I’m glad you’re able to respect other people’s points of view, but the problem is that the stuff you’re saying to try to convince people not to get vaccinated is just wrong. For instance, your immune system isn’t “99%” effective against the virus, even if we think the mortality rate is 1%. That’s the rate at which people die from the virus, not the rate at which people get sick or have severe illness. Some vaccines are 95% effective at keeping you from even getting sick. The death rate from the virus for vaccinated people is more like 0%.
Also, thus far the most severe side effect of the vaccines has been anaphylaxis... in somewhere between 2-11 people per million. The virus has killed over 400k per 320 million. So the chance of dying from the virus is much higher for the whole population (not even just the case fatality rate) than the chance that you’ll have a severe reaction after getting the vaccine.
You’re right that it should probably be everyone’s choice whether they get the vaccine or not. But because the risk is much higher from the virus than from the vaccine, the best choice is to get vaccinated in almost all cases. And what may happen is that schools and other businesses may exclude people who haven’t been vaccinated.