I’m not here to argue or dispute anything but have some honest questions. How can you say nothing was rushed during trials/testing of this vaccine. The virus is only a year old. Most vaccines are studied for years. There is not data on what the potential side effects of this particular vaccine is 2,5,10 (or longer) years down the road. I’ve seen some doctors express concern that we simply don’t know and it could potentially create autoimmune issues down the road . Is that not a possibility? Why are we as a country that worship science always, always being reactive and not proactive? There’s so much science on what a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise eating real whole foods, and taking certain vitamins can do for your immune system. Why aren’t we focused on that? In gerneral the virus is a big “nothing burger” for folks that are metabolically healthy (there are a few outliers but those are rare). Also do we REALLY know how safe the vaccine is? I know a a person that worked in the Anderson hospital system here in upstate SC. She was NOT a doctor just an employee that’s all the details I’ll share. She received the second shot. 7days later she contracted Covid......7 days after that she was dead. Will that be reported? Did the vaccine have anything to do with it? Who knows. I feel like everybody who is posting stuff as absolute fact in this thread are arrogant imbeciles.
Ignoring your "arrogant imbecile" comment, I'd be happy to go through and answer your questions.
I feel qualified to answer these questions because I'm a physician who has dedicated my life to the practice of medicine.
How can you say nothing was rushed during trials/testing of this vaccine. The virus is only a year old. Most vaccines are studied for years. There is not data on what the potential side effects of this particular vaccine is 2,5,10 (or longer) years down the road. I’ve seen some doctors express concern that we simply don’t know and it could potentially create autoimmune issues down the road . Is that not a possibility?
I understand that you are concerned that vaccines often take years (or decades) prior to availability to the public. These covid vaccines were developed in less than a year...in-fact the actual "development" of the vaccine was only a few weeks (the rest of the year was trials). On the surface, it certainly sounds scary and reason for pause.
However, we have to understand a few things about the vaccine trials. These trials are split into 3 main phases. Phase 1 (There are Phase 0s that usually involve animal studies) involves giving a few people the vaccine to determine safe doses. Phase 2 involves giving a larger number of people the vaccine to determine safety and immune response. Phase 3 involves giving the vaccine to a large number of people and determining efficacy (while also continuing to look at safety). Vaccine trials take a LONG time because each of these trials require money and a vast organizational infrastructure. Phase 3 often takes a long time because to determine efficacy, you NEED people to get infected by what you are vaccinating against. Lets say you gave 15,000 people a placebo and 15,000 a vaccine against west nile. What happens if no one gets infected by west nile? If the disease is rare, you can't make conclusions about the effectiveness. Covid is widespread enough that it didn't take long for a significant (statistically) number of placebo patients got infected by Covid. The global pandemic plus the massive focus by the government resulted in an accelerated trial for the covid vaccines WITHOUT changing the safety monitoring.
Back to safety. There have been issues with vaccine side effects in the past, such as an early smallpox vaccine causing an exaggerated severe infection in those who caught it...this was really the start of the anti-vaccine movement (legitimate at the time). There are long term side effects of vaccines we currently take. The Diptheria vaccine has an extremely rare association with coma and long term seizures. However, the vast majority of long and short term side effects manifest themselves in a matter of weeks to months after vaccination. Could we see some side effect of these mRNA vaccines years down the road? I guess it's possible, but it would be the first time. Also, we haven't seen it in the mRNA vaccine participants as far back as 2011. The risk of catching, transmitting, and suffering from COVID is greater than the risk of the vaccine for the vast majority of people.
There’s so much science on what a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise eating real whole foods, and taking certain vitamins can do for your immune system. Why aren’t we focused on that?
This should be a focus for everyone and its something I counsel my patients on all the time. This will not make you immune to viruses, cancer, or a number of other things. Healthy people do not always become sick because they did something wrong. Sickness happens.
In gerneral the virus is a big “nothing burger” for folks that are metabolically healthy (there are a few outliers but those are rare). Also do we REALLY know how safe the vaccine is? I know a a person that worked in the Anderson hospital system here in upstate SC. She was NOT a doctor just an employee that’s all the details I’ll share. She received the second shot. 7days later she contracted Covid......7 days after that she was dead. Will that be reported? Did the vaccine have anything to do with it?
The virus can still cause severe long term morbidity and mortality in metabolically healthy folks. Sure, you can call them outliers. The problem is, the virus is contagious and those healthy folks can infect the susceptible (not the guilty). The scenario of the person working at the anderson hospital system will ABSOLUTELY be reported and studied. She likely was infected by COVID prior to being fully vaccinated. So far, the vaccine has not shown to cause an exaggerated response to a covid infection...but rather the opposite. Those infected by the vaccine have milder courses and this is consistent among ALL covid vaccine trials against standard variants. Perhaps your friend was infected earlier by the South African variant, known to have some escape from the vaccine. It's hard for me to jump to the conclusion the vaccine caused her illness and her death.