Derion Kendrick arrested

The difference is when someone gets a speeding ticket they don't say something stupid like "it's ridiculous, it shouldn't be illegal, blah blah blah". They realize they were breaking the law and pay the fine. They don't blame the police for enforcing the law.(speeding limit).
The bad takes of some in this thread is not astonishing.
If there is a list of stupid things you should not do somewhere, being asleep/passed out in a car that does not belong to you, with a gun in you lap and weed in the car is on that list. When the police find someone in that situation, expecting them to say "I'm sorry sir, didn't mean to wake you. Have a nice day" is even more ridiculous.
The difference is that speeding laws are applied consistently in the US, and marijuana possession laws are not. Free speech is a constitutional right and there is nothing wrong with complaints about laws you think are incorrect or inconsistently applied.
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That's a BS law.

Of course, there are many.

You know how many guns were always around in my generation?

Dad, or Granddad said " You don't touch that".
We didn't.

Would be nice if there were more Dads and Granddads around.
(know absolutely zero about Kendrick's raising - not just speaking about him)
Yessir. My boys can take any gun apart clean it and put it back together. But until 21 they can’t legally own a handgun. Can own a long gun at 18. Hope you doing well
That's a BS law.

Of course, there are many.

You know how many guns were always around in my generation?

Dad, or Granddad said " You don't touch that".
We didn't.

Would be nice if there were more Dads and Granddads around.
(know absolutely zero about Kendrick's raising - not just speaking about him)
After a quick google search Mark Sanford lowered the age to 18. I had no idea.
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Not good for the young man. Hope it's a life lesson for him and he turns it all around. He's a very talented football player with lots of upside if he can get on the right track.

On a side note, I thought gun charges were in the felony bucket not misdemeanor?
Not good for the young man. Hope it's a life lesson for him and he turns it all around. He's a very talented football player with lots of upside if he can get on the right track.

On a side note, I thought gun charges were in the felony bucket not misdemeanor?
Probaly in places like New York and Chicago. Yet they have more trouble with gun violence, go figure.
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Question on the gun charge and the state of SC gun laws. If the gun had been registered to him, would he have still been charged? Or if it was unregistered to him yet in his console/glovebox and not visible does it still carry the misdemeanor charge? I know the SC House is debating now on an open carry (with training) bill, and some want it amended to make it full Constitutional carry (open carry with no permit needed).

Good question.

I could easily see this story being he was making the best of a bad decision. Didn’t want to drive intoxicated. Knew it wasn’t safe to just sleep in a car, so he protected him self like an American.

His age is in question, but I don’t understand the line about him lacking a concealed carry permit, as the firearm wasn’t being concealed.
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Trying to figure the pistol charge out. I guess it has to be in the glove box if no CWP? And even with a CWP in a pocket? And don’t you have to be 21 for a handgun. That could be it.
Trying to figure the pistol charge out. I guess it has to be in the glove box if no CWP? And even with a CWP in a pocket? And don’t you have to be 21 for a handgun. That could be it.
In NC, that is correct. I live inNC, but grew up inSC and hunt mostly in SC. NC and SC have CWP reciprocity, so I got a concealed weapon permit simply so that I can carry a gun in SC without having to worry whether it’s locked up or not and not worry about whether I’m a resident or not.

without the CWP, I could carry a pistol (in NC) as long as it’s in my glove compartment or center console. My CWP instructor told me that the glove compartment or center console should be locked, but it’s unclear if that’s required. I assume SC is the same. So, yea, it’s likely that if Derion had locked it in his center console,he’d have been fine.
You misspelled York.

yes under 21 is the issue.

no, you can own a handgun in SC as long as you are 18.

However, it’s considered a violation of the concealed weapon law unless it’s kept in a closed container.

Because Derion did not have a concealed weapon permit and his gun was not kept in a closed container while in his vehicle, he violated the CWP law in SC.
I could easily see this story being he was making the best of a bad decision. Didn’t want to drive intoxicated. Knew it wasn’t safe to just sleep in a car, so he protected him self like an American.

His age is in question, but I don’t understand the line about him lacking a concealed carry permit, as the firearm wasn’t being concealed.

I have not read the article. Why would he be in a car if he did not want to drive intoxicated? Was he sitting outside a bar/club?
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no, you can own a handgun in SC as long as you are 18.

However, it’s considered a violation of the concealed weapon law unless it’s kept in a closed container.

Because Derion did not have a concealed weapon permit and his gun was not kept in a closed container while in his vehicle, he violated the CWP law in SC.

In SC you must be 21 to have a CWP right?
if you really need the police to show up with a gun then you are in trouble and should of been carrying yourself. Hoping they get their in time is not something I’m willing to risk my life with... so no I’m only calling 911 so they can come document and fill out reports
You, Sir, have a much better chance in continuing your freedom........alive.
Marijuana possession should not be illegal. I assume the gun is registered to him since he’s only being changed with a misdemeanor. Not having a concealed weapon permit is no big deal. I got mine in a one day lesson. The fact that he fell asleep with a gun in his lap probably means that he’s hanging with the wrong people but that’s about it.

Why does it mean he's hanging with the wrong people?
Black people go to prison so white people can get high. You never see a white dude with a pound of heroin in his back pack.
You can see my previous reply to mskoonce to see what I think about all of them. The take away is when there is roughly 13% of the population committing over 50% of the murders in this country, there are some serious underlying issues and blaming it on whitey is the easy button.

The fact is LBJ decimated black communities and families with his welfare state "Great Society" BS back in the 60s. Before those Democrat programs incentivized having children out of wedlock and fatherless homes, the single mother rate for blacks was less than that of whites and so were the crime rates.

Now 70%-75% of black mothers are single mothers and in my opinion, that is directly responsible for the disproportionate crime rates attributed to young black men.

All races commit crimes and have single mothers and no, every fatherless home doesn't turn out criminal kids but there are statistics that prove children with fathers in the home are much less likely to turn to gangs and drugs and much more likely to get an education and be successful in life.

Unfortunately Republicans haven't given black folks the lip service that Democrats do, nobody wants to admit the welfare programs have had a disastrous effect, and neither party has done a whole lot for the black community since then. The worse part is until we can talk about these things in a constructive manner without white people being labeled damn white supremacists at every turn we won't be able to work with our black brothers and sisters to find solutions to the problems in our communities.
- WoW & I Merely asked about the People that raided our US Capital on 1/6/2021!
- WoW your sense of History is so one sided! For example what has been the Political/Ramification Of Welfare States On
White/Hispanic & Other Races!
- WoW Republicans (Non Able Lincoln Or Roosevelt Republicans) have been Great for Black Folks, Really? What program
did the Strom Thurman, Newt Gingrich, Jessee Helm, Lindsey Graham etc Done for Black Folks!
- WoW When Did I Label White Folks, As You Have In Your Attempt To Have A Discussion About Race.. What Race Am I?
Defensive Much!? Remember, I Merely responded to you with 1/06/2021!
- WoW, please share what work You Do/Have Done to find solutions to your self described Race Issues In Our Country;
Remember, I Merely Responded To You with 1/06/2021, Defensive Much!?

Finally, before you try placing Your Racial Baggage On Anyone, Please Consider Getting To Know Them! Besides, I Merely Responded To Your Racial Tirade With; 1/06/2021!
- WoW & I Merely asked about the People that raided our US Capital on 1/6/2021!
- WoW your sense of History is so one sided! For example what has been the Political/Ramification Of Welfare States On
White/Hispanic & Other Races!
- WoW Republicans (Non Able Lincoln Or Roosevelt Republicans) have been Great for Black Folks, Really? What program
did the Strom Thurman, Newt Gingrich, Jessee Helm, Lindsey Graham etc Done for Black Folks!
- WoW When Did I Label White Folks, As You Have In Your Attempt To Have A Discussion About Race.. What Race Am I?
Defensive Much!? Remember, I Merely responded to you with 1/06/2021!
- WoW, please share what work You Do/Have Done to find solutions to your self described Race Issues In Our Country;
Remember, I Merely Responded To You with 1/06/2021, Defensive Much!?

Finally, before you try placing Your Racial Baggage On Anyone, Please Consider Getting To Know Them! Besides, I Merely Responded To Your Racial Tirade With; 1/06/2021!
WOW! You are one BIG WOW!
- WoW & I Merely asked about the People that raided our US Capital on 1/6/2021!
- WoW your sense of History is so one sided! For example what has been the Political/Ramification Of Welfare States On
White/Hispanic & Other Races!
- WoW Republicans (Non Able Lincoln Or Roosevelt Republicans) have been Great for Black Folks, Really? What program
did the Strom Thurman, Newt Gingrich, Jessee Helm, Lindsey Graham etc Done for Black Folks!
- WoW When Did I Label White Folks, As You Have In Your Attempt To Have A Discussion About Race.. What Race Am I?
Defensive Much!? Remember, I Merely responded to you with 1/06/2021!
- WoW, please share what work You Do/Have Done to find solutions to your self described Race Issues In Our Country;
Remember, I Merely Responded To You with 1/06/2021, Defensive Much!?

Finally, before you try placing Your Racial Baggage On Anyone, Please Consider Getting To Know Them! Besides, I Merely Responded To Your Racial Tirade With; 1/06/2021!

Is there a method behind which words you decide to capitalize?
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I also thought the magazine (or rounds if a revolver) could not be in the gun nor can it be chambered. They both have to be separate from on another in the vehicle. Does anyone know if the gun was loaded? Could make a difference.
- WoW & I Merely asked about the People that raided our US Capital on 1/6/2021!
- WoW your sense of History is so one sided! For example what has been the Political/Ramification Of Welfare States On
White/Hispanic & Other Races!
- WoW Republicans (Non Able Lincoln Or Roosevelt Republicans) have been Great for Black Folks, Really? What program
did the Strom Thurman, Newt Gingrich, Jessee Helm, Lindsey Graham etc Done for Black Folks!
- WoW When Did I Label White Folks, As You Have In Your Attempt To Have A Discussion About Race.. What Race Am I?
Defensive Much!? Remember, I Merely responded to you with 1/06/2021!
- WoW, please share what work You Do/Have Done to find solutions to your self described Race Issues In Our Country;
Remember, I Merely Responded To You with 1/06/2021, Defensive Much!?

Finally, before you try placing Your Racial Baggage On Anyone, Please Consider Getting To Know Them! Besides, I Merely Responded To Your Racial Tirade With; 1/06/2021!
Tell me you play World of Warcraft without telling me you play World of Warcraft.
Of course not because the dude with the back pack is Hispanic.

The white dude is the federal, state, or local politician who the cartels pay off to turn a blind eye.

Most people think of scarface when they think about a drug dealer. Tony Montana was what Drug King Pins call a connect. He never dealt drugs or ran a crack house. I don't want to sound racist but this is how it is and has been. Blacks control heroin, cocaine and pot in the major US Cities. Each city has about 5 drug King Pins that buy drugs wholesale from the Cartels and sell by the gram. The Drug King Pin buys his cocaine whole sale from the likes of Scarface (Tony Montana) actually a Dominican or Mexican Cartel member. Heroin comes from the Golden Triangle. Each King Pin may have up to 50 lieutenants working for him as part of his organized crime family. They represent the distribution side of drugs which accounts for over 90% of the players. They buy the drugs by the kilo and sell it by the gram after cutting it 3 times. This is where most of the drug money is made. The smugglers who you talk about work for the Cartels and represent a small portion of the drug trade which is why you don't see many of them in our prison system.

No white dude can walk up to a connect and say, front me a kilo of Colombian Cocaine. The most he gets is 1/8 of an ounce from a low level street dealer after it has been cut three times.

The biggest lie ever told by BLM is that white people sell drugs just as much as Blacks but somehow Blacks just get arrested. That's a BS lie. Again. I don't want to sound racist but I know the drug business.
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i love when 92TigerME shares his knowledge of the drug trade learned from years of watching American Gangster and various youtube videos
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i love when 92TigerME shares his knowledge of the drug trade learned from years of watching American Gangster and various youtube videos

We live in a time now where most of the Drug King Pins from the 70s, 80s, 90s and even early 2000s are out of prison, doing interviews and writing books. I'm right wing libertarian. Unfortunately I have to go to the most ultra left wing site to get the truth about drugs.

djvlad - YouTube

The first step in solving a problem is recognizing that the problem exist.

If it were up to me, I would legalize cocaine, heroin and merijuana. If those drugs were legal, few would mess with anything else. There would be less overdose, less killing, smaller prison population and people who are currently engaged on the business end of selling drugs could get back on their feet again doing real jobs. There would also be less chaos in the world like in Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Venezuela, North Korea, Belize and Colombia. These are all countries that profit from illegal drug trafficking.

This is me just after I got out of Cuba

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Most people think of scarface when they think about a drug dealer. Tony Montana was what Drug King Pins call a connect. He never dealt drugs or ran a crack house. I don't want to sound racist but this is how it is and has been. Blacks control heroin, cocaine and pot in the major US Cities. Each city has about 5 drug King Pins that buy drugs wholesale from the Cartels and sell by the gram. The Drug King Pin buys his cocaine whole sale from the likes of Scarface (Tony Montana) actually a Dominican or Mexican Cartel member. Heroin comes from the Golden Triangle. Each King Pin may have up to 50 lieutenants working for him as part of his organized crime family. They represent the distribution side of drugs which accounts for over 90% of the players. They buy the drugs by the kilo and sell it by the gram after cutting it 3 times. This is where most of the drug money is made. The smugglers who you talk about work for the Cartels and represent a small portion of the drug trade which is why you don't see many of them in our prison system.

The biggest lie ever told by BLM is that white people sell drugs just as much as Blacks but somehow Blacks just get arrested. That's a BS lie. Again. I don't want to sound racist but I know the drug business.

Why do they cut it three times?

What is it cut with?

They buy the drugs by the kilo and sell it by the gram after cutting it 3 times. This is where most of the drug money is made. Most of the money is made before or after the cut?
Why do they cut it three times?

What is it cut with?

They buy the drugs by the kilo and sell it by the gram after cutting it 3 times. This is where most of the drug money is made. Most of the money is made before or after the cut?

This is what I know about cocaine. They cut it three times mostly because people can't take it pure and also because they want to make money. The real answer is both. Most people will overdose on pure cocaine. Pure cocaine has a street value of over $350/gram. What you normally get is $135/gram cocaine that is cut three times typically with some sort of acetaminophen or even laundry detergent or baking soda. It depends on the dealer.
This is what I know about cocaine. They cut it three times mostly because people can't take it pure and also because they want to make money. The real answer is both. Most people will overdose on pure cocaine. Pure cocaine has a street value of over $350/gram. What you normally get is $135/gram cocaine that is cut three times typically with some sort of acetaminophen or even laundry detergent or baking soda. It depends on the dealer.
Better hope we have no federal agents reading
Your knowledge is above average