How is anything I said self serving? You haven't refuted one thing I said with facts. You think black people are the king pins in the cocaine and heroine trade?
Ever heard of the Mexican drug cartel? Black people don't have a monopoly on selling cocaine or heroin. Dude seriously. You are embarrassing yourself.
Also you think white kids are the victims????
George Floyd was brutally murdered and that officer is being charged with murder. Keith Lamont was killed by a police officer who used excessive force. Black people are being targeted by police. Note I said nothing about just white police officers as well. (although the overwhelming majority of this instances do happen to deal with a white officer).
I've got a question for you, why don't you see drug busts in wealthy white communities?
You are racist because you ignore factual evidence to systemic racism in America. You believe that black people are lesser than white people because they are incarcerated more. You will shape a false idea of reality to make yourself feel better as a white person so you don't have to deal with the harsh reality that your family members have mistreated a group of people because the color of their skin. That is why you are racist.
The good news though, people like you are slowly being cast aside in society. You will preach conspiracies and falsehoods until you die, but the world will move on without you and be better off for it. May God have mercy on your soul.
First of all you just proved that you don't understand the drug trade.
A kingpin is a person who buys the kilos wholesale from the Mexicans, Dominicans and Columbians and sells it by the gram. Kevin Chiles, Azie Faison, Freeway Rick, Alpo, Rich Porter were all Kingpins. What you are talking about are the smugglers. The kingpins have many foot soldiers working for them. The smugglers are few. They don't account for many in the business.
Floyd was high on fentanyl. He was most likely just a users. That's why he couldn't breath. The police were just following procedure. They will beat this political charge. Floyd tried to cash a bad check. That's why the cops were called. Had nothing to do with race. White people die the same way by cop.
Keith Lamont was shot by a Black Police officer for pulling a gun after he got out of his SUV. They were going to arrest him for smoking a joint in his car. Had nothing to do with race.
Ignoring facts or being wrong doesn't make someone a racist. It makes you a fool. Moreover, you don't understand the business end of selling drugs. Black people are more afraid of other street hustlers than they are the police. 99 percent of the violence is other drug dealers stealing from each other. That's why Alpo killed Rich Porter. That's why Azie Fasion was shot twice in the head and that's why Kevin Chile's mother was killed. They want that money. After the FEDS intercept a shipment, everyone starts stealing and killing because they need that connect. The connect is the people you were talking about. Most likely today is the Mexican Drug cartels. Don't forget about Belize and Venezuela.
The good news is that bedwetting snowflakes like you are being stood up to by Blacks who understand the reality of dealing drugs. This is the purpose of why Don Diva was started by Kevin Chiles. So that Black Teens will listen and not get into the street hustle and stay away from dealing drugs. You probably don't even know who Kevin Chiles is because you are too busying being a groupthinker.
I believe we should legalize drugs. Then White people can get their own drugs and we can stop arresting the Black kids for selling it. But yeah call me racist for wanting to let all the Black drug dealers out of prison. I love them more than I love the White dopes taking the drugs.