So some end of day's nut says NASA says this? Once again, got ANYTHING from a NASA scientist saying what you said? ANYTHING?
Here's NASA's statement:
So which is more likely? NASA the agency who's actual JOB is observing asteroids and their threat to Earth is lying and full of shit... Or some minister who is saying the world is about to end is full of shit?
There's a pretty fair record of these guys telling us about the end of the world being wrong on account of the world still being here... Just sayin...
No minister worth his salt won’t tell you the earth is coming to an end. You’ve never heard me say that. There will be flooding, fires, great earthquakes, nuclear explosions, famine, pestilences, an asteroid that hits a body of salt water, killing 2/3 of the sea life, destroying 1/3 of the ships. Wormwood hitting a large body of fresh water killing many, The Mark of the Beast, Worship of the Beast/Antichrist, demons coming out of the abyss having the sting of a scorpion & the pain lasts for 5 months, the sun scorching men to death, painful boils breaking out all over man’s bodies, an earthquake where every mountain & island are moved out of their places, an earthquake @ the end of the Tribulation where every mountain is flattened, the Euphrates River drying up, 100 LB hailstones falling on people, darkness for days, Papal Rome & The Vatican destroyed with fire, war, FEMA Camps, Christians Beheaded, Fresh water turning to blood, salt water turning to blood, JESUS’s return & destroys 82% of the armies gathered @ Megeddo, the Beast/Antichrist & False Prophet thrown alive into the Lake Of Fire, Satan bound by a great chain for 1000 years, JESUS judges the nations (Mathew 25), The Millennium, Great White Throne Judgement @ end of Millenium, Satan released after Millennium, Nations are deceived one more time by Satan & come against Jerusalem one more time, GOD rains down Fire & Brimstone on Israel’s enemies, destroying them, Satan thrown alive in the Lake of Fire, people who’s names aren’t written in the Lambs Book of Life thrown into the Lake of Fire, Heaven comes down to a restored earth, those who have trusted in JESUS CHRIST live in Heaven with other believers, GOD, JESUS & The Angels.