Find this interesting; as the MSM runs interference for Voter Fraud


The Jack Dunlap Club
Nov 21, 2005
So illegal immigrants are geographically disproportionate in urban areas. lol You got some real science at work here.

What would be the logic, from an illegal's point of view to reside in an urban area except for the sanctuary city protection. I would say it is precisely for the Sanctuary City protection. Well, who then is responsible for providing the protective status? Is it the same people who then skirt election law and push the limits of election fraud?
Don't forget that the Trump admin tried to impanel an Election Fraud Commission. Certain "urban" areas, precincts, etc refused to comply by not offering up their voter registration roles for scrutiny. The Commission was then disbanded and the work of investigating these things was then turned over to the DHS.
What would be the logic, from an illegal's point of view to reside in an urban area except for the sanctuary city protection. I would say it is precisely for the Sanctuary City protection. Well, who then is responsible for providing the protective status? Is it the same people who then skirt election law and push the limits of election fraud?
Don't forget that the Trump admin tried to impanel an Election Fraud Commission. Certain "urban" areas, precincts, etc refused to comply by not offering up their voter registration roles for scrutiny. The Commission was then disbanded and the work of investigating these things was then turned over to the DHS.
They follow the jobs. You are looking for a boogeyman where there isn't one.
They follow the jobs. You are looking for a boogeyman where there isn't one.

Actually, just found what I was looking for.

Does this make it a little more interesting for you? I'll admit, I had forgotten about this until I started looking around at things.

MAP: Where feds are trying to relocate illegal border surgers

Wed, JUL 2nd2014 @ 3:10 pm EDT

Since the border surge gained coverage from the mainstream media last month, the Obama Administration has tried to relocate tens of thousands of newly-arrived illegal aliens to communities across the country.

Sign the petition asking your three Members of Congress to fight the relocation!

Click on the symbols on the map for name of each location and what is happening there. Below the map is the KEY for the symbols.


As with all maps, you can zoom in and out, and click and drag the map for a different view. (For a larger version of this map click here. You can see a full list of all the communities in the left column.)

NumbersUSA is daily updating this interactive map to show which communities are under threat of the federal government moving large numbers of illegal aliens there from the border.

NumbersUSA is providing its members actions they can take to help stop the government's dispersal of illegal aliens in a way that usually means they never go back home. Because people living in communities across the Americas rarely see one of their neighbors ever returned after illegally entering the United States, most of the population in those countries believe crossing the border illegally will bring great rewards.

Become more actively involved by clicking here to send messages to your three Members of Congress to block relocations in your state.

If you have any information about additional communities being targets for relocation -- or if you can correct or add to the information we already have on communities -- please email it to Melanie Oubre at:

Illegal Immigration
border control
Updated: Fri, Oct 3rd 2014 @ 7:33am EDT
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Even though you once described yourself as a Goldwater conservative, I figured as much.
I still do describe myself that way, but I'm not jumping at shadows and peddling conspiracy's. I think that is part of what has gone wrong with the Republican party. Too much echo chamber. Of course that goes for both parties.
I still do describe myself that way, but I'm not jumping at shadows and peddling conspiracy's. I think that is part of what has gone wrong with the Republican party. Too much echo chamber. Of course that goes for both parties.

Well, you can certainly believe whatever you like, but don't tell me I'm jumping at shadows and looking for the boogeyman when I'm showing correlating hard data; Especially in the climate of potential election fraud.
Remember Trump's commission to find the millions of illegal votes in the 2016 election? They found NOTHING. Voter fraud happens, sure... a few here or there. Thousands and thousands? Not so much. The map above is called a correlation. For those of you not up on statistical terms that means that the two items above look similar, but there is no proof that they are related (they may or may not be... but they LOOK the same). No one has shown any proof here... just more bs conspiracy theories.

A perfect example of the above is the MMR(measles, mumps, rubela) vaccines causing autism. I'd be surprised if OP isn't fully on board with a theory that 1000s and 1000s of Drs are on board with giving kids autism to make big pharma money.

Kids get these vaccines at 2 years old. Shortly after getting them, a small number of kids start being diagnosed with autism. Jenny Mcarthy did a LOT of damage peddling this theory. The fact of the matter is that they don't have anything to do with each other, and the theory has been completely debunked. But folks still believe...

As an example...I bet if you made a map of places with really good ethnic Mexican food, it would be similar to the maps above (because that's where the immigrants live). You might as well say Mexican food causes voter fraud.
Remember Trump's commission to find the millions of illegal votes in the 2016 election? They found NOTHING. Voter fraud happens, sure... a few here or there. Thousands and thousands? Not so much. The map above is called a correlation. For those of you not up on statistical terms that means that the two items above look similar, but there is no proof that they are related (they may or may not be... but they LOOK the same). No one has shown any proof here... just more bs conspiracy theories.

A perfect example of the above is the MMR(measles, mumps, rubela) vaccines causing autism. I'd be surprised if OP isn't fully on board with a theory that 1000s and 1000s of Drs are on board with giving kids autism to make big pharma money.

Kids get these vaccines at 2 years old. Shortly after getting them, a small number of kids start being diagnosed with autism. Jenny Mcarthy did a LOT of damage peddling this theory. The fact of the matter is that they don't have anything to do with each other, and the theory has been completely debunked. But folks still believe...

As an example...I bet if you made a map of places with really good ethnic Mexican food, it would be similar to the maps above (because that's where the immigrants live). You might as well say Mexican food causes voter fraud.

This is one of the more ignorant things you've posted, and that's saying something.
The Commission was disbanded for non-compliance by Election Managers in places just like Broward County. If you think Broward County and others have clean voter registration rolls, then you're even more ignorant.
I have no clue, nor any interest in your 2nd point; which you pulled out of left field.
Your last paragraph, where you come back to the discussion, doesn't even try address why the illegals live in these areas. I guess the Obama Admin, who made a huge effort to move them to these areas, decided there wasn't enough ethnic food in these areas.
This is one of the more ignorant things you've posted, and that's saying something.
The Commission was disbanded for non-compliance by Election Managers in places just like Broward County. If you think Broward County and others have clean voter registration rolls, then you're even more ignorant.
I have no clue, nor any interest in your 2nd point; which you pulled out of left field.
Your last paragraph, where you come back to the discussion, doesn't even try address why the illegals live in these areas. I guess the Obama Admin, who made a huge effort to move them to these areas, decided there wasn't enough ethnic food in these areas.

You don't know and you don't want to know. My point was perfectly made. NO PROOF. NONE.

The point is that yes illegals live in those areas as do large number of minority groups that are perfectly legal (and are citizens). These minority groups tend to vote Democratic. But you are saying (again w/o an ounce of proof) that the illegals live there so they MUST be voting. Hannity and the Dear Leader need to organize your thought process.
You don't know and you don't want to know. My point was perfectly made. NO PROOF. NONE.

The point is that yes illegals live in those areas as do large number of minority groups that are perfectly legal (and are citizens). These minority groups tend to vote Democratic. But you are saying (again w/o an ounce of proof) that the illegals live there so they MUST be voting. Hannity and the Dear Leader need to organize your thought process.

Scroll back up and show me where I said anything about proof. I didn't even make an accusation. I showed a map that compared where the large populations of illegals live and that was compared to heavy blue voting map, and I called it interesting. Another poster said I was looking for a boogey man and I showed him another map and link that proved these same areas is where Obama was moving illegals and I ask him again if this made it more interesting. That is all.
What is not debatable, is that every time there is unusual sh!t going with voting; like finding votes in the trunk of a returned rental car, and the election officials trying to block reporters/people from legally observing what's going on, and blue lawyers trying to count an obscene number of provisional ballots, it happens in these "blue" areas and always results in extra votes for the blue candidate.
You should maybe pay more attention to what's being discussed before trying to act like a know-it-all and throwing accusations around about things that didn't even happen.
Which is exactly why this isn't interesting. Correlation and Causation are not the same and this is exactly what it means to pedal conspiracy's.

So you'll admit then, that the Trump/Russia collusion investigation is also an elaborate conspiracy?
So you'll admit then, that the Trump/Russia collusion investigation is also an elaborate conspiracy?
I, personally, have not seen any evidence that would lead me to the conclusion that there was collusion. That said, I haven't seen any evidence that would lead me to conclude that it is an elaborate conspiracy.

This is the type of scenario where being honest with oneself would lead one to conclude that they cannot make a determination at this time, with the evidence that is publicly available.

I don't have any background or education in things like collusion and my opinion would be particularly uneducated. I do have some education in how labor flows work, particularly with regards to Mexico/US.
You don't know and you don't want to know. My point was perfectly made. NO PROOF. NONE.

The point is that yes illegals live in those areas as do large number of minority groups that are perfectly legal (and are citizens). These minority groups tend to vote Democratic. But you are saying (again w/o an ounce of proof) that the illegals live there so they MUST be voting. Hannity and the Dear Leader need to organize your thought process.

Apparently, illegals are voting in Florida
and Dem lawyers are trying to get a judge to ok it. lol
Bro, you really shouldn't let Hannity live rent free in your head like that/ Just saying
What would be the logic, from an illegal's point of view to reside in an urban area except for the sanctuary city protection. I would say it is precisely for the Sanctuary City protection. Well, who then is responsible for providing the protective status? Is it the same people who then skirt election law and push the limits of election fraud?
Don't forget that the Trump admin tried to impanel an Election Fraud Commission. Certain "urban" areas, precincts, etc refused to comply by not offering up their voter registration roles for scrutiny. The Commission was then disbanded and the work of investigating these things was then turned over to the DHS.

Hey another thing that trump failed at.
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Hey another thing that trump failed at.

Well, seeing that he turned it over to DHS, that's probably where it should have been from the beginning; especially in light of all the law breaking that's going on in certain places. Places that were non compliant with the commission.
Maybe you're listening to the wrong sources. I see and hear things every day. I guess CNN has dropped it since the election. Guessing you are totally manipulated by the msm.
They characterized 7,000 to 10,000 people by talking to three. They quote no statistics.

This article is propaganda. Breitbart went to shit when Andrew died.

And I am not even advocating letting the illegal immigrants cross the boarder.
They characterized 7,000 to 10,000 people by talking to three. They quote no statistics.

This article is propaganda. Breitbart went to shit when Andrew died.

And I am not even advocating letting the illegal immigrants cross the boarder.

So who the authority on why they're coming. What organization has interviewed all 7k of them? What should the Trump admin. assume they're coming for. I've seen stats that only 8-10% of all illegals have real reasons for asylum. I'm open to new information.
Besides that, the only reason I linked an article was simply to prove that people are still reporting on it; which countered his point.

Evidently the mayor of Tijuana isn't too impressed.
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nothing on fox, nothing from the commander in cheetoh himself. I dont read that breitbart garbage or the chicksontheright blog you like to post as a legit news source.

But you never mention what you do read or watch. Trump has already done what he said he was going to do; which is send troops to back up the Border Patrol. What else should he say about it?
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What would be the logic, from an illegal's point of view to reside in an urban area except for the sanctuary city protection. I would say it is precisely for the Sanctuary City protection. Well, who then is responsible for providing the protective status? Is it the same people who then skirt election law and push the limits of election fraud?
Don't forget that the Trump admin tried to impanel an Election Fraud Commission. Certain "urban" areas, precincts, etc refused to comply by not offering up their voter registration roles for scrutiny. The Commission was then disbanded and the work of investigating these things was then turned over to the DHS.
I’m assuming it’s the same reason everyone doesn’t move out to Wyoming.

You’re arguing that pro immigration laws are the reason immigrants correlate living in the same areas that the rest of the population have lived in long before sanctuary cities were around?

Have you looked at a map of where immigrants lived prior to 1970? I’m assuming it will be the same.
I’m assuming it’s the same reason everyone doesn’t move out to Wyoming.

You’re arguing that pro immigration laws are the reason immigrants correlate living in the same areas that the rest of the population have lived in long before sanctuary cities were around?

Have you looked at a map of where immigrants lived prior to 1970? I’m assuming it will be the same.

Not talking about immigrants. This is about the people that illegally enter the country. To me, there's a difference. The second map in the thread, denotes the areas that the Obama bunch was shipping illegals into.
As far as a map pre-1970, no I haven't.
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Not talking about immigrants. This is about the people that illegally enter the country. To me, there's a difference. The second map in the thread, denotes the areas that the Obama bunch was shipping illegals into.
As far as a map pre-1970, no I haven't.

Immigrant - a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country..... I can’t find a definition that states it has to be done legally. There is a difference between a legal immigrant and an illegal immigrant. Both are immigrants.

Btw. I intentionally left of illegal because it rattles y’all Trumpsters.
So who the authority on why they're coming. What organization has interviewed all 7k of them? What should the Trump admin. assume they're coming for. I've seen stats that only 8-10% of all illegals have real reasons for asylum. I'm open to new information.
Besides that, the only reason I linked an article was simply to prove that people are still reporting on it; which countered his point.

Evidently the mayor of Tijuana isn't too impressed.
You just made the case that we either find 3 people representative or we must interview all 7,000. You did that. That is not debating in good faith, and it shows a complete lack of understanding statistics.
You just made the case that we either find 3 people representative or we must interview all 7,000. You did that. That is not debating in good faith, and it shows a complete lack of understanding statistics.

Your lack of reading comprehension is now apparent. Again, the reason for the link, in the first place, was to counter the idea that no one was reporting on the caravan since the election. You are the one that made the article, itself an issue. We don't need to statistically analyze the members of the caravan. We already have plenty of statistical analysis from the illegals that have already penetrated our borders. You're the one not debating in good faith. In fact you're the only one that is debating. All I've done is post some (maps) data and called it interesting; in light of the dems attempts at circumventing election law in Fla.
Immigrant - a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country..... I can’t find a definition that states it has to be done legally. There is a difference between a legal immigrant and an illegal immigrant. Both are immigrants.

Btw. I intentionally left of illegal because it rattles y’all Trumpsters.

Nice! Your next assignment is to look up the definition of illegal.
I see you’re rattled lol.

Haha. Not at all. What I see is someone who has been brainwashed by the liberal devices of changing the meaning of words and phrases; then repeating them over and over again until people believe that it's real. Technically, someone who enters a country illegally, cannot be an immigrant, as you have espoused. If you don't believe it, go to Mexico or Canada and sneak in. When they catch you, just tell them you're an "immigrant".
Haha. Not at all. What I see is someone who has been brainwashed by the liberal devices of changing the meaning of words and phrases; then repeating them over and over again until people believe that it's real. Technically, someone who enters a country illegally, cannot be an immigrant, as you have espoused. If you don't believe it, go to Mexico or Canada and sneak in. When they catch you, just tell them you're an "immigrant".
How is anti government being a liberal? You’re too busy fighting with liberals on which freedoms to take from each other. You’re no different than the left.