Department Of Education - Bye Bye

Obviously the amount of responsibility is up for debate, but addiction to technology and things like tiktok/reels/youtube videos are a huge thing and IMO are going to be the next generations cigarettes. I just don't think it's healthy.

100% we are literally drugging our kids with screens. When a young kid uses screens they have the same dopamine but and withdrawals as Heroin....
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Stupid idea. Particularly when you realize that the vast majority of Funding for education comes from the Federal Government. Where do you think that money is coming from?

Get ready for the Red States to have the worst Education systems in the country.
Lol they already do. Red states almost have the most citizens on welfare, Medicaid and food stamps. Red states do nothing but mooch
Studies are showing that reading levels are dropping for students around the world. Not just the United States. A big conclusion for this is due to smart phones, social media etc. People arent reading books as much and their reading is quick grabs off twitter or articles.

We are all getting dumber with the massive amount of technology at our fingertips.
Idiocracy the movie coming true.
Obviously the amount of responsibility is up for debate, but addiction to technology and things like tiktok/reels/youtube videos are a huge thing and IMO are going to be the next generations cigarettes. I just don't think it's healthy.
Clearly it’s unhealthy. There’s roughly 3500 students in that chart. How many of them are technology casualties? My guess is not many, not when zero hit their targets. That’s a systemic problem almost all within one area of one state. Why would you not immediately look at that as opposed to screen time that effects literally everyone? This is what I mean by shell game with you guys. It’s a constant diversion and distraction and no desire to deal with things directly.
Clearly it’s unhealthy. There’s roughly 3500 students in that chart. How many of them are technology casualties? My guess is not many, not when zero hit their targets. That’s a systemic problem almost all within one area of one state. Why would you not immediately look at that as opposed to screen time that effects literally everyone? This is what I mean by shell game with you guys. It’s a constant diversion and distraction and no desire to deal with things directly.
We were having a higher level conversation about education overall and society as a whole. You can focus on that chart deeply if you like. No one is criticizing you for it.
Lol they already do. Red states almost have the most citizens on welfare, Medicaid and food stamps. Red states do nothing but mooch
Did you guys know that California and NY were red states???

Based on SNAP data, California, Florida, and Texas have the highest number of welfare recipients, followed by New York and Pennsylvania.

Here's a more detailed breakdown:

  • California: Leads in the number of SNAP households, with 1,911,000.
  • Florida: Follows closely with 1,632,000 SNAP households.
    • Texas: Comes in third with 1,595,000 SNAP households.
    • New York: Completes the top five.
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Lol they already do. Red states almost have the most citizens on welfare, Medicaid and food stamps. Red states do nothing but mooch
Damn red states!!

Here's a more detailed breakdown:

  • California: Leads in the number of SNAP households, with 1,911,000.
  • Florida: Follows closely with 1,632,000 SNAP households.
    • Texas: Comes in third with 1,595,000 SNAP households.
    • New York: Completes the top five.
    • Pennsylvania: Completes the top five.
    • New Mexico: has the highest percentage of its population receiving SNAP benefits.
    • Alaska: has high per capita public welfare spending.
    • Massachusetts: has high per capita public welfare spending.
    • New York: has high per capita public welfare spending.
    • District of Columbia: has high per capita public welfare spending.
    • Oregon: has high per capita public welfare spending.
    • Kentucky: has high per capita public welfare spending.
Lol they already do. Red states almost have the most citizens on welfare, Medicaid and food stamps. Red states do nothing but mooch
Here’s another for food stamps. Damn DC and Oregon those red sob’s.

Which states have the highest and lowest rates of food stamp usage?​

In New Mexico, 22.9% of the population receives SNAP benefits – the highest of any state, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of SNAP recipient figures and Census Bureau population estimates for July 2022, the most recent available. The District of Columbia is next-highest at 21.4%, followed by Oregon at 17.8% and West Virginia at 17.7%. (We excluded the Virgin Islands and Guam from this analysis because the Census Bureau doesn’t have 2022 population estimates for them. But using 2020 census counts instead would give them rates of 23.8% and 23.6%, respectively.)
Lol they already do. Red states almost have the most citizens on welfare, Medicaid and food stamps. Red states do nothing but mooch
Holy shit bro. I got Medicaid too. You are 0-3. What an idiot. Do you not have google?

California has the highest use of Medicaid in the United States, with the largest Medicaid program in the country.

Medicaid spending

  • California spends the most on Medicaid, followed by New York, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Florida
  • California's Medic
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We were having a higher level conversation about education overall and society as a whole.