Covid vaccine tomorrow!!

Hope you don’t get Bells Palsy or any of the other nasty side effects that can come from it. That would be a bad day
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If you can't get the disease, you can't be a carrier. You have the antibodies.
Not necessarily true. Vaccinated and previously infected folk have been found to have low levels of live virus in their bloodstream that does not cause clinical illness or symptoms. Theoretically, these people could be shedding virus. That is why the CDC still recommends previously infected those after the vaccine still do the mitigation things.

You may be right in that the shed virus amounts are so low that it is unlikely a vaccinated person can infect anyone else. But this is simply unknown and unproven at the moment.
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Not necessarily true. Vaccinated and previously infected folk have been found to have low levels of live virus in their bloodstream that does not cause clinical illness or symptoms. Theoretically, these people could be shedding virus. That is why the CDC still recommends previously infected those after the vaccine still do the mitigation things.

You may be right in that the shed virus amounts are so low that it is unlikely a vaccinated person can infect anyone else. But this is simply unknown and unproven at the moment.

anti-bodies last 4-6 months from what I’ve gathered. My neighbor has tested positive twice. Once in June and once in late November. No symptoms either time. Husband had it and gave it to her first time and sister second time
yeah...but it could last up to 6 months. Screw that...
ya .... I mean .... I kind of feel like we are in a Friends episode here ..... and not looking to argue but ....

I mean would you take a medication that had the following limited side effects?

  • ringing in your ears, confusion, hallucinations, rapid breathing, seizure (convulsions);
  • severe nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain;
  • bloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds;
  • fever lasting longer than 3 days; or
  • swelling, or pain lasting longer than 10 days.
... those are some of the less common but still actuall side effects of Bayer aspirin
ya .... I mean .... I kind of feel like we are in a Friends episode here ..... and not looking to argue but ....

I mean would you take a medication that had the following limited side effects?

  • ringing in your ears, confusion, hallucinations, rapid breathing, seizure (convulsions);
  • severe nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain;
  • bloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds;
  • fever lasting longer than 3 days; or
  • swelling, or pain lasting longer than 10 days.
... those are some of the less common but still actuall side effects of Bayer aspirin

Speak louder for the ones in the back!!!
I plan on getting the vaccine, too.

I’m 31, and don’t fall into the “essential worker” category. But I have family members who I haven’t seen or visited in months, and I have full belief that the proper testing trials took place by Pfizer and Moderna to ensure the safety of these vaccines.

I was lucky enough to be a very small part of OWS (Operation Warp Speed) and the private-public partnership to get this done is simply remarkable. We give governments a lot of shit but some of man’s greatest accomplishments were completed like this.
- The Defense Department built the internet
- Government research led to the invention of silicon chips, artificial limbs, radars, satellites, jet airplanes

Expedited projects led to The Eiffel Tower (793 days), Alaska Highway (234), The Pentagon (491), etc...

Lastly, military leaders have all sworn to take it to show (and be “guinea pigs”) to show they’re safe. Look up GEN Milley’s remarks on it
The plans I've seen don't make mention of previous recovery. If you are a Phase 1, you get vaccinated with the Phase 1 regardless of whether you've had it or not.

It would make sense that they would take it into account make them last, but I haven't seen that actually implemented.
It is addressed in the details of plans I have seen.
I’m hoping to get it fairly soon being old and diabetic. I won’t/wouldn’t take it for being a physician because I’m retired.
But I would take it twice in each arm 7 days a week if I could. I might knock over people if I could get it sooner and get away with it. (sic)
So are the same tough guys who dismissed the dangers of Covid and considered masks and social distancing a joke now going to be the folks scared to death of getting jabbed twice with a vaccine?
Lmao, thank you for putting it like this.
I’m 36 so I’m sure re I won’t be offered the vaccine for a while, but I’ll definitely get it as soon as I’m offered it. I can’t possibly fathom why anyone wouldn’t get it.
1. New vaccines are one of the ways to lower the earth's population. It's not some crazy conspiracy theory if Bill Gates tells you exactly what the plan is and how they will do it.
2. We're almost a year into this thing, and the current world population is 7.8 billion. Assuming the COVID cases are actually all COVID and not something else, there are 73 million cases. Of that, 1.62 million deaths. So, the current percentage of deaths among the whole population is .0002%.
3. The current success rate for the vaccine is 94%. It's better statistically to not get it.
4. The assumption that great doctors and scientists are working on this so it has to be okay is good in theory, but you have to assume that they have your best interest at heart. Do you think that Big Pharma corporate suits, government officials, and global elites are looking out for the common folk?
5. Bill Gates who seems to be spearheading a lot of this (see #1 above) just came out a day or 2 ago and said that he believes it will be mid-summer 2021 before things get even somewhat back to normal, and likely not until 2022. Doesn't really bode confidence in the effectiveness of this vaccine.
6. Want to get a vaccine so we can all stop wearing masks? Nope.
7. Brand new vaccine that was rushed through trials with no idea on long-term effects? No thank you.
8. Why trust an unproven vaccine when vitamins, healthy eating, and common sense work?

Some TIers covid vaccine
Will not take. I already tested positive for the antibodies so what’s the point. The shot has more risk and was rushed to market. Who knows what the implications are down the line. Flu vaccines have been around forever and the flu is still here in full force.
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1. New vaccines are one of the ways to lower the earth's population. It's not some crazy conspiracy theory if Bill Gates tells you exactly what the plan is and how they will do it.
2. We're almost a year into this thing, and the current world population is 7.8 billion. Assuming the COVID cases are actually all COVID and not something else, there are 73 million cases. Of that, 1.62 million deaths. So, the current percentage of deaths among the whole population is .0002%.
3. The current success rate for the vaccine is 94%. It's better statistically to not get it.
4. The assumption that great doctors and scientists are working on this so it has to be okay is good in theory, but you have to assume that they have your best interest at heart. Do you think that Big Pharma corporate suits, government officials, and global elites are looking out for the common folk?
5. Bill Gates who seems to be spearheading a lot of this (see #1 above) just came out a day or 2 ago and said that he believes it will be mid-summer 2021 before things get even somewhat back to normal, and likely not until 2022. Doesn't really bode confidence in the effectiveness of this vaccine.
6. Want to get a vaccine so we can all stop wearing masks? Nope.
7. Brand new vaccine that was rushed through trials with no idea on long-term effects? No thank you.
8. Why trust an unproven vaccine when vitamins, healthy eating, and common sense work?

Well it didn't take long for a real nutcase to surface. Welcome to the discussion. I hope you will enlighten us about the fake moon landing and the JFK assassination.
Look at this fag trying to shame someone into taking the vaccine. I’ll bet he’ll take it now.
I’d like to add I’ve never voted for a democrat in my life and doubt I ever will. But the people that seriously believed the virus was gonna go away after the election, that wearing a mask makes you a sheep, and the vaccine is I am Legend in real life just make me laugh.
Just wanted to pass along that the Covid vaccine is making its way to us and I am scheduled to get my first of two shots tomorrow morning!! I'd encourage everyone to not only get the vaccine when it is made available to you but work within your social circles to get others to take this vaccine as well. Getting enough of the population vaccinated is the only way we stand to get this virus behind us. No different than getting the flu vaccine. Hopefully by mid 2021 this damn virus is in our rear view mirror. Regardless of your politics I think we can all agree the last 10 months have sucked!!

Ive spoken to several friends of mine who are in the medical field that are very skeptical of a vaccine being done this quickly.
ya .... I mean .... I kind of feel like we are in a Friends episode here ..... and not looking to argue but ....

I mean would you take a medication that had the following limited side effects?

  • ringing in your ears, confusion, hallucinations, rapid breathing, seizure (convulsions);
  • severe nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain;
  • bloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds;
  • fever lasting longer than 3 days; or
  • swelling, or pain lasting longer than 10 days.
... those are some of the less common but still actuall side effects of Bayer aspirin
I’m on 5 prescription meds. That is a very tame list compared to their potential less common complications. And at my age melena(tarry stools) are still stools. :):)A good thing.
Well it didn't take long for a real nutcase to surface. Welcome to the discussion. I hope you will enlighten us about the fake moon landing and the JFK assassination.
Can you state one thing I pointed out that isn’t fact? Instead of childish name-calling, why not try to prove me wrong?

How do you respond to Bill Gates saying they will use new vaccines to lower the population?
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1. New vaccines are one of the ways to lower the earth's population. It's not some crazy conspiracy theory if Bill Gates tells you exactly what the plan is and how they will do it.
2. We're almost a year into this thing, and the current world population is 7.8 billion. Assuming the COVID cases are actually all COVID and not something else, there are 73 million cases. Of that, 1.62 million deaths. So, the current percentage of deaths among the whole population is .0002%.
3. The current success rate for the vaccine is 94%. It's better statistically to not get it.
4. The assumption that great doctors and scientists are working on this so it has to be okay is good in theory, but you have to assume that they have your best interest at heart. Do you think that Big Pharma corporate suits, government officials, and global elites are looking out for the common folk?
5. Bill Gates who seems to be spearheading a lot of this (see #1 above) just came out a day or 2 ago and said that he believes it will be mid-summer 2021 before things get even somewhat back to normal, and likely not until 2022. Doesn't really bode confidence in the effectiveness of this vaccine.
6. Want to get a vaccine so we can all stop wearing masks? Nope.
7. Brand new vaccine that was rushed through trials with no idea on long-term effects? No thank you.
8. Why trust an unproven vaccine when vitamins, healthy eating, and common sense work?

You make a lot of assumptions and unfounded accusations here. It’s a lot to unpack, but #3 and #8 are factually incorrect and you’ve outed yourself as someone who thinks Bill Gates is the boogeyman.

I’m gonna get the vaccine cause I’m a patriot and I want things to get back to normal.
Can you state one thing I pointed out that isn’t fact? Instead of childish name-calling, why not try to prove me wrong?

How do you respond to Bill Gates saying they will use new vaccines to lower the population?
I think you should read some articles about how better healthcare is good for growing populations in developing countries. That is what Gates is referencing in the video.
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I've seen this a lot and I don't get this reasoning.

The survival rate for the seasonal flu is even higher, but people get a shot because they don't want to get the flu (not neccesarily because they don't want to die).

I'm not particularly worried about getting covid and dying, but I also have no desire to get it and be sick for 2 weeks.
i am on Day Nine of Covid. I can promise everyone on this board you would rather have a vaccine than nine days of this crap. Today was the first day i have made noticeable improvement and have enough energy to read the board and type.
Just wanted to pass along that the Covid vaccine is making its way to us and I am scheduled to get my first of two shots tomorrow morning!! I'd encourage everyone to not only get the vaccine when it is made available to you but work within your social circles to get others to take this vaccine as well. Getting enough of the population vaccinated is the only way we stand to get this virus behind us. No different than getting the flu vaccine. Hopefully by mid 2021 this damn virus is in our rear view mirror. Regardless of your politics I think we can all agree the last 10 months have sucked!!
He is an anesthesiologist

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