Covid vaccine tomorrow!!

Question for season ticket holders. Would you get the vaccine if Clemson says you have to have proof to enter DV next Fall?

Drug companies could get together tomorrow and say it is so safe, they will give up immunity to law suits. Why would you take something where the maker had no liability. Would you buy a car if the car company refused to accept liability? These trial were what, a month or two. What happens in six months to a year. They have no clue but make plenty of money off this vaccine. And with all due respect to the doctors on this board, I can find many more who say you should not take it. Individual choice but no way should an experimental gene treatment be a requirement for any activity.
In fairness, when you say "bad outcome" you're specifically alluding to death. Many young, healthy people are not dying, yet are suffering very serious short & long term issues after "recovering". That's what makes it so scary for that demographic. Many are lulled into thinking it's not a big deal because the mortality rate for their age range is extremely low.
Or people are lulled into taking a vaccine, just wear the mask for a little bit til we flatten the curve... meanwhile on planet, I don’t know what planet you all are living on... but all states regardless are end up in the same spot, Wash DC has walls up like a prison and prison guards, our president is slipping and VP has taken over international relations, your freedoms are being stripped away piece by piece by big tech, government, and Karen your neighbor, and all this and people just keep bending over and taking it over and over like a Tiajuana hooker. Holy shite wake up before it’s too late, start eliminating fluoride and de-calcifying your pineal gland would be a start.

Good luck, I’ll head back to lurking on football recruiting, the rest of you keyboard warriors are too gullible for me.

I’ll be back to say I told ya so though when the time is right
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Or people are lulled into taking a vaccine, just wear the mask for a little bit til we flatten the curve... meanwhile on planet, I don’t know what planet you all are living on... but all states regardless are end up in the same spot, Wash DC has walls up like a prison and prison guards, our president is slipping and VP has taken over international relations, your freedoms are being stripped away piece by piece by big tech, government, and Karen your neighbor, and all this and people just keep bending over and taking it over and over like a Tiajuana hooker. Holy shite wake up before it’s too late, start eliminating fluoride and de-calcifying your pineal gland would be a start.

Good luck, I’ll head back to lurking on football recruiting, the rest of you keyboard warriors are too gullible for me.

I’ll be back to say I told ya so though when the time is right
Or just go back to the round table and proclaim the pope is arrested. DONT TRUST THE MEDIA THO.

Your tin-foil hat fell off lil fella.
Glad to hear you did well. And I'm not trying to be overly harsh. I'm just trying to point out that many young, healthy people like yourself did all the right things too....and had bad outcomes. Not necessarily death of course because we know mortality rate for the non-elderly is low, but very serious short & long term effects that are nothing to take lightly.
Yes and I’m not young I’m just healthy. There is def some lingering lung issues which relate to blood types it seems, old people are living longer and during that time poisoning ourselves with food and drugs prescribed to treat symptoms not the root causes of disease. Give someone who is obese with heart disease Lipitor, and on and on it goes. Really we need to hold food companies accountable for the bad food they sell us, that’s the real issue at hand.

anyway I just made 1 more post than was intended. Y’all have fun
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Tell me where the pope has been seen in public since my post
Quick look at his instagram has him making a speech on February 3, 2021 about International Day of Human Fraternity.

There is also a video on youtube of him making a speech to the public on February 14,2021. And yes there are actual people there in audience.

Ready to admit your wrong? No?

Now go back to lurking.
Tell me where the pope has been seen in public since my post


Sorry--just because Q hive minds read an article posted about SOME visits cancelled because the pope is an old dude and misread it to think that it was all and not just limited visits...he did meet w/people after canceling those at the Apostolic Palace library on Jan 24th but just was in full public as early as Feb 7th--read the below...

Now the question is when faced with evidence--what do you do?? I'm wagering you double down rather than facing reality...

Sorry--just because Q hive minds read an article posted about SOME visits cancelled because the pope is an old dude and misread it to think that it was all and not just limited visits...he did meet w/people after canceling those at the Apostolic Palace library on Jan 24th but just was in full public as early as Feb 7th--read the below...

Now the question is when faced with evidence--what do you do?? I'm wagering you double down rather than facing reality...
I’m ok with it. No need to double down, I can be wrong, my wife proves me wrong a good amount. I’m just done arguing honestly, we won’t change each other’s minds so I’m good with it all playing out.
Isn’t it your own fault? Or should we blame the “science”? Or blame the physicians?

Since this is a Global Pandemic, why won’t these corporate entities take responsibility for f ups or let experienced scientists look at the vaccine structure and peer review the work? They refuse to let people know the exact makeup, so until all cards are on the table I’m out. You guys all have fun with it though.

If you die from covid, it's covid fault. That simple enough for you?

The studies and the vaccine are peer reviewed. Anyone can look it up. The FDA released like 50 pages of intricate detail from the pfizer study alone.


I'm all for debate, but you just sound like like a child lashing out and making things up.

"Until all the cards are on the table, I'm out." Haha yeah right. You will never get the vaccine out of some arrogant pride.
Or people are lulled into taking a vaccine, just wear the mask for a little bit til we flatten the curve... meanwhile on planet, I don’t know what planet you all are living on... but all states regardless are end up in the same spot, Wash DC has walls up like a prison and prison guards, our president is slipping and VP has taken over international relations, your freedoms are being stripped away piece by piece by big tech, government, and Karen your neighbor, and all this and people just keep bending over and taking it over and over like a Tiajuana hooker. Holy shite wake up before it’s too late, start eliminating fluoride and de-calcifying your pineal gland would be a start.

Good luck, I’ll head back to lurking on football recruiting, the rest of you keyboard warriors are too gullible for me.

I’ll be back to say I told ya so though when the time is right

Hahaha good stuff. Again, happy you're doing well after Covid. But to say people who understand and believe in science, epidemiology and medicine when it comes to a vaccine that combats a novel virus / pandemic are "keyboard warriors"? Bizarre take...but good luck.
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In fairness, when you say "bad outcome" you're specifically alluding to death. Many young, healthy people are not dying, yet are suffering very serious short & long term issues after "recovering". That's what makes it so scary for that demographic. Many are lulled into thinking it's not a big deal because the mortality rate for their age range is extremely low.

Can you provide some data to support this claim?
Question for season ticket holders. Would you get the vaccine if Clemson says you have to have proof to enter DV next Fall?

Honestly, this is the main reason I got the vaccine. I had some trips planned for May and assumed with the vaccine, I could travel, play golf and such without having to quarantine for 10 days.... NOPE!

Nobody even cares if you have been vaccinated or not. They say you can still spread the virus even being vaccinated!!

So, my plan is basically failing. There's no way you've got a big enough viral load to spread Covid if you've been vaccinated. I don't buy it. Seems like another scare tactic.

I would've thought for sure, proof of vaccine would mean full stadiums, travel, and such. But I think these public health guys don't want to give up their power just yet.
Can you provide some data to support this claim?

I'll see what I can do. My best friend is a pulmonary & critical care doctor in Denver, who rotates between 4 hospitals. I'll see if he can point me towards some of the medical journal articles & research studies (many of which are in progress). Our son has a rare lung disease, so we're lucky in that sense to be in close contact with the pulmonary team at Boston Children's Hospital (one of the top hospitals in the world as you likely know). They've been telling us the same thing, but I'll see if I can get some data for you from them. Essentially, people in their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, etc are beating the virus ("recovering"), but many are experiencing lung & heart damage (to varying extent), vascular issues, multi-organ damage / failure, etc at rates that are very concerning to the medical community, and not something they have seen before this virus. Certainly it's not happening to everyone, but the randomness of it is part of what makes it so baffling.
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I'll see what I can do. My best friend is a pulmonary & critical care doctor in Denver, who rotates between 4 hospitals. I'll see if he can point me towards some of the medical journal articles & research studies (many of which are in progress). Our son has a rare lung disease, so we're lucky in that sense to be in close contact with the pulmonary team at Boston Children's Hospital (one of the top hospitals in the world as you likely know). They've been telling us the same thing, but I'll see if I can get some data for you from them. Essentially, people in their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, etc are beating the virus ("recovering"), but are experiencing lung & heart damage (to varying extent), vascular issues, multi-organ damage / failure, etc at rates that are very concerning to the medical community, and not something they have seen before this virus. Certainly it's not happening to everyone, but the randomness of it is part of what makes it so baffling.

That would be great. Everything I've seen/read so far is that while certainly a possibility for this outcome it's a very small percentage of the total number of, let's say sub-40 & healthy, who have tested positive for COVID.

And while I have great respect for doctors, what they do and their knowledge, they are typically seeing the worst of the worst in the hospital, it's hard for them to take a 30,000 ft view of a topic like this. You may have a doctor who's seen 85 cases of younger people who are in some form of organ decline as a result of COVID but they lack the perspective of analyzing that against the thousands of positive cases that were unimpactful. That's why independent researchers and medical journals are so important.
I'll see what I can do. My best friend is a pulmonary & critical care doctor in Denver, who rotates between 4 hospitals. I'll see if he can point me towards some of the medical journal articles & research studies (many of which are in progress). Our son has a rare lung disease, so we're lucky in that sense to be in close contact with the pulmonary team at Boston Children's Hospital (one of the top hospitals in the world as you likely know). They've been telling us the same thing, but I'll see if I can get some data for you from them. Essentially, people in their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, etc are beating the virus ("recovering"), but are experiencing lung & heart damage (to varying extent), vascular issues, multi-organ damage / failure, etc at rates that are very concerning to the medical community, and not something they have seen before this virus. Certainly it's not happening to everyone, but the randomness of it is part of what makes it so baffling.
Can attest to a close friend (30 years old) who works out all the time and gotten himself in really good shape, but 3 months post being Covid positive, he is now having breathing issues. He now has an exam scheduled with a pulmonary doctor.

Anecdotal but definitely in line with what you've said.
If you die from covid, it's covid fault. That simple enough for you?

The studies and the vaccine are peer reviewed. Anyone can look it up. The FDA released like 50 pages of intricate detail from the pfizer study alone.


I'm all for debate, but you just sound like like a child lashing out and making things up.

"Until all the cards are on the table, I'm out." Haha yeah right. You will never get the vaccine out of some arrogant pride.
I will not get the vaccine and it has nothing to do with pride.

History will write the story not me, not you. Glad you aren’t my doctor though, sounds like you work for the drug companies
Honestly, this is the main reason I got the vaccine. I had some trips planned for May and assumed with the vaccine, I could travel, play golf and such without having to quarantine for 10 days.... NOPE!

Nobody even cares if you have been vaccinated or not. They say you can still spread the virus even being vaccinated!!

So, my plan is basically failing. There's no way you've got a big enough viral load to spread Covid if you've been vaccinated. I don't buy it. Seems like another scare tactic.

I would've thought for sure, proof of vaccine would mean full stadiums, travel, and such. But I think these public health guys don't want to give up their power just yet.
Bingo, we all learned early on as male adolescents, don’t use 2 condoms, it greatly increases the chance of pregnancy due to them rubbing together and like going forever cause you feel nothing. Now wear 2 face masks, doesn’t matter if you’ve gotten Covid, still can’t travel to foreign countries without neg test. Still can’t be in public without a mask. Still can’t go to concerts, football games, or grandmas for Christmas. Get the vaccine... only works for 3 months, then another, then another, when does it end?

masks don’t work, vaccine is garbage, it’s all about control and the government has had a taste of the power, they are not likely to give it up. Next up Biden is coming for the guns, already announced, at least some people are waking up. Hopefully it’s not too late.
I’m not here to argue or dispute anything but have some honest questions. How can you say nothing was rushed during trials/testing of this vaccine. The virus is only a year old. Most vaccines are studied for years. There is not data on what the potential side effects of this particular vaccine is 2,5,10 (or longer) years down the road. I’ve seen some doctors express concern that we simply don’t know and it could potentially create autoimmune issues down the road . Is that not a possibility? Why are we as a country that worship science always, always being reactive and not proactive? There’s so much science on what a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise eating real whole foods, and taking certain vitamins can do for your immune system. Why aren’t we focused on that? In gerneral the virus is a big “nothing burger” for folks that are metabolically healthy (there are a few outliers but those are rare). Also do we REALLY know how safe the vaccine is? I know a a person that worked in the Anderson hospital system here in upstate SC. She was NOT a doctor just an employee that’s all the details I’ll share. She received the second shot. 7days later she contracted Covid......7 days after that she was dead. Will that be reported? Did the vaccine have anything to do with it? Who knows. I feel like everybody who is posting stuff as absolute fact in this thread are arrogant imbeciles.
On the FDA’s process:

Did the immense urgency of this pandemic affect how you approached the normal vaccine approval process? Did you have to make any compromises in terms of safety or efficacy?

This is a really important point you’re bringing up. First of all, this is one of the reasons we’ve been so transparent in our June 30 guidance regarding vaccine development for COVID-19 and the October 6 guidance on emergency use authorization. We’ve been very clear from the beginning on what data we would need to see: clear and compelling evidence of safety and efficacy from at least one randomized clinical trial. That is very similar to what we would normally see in a biologics license application, or BLA, which is the normal approval process. And we also wanted to see quality manufacturing and adherence to manufacturing standards, because we want to make sure that every vaccine produced is of high quality and similar to the ones that were used in the clinical trial. We also worked ahead of any application to make sure that we were on top of the manufacturing issues that might or might not arise with any vaccine.

This was an expedited process, compared with what we normally do. Let me just give you an example: for a clinical trial that has 44,000 participants such as the Pfizer trial, that application, if it were part of the biologics license application that came before it, would normally be reviewed in a four- to six-month time period. We received that application on November 20, so you can see that in a matter of weeks, we’re doing the work that’s very similar to what we would do for an application that would take us months. And that is because, of course, of the urgency of the situation.

What steps will you be taking to reassure the public that any vaccine that is authorized is indeed safe and effective?

We’re not going to cut any corners in our assessment of the vaccine. We need to make sure that we’re comfortable that we can make recommendations to the American people about safety and efficacy.

Confidence in the vaccine is of utmost importance to us. There has been quite a lot of discussion about vaccine hesitancy in the country. We wanted to make sure that there was confidence in the FDA’s review procedures and that we were following them. Thus, the need for an outside group of experts, the [vaccine advisory] committee, that was part of our normal process. And we felt strongly that that would indeed bolster confidence. These scientific eyes on the data are really important for America to see. I think that transparency—and the transparency that we will have with respect to explaining any decision we make—is really important.
I don’t even listen to Rogan. There are a ton of doctors saying this. Yeah it’s not an original thought but is being promoted by MANY doctors. I get it. Y’all need to feel good about your decision to take the vaccine. Carry-on
I guarantee that no doctor who cares about their license is telling people that they shouldn’t get vaccinated, and should just expect their “metabolic health” to protect them instead.
No. I do think low vitamin D levels in particular are related to severity of case. That’s a pretty simple solution (spend more time in the sun or take a very high dose u til you levels become adequate). I also think being metabolically healthy is a big deal in this . I would bet less than 20% of Americans are metabolically healthy. That’s a huge problem. But we live in a fast food society that wants instant gratification and would rather take a pill or a vaccine as opposed to live a healthy lifestyle. People (again there are a very few outliers) who are metabolically healthy have very good outcomes. Eat real unprocessed food. Cut out the vegetable and seed oils and eat healthy fats. Quit eating sugar and/or getting drunk. Excercise. Get good sleep. It’s not complicated. That’s what I believe. I also believe most soft Americans would rather keep their Doritos and Cokes and take the injections while wearing two masks. Yeah I believe being healthy would protect way more people than the vaccine. However the folks with serious conditions and the elderly should take it.
Take a look at some other countries with less fat people. They don’t necessarily have better fatality rates or rates of severe disease.
I guarantee that no doctor who cares about their license is telling people that they shouldn’t get vaccinated, and should just expect their “metabolic health” to protect them instead.
“Cares about their license” is all people need to know. Vaccine for polio I understand, vaccine for the flu and strains thereof are about control and y’all just can’t get enough of it
I agree with that. I never said or implied you could. All I said was this individual contracted Covid 7 days after the second shot. I question if the individual would have had a different outcome had they not received the vaccine. I think it’s a fair question

The vaccine isn’t killing any of the other millions of people who have gotten it. I’d say it had nothing to do with the death you speak of.
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I guarantee that no doctor who cares about their license is telling people that they shouldn’t get vaccinated, and should just expect their “metabolic health” to protect them instead.
There are absolutely doctors who believe that the vaccine should be studied longer before mass vaccination (even though it is not a vaccine). There were even negative votes prior to it’s approval. It’s not even fully FDA approved. It’s approved for “emergency use”. And there are doctors who would advise a young healthy adult to do the research and decide for themselves. Clearly these doctors would encourage their patients who have serious underlying condition and the elderly to take it. But you don’t have to look far to find doctors who are saying there is no reason for a young healthy adult to receive the “vaccine”.
The vaccine isn’t killing any of the other millions of people who have gotten it. I’d say it had nothing to do with the death you speak of.
Maybe it didn’t . I never said it did. However neither you or I know. Hopefully they will do an honest investigation and find out. Maybe the vaccine causes some people to have a more severe reaction when they are actually exposed. Who knows at this point. I also read an article (not hard to find) about a doctor in Fla who took the vaccine and died of a stroke 5 days later. Of course they are saying they don’t think it’s related to the vaccine. However the doctor was by all accounts healthy in his early 50’s. His family is convinced he died from the vaccine. Maybe the stroke is completely unrelated. I don’t know. I don’t see the problem with waiting to see how millions and millions fare before I take it.
Maybe it didn’t . I never said it did. However neither you or I know. Hopefully they will do an honest investigation and find out. Maybe the vaccine causes some people to have a more severe reaction when they are actually exposed. Who knows at this point. I also read an article (not hard to find) about a doctor in Fla who took the vaccine and died of a stroke 5 days later. Of course they are saying they don’t think it’s related to the vaccine. However the doctor was by all accounts healthy in his early 50’s. His family is convinced he died from the vaccine. Maybe the stroke is completely unrelated. I don’t know. I don’t see the problem with waiting to see how millions and millions fare before I take it.

You’re seeing it right now. Millions and millions have gotten it and everyone is fine. People die every day and getting vaccinated for Covid doesn’t change that fact. There were always going to be people who die coincidentally after getting the vaccine.
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You’re seeing it right now. Millions and millions have gotten it and everyone is fine. People die every day and getting vaccinated for Covid doesn’t change that fact. There were always going to be people who die coincidentally after getting the vaccine.
I see your point. I agree for sure that people will die coincidentally after getting the vaccine. People die every day and that won’t stop . My biggest concern is not taking the vaccine then dying a few days later. It’s the long term unknowns that concern me. I may eventually take it. Not right now though.
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That would be great. Everything I've seen/read so far is that while certainly a possibility for this outcome it's a very small percentage of the total number of, let's say sub-40 & healthy, who have tested positive for COVID.

And while I have great respect for doctors, what they do and their knowledge, they are typically seeing the worst of the worst in the hospital, it's hard for them to take a 30,000 ft view of a topic like this. You may have a doctor who's seen 85 cases of younger people who are in some form of organ decline as a result of COVID but they lack the perspective of analyzing that against the thousands of positive cases that were unimpactful. That's why independent researchers and medical journals are so important.
About 1/6 people have severe illness, while something like 8/10 have mild to moderate illness:

Here’s more about “long haulers:”

Studies have suggested about 10% of people are “long haulers:”
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I see your point. I agree for sure that people will die coincidentally after getting the vaccine. People die every day and that won’t stop . My biggest concern is not taking the vaccine then dying a few days later. It’s the long term unknowns that concern me. I may eventually take it. Not right now though.
I’m curious what’s making you think that side effects of vaccines that don’t show up until a long time after being vaccinated are a major concern with vaccines. As @saber8689 has said, it’s very rare for vaccine side effects not to show up within a couple of months.

They’re also constantly collecting more safety information on these vaccines. I can tell you from being on a bunch of calls with the CDC, they’re taking safety and recording any adverse events very seriously.
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About 1/6 people have severe illness, while something like 8/10 have mild to moderate illness:

Here’s more about “long haulers:”

Studies have suggested about 10% of people are “long haulers:”
“I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation.

Me: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? (I ran a few ingredients, formaldehyde, Tween 80, mercury, aluminum, phenoxyethanol, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, sorbitol, etc.)

He: Well, that's quite a list... But I'd have to easily say that they're all toxic to humans... Used in fertilizers... Pesticides... To stop the heart... To preserve a dead body... They're registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons. Why?

Me: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously I'd put my daughter in harm's way... But what would legally happen to me?

He: Odd question... But you'd likely be charged with criminal negligence... perhaps with intent to kill... and of course child abuse... Your child would be taken away from you... Do you know of someone's who's doing this to their child? This is criminal...

Me: An industry... These are the ingredients used in vaccines... With binding agents to make sure the body won't flush these out... To keep the antibody levels up indefinitely...

He: WHAT?!

Your conclusion?

The man was beside himself. He asked if I would email him all this information. He wanted to share it with his adult kids who are parents. He was horrified and felt awful he didn't know... his kids are vaccinated and they have health issues...”

~ By Iris Figueroa 🍃♥️🍃

✅INGREDIENTS TO VACCINES - You CANNOT make an educated decision without being educated.

Here are just SOME vaccine ingredients.

These are being INJECTED into your kids;

◾️Formaldehyde/Formalin - Highly toxic systematic poison and carcinogen.

◾️Betapropiolactone - Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death/permanant injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical.

◾️Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide - May cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects.

◾️Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts - Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely.

◾️Thimerosal (mercury) - Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism.

◾️Polysorbate 80 & 20 - Trespasses the Blood-Brain Barrier and carries with it aluminum, thimerosal, and viruses; allowing it to enter the brain.

◾️Glutaraldehyde - Toxic chemical used as a disinfectant for heat sensitive medical equipment.

◾️Fetal Bovine Serum - Harvested from bovine (cow) fetuses taken from pregnant cows before slaughter.

◾️Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells - aborted fetal cells. Foreign DNA has the ability to interact with our own.

◾️African Green Monkey Kidney Cells - Can carry the SV-40 cancer-causing virus that has already tainted about 30 million Americans.

◾️Acetone - Can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage.

◾️E.Coli - Yes, you read that right.

◾️DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1

◾️Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses)

✳️You can view all of these ingredients on the CDCs website. I encourage everyone to do their own research. Look up the MSDS on these chemicals. Read the thousands of peer reviewed studies that have evaluated the biological consequences these chemicals can have on the body, especially when being injected.

✳️Fact check vaccine ingredients here:

Took my second Moderna Monday and like the first for two days I have felt bad

like I had a mild case of something bad

glad I took the vaccine but it was not without negative effects that were tolerable
About 1/6 people have severe illness, while something like 8/10 have mild to moderate illness:

Here’s more about “long haulers:”

Studies have suggested about 10% of people are “long haulers:”

I appreciate it but the discussion was centered around the long-term effects on younger folks. We have an extremely unhealthy population. I would fully expect a sizeable portion of our 70+ population to have long-term effects from a bad respiratory virus.
◾Formaldehyde/Formalin - Highly toxic systematic poison and carcinogen.

◾Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts - Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely.

◾Thimerosal (mercury) - Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism.
Formaldehyde - occurs naturally in pears. Better not eat any fruit.

Aluminum Salts - these are in your drinking water. Aluminum hydroxide is an antacid. Hope you're not thirsty with heartburn.

Thimerosal - not all mercury is poison. This is ethyl mercury which does not stay in the body and is non toxic. Methyl mercury will kill you. It occurs naturally in fish. Better not eat any fish.

That's just off the top of my head. Lot's of things can look bad when broken down into their individual components. It's probably best you don't come in here trying to pose Facebook posts (obligatory none of that call ever happened) as facts. It's one thing to be opposed to the covid vaccine but being a true anti-vaxxer is a bad look.
Honestly, this is the main reason I got the vaccine. I had some trips planned for May and assumed with the vaccine, I could travel, play golf and such without having to quarantine for 10 days.... NOPE!

Nobody even cares if you have been vaccinated or not. They say you can still spread the virus even being vaccinated!!

So, my plan is basically failing. There's no way you've got a big enough viral load to spread Covid if you've been vaccinated. I don't buy it. Seems like another scare tactic.

I would've thought for sure, proof of vaccine would mean full stadiums, travel, and such. But I think these public health guys don't want to give up their power just yet.

I think it's a fair point and I agree there should be more exceptions for folks who are vaccinated. Easing on restrictions for vaccinated people would also encourage more folks to get vaccinated.

I'm hoping things will change in the next few months with proof of vaccination.

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