Derion Kendrick arrested

My thoughts are that he has the talent and ability to make a lot of money and secure his family for life while earning a living in the NFL over a span of several years. He doesn't have to be a first-rounder. He doesn't have to work for 10+ years. He has the potential to do things athletically/professionally most collegiate players will never get to experience.

You'd like to think someone close to him, someone in his social circle, can reach him, draw him in and get him to change course. He's got a wonderful opportunity ahead of him, a life-changing opportunity. He won't have that a decade from now. I don't like to see self-destruction. He has so much potential IMO. I would like to see him get it together.

Derion has an opportunity in front of him very few will ever get yet he can’t seem to get out of his own way...
hopefully he can get it together cause the way it sounds, he’s at a fork in the road & he’s gotta make a decision which way to turn quickly...
Question on the gun charge and the state of SC gun laws. If the gun had been registered to him, would he have still been charged? Or if it was unregistered to him yet in his console/glovebox and not visible does it still carry the misdemeanor charge? I know the SC House is debating now on an open carry (with training) bill, and some want it amended to make it full Constitutional carry (open carry with no permit needed).

no such thing as registered handguns in SC. If it had been in console, trunk, glovebox then he would not have been charged. Even if he had a CWP, he would still likely have been charged because it wasn’t concealed.
Not really, neither charge is all that serious. He should be able to keep a clean record with some classes.

I worry more about his mental state. He was obviously high, and probably drunk (lucky no driving), and fell asleep in the car while contemplating what he might do with the gun.
That's a mighty far jump you have him making. I could make a case for several reasons the gun was there. Having said that, the little voice I usually listen to thinks you could be on the right path. If I were close friends or family, I'd be finding an intervention professional.
Question on the gun charge and the state of SC gun laws. If the gun had been registered to him, would he have still been charged? Or if it was unregistered to him yet in his console/glovebox and not visible does it still carry the misdemeanor charge? I know the SC House is debating now on an open carry (with training) bill, and some want it amended to make it full Constitutional carry (open carry with no permit needed).
Cant own a handgun at 20.
I'm sure the teammates he was close with tried to get him on the right path before he left, but I hope someone can get through to him soon. Hate to see a kid with more opportunity than most just throw it away.

As I've heard our coaches say, "Can't want it for him." He will straighten out when he wants to. I've quit trying to want things for other people. So I agree, I hope he gets his stuff together before it's too late, but not gonna hold my breath or even think about it.
As long as the gun was registered to him I don’t see this as a big deal. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t realize that you can’t have a gun out in your car if you don’t have a CWP.
My thoughts are that he has the talent and ability to make a lot of money and secure his family for life while earning a living in the NFL over a span of several years. He doesn't have to be a first-rounder. He doesn't have to work for 10+ years. He has the potential to do things athletically/professionally most collegiate players will never get to experience.

You'd like to think someone close to him, someone in his social circle, can reach him, draw him in and get him to change course. He's got a wonderful opportunity ahead of him, a life-changing opportunity. He won't have that a decade from now. I don't like to see self-destruction. He has so much potential IMO. I would like to see him get it together.


My first thought was about him potentially throwing away life-changing money for his kids. The ability to set them up for life isn’t something that comes around again, typically.

And more often than not these situations go more downhill than recover.

Just praying he gets it together for the kids if anything.
It is so sad when members of the Clemson family screw up like this. Being thankful that they choose to come to Clemson and work hard enough to make a healthy contibution to a winning program, I want them to succeed in every facet of life. Hate it when it goes off the rails.

Just glad that no one had a spot light on me and all the stupid mistakes I made in teens and early twenties.
I don’t see why having a gun in your lap is an issue... a vehicle is technically an extension of your house or so I thought. If he was asleep then that means he was not using it to terrify anyone... I hope I’m wrong but my first thought was maybe he was contemplating suicide. Hope he gets the help he needs
So if you thought he was contemplating suicide, then you should think him having a gun in his lap is an issue. No one should be defending him being passed out at 3AM with a gun in his lap and weed on him. There’s no good or acceptable explanation, and I’m glad nothing worse happened to him or someone else. I hope he puts football to the side for now and gets real help.
So Rock Hill Police Department had a warrant? That sounds like a set up. Pathetic all the way around.
Until people in America get the courage to talk about the proverbial elephant in the room, this "gangsta" culture won't ever get any better.

Nobody wants to talk about it cause they'll be labeled as racist if they're white and a traitor or Uncle Tom if they are black.

We just spent the last year normalizing the criminal culture by letting these thugs (white and black) vandalize property, riot, loot, and attack our law enforcement all across America while these spineless coward Democrat "leaders" refused to put a stop to it.

We are losing America's youth but we're more worried about hurting people's feelings instead of admitting there's a problem and meeting it head on with real solutions. Damn this has become one effed up country.
Not really, neither charge is all that serious. He should be able to keep a clean record with some classes.

I worry more about his mental state. He was obviously high, and probably drunk (lucky no driving), and fell asleep in the car while contemplating what he might do with the gun.

The police did not even speculate on this, why are you putting this narrative out there? Smh.
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Until people in America get the courage to talk about the proverbial elephant in the room, this "gangsta" culture won't ever get any better.

Nobody wants to talk about it cause they'll be labeled as racist if they're white and a traitor or Uncle Tom if they are black.

We just spent the last year normalizing the criminal culture by letting these thugs (white and black) vandalize property, riot, loot, and attack our law enforcement all across America while these spineless coward Democrat "leaders" refused to put a stop to it.

We are losing America's youth but we're more worried about hurting people's feelings instead of admitting there's a problem and meeting it head on with real solutions. Damn this has become one effed up country.

I get the point you are trying to make but to put all that on the BLM protests is so one sided. Were the crazies that stormed the Capitol and threatened to kill members of Congress law abiding citizens that set a good example of the “youth”? All while cheered on by some of the Republican leaders? Just asking for consistency sake...
Until people in America get the courage to talk about the proverbial elephant in the room, this "gangsta" culture won't ever get any better.

Nobody wants to talk about it cause they'll be labeled as racist if they're white and a traitor or Uncle Tom if they are black.

We just spent the last year normalizing the criminal culture by letting these thugs (white and black) vandalize property, riot, loot, and attack our law enforcement all across America while these spineless coward Democrat "leaders" refused to put a stop to it.

We are losing America's youth but we're more worried about hurting people's feelings instead of admitting there's a problem and meeting it head on with real solutions. Damn this has become one effed up country.
Meanwhile 1/6/2021 Washington DC Says...?
I get the point you are trying to make but to put all that on the BLM protests is so one sided. Were the crazies that stormed the Capitol and threatened to kill members of Congress law abiding citizens that set a good example of the “youth”? All while cheered on by some of the Republican leaders? Just asking for consistency sake...
I didnt say it was ALL BLM protestors. Some were just stupid anarchists that hate America and were using the protests as an excuse to do what lawless pieces of shit do.

I will say that I'm sure our summer of discontent in America had a lot to do with the mindset of those pieces of shit at the Capitol. Americans are stupid...they see somebody do stupid crap and get away with it, then they think they can do it too.

If they would have turned the police and military loose on those fools to blast their sorry asses with water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, and pepper spray in copious amounts, the Capitol situation probably would have never happened because they would have realized law enforcement and city leaders weren't gonna put up with that mess.

I blame BLM, ANTIFA, white supremacists, unhinged Trump supporters and unhinged liberals. I detest them all and they all should have gotten their asses kicked all over America by the United States Marine Corps.
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Question on the gun charge and the state of SC gun laws. If the gun had been registered to him, would he have still been charged? Or if it was unregistered to him yet in his console/glovebox and not visible does it still carry the misdemeanor charge? I know the SC House is debating now on an open carry (with training) bill, and some want it amended to make it full Constitutional carry (open carry with no permit needed).
Open carry ( visible ) is illegal whether you have a conceal permit or not. Conceal permit allows you to do just that, conceal it. Otherwise, gun must be in a closed compartment.
Man 20 is so young. Hopefully this incident will be the wake up call needed for DK to grow up so he can accomplish his goals and take advantage of a once in a lfetime opportunity. I hope he seeks out men like Dabo, Mike Reed, BV, Jeff Davis, or Woody for help. I'm sure they would do anything to help him even though he is no longer in the program.
Just saw this on thew local nws. SMH. Praying he gets his life together.
Another with tons of talent and a 10 cent brain. Sad, sad situation but kid has been given more than enough opportunities. Unfortunately, he will not fulfill his potential.
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