Dr. Robert Malone Fires Off Warning Shot on The War Room: Latest Disease Spreading Across China an “Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever Virus”


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
This might be one to actually watch out for.

By Jim Hoft
Published January 10, 2022 at 10:47am

Dr. Robert Malone joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss the latest viral outbreak in China. The communist regime is hiding the nature and spread of this new disease.
This has many experts worried including Dr. Malone who is the inventor of the mRNA vaccines. Dr. Malone today told the War Room audience that he is hearing the current disease that is spreading across China is reportedly an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.” The regime is hiding the true nature of this disease from the public and from the global community — Just like last time!
Today there are 5.5 million people dead (and counting) from the last China pandemic.
Now we could be talking about an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.”
WATCH: Boston Cops Threaten, Harrass THE WRONG WOMAN Over Vax Card: 'We Don't Enforce Mandates, We Protect Rights'
Dr. Malone: “They are using language that this is a hemorrhagic fever virus. If that’s the case then it would be very odd that this would be something caused by the Coronavirus. That terminology is usually used for viruses in the family of Ebola. So this is something that many people have feared is the development of a rapidly spreading Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus. But we have not knowledge of whether that is going on here or not.”
Via The War Room:

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More… Dr. Malone Mentions Possible Outbreak in China of Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever Virus or Marburg Virus — That Has Only 50% Survival Rate​

By Jim Hoft
Published January 11, 2022 at 8:00am


As reported on Monday — Dr. Robert Malone joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss the latest viral outbreak in China. The communist regime is hiding the nature and spread of this new disease.
This has many experts worried including Dr. Malone who is the inventor of the mRNA vaccines. Dr. Malone today told the War Room audience that he is hearing the current disease that is spreading across China is reportedly an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.” The regime is hiding the true nature of this disease from the public and from the global community — Just like last time!
Today there are 5.5 million people dead (and counting) from the last China pandemic.
Now we could be talking about an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.”
WATCH: Boston Cops Threaten, Harrass THE WRONG WOMAN Over Vax Card: 'We Don't Enforce Mandates, We Protect Rights'
Dr. Malone: “They are using language that this is a hemorrhagic fever virus. If that’s the case then it would be very odd that this would be something caused by the Coronavirus. That terminology is usually used for viruses in the family of Marburg and Ebola. So this is something that many people have feared is the development of a rapidly spreading Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus. But we have not knowledge of whether that is going on here or not.”
On Monday afternoon a reader sent us more on the Marburg virus.
The World Heath Organization reported:
** Marburg virus disease (MVD), formerly known as Marburg haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans.
** The virus causes severe viral haemorrhagic fever in humans.
** The average MVD case fatality rate is around 50%. Case fatality rates have varied from 24% to 88% in past outbreaks depending on virus strain and case management.
Two large outbreaks that occurred simultaneously in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany, and in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1967, led to the initial recognition of the disease. The outbreak was associated with laboratory work using African green monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) imported from Uganda. Subsequently, outbreaks and sporadic cases have been reported in Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, South Africa (in a person with recent travel history to Zimbabwe) and Uganda.
Via The War Room:

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Fake News! The GWP is a part of the fear mongering deep state propaganda machine. It’s just the flu, people!
further evidence that everything .... EVERYTHING.... that comes out of China is shitty.

F* China!

In all seriousness though ... I'll never put any emotional investment in any story reported by the GWP ..... but I do know, from my Brother in Law's girlfriend (who is a Vet), that there is some viral outbreak infecting rabbits World wide right now ..... (strange I know) ..... the virus is a hemorrhagic fever which basically melts the rabbits organs. Its non-infectious to humans. Any guesses on the location of this virus' origins? If you guessed "that s*hole China?" you would be correct!!!!!!!!!!!

F* China !
further evidence that everything .... EVERYTHING.... that comes out of China is shitty.

F* China!

In all seriousness though ... I'll never put any emotional investment in any story reported by the GWP ..... but I do know, from my Brother in Law's girlfriend (who is a Vet), that there is some viral outbreak infecting rabbits World wide right now ..... (strange I know) ..... the virus is a hemorrhagic fever which basically melts the rabbits organs. Its non-infectious to humans. Any guesses on the location of this virus' origins? If you guessed "that s*hole China?" you would be correct!!!!!!!!!!!

F* China !
here's something shocking; it's fake news.

he's 100% FOS.
further evidence that everything .... EVERYTHING.... that comes out of China is shitty.

F* China!

In all seriousness though ... I'll never put any emotional investment in any story reported by the GWP ..... but I do know, from my Brother in Law's girlfriend (who is a Vet), that there is some viral outbreak infecting rabbits World wide right now ..... (strange I know) ..... the virus is a hemorrhagic fever which basically melts the rabbits organs. Its non-infectious to humans. Any guesses on the location of this virus' origins? If you guessed "that s*hole China?" you would be correct!!!!!!!!!!!

F* China !

Wow. This is real, and it was first detected in China.

Deadly Hemorrhagic Disease That Kills 80 Percent of Rabbits Spreading Across U.S.

RHD was first reported in 1984 in the People's Republic of China.

Shocker - and stop me if you've heard this - a vaccine can prevent death.
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Wow. This is real, and it was first detected in China.

Deadly Hemorrhagic Disease That Kills 80 Percent of Rabbits Spreading Across U.S.

RHD was first reported in 1984 in the People's Republic of China.

Shocker - and stop me if you've heard this - a vaccine can prevent death.
Yup, BIL’s girlfriend had to miss Christmas dinner because she was giving vaccines to rabbits …. Strangest excuse I had heard but it was true. My wife unfortunately informed me that I could NOT use the same excuse to avoid future family dinners with her Mother.

“Sorry hunny, can’t have dinner with your Mom …. I have to vaccinate a bunny”
The gatewayredundant is the new New England Journal of Medicine
Yup, BIL’s girlfriend had to miss Christmas dinner because she was giving vaccines to rabbits …. Strangest excuse I had heard but it was true. My wife unfortunately informed me that I could NOT use the same excuse to avoid future family dinners with her Mother.

“Sorry hunny, can’t have dinner with your Mom …. I have to vaccinate a bunny”
Did the bunnies get a chance to do their own research before the mandate?
Did the bunnies get a chance to do their own research before the mandate?
Haha, I was just shocked that there were so many people with pet rabbits. She was booked solid for 7 straight days, giving vaccines to rabbits.

Now to be fair, “if” Covid was a hemorrhagic fever that caused your internal organs to melt and bleed from every orifice AND had a 80% death rate??????????? I would ASSUME “vaccine hesitancy” would be minimal
  • Haha
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Haha, I was just shocked that there were so many people with pet rabbits. She was booked solid for 7 straight days, giving vaccines to rabbits.

Now to be fair, “if” Covid was a hemorrhagic fever that caused your internal organs to melt and bleed from every orifice AND had a 80% death rate??????????? I would ASSUME “vaccine hesitancy” would be minimal
One would hope but I believe there's a few on this board that would prefer to have melted organs so they could own the libs. 😂
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