I think like with most situations, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle but especially because of Buzbee’s approach and the Grand Juries not indicting DW, he f*cked up but he’s not exactly the monster Buzbee wants the public to believe. Just a bit of a deviant and that’ll get him suspended because of the NFL’s image issues and the publicity from this at a minimum.
He probably did make a couple girls uncomfortable or something, once again what the exact truth is we’ll never know. It seems like most are looking for a payday which sucks for any that may have been wronged. Without having all of the evidence though, it’s harder to really form an opinion. If there are texts from some of them talking about how they’re gonna lie/get paid, for example, that’s pretty telling just as it would be if there’s evidence girls talked about DW assaulting them or whatever immediately after.
I do think if we’re being honest though, if this was a former UGA player or something, even if he was supposed to have been this great guy, many on this board would have a much different view, myself included, to be fair.
Also, the idea that women who are a victim of sexual assault should’ve just run/leave, etc is pretty unfortunate. A lot of women are afraid of escalated violence and/or other consequences, particularly from men in power which is part of the reason you see those type of men (Weinstein, Cosby, Epstein, and on and on) get away with it along with using money to cover their wrongdoings. There’s the idea that people will never believe her and/or nothing will be done, plus for a long time it’s been the stigma that she’ll be branded as a slut or damaged goods. It’s really unfortunate how women are almost conditioned to not handle these situations and why so many “give in” and ultimately keep quiet.
If you know/care about anyone that’s ever experienced it and is willing to talk about it, it’s sad. Similar to domestic violence. I’ve had a couple female friends and dated a couple others who’ve been through either (possibly both). I realized how drastically a friend changed after being raped but not being aware that it had happened until a couple years later. Great girl who just was never the same and the stigma surrounding it towards women as victims played a part along with how many men get away with it.
Maybe all of that doesn’t apply to DW’s situation specifically but the “why didn’t she leave?” thing on its own is a bit misguided IMO.