I didnt say it was ALL BLM protestors. Some were just stupid anarchists that hate America and were using the protests as an excuse to do what lawless pieces of shit do.
I will say that I'm sure our summer of discontent in America had a lot to do with the mindset of those pieces of shit at the Capitol. Americans are stupid...they see somebody do stupid crap and get away with it, then they think they can do it too.
If they would have turned the police and military loose on those fools to blast their sorry asses with water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, and pepper spray in copious amounts, the Capitol situation probably would have never happened because they would have realized law enforcement and city leaders weren't gonna put up with that mess.
I blame BLM, ANTIFA, white supremacists, unhinged Trump supporters and unhinged liberals. I detest them all and they all should have gotten their asses kicked all over America by the United States Marine Corps.