Don't say you weren't warned

You should go back and read ALL of your posts.
You should go back and read all your posts that actually discuss the topic of the thread...oh that's right, there aren't any. The only thing you know how to is pop off on posters from the sideline because you're too stupid to engage in the conversation. That's what losers do.
All of your posts are about President Trump, and I did engage a few pages ago. Can you post something that doesn't involve DJT or calling someone stupid? I do appreciate you calling me a loser. It's truly an honor coming from you, and I mean that.
All of your posts are about President Trump, and I did engage a few pages ago. Can you post something that doesn't involve DJT or calling someone stupid? I do appreciate you calling me a loser. It's truly an honor coming from you, and I mean that.
How many posts about Trump does Growls post on a daily basis? What do you ever say to him about it? Oh, that's right, you don't say a damn word because you're a fvcking hypocrite.

The thing that drives you mad is hearing the truth about Trump so you're not fooling a soul with your sideline potshots. If that's all you can contribute, you really should just keep your mouth shut.
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How many posts about Trump does Growls post on a daily basis? What do you ever say to him about it? Oh, that's right, you don't say a damn word because you're a fvcking hypocrite.

The thing that drives you mad is hearing the truth about Trump so you're not fooling a soul with your sideline potshots. If that's all you can contribute, you really should just keep your mouth shut.
The truth about Trump is he was the best president we have ever had.
Yeah, I don't see anything in those articles about El Salvadoreans being the criminals.

Are there illegal immigrants that are criminals? Sure. Just like there are legal immigrants that are criminals. To blanketly say that the only South Americans, or El Salvadoreans in your case, that are coming over are criminals is just an ugly trope. Though, it's pretty apropos for someone who doesn't live near the border to be fearmongering about the border.

Like I said, audit your "news" consumption.
Or, maybe just run a few google searches and let us know what you come up with?

It's not really fear mongering when the numbers are up 1000 x starting in 2021 (that's when BIden took over, just fyi)

The crime ring reported in that article I sent wasn't in Texas/Arizona, so not sure why me not living on the border should limit or reduce my concern over the influx of potential criminals walking into the country?

Total Criminal Convictions by Type​

This table organizes nationwide convictions of criminal noncitizens by type of criminal conduct. Because some criminal noncitizens may be convicted of multiple criminal offenses, total convictions listed below exceed the total arrests noted in the table above.

Assault, Battery, Domestic Violence6925242992081,1781,1421,254188
Burglary, Robbery, Larceny, Theft, Fraud595347184143825896864131
Driving Under the Influence1,5961,1136143641,6291,6142,493490
Homicide, Manslaughter33236062296
Illegal Drug Possession, Trafficking1,2498714493862,1382,2392,055308
Illegal Entry, Re-Entry4,5023,9202,6631,2616,1606,7978,7901,954
Illegal Weapons Possession, Transport, Trafficking173106664933630930748
Sexual Offenses137805815648836528436
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Or, maybe just run a few google searches and let us know what you come up with?
The onus isn't on me to find the information though.

It's not really fear mongering when the numbers are up 1000 x starting in 2021 (that's when BIden took over, just fyi)

The crime ring reported in that article I sent wasn't in Texas/Arizona, so not sure why me not living on the border should limit or reduce my concern over the influx of potential criminals walking into the country?

Total Criminal Convictions by Type​

This table organizes nationwide convictions of criminal noncitizens by type of criminal conduct. Because some criminal noncitizens may be convicted of multiple criminal offenses, total convictions listed below exceed the total arrests noted in the table above.

Assault, Battery, Domestic Violence6925242992081,1781,1421,254188
Burglary, Robbery, Larceny, Theft, Fraud595347184143825896864131
Driving Under the Influence1,5961,1136143641,6291,6142,493490
Homicide, Manslaughter33236062296
Illegal Drug Possession, Trafficking1,2498714493862,1382,2392,055308
Illegal Entry, Re-Entry4,5023,9202,6631,2616,1606,7978,7901,954
Illegal Weapons Possession, Transport, Trafficking173106664933630930748
Sexual Offenses137805815648836528436
Thank you for the chart. I'd be curious to see if these numbers are trending back to pre-Trump immigration policy figures, but ICE doesn't have that information available.

I made the comment about not being near a border, because by and large the most anti-illegal immigration stances I find come from people that don't live anywhere near border crossing locations. Which is ironic, because they're the ones who least frequently encounter or deal with illegal immigrants.

That all being said, none of this proves that El Salvador, or other SA countries, are only sending over criminals - which is what your original comment alluded to. No one argues that there is an immigration issue, and that there is undoubtedly a rise in crime. To label all immigrants from an area as criminal is just ugly behavior, and something that leads to rises in hate crimes and other social issues - which is easily verifiable.
The onus isn't on me to find the information though.

Thank you for the chart. I'd be curious to see if these numbers are trending back to pre-Trump immigration policy figures, but ICE doesn't have that information available.

I made the comment about not being near a border, because by and large the most anti-illegal immigration stances I find come from people that don't live anywhere near border crossing locations. Which is ironic, because they're the ones who least frequently encounter or deal with illegal immigrants.

That all being said, none of this proves that El Salvador, or other SA countries, are only sending over criminals - which is what your original comment alluded to. No one argues that there is an immigration issue, and that there is undoubtedly a rise in crime. To label all immigrants from an area as criminal is just ugly behavior, and something that leads to rises in hate crimes and other social issues - which is easily verifiable.
So you don't care enough to find out but you feel empowered enough to tell me that I'm wrong? Lolz....makes total sense.

The article I sent clearly states that the crime ring they found in Detroit are illegal immigrants who are taking part in larger, organized crime rings. We see it in NJ in regards to car thefts, they catch the thiefs, some are illegal aliens. Who cares which country they hail from? Do you want less people committing crimes or more people committing crimes?
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It's not really fear mongering when the numbers are up 1000 x starting in 2021 (that's when BIden took over, just fyi)

The crime ring reported in that article I sent wasn't in Texas/Arizona, so not sure why me not living on the border should limit or reduce my concern over the influx of potential criminals walking into the country?

Total Criminal Convictions by Type​

This table organizes nationwide convictions of criminal noncitizens by type of criminal conduct. Because some criminal noncitizens may be convicted of multiple criminal offenses, total convictions listed below exceed the total arrests noted in the table above.

Assault, Battery, Domestic Violence6925242992081,1781,1421,254188
Burglary, Robbery, Larceny, Theft, Fraud595347184143825896864131
Driving Under the Influence1,5961,1136143641,6291,6142,493490
Homicide, Manslaughter33236062296
Illegal Drug Possession, Trafficking1,2498714493862,1382,2392,055308
Illegal Entry, Re-Entry4,5023,9202,6631,2616,1606,7978,7901,954
Illegal Weapons Possession, Transport, Trafficking173106664933630930748
Sexual Offenses137805815648836528436

Just curious, how are they calculating the 2024 YTD numbers in your chart?
"Demoncrat" really demonstrates your level of seriousness.
Oh, I am serious. I think it truly points out who you and your comrades are and "pubs" ain't much better.

I'm not sure what lemmings like yourself gain from the destruction of this country but you support it 100%.

If you are serious, name 3 things you consider your core principles and we can discuss it. The ball is in your court.
Oh, I am serious. I think it truly points out who you and your comrades are and "pubs" ain't much better.

I'm not sure what lemmings like yourself gain from the destruction of this country but you support it 100%.

If you are serious, name 3 things you consider your core principles and we can discuss it. The ball is in your court.
We already know you don't have principles because you can't be a rabid Trump supporter and believe these things you've said below, because you don't care what laws he breaks and we know he doesn't respect the Constitution. You're a fraud.
How about we stick to the constitution. How about we follow the laws that have been put in place.
The Democrats are going to lengths that seriously could result in a former President, and current Candidate, being executed by a radical democrat. Same thing happened to Reagan and nobody even mentions it.
?????? Hinkley was bat shit crazy who was obsessed with Jodie Foster and thought killing Reagan would impress her.

He spent the majority of his life in a mental institution before being released in 2016.

His motivations were NOT political at all.
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?????? Hinkley was bat shit crazy who was obsessed with Jodie Foster and thought killing Reagan would impress her.

He spent the majority of his life in a mental institution before being released in 2016.

His motivations were NOT political at all.
Hinkley connection to the Bush family was interesting. Mkultra tool possibly I would guess.

We already know you don't have principles because you can't be a rabid Trump supporter and believe these things you've said below, because you don't care what laws he breaks and we know he doesn't respect the Constitution. You're a fraud.

YEAH, YEAH, YEAH Tinkerbell. Everyone sees your mouth moving, but no one is listening.

Your boyfriend wouldn't answer, so you chimed in on his behalf. How very noble of you. You fairies, otherwise to me known as demonrats always stick together, so you got that going for you.

After all these years, all these trials, 2 impeachments, I still don't recall the man being convicted or serving time for a crime even after all this investigation. That's exactly what I was talking about in my post. You demonrats want to convict someone before the trial even begins. If that's the way things work now, I suggest we start with you. You seem to be perfectly fine with, "show me the man and I'll show you the crime". You should really consider though, I wouldn't think that a public defender would like being propositioned by a bribe from your EBT card.

And once again, I fvcking guarantee I have done more for this country/my community than you EVER have. What gives you the right to say who I should/should not vote for? Nobody is on here asking you to vote for Trump, so you go your way, and I'll go mine.

In the meantime GFY. You will definitely get more ***** that way.
YEAH, YEAH, YEAH Tinkerbell. Everyone sees your mouth moving, but no one is listening.

Your boyfriend wouldn't answer, so you chimed in on his behalf. How very noble of you. You fairies, otherwise to me known as demonrats always stick together, so you got that going for you.

After all these years, all these trials, 2 impeachments, I still don't recall the man being convicted or serving time for a crime even after all this investigation. That's exactly what I was talking about in my post. You demonrats want to convict someone before the trial even begins. If that's the way things work now, I suggest we start with you. You seem to be perfectly fine with, "show me the man and I'll show you the crime". You should really consider though, I wouldn't think that a public defender would like being propositioned by a bribe from your EBT card.

And once again, I fvcking guarantee I have done more for this country/my community than you EVER have. What gives you the right to say who I should/should not vote for? Nobody is on here asking you to vote for Trump, so you go your way, and I'll go mine.

In the meantime GFY. You will definitely get more ***** that way.
How about you stop coming on here and requesting that others state their beliefs and principles when you have proven you don't even abide your own. You say shit that sounds good but that means nothing if you don't live by those principles. You are the perfect Trump supporter - foul, vulgar, full of hate, liar, corruption enabler and stupid. Not once have you espoused policies that would benefit everyone as a whole because it's clear that what you really want is pain for people who are different from you - that's it.

It doesn't take trials or convictions to see what the man is, as you hide behind the fact that he's not currently in jail. He should be and you know it - you just don't care because you live vicariously through his hatred for others and you would crawl over broken glass to make sure he's given full power to destroy your imaginary enemies.

Thank you for your service but you weren't fighting for me if you support turning this country into an authoritarian hellscape.
How about you stop coming on here and requesting that others state their beliefs and principles when you have proven you don't even abide your own. You say shit that sounds good but that means nothing if you don't live by those principles. You are the perfect Trump supporter - foul, vulgar, full of hate, liar, corruption enabler and stupid. Not once have you espoused policies that would benefit everyone as a whole because it's clear that what you really want is pain for people who are different from you - that's it.

It doesn't take trials or convictions to see what the man is, as you hide behind the fact that he's not currently in jail. He should be and you know it - you just don't care because you live vicariously through his hatred for others and you would crawl over broken glass to make sure he's given full power to destroy your imaginary enemies.

Thank you for your service but you weren't fighting for me if you support turning this country into an authoritarian hellscape.
Once again, so many words, so little intelligence. I guess that's the policy you live by. It's probably mandated by your daddies Soros/Oboma/Biden.

I am on record numerous times on this site that I am against all these corrupt politicians, regardless of party. I think all of DC needs to be weeded out. McConnell gone, Shumer gone, McCarthy gone, Pelosi gone, and on, and on, and on. If Trump did the same crap these people did, then I will vote against him too.

You just also made my point:
You are the perfect Trump supporter - foul, vulgar, full of hate, liar, corruption enabler and stupid
You know absolutely nothing about me-NOTHING! Just like a demoncrat, blame everyone else for what they do/are doing. You bring up Trump in dang near every post but won't say a bad word about Ole Joe. Why is that?

I know why, it's because you are a HACK!

You are the liar tinkerbell. You are the corruption enabler, and of the two of us, you're definitely the one who is stupid. I don't get paid to espouse my views. They are just my views.
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So you don't care enough to find out but you feel empowered enough to tell me that I'm wrong? Lolz....makes total sense.

The article I sent clearly states that the crime ring they found in Detroit are illegal immigrants who are taking part in larger, organized crime rings. We see it in NJ in regards to car thefts, they catch the thiefs, some are illegal aliens. Who cares which country they hail from? Do you want less people committing crimes or more people committing crimes?
Yes, it is your responsibility since you made the blanket claim. I was pointing out that your original comment that ES is only sending over criminals is incorrect, and is a blanket statement used to demonize immigration of all kinds.

What you’re doing now is shifting goalposts since your original comment was stupid, and gross.
Yes, it is your responsibility since you made the blanket claim. I was pointing out that your original comment that ES is only sending over criminals is incorrect, and is a blanket statement used to demonize immigration of all kinds.

What you’re doing now is shifting goalposts since your original comment was stupid, and gross. couldnt find the trees for the forest. His point is absolutely correct and even though obviously every illegal immigrant is not a criminal at least until they cross the border. They became criminal at that point. Thats why they call it illegal. The fact that some of these people are decent and just want a life here does not lessen the huge negative impact on American communities and on the hundreds of billions of tax dollars being spent on this. You would rather strenuously argue the very small point that not all of the immigrants from ES are criminal. LMFAO!! couldnt find the trees for the forest. His point is absolutely correct and even though obviously every illegal immigrant is not a criminal at least until they cross the border. They became criminal at that point. Thats why they call it illegal. The fact that some of these people are decent and just want a life here does not lessen the huge negative impact on American communities and on the hundreds of billions of tax dollars being spent on this. You would rather strenuously argue the very small point that not all of the immigrants from ES are criminal. LMFAO!!
What negative impact on American communities? Studies show that immigration (legal and illegal) has a net positive effect on the economy. Undocumented immigrants aren't eligible for federal government assistance (some states do provide it), and their children end up being quite successful when compared to American citizens. Please provide data to support your claim that "Hundreds of billions of tax dollars" are being spent on undocumented immigrants.
Once again, so many words, so little intelligence. I guess that's the policy you live by. It's probably mandated by your daddies Soros/Oboma/Biden.

I am on record numerous times on this site that I am against all these corrupt politicians, regardless of party. I think all of DC needs to be weeded out. McConnell gone, Shumer gone, McCarthy gone, Pelosi gone, and on, and on, and on. If Trump did the same crap these people did, then I will vote against him too.

You just also made my point:

You know absolutely nothing about me-NOTHING! Just like a demoncrat, blame everyone else for what they do/are doing. You bring up Trump in dang near every post but won't say a bad word about Ole Joe. Why is that?

I know why, it's because you are a HACK!

You are the liar tinkerbell. You are the corruption enabler, and of the two of us, you're definitely the one who is stupid. I don't get paid to espouse my views. They are just my views.
I am on record numerous times on this site that I am against all these corrupt politicians, regardless of party. I think all of DC needs to be weeded out. McConnell gone, Shumer gone, McCarthy gone, Pelosi gone, and on, and on, and on. If Trump did the same crap these people did, then I will vote against him too.
Liar. Trump did FAR WORSE than anything these people did, with a record of corruption that goes back decades.
Again, you give him a pass not because he's great for the country but simply because he will attack your imaginary enemies. His crimes don't matter to you as long as he owns the libs. Admit it...
The NAZI's also burned and banned books
Outlawed homosexuality
EMBRACED Christianity and had agreements with the catholic church.
These were some of the reasons why most Christians in Germany welcomed the rise of Nazism in 1933. They were also persuaded by the statement on “positive Christianity” in Article 24 of the 1920 Nazi Party Platform, which read:

"We demand the freedom of all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not jeopardize the state's existence or conflict with the manners and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good."

.... and after they lost the war in shame they tore down their statues of the Nazi ruling parties. Which the south never did for its confederate traitors.

You guys are weird and wrong all the time about everything.
LOL! Your party already did that here in 2020 by stealing the election. It never fails. You idiots accuse us of doing the exact thing you're already doing or getting ready to do.
Thats completely incorrect and a fabrication. You are wrong in saying the election has been stolen and you should be mad at anyone who convinced you of this falsehood. Because its not true and has been disproven in court many many many times. The most challenged election, most scrutinized election in our history. Your whole conclusions are based off 0 facts and you are lost in the woods acting like a fool.
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What negative impact on American communities? Studies show that immigration (legal and illegal) has a net positive effect on the economy. Undocumented immigrants aren't eligible for federal government assistance (some states do provide it), and their children end up being quite successful when compared to American citizens. Please provide data to support your claim that "Hundreds of billions of tax dollars" are being spent on undocumented immigrants.
OMG. You are out of your gourd on this one.
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The NAZI's also burned and banned books
Outlawed homosexuality
EMBRACED Christianity and had agreements with the catholic church.
These were some of the reasons why most Christians in Germany welcomed the rise of Nazism in 1933. They were also persuaded by the statement on “positive Christianity” in Article 24 of the 1920 Nazi Party Platform, which read:

.... and after they lost the war in shame they tore down their statues of the Nazi ruling parties. Which the south never did for its confederate traitors.

You guys are weird and wrong all the time about everything.
Wake up. The nazification of America is coming from the left and thats a fact.
Yes, it is your responsibility since you made the blanket claim. I was pointing out that your original comment that ES is only sending over criminals is incorrect, and is a blanket statement used to demonize immigration of all kinds.

What you’re doing now is shifting goalposts since your original comment was stupid, and gross.
From the Mayor Adams' press conference last week.......note the mention of crime ring. What's stupid and gross is to continue pretending that other countries and criminals from those countries aren't taking advantage of our open border. Also, once these people stop being political pawns (for both sides) and the free government money/resources runs out, what do you think they will do?

You keep calling what we are seeing immigration but it's not, it's an invasion. Immigration is submitting your application for a visa, a green card, asylum etc from your own country and waiting for approval. Meanwhile, I have employees that failed to obtain visas despite tens of thousands of dollars on immigration lawyers who I've had to relocate to other countries after a 2 year failed process.

"New York City Mayor Eric Adams revealed during a press conference Tuesday that there were "a number of migrants who have committed crimes," including some participating in what he called a "robbery pattern." "Do I believe that there are some migrants who are committing crimes in the city? Yes"

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Thats completely incorrect and a fabrication. You are wrong in saying the election has been stolen and you should be mad at anyone who convinced you of this falsehood. Because its not true and has been disproven in court many many many times. The most challenged election, most scrutinized election in our history. Your whole conclusions are based off 0 facts and you are lost in the woods acting like a fool.
Except for all of the evidence of election fraud, which is now going to finally see it's day in court thanks to a bunch of really dumb indictments.

Wake up. The nazification of America is coming from the left and thats a fact.
Hilarious. Neo nazis want to close the boarders and bann books and make homosex and trans illegal in this country. Just so happens to be right wing authoritarian wish list. But the boogie man left is what wants that right?
You guys lost the 2020 election and now you want to somehow lie about that while also lying about the facts of Nazism. Grow up. You guys act like a bunch of kids
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From the Mayor Adams' press conference last week.......note the mention of crime ring. What's stupid and gross is to continue pretending that other countries and criminals from those countries aren't taking advantage of our open border. Also, once these people stop being political pawns (for both sides) and the free government money/resources runs out, what do you think they will do?

You keep calling what we are seeing immigration but it's not, it's an invasion. Immigration is submitting your application for a visa, a green card, asylum etc from your own country and waiting for approval. Meanwhile, I have employees that failed to obtain visas despite tens of thousands of dollars on immigration lawyers who I've had to relocate to other countries after a 2 year failed process.

"New York City Mayor Eric Adams revealed during a press conference Tuesday that there were "a number of migrants who have committed crimes," including some participating in what he called a "robbery pattern." "Do I believe that there are some migrants who are committing crimes in the city? Yes"

Once again, I never said undocumented immigrants didn't commit crimes. My whole issue was your statement that only criminals are being sent over, which is an incorrect fearmongering statement used to demonize immigration as a whole.

I don't have any argument against the delays and issues with avenues for legal immigration (work visas, green cards, asylum, etc.) It's incredibly inefficient and takes way too long. I imagine it could be fixed by expanding funding so the gov't can hire more people to process claims, but no one's gonna sign off on increased spending.

And like I said before, undocumented immigrants aren't collecting any federal money. Some states may provide it to them, but nothing federal is provided with the exception of life-saving assistance at hospitals. I know anecdotal evidence is pretty worthless, but I've been fortunate enough to work with a handful of undocumented immigrants the last half decade and the demonization of them by the right as hordes of criminals that are INVADING the country is disgusting.
Liar. Trump did FAR WORSE than anything these people did, with a record of corruption that goes back decades.
Again, you give him a pass not because he's great for the country but simply because he will attack your imaginary enemies. His crimes don't matter to you as long as he owns the libs. Admit it...
How am I a liar? What did Trump do that was "FAR WORSE" and goes back decades? You say these things, and never once has the man been convicted of a crime. He is compared in your circles to Hitler everyday but he has never been convicted of a crime. In your little brain, he is guilty, because YOU say he is. That's not the way this country is supposed to work. Innocent until proven guilty.

I could go back decades and show you actual video of your guy JOE lying or saying something racist every time he opens his mouth, but that's not my intent here. Plus, unlike you, I have an actual job/mission that keeps me from being on the "interwebs" every single day trying to do a he said/she said. I just don't have the time.

You fairies (that's what I call you Demoncrats, and how I came up with your nickname Tinkerbell), live in a fantasy land that is not what this country was founded upon. I could start a thread about the Civil War, and you would automatically say something about Trump. You should really seek some mental help by the way. Politics has truly triggered your mental wellbeing. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, NPR has clouded your brain so much that you have ZERO ability to think for yourself.

To the best of my knowledge, I don't have ANY enemies, imaginary, or otherwise. I'm not on any social media outside of this website because I don't want communist vermin attacking my house.

This is where we are at in this country, and it is because of people just like yourself:
His crimes don't matter to you as long as he owns the libs. Admit it...
What CRIME/s has he committed? You want to convict him before he stands trial for anything. Just like the rest of the communist, you know if he is re-elected the chickens will come home to roost on your guys--the Demoncrats. You've got no principles, honor, morality, or integrity Tinkerbell. Honestly, I've got more respect for a ham sandwich, and given the choice of a sandwich, I would choose another meat.

If you've ever done anything for this country other than b!tch, moan, and complain please let me know. My guess is, you're only happy when a Demoncrat is in office, or the SOROS check clears the bank.

I don't give TRUMP or any other politician a pass for sh!t. Everyone has investigated this man since at least 2015 (even your communist buddies liked him then) and he has not been convicted of anything. I think over 90% of politicians on both sides are corrupt at least on some level. I know, I know, Trump, Trump, Trump. That's your one horse pony and you have to ride it. It's just embarrassing for you. If he/they are breaking the law, lock them up. I don't care who they are. However, it might be best if you sit this one out though, because there will be FAR more Demoncrats. Conservatives believe in the rule of law. I work for a living so looking at the big scheme of things, politicians only control how much of MY money I get to keep.

Here's mine for Ole Joe: He's never ran/been accountable for anything. He's NEVER ran a business (although, you could say his fraudulent business deals, and off shore accounts are a business-so I'll take that as a caveat). He's NEVER been on town council. He's NEVER been a mayor. He's NEVER been a Governor. When he was in the senate, all he had to do was talk and award/cash the checks. Now, he's being asked to make decisions that he's never had to make, and YOU can see/HE can feel, the p!ss running down his leg---Dr. Jill will patch him up later--you need not worry.

So, if we're going to play this game, what has JOE ever done outside of being a politician and going to college?

Why do you love Joe? What has Joe done for you? "Admit it", you can't answer this question.
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Thats completely incorrect and a fabrication. You are wrong in saying the election has been stolen and you should be mad at anyone who convinced you of this falsehood. Because its not true and has been disproven in court many many many times. The most challenged election, most scrutinized election in our history. Your whole conclusions are based off 0 facts and you are lost in the woods acting like a fool.
You are the fool here, because you believe that imbicile actually got 81 million votes. He couldn't get 20 people to show up if he was giving out gold. The facts are there for you to see, but because you wanted him to win, you can't see a damn thing. He might have gotten 81 million ballots, but he didn't get 81 million votes. There is a difference.

It has not been disproven in court many, many, many times. Fixed it for you (someone whom considers themselves educated should really know how to use commas). The courts, in almost all cases just did not even hear the evidence- it was just not heard. It was considered a "ban-able offense" to even bring it up on social media and question the results. I'm also LMAO at:
The most challenged election, most scrutinized election in our history
Where did you see, or hear this gem? What a freaking joke.

Speaking of facts, here is your BOY:

In related news, I did a search and found this clip right away. I mistakenly closed the window without getting the link. I put in the same info in the search bar (actually it auto populated) in like seconds. Guess what! It didn't even come up again. I had to use the "history" on my browser to find it. The gov't has been manipulating ignorant people like yourself for decades.

Again, you are the FOOL here. I have no intent of trying to change your mind, or "wake you up" (you're already WOKE) because there is zero chance of that ever happening.

I'm just telling you, that I KNOW what happened, and you're not going to change my mind either.
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