Covid vaccine tomorrow!!

Just wanted to pass along that the Covid vaccine is making its way to us and I am scheduled to get my first of two shots tomorrow morning!! I'd encourage everyone to not only get the vaccine when it is made available to you but work within your social circles to get others to take this vaccine as well. Getting enough of the population vaccinated is the only way we stand to get this virus behind us. No different than getting the flu vaccine. Hopefully by mid 2021 this damn virus is in our rear view mirror. Regardless of your politics I think we can all agree the last 10 months have sucked!!
Not all children go to public school. And not all vaccines are the same. Many are obviously good and have been around for decades. Operation warp speed with relatively new technology.....not so much. The numbers continue to plummet and the death rates and even long hauler numbers are small. To mandate a vaccine to travel to Fla is ludicrous. How about everyone who wants to protect themselves with a vaccine be my guest. It’s a personal choice. Those of us who would rather take a chance with the virus....that’s also a personal choice . If you have a vaccine why would you care. You’re protected. It shouldn’t infringe on my freedom to travel.
There’s a reason the good vaccines have been around for’s because people took them and trusted the science.
Cool strawman, bro. Do you get upset when the stupid gubberment takes away your freedom with a passport application to travel abroad?

If the people of Florida decide to require a vaccine for out of state visitors then that's their right. I do not care.
It’s not the people of fla bro . It’s the current administration. The gubberment of fla is against it (a travel ban) smart guy. And comparing applying for a passport to injecting something into your body is laughable.
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There’s a reason the good vaccines have been around for’s because people took them and trusted the science.
I have no problem with your statement. I am sort of in the wait and see mode. I’m in no hurry to get it. Those vaccines were also studied over time (like 10 years). I’m not anti-vaccination or medicine lol. But science changes and scientist are fallible and make mistakes all the time. I do have a problem with mandating this particular vaccine. Right now it’s a choice. I think it should stay that way.
I have no problem with your statement. I am sort of in the wait and see mode. I’m in no hurry to get it. Those vaccines were also studied over time (like 10 years). I’m not anti-vaccination or medicine lol. But science changes and scientist are fallible and make mistakes all the time. I do have a problem with mandating this particular vaccine. Right now it’s a choice. I think it should stay that way.
I see your point
It’s not the people of fla bro . It’s the current administration. The gubberment of fla is against it (a travel ban) smart guy. And comparing applying for a passport to injecting something into your body is laughable.
OK, you believe in the boogeyman. I get it.

However, if the people of FL enact a legal travel ban then that'll be the requirement. If you think the White House will pursue this I believe you are mistaken, but congrats on the fake news subscription.
OK, you believe in the boogeyman. I get it.

However, if the people of FL enact a legal travel ban then that'll be the requirement. If you think the White House will pursue this I believe you are mistaken, but congrats on the fake news subscription.
How do you function in life being mentally retarded?? You keep saying “if the people of fla enact a travel ban” LOL. The people of fla and the fla government are against any sort of travel ban have said they would fight against it. The Biden administration is the one considering enacting a travel ban in Fla. What are you talking about a boogeyman? Pay attention
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Just wanted to pass along that the Covid vaccine is making its way to us and I am scheduled to get my first of two shots tomorrow morning!! I'd encourage everyone to not only get the vaccine when it is made available to you but work within your social circles to get others to take this vaccine as well. Getting enough of the population vaccinated is the only way we stand to get this virus behind us. No different than getting the flu vaccine. Hopefully by mid 2021 this damn virus is in our rear view mirror. Regardless of your politics I think we can all agree the last 10 months have sucked!!
I prefer vitamins and a healthy body. Zinc, magnesium, Vitamins B & D, will help your body naturally fight off any virus. With all the “unknowns “ in the virus and latest admission from the CDC about the polio vaccine in the 50s and 60s I’d stay away from this vaccine until you see how it treats the rest of the test subjects.

see CDC Vaers data for a wake up call.
Got it at noon yesterday. Damn, this thing has kicked my tail. 102* fever, body aches , fever chills. No energy at all. It’s been 29 hours and I’m finally starting to have energy after eating something.
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I’m planning on getting the vaccine but now I’m discouraged that they are not confident it works past 3 months?

pretty worthless if it doesn’t last longer than 3 months
Got it at noon yesterday. Damn, this thing has kicked my tail. 102* fever, body aches , fever chills. No energy at all. It’s been 29 hours and I’m finally starting to have energy after eating something.
That’s cause your worthless and weak!
I prefer vitamins and a healthy body. Zinc, magnesium, Vitamins B & D, will help your body naturally fight off any virus. With all the “unknowns “ in the virus and latest admission from the CDC about the polio vaccine in the 50s and 60s I’d stay away from this vaccine until you see how it treats the rest of the test subjects.

see CDC Vaers data for a wake up call.

Wow, went down a rabbit hole with the OPV polio vaccine. It paralyzed 1 in 2.7 milllion kids. Canada switched to the IPV vaccine in 1995 while the USA was 5 years late in 2000
Is this a one time deal similar to chicken pox/hepatitis or is this an every year vaccine similar to the flu?

Sorry for the dumb question. Haven't researched it.
O no sir. This may be twice a year thing.

Where are all the ads to get the flu vaccine this year? 10 free bucks to come get a vaccine here at your local piggly wiggly. They are gone.
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O no sir. This may be twice a year thing.

Where are all the ads to get the flu vaccine this year? 10 free bucks to come get a vaccine here at your local piggly wiggly. They are gone.
Amazing and people are lining up for an unproven vaccine for a Virus Protein that even shows your healthy body has a 99%+ chance of defending vs. 95% efficacy of a vaccine that requires constant upkeep and one simply doesn’t know if it messes with your DNA or not.

i mean if a guy that goes to school in medicine says so, even though we have peer reviewed journals noting how effective HCQ and Zinc combined are staunchly effective against Corona viruses. Goes to show some doctors are just drug dealers in a white coat, pimping the latest vaccine, parroting talking head bureaucrats, and not doing their own homework. Aren’t our bodies the best defense for viruses? Well that’s a loaded question... they used to be prior to pumping nasty food, sugar and processed chemical ridden food into our bodies.

Newsflash: healthy food, taking vitamins, exercise and physical stressing of your mind/body are the ONLY things you need to beat most things. It is truly sad that people will not put down the McDonalds, instead opting for the easy button vaccine that was designed to stress your body in the wrong direction.

I’m to the point now where if people want to take it fine... Gates was right when he spoke to the CIA about depopulation... our resources only last so long at this rate... if the sheep wanna head straight for the Easy button and it ends up with short/long term side affects, it’s on them cause we tried to warn Them.
Wow, went down a rabbit hole with the OPV polio vaccine. It paralyzed 1 in 2.7 milllion kids. Canada switched to the IPV vaccine in 1995 while the USA was 5 years late in 2000
I was talking about the cancer the CDC covered up and recently admitted.
I think mrna vaccines have proven to be extremely safe. What's unknown is if they truly work. Apparently mrna is pretty fragile.
I think mrna vaccines have proven to be extremely safe. What's unknown is if they truly work. Apparently mrna is pretty fragile.
You just said “fragile” and said “extremely safe” in same comment. Seems like an oxymoron to me.

Who has proven they are extremely safe? Link to medical journals or anything peer reviewed so we can take this comment to the bank?

The fragile comment and “unknown” comment are much more accurate. Go research the animal testing with mRNA, never the vaccine that kills en mass, it’s the viral and bacterial infections that go unnoticed because white bloods cells build up and are not swept out of your system.

This is the first human tests, let’s see what happens, but my guess is we fair the same as the animals.
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Got it at noon yesterday. Damn, this thing has kicked my tail. 102* fever, body aches , fever chills. No energy at all. It’s been 29 hours and I’m finally starting to have energy after eating something.
Best friend ended up in the hospital. I suggest you use this as a sign and don’t go for round 2.

Anything that works like chemotherapy and makes you sick to get better is a zero sum game.
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Best friend ended up in the hospital. I suggest you use this as a sign and don’t go for round 2.

Anything that works like chemotherapy and makes you sick to get better is a zero sum game.
This is round 2.
Thanks for sharing! I feel much better about my decision now that it’s the exact opposite of what you have suggested.
This is round 2.
Thanks for sharing! I feel much better about my decision now that it’s the exact opposite of what you have suggested.
In the end we all gotta own the decisions, don’t let me influence yours. I promise you don’t influence me, I do wish you the best, hope you feel better. Maybe do some more research should your body not take well to the vaccine, figure out next steps. Good luck
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Range of 96.8-103.6 fever yesterday(mostly on the high end). I’m at hour 50, and feeling much better besides a slight heady
Range of 96.8-103.6 fever yesterday(mostly on the high end). I’m at hour 50, and feeling much better besides a slight heady
Man. That was for about three days right? Most everyone I know who has had Covid had a much easier time with the Virus. How often are you going to get this shot ?
Man. That was for about three days right? Most everyone I know who has had Covid had a much easier time with the Virus. How often are you going to get this shot ?
Got the shot at noon on Saturday. Started feeling it Sunday around 11pm. Got worse as Sunday carried on. Still don’t have my strength back (I’ll Iikely have a very light gym day tomorrow) and am expecting to continue cleaning 185# by Wednesday
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Got the shot at noon on Saturday. Started feeling it Sunday around 11pm. Got worse as Sunday carried on. Still don’t have my strength back (I’ll Iikely have a very light gym day tomorrow) and am expecting to continue cleaning 185# by Wednesday
As I said man, good luck and I hope you fully recover. I want the best for everyone even the NJ liberal spouting off propaganda. Eventually we will all see the truth. Hopeful it’s sooner than later, and like I mentioned it’s worth knowing what you put in your body, so don’t stop peeling back the onion.
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As I said man, good luck and I hope you fully recover. I want the best for everyone even the NJ liberal spouting off propaganda. Eventually we will all see the truth. Hopeful it’s sooner than later, and like I mentioned it’s worth knowing what you put in your body, so don’t stop peeling back the onion.
I’m glad you’re able to respect other people’s points of view, but the problem is that the stuff you’re saying to try to convince people not to get vaccinated is just wrong. For instance, your immune system isn’t “99%” effective against the virus, even if we think the mortality rate is 1%. That’s the rate at which people die from the virus, not the rate at which people get sick or have severe illness. Some vaccines are 95% effective at keeping you from even getting sick. The death rate from the virus for vaccinated people is more like 0%.

Also, this far the most severe side effect of the vaccines has been anaphylaxis... in somewhere between 2-11 people per million. The virus has killed over 400k per 320 million. So the chance of dying from the virus is much higher for the whole population (not even just the case fatality rate) than the chance that you’ll have a severe reaction after getting the vaccine.

You’re right that it should probably be everyone’s choice whether they get the vaccine or not. But because the risk is much higher from the virus than from the vaccine, the best choice is to get vaccinated in almost all cases. And what may happen is that schools and other businesses may exclude people who haven’t been vaccinated.
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I’m planning on getting the vaccine but now I’m discouraged that they are not confident it works past 3 months?

pretty worthless if it doesn’t last longer than 3 months

If it makes you feel better, there is no data that it doesnt work after 3 months.

Even those who received the vaccine early among those in the trial, there has not been a single serious case of covid.
Best friend ended up in the hospital. I suggest you use this as a sign and don’t go for round 2.

Anything that works like chemotherapy and makes you sick to get better is a zero sum game.

It doesn't work like chemotherapy at all and everyone has recovered from the vaccine side effects.

I'm very surprised your friend was admitted to the hospital from the side effects. Outside of the extremely rare case of anaphylaxis, I have not read of any hospitalization attributable to the vaccine. There is nothing in VAERS about it either.
You just said “fragile” and said “extremely safe” in same comment. Seems like an oxymoron to me.

Who has proven they are extremely safe? Link to medical journals or anything peer reviewed so we can take this comment to the bank?

The fragile comment and “unknown” comment are much more accurate. Go research the animal testing with mRNA, never the vaccine that kills en mass, it’s the viral and bacterial infections that go unnoticed because white bloods cells build up and are not swept out of your system.

This is the first human tests, let’s see what happens, but my guess is we fair the same as the animals.

I posted about this in an earlier post on this thread.

Mrna was first injected in humans back in 2008. It had been used in phase 1/phase 2 trials in humans since 2011 and has so far been safe, even in those early trial participants.

I understand the vaccine was released very quickly, but there was nothing rushed in the trials about safety or efficacy. The key parts that were rushed were beaurocratic protocols and the organization/funding needed to move from and enact each stage.

Rather than taking years for a company to fund and organize a phase 3 trial with 30,000+ participants, it was done in weeks. The trials themselves were not really shortened. Phase 3 may seem shortened compared to other vaccines, but all you need is a certain number of infections among trial participants which is fairly easy in a pandemic.
I’m glad you’re able to respect other people’s points of view, but the problem is that the stuff you’re saying to try to convince people not to get vaccinated is just wrong. For instance, your immune system isn’t “99%” effective against the virus, even if we think the mortality rate is 1%. That’s the rate at which people die from the virus, not the rate at which people get sick or have severe illness. Some vaccines are 95% effective at keeping you from even getting sick. The death rate from the virus for vaccinated people is more like 0%.

Also, thus far the most severe side effect of the vaccines has been anaphylaxis... in somewhere between 2-11 people per million. The virus has killed over 400k per 320 million. So the chance of dying from the virus is much higher for the whole population (not even just the case fatality rate) than the chance that you’ll have a severe reaction after getting the vaccine.

You’re right that it should probably be everyone’s choice whether they get the vaccine or not. But because the risk is much higher from the virus than from the vaccine, the best choice is to get vaccinated in almost all cases. And what may happen is that schools and other businesses may exclude people who haven’t been vaccinated.
Fair points, I just disagree with them is all. Long term vaccines took 10+ years to make safe. I will not worry about what not being vaccinated does to my life. I am extremely healthy, take all the right Vitamins to combat viruses and eat healthy. No vaccine can do better than I’m doing for myself. More people should work at making their bodies a fortress and stop making excuses for fat people.

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