So if "everyone does it" the law shouldn't matter anymore.
I thought we were a country of laws.
Thanks for opening up this stream of thought
Absolutely we should be a nation of laws. Laws that are equally applied regardless of stature. I do not believe anyone can be above the law. So, if we are going to hold Trump and associates to certain standards, then any and everyone else should be as well.
The primary beef, that people of my ilk; who are accused of being being Trump robots, is simply this: a particular group,(regardless of party) are allowed to operate outside of the law, even when "caught" red handed. There seems to be a cabal of un-elected, career gov't employees; in high places, that keep getting recycled in and out of positions of power that insure this. The inverse of this is simply: if you're not in the "group" and refuse to be party to the goals of the group, you can expect to have the full weight and power of the gov't to remove/ruin you by any and all means necessary.