushed during trials/testing of this vaccine. The virus is only a year old. Most vaccines are studied for years. There is not data on what the potential side effects of this particular vaccine is 2,5,10 (or longer) years down the road. I’ve seen some doctors express concern that we simply don’t know and it could potentially create autoimmune issues down the road . Is that not a possibility? Why are we as a country that worship science always, always being reactive and not proactive? There’s so much science on what a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise eating real whole foods, and taking certain vitamins can do for your immune system. Why aren’t we focused on that? In gerneral the virus is a big “nothing burger” for folks that are metabolically healthy (there are a few outliers but those are rare). Also do we REALLY know how safe the vaccine is? I know a a person that worked in the Anderson hospital system here in upstate SC. She was NOT a doctor just an employee that’s all the details I’ll share. She received the second shot. 7days later she contracted Covid......7 days after that she was dead. Will that be reported? Did the vaccine have anything to do with it? Who knows. I feel like everybody who is posting stuff as absolute fact in this thread are arrogant imbeciles.
Well, it's an absolute fact that you can't get COVID from the mRNA vaccines. So, there's that.
And for how long? 2 months 6 months, a year? Just line up sheep and take your medicine. People just need to consider alternate forms of health is all. To be healthy and know your own body is the most important.

I think far less people have control over their health than you may believe. Cancer, autoimmune diseases, congenital diseases, genetic disorders all largely don't often care about your vitamins and body shape. I mean, Steve Jobs went full holistic after pancreatic cancer and still died.
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Do you think taking vitamins will better protect the population than the vaccine?
No. I do think low vitamin D levels in particular are related to severity of case. That’s a pretty simple solution (spend more time in the sun or take a very high dose u til you levels become adequate). I also think being metabolically healthy is a big deal in this . I would bet less than 20% of Americans are metabolically healthy. That’s a huge problem. But we live in a fast food society that wants instant gratification and would rather take a pill or a vaccine as opposed to live a healthy lifestyle. People (again there are a very few outliers) who are metabolically healthy have very good outcomes. Eat real unprocessed food. Cut out the vegetable and seed oils and eat healthy fats. Quit eating sugar and/or getting drunk. Excercise. Get good sleep. It’s not complicated. That’s what I believe. I also believe most soft Americans would rather keep their Doritos and Cokes and take the injections while wearing two masks. Yeah I believe being healthy would protect way more people than the vaccine. However the folks with serious conditions and the elderly should take it.
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Was the person you know who worked in the Anderson hospital system "metabolically healthy"?

PS. Maybe it would be a good idea to re-read your last sentence and apply it inward. ;)
I didn’t post anything as absolute fact . I’m just raising some questions . Have no idea. Only blood test would reveal that
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Well, it's an absolute fact that you can't get COVID from the mRNA vaccines. So, there's that.
I agree with that. I never said or implied you could. All I said was this individual contracted Covid 7 days after the second shot. I question if the individual would have had a different outcome had they not received the vaccine. I think it’s a fair question
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No. I do think low vitamin D levels in particular are related to severity of case. That’s a pretty simple solution (spend more time in the sun or take a very high dose u til you levels become adequate). I also think being metabolically healthy is a big deal in this . I would bet less than 20% of Americans are metabolically healthy. That’s a huge problem. But we live in a fast food society that wants instant gratification and would rather take a pill or a vaccine as opposed to live a healthy lifestyle. People (again there are a very few outliers) who are metabolically healthy have very good outcomes. Eat real unprocessed food. Cut out the vegetable and seed oils and eat healthy fats. Quit eating sugar and/or getting drunk. Excercise. Get good sleep. It’s not complicated. That’s what I believe. I also believe most soft Americans would rather keep their Doritos and Cokes and take the injections while wearing two masks. Yeah I believe being healthy would protect way more people than the vaccine. However the folks with serious conditions and the elderly should take it.

Joe Rogan vibes are strong.

FWIW....I agree with you. Your chances of a bad outcome if you're fit and active are statistically zero. Those who are fit and active shouldn't have to apologize for prioritizing their own health over public health just because the vast majority of our society lacks the discipline to stay healthy.
No. I do think low vitamin D levels in particular are related to severity of case. That’s a pretty simple solution (spend more time in the sun or take a very high dose u til you levels become adequate). I also think being metabolically healthy is a big deal in this . I would bet less than 20% of Americans are metabolically healthy. That’s a huge problem. But we live in a fast food society that wants instant gratification and would rather take a pill or a vaccine as opposed to live a healthy lifestyle. People (again there are a very few outliers) who are metabolically healthy have very good outcomes. Eat real unprocessed food. Cut out the vegetable and seed oils and eat healthy fats. Quit eating sugar and/or getting drunk. Excercise. Get good sleep. It’s not complicated. That’s what I believe. I also believe most soft Americans would rather keep their Doritos and Cokes and take the injections while wearing two masks. Yeah I believe being healthy would protect way more people than the vaccine. However the folks with serious conditions and the elderly should take it.
You can promote being healthy and also understand that a vaccine will better protect you/others. There might be outliers to healthy people having poor outcomes to Covid, the same will be said for the vaccine.
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You can promote being healthy and also understand that a vaccine will better protect you/others. There might be outliers to healthy people having poor outcomes to Covid, the same will be said for the vaccine.
However, nobody is promoting being healthy. Just pushing the vaccine. At this time....I’ll pass.
Joe Rogan vibes are strong.

FWIW....I agree with you. Your chances of a bad outcome if you're fit and active are statistically zero. Those who are fit and active shouldn't have to apologize for prioritizing their own health over public health just because the vast majority of our society lacks the discipline to stay healthy.
However, nobody is promoting being healthy. Just pushing the vaccine. At this time....I’ll pass.
Nobody is promoting being healthy? Literally everywhere people are talking about focusing on your physical and mental health during this pandemic. Home workout subscriptions, therapy apps, etc are very much front of mind for people. Look how much sales have boosted for something like Peloton.

Also I'm guessing you are a Rogan fan based on the the previous poster's comment. He is downloaded 200 million times a month. I'm sure he is promoting similar health things that you are talking about.

Everyone also realizes that the vaccine is the quickest most effective way to end this pandemic.
So as a medical professional you would tell people to inject an experimental drug into themselves to help the “old lady down the street” gtf out of here. After 5-10 years when we know the longer term effects of this drug on the immune system I’ll consider taking it. There is a reason they aren’t giving it to people under the age of 18. It’s because they don’t know what it will actually do to us.
They aren't giving it to people under the age of 18 because it hasn't been approved for people in that age group yet. They will probably get approval by this summer or fall and starting giving it to kids, though. Also, long term side effects of vaccines are very rare. Almost all of them appear within a couple of months.
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Nobody is promoting being healthy? Literally everywhere people are talking about focusing on your physical and mental health during this pandemic. Home workout subscriptions, therapy apps, etc are very much front of mind for people. Look how much sales have boosted for something like Peloton.

Also I'm guessing you are a Rogan fan based on the the previous poster's comment. He is downloaded 200 million times a month. I'm sure he is promoting similar health things that you are talking about.

Everyone also realizes that the vaccine is the quickest most effective way to end this pandemic.
The Rogan thing would explain why they are both repeating the phrase "metabolically healthy."
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I’m not here to argue or dispute anything but have some honest questions. How can you say nothing was rushed during trials/testing of this vaccine. The virus is only a year old. Most vaccines are studied for years. There is not data on what the potential side effects of this particular vaccine is 2,5,10 (or longer) years down the road. I’ve seen some doctors express concern that we simply don’t know and it could potentially create autoimmune issues down the road . Is that not a possibility? Why are we as a country that worship science always, always being reactive and not proactive? There’s so much science on what a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise eating real whole foods, and taking certain vitamins can do for your immune system. Why aren’t we focused on that? In gerneral the virus is a big “nothing burger” for folks that are metabolically healthy (there are a few outliers but those are rare). Also do we REALLY know how safe the vaccine is? I know a a person that worked in the Anderson hospital system here in upstate SC. She was NOT a doctor just an employee that’s all the details I’ll share. She received the second shot. 7days later she contracted Covid......7 days after that she was dead. Will that be reported? Did the vaccine have anything to do with it? Who knows. I feel like everybody who is posting stuff as absolute fact in this thread are arrogant imbeciles.

Ignoring your "arrogant imbecile" comment, I'd be happy to go through and answer your questions.

I feel qualified to answer these questions because I'm a physician who has dedicated my life to the practice of medicine.

How can you say nothing was rushed during trials/testing of this vaccine. The virus is only a year old. Most vaccines are studied for years. There is not data on what the potential side effects of this particular vaccine is 2,5,10 (or longer) years down the road. I’ve seen some doctors express concern that we simply don’t know and it could potentially create autoimmune issues down the road . Is that not a possibility?

I understand that you are concerned that vaccines often take years (or decades) prior to availability to the public. These covid vaccines were developed in less than a the actual "development" of the vaccine was only a few weeks (the rest of the year was trials). On the surface, it certainly sounds scary and reason for pause.

However, we have to understand a few things about the vaccine trials. These trials are split into 3 main phases. Phase 1 (There are Phase 0s that usually involve animal studies) involves giving a few people the vaccine to determine safe doses. Phase 2 involves giving a larger number of people the vaccine to determine safety and immune response. Phase 3 involves giving the vaccine to a large number of people and determining efficacy (while also continuing to look at safety). Vaccine trials take a LONG time because each of these trials require money and a vast organizational infrastructure. Phase 3 often takes a long time because to determine efficacy, you NEED people to get infected by what you are vaccinating against. Lets say you gave 15,000 people a placebo and 15,000 a vaccine against west nile. What happens if no one gets infected by west nile? If the disease is rare, you can't make conclusions about the effectiveness. Covid is widespread enough that it didn't take long for a significant (statistically) number of placebo patients got infected by Covid. The global pandemic plus the massive focus by the government resulted in an accelerated trial for the covid vaccines WITHOUT changing the safety monitoring.

Back to safety. There have been issues with vaccine side effects in the past, such as an early smallpox vaccine causing an exaggerated severe infection in those who caught it...this was really the start of the anti-vaccine movement (legitimate at the time). There are long term side effects of vaccines we currently take. The Diptheria vaccine has an extremely rare association with coma and long term seizures. However, the vast majority of long and short term side effects manifest themselves in a matter of weeks to months after vaccination. Could we see some side effect of these mRNA vaccines years down the road? I guess it's possible, but it would be the first time. Also, we haven't seen it in the mRNA vaccine participants as far back as 2011. The risk of catching, transmitting, and suffering from COVID is greater than the risk of the vaccine for the vast majority of people.

There’s so much science on what a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise eating real whole foods, and taking certain vitamins can do for your immune system. Why aren’t we focused on that?

This should be a focus for everyone and its something I counsel my patients on all the time. This will not make you immune to viruses, cancer, or a number of other things. Healthy people do not always become sick because they did something wrong. Sickness happens.

In gerneral the virus is a big “nothing burger” for folks that are metabolically healthy (there are a few outliers but those are rare). Also do we REALLY know how safe the vaccine is? I know a a person that worked in the Anderson hospital system here in upstate SC. She was NOT a doctor just an employee that’s all the details I’ll share. She received the second shot. 7days later she contracted Covid......7 days after that she was dead. Will that be reported? Did the vaccine have anything to do with it?

The virus can still cause severe long term morbidity and mortality in metabolically healthy folks. Sure, you can call them outliers. The problem is, the virus is contagious and those healthy folks can infect the susceptible (not the guilty). The scenario of the person working at the anderson hospital system will ABSOLUTELY be reported and studied. She likely was infected by COVID prior to being fully vaccinated. So far, the vaccine has not shown to cause an exaggerated response to a covid infection...but rather the opposite. Those infected by the vaccine have milder courses and this is consistent among ALL covid vaccine trials against standard variants. Perhaps your friend was infected earlier by the South African variant, known to have some escape from the vaccine. It's hard for me to jump to the conclusion the vaccine caused her illness and her death.
The Rogan thing would explain why they are both repeating the phrase "metabolically healthy."
I don’t even listen to Rogan. There are a ton of doctors saying this. Yeah it’s not an original thought but is being promoted by MANY doctors. I get it. Y’all need to feel good about your decision to take the vaccine. Carry-on
Joe Rogan vibes are strong.

FWIW....I agree with you. Your chances of a bad outcome if you're fit and active are statistically zero. Those who are fit and active shouldn't have to apologize for prioritizing their own health over public health just because the vast majority of our society lacks the discipline to stay healthy.

Is this the new victim shaming? If you died from Covid it's your own fault? Fascinating.
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Just wanted to pass along that the Covid vaccine is making its way to us and I am scheduled to get my first of two shots tomorrow morning!! I'd encourage everyone to not only get the vaccine when it is made available to you but work within your social circles to get others to take this vaccine as well. Getting enough of the population vaccinated is the only way we stand to get this virus behind us. No different than getting the flu vaccine. Hopefully by mid 2021 this damn virus is in our rear view mirror. Regardless of your politics I think we can all agree the last 10 months have sucked!!

I would read some more. New data coming on how Maderna has not been totally truthful about the side effects. This is not a”vaccine”. It has no COVID antibodies. It is an experimental, MNra treatment. Why do drug companies have no liability? Be careful folks.
And for how long? 2 months 6 months, a year? Just line up sheep and take your medicine. People just need to consider alternate forms of health is all. To be healthy and know your own body is the most important.

What in the world does this mean? Surely you know the vaccine may become an annual thing, or need a booster once they have a firm grasp on the duration of protection it provides. With all due respect, do whatever you want, but it seriously sounds like you think you're doing something on your own that will protect you from a potentially deadly novel virus. The key word there is "novel". It's new, and your system is not prepared for it. The truth is that you have absolutely zero idea how your particular system will react to the virus if you contract it. The point of the vaccine is to give your system the tools to fight it so that you either don't contract it, or if you handle it well. Being young and healthy may mean (if you don't take the vaccine) you get the virus and are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. It may also're unlucky...and you get it and don't fare well at all. That's what we're trying to avoid. And please don't look solely at mortality rates. I come from a position of knowledge here, with many very close ties the medical community and some of the leading pulmonologists who are fighting this daily...when you hear the term "recovered" it simply just means "not dead". Short and long term affects for even the mildest of cases are still baffling the smartest scientists and doctors in the world. Serious health issues are arising months after "recovery" for people who have very mild initial cases. But again, do you as you please. Just understand it's a roll of the dice and it's not something where being young and healthy means quite as much as you think it does. That's not fear mongering, it's reality.
Is this the new victim shaming? If you died from Covid it's your own fault? Fascinating.
Isn’t it your own fault? Or should we blame the “science”? Or blame the physicians?

Since this is a Global Pandemic, why won’t these corporate entities take responsibility for f ups or let experienced scientists look at the vaccine structure and peer review the work? They refuse to let people know the exact makeup, so until all cards are on the table I’m out. You guys all have fun with it though.
What exactly do I have to say to people to make them understand there aint gonna be no full stadiums this fall if you don't get the vaccine? Go get the damn vaccine.
I have ample tickets and donate at the Heisman level, I could care less if the stadium is full at this point. Just look at the NFL, sports have become a cancer on society also and I’m a former athlete.

I will not get the vaccine just so we get a full football stadium, my God man, wow.

This is your body, your vessel, take better care of yourself
Joe Rogan vibes are strong.

FWIW....I agree with you. Your chances of a bad outcome if you're fit and active are statistically zero. Those who are fit and active shouldn't have to apologize for prioritizing their own health over public health just because the vast majority of our society lacks the discipline to stay healthy.

In fairness, when you say "bad outcome" you're specifically alluding to death. Many young, healthy people are not dying, yet are suffering very serious short & long term issues after "recovering". That's what makes it so scary for that demographic. Many are lulled into thinking it's not a big deal because the mortality rate for their age range is extremely low.
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What in the world does this mean? Surely you know the vaccine may become an annual thing, or need a booster once they have a firm grasp on the duration of protection it provides. With all due respect, do whatever you want, but it seriously sounds like you think you're doing something on your own that will protect you from a potentially deadly novel virus. The key word there is "novel". It's new, and your system is not prepared for it. The truth is that you have absolutely zero idea how your particular system will react to the virus if you contract it. The point of the vaccine is to give your system the tools to fight it so that you either don't contract it, or if you handle it well. Being young and healthy may mean (if you don't take the vaccine) you get the virus and are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. It may also're unlucky...and you get it and don't fare well at all. That's what we're trying to avoid. And please don't look solely at mortality rates. I come from a position of knowledge here, with many very close ties the medical community and some of the leading pulmonologists who are fighting this daily...when you hear the term "recovered" it simply just means "not dead". Short and long term affects for even the mildest of cases are still baffling the smartest scientists and doctors in the world. Serious health issues are arising months after "recovery" for people who have very mild initial cases. But again, do you as you please. Just understand it's a roll of the dice and it's not something where being young and healthy means quite as much as you think it does. That's not fear mongering, it's reality.
Yep and now HCQ and Zinc are proven treatments, I’m good though, already had it, no symptoms, just antibodies
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Yep and now HCQ and Zinc are proven treatments, I’m good though, already had it, no symptoms, just antibodies

Glad to hear you did well. And I'm not trying to be overly harsh. I'm just trying to point out that many young, healthy people like yourself did all the right things too....and had bad outcomes. Not necessarily death of course because we know mortality rate for the non-elderly is low, but very serious short & long term effects that are nothing to take lightly.
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