Wrong, you need to go read the excerpts of Dr Birx’s new book And revisit what science knew about pandemics three years ago. It is a very long well established field of study, and it was ignored.
She admits there was ZERO science to support the lockdowns, in fact world wide there were virologists and epidemiologists everywhere supporting herd immunity and letting the virus run through the healthy population as fast as possible to minimize the time span of the pandemic and risk to the vulnerable. Big Tech censored them as much as they could and the media had a virtual black out of doctors who pointed out the obvious bad policies of CDC
But there WAS 100 YEARS of scientifically established pandemic protocol that the CDC IGNORED and did the polar OPPOSITE of.
They also knew that the masks 98% of people were wearing were useless. Stanford’s Hoover institute reviewed 17 clinical studies on masks and concluded masks were useless back in 2020, ignored by the morons at the CDC.
A study of counties in Kansas was particularly telling as the state left it to each county whether to mandate masks or not. The counties that mandated masks had roughly 50% higher death rates from Covid due to rebreathing the virus trapped by the masks. There are thousands of studies on masks which the CDC ignored.
There was zero science behind the six foot separation demands.
NOW their current policy is for everyone to choose how they handle it on a personal basis. This is what Florida did TWO YEARS AGO and the Dems, CDC/Fauci/Birx and media blasted Desantis for this.
Many many countries followed our lead and the result?- millions dead due to economic collapse because of the total incompetence and politicization of Covid. UNICEF estimates at least 200,000 children died, just in Asia, from the lock downs.
quite recently Phizer was forced to open early research on their experimental vaccine. Over 40% of pregnant women had miscarriages!
The CDC is guilty of mass murder