For the non-vaccinated: Would an opportunity to get

There's also a lot of news that vaccinated folks have caught the virus. That doesn't fit the storyline, but it's the truth. The real truth is real scientists still can't figure this thing out much less the TI scientists.

My wife has been vaccinated. She has more immune system problems ( RA;Chronic Fatigue; Fibromyalgia; Celiac; and much more) than anyone else I know. She is STILL at risk. While folks debate mask vs. no mask, we quietly wear our masks as a means of protection. I'll debate wearing masks offline with anyone.
There's really no debate on mask if it's the ones you're wearing from the Dollar Store or Walmart but if it makes you feel better wear 10 of them
Cool, then tell all your buddies to pipe down

You first. Many of us don't know if we are going to be able to keep our jobs thanks to the covid tyrants out there who want to force the vaccine.

All you karen's worried about packing the stadium.

You want me to pipe down? Kiss my ass
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You first. Many of us don't know if we are going to be able to keep our jobs thanks to the covid tyrants out there.

All you karen's worried about packing the stadium.

You want me to pipe down? Kiss my ass
Haha, name calling.... too early for a temper tantrum. Side effects from the shot I'm guessing?
For a reality check of what’s going on in pockets of the south in particular, this is worth a watch. She does a better job capturing the criticality of the situation in 4 minutes than I have seen anyone do in the last year.

Dead serious question, because I believe much of the vaccine debate is political. If the roles were reversed and Donald Trump were imploring people to get vaccinated where the Dems were claiming “my body my choice,” would you feel differently?

100% we would have more people vaccinated had Trump won the election. Trump was (rightfully so) taking credit of the vaccine progress that had been made. His administration took a huge gamble and helped secure millions of vaccines along with the UK while Europe didn't pre-order the stuff in time.

Had Trump won, he would've taken full credit (laughable, but true) and would push the hell out of the vaccine and getting the economy going, etc.

There would be some on the left who would refuse the vaccine and sight reasons that "it was rushed out" by the Trump administration and that we should still take the "wait and see approach while masking up". Kamala was already pivoting towards the "we rushed the vaccine" during the debates. But I think the majority of the left would reluctantly get vaccinated while the right would be much more willing to get the vaccine.

It would be less political because the entire public health crowd is extremely liberal, but they still have to be pro-vaccine. And then Trump and his followers would be all about it to further his agenda. So there would be less political pressure to say "the vaccine may be bad".
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Friends era JA or We are the Millers JA, yes.
I have no room to judge anyone’s looks but I don’t think she looks as good anymore. Too
Much plastic
It would be less political because the entire public health crowd is extremely liberal, but they still have to be pro-vaccine. And then Trump and his followers would be all about it to further his agenda. So there would be less political pressure to say "the vaccine may be bad".
In what universe would it be less political if Trump was still president?

We would be on impeachment number 5 by now.

Trump is the one that allowed big pharma to bypass animal testing and start clinical trials on over a 100,000 willing participants. Now we are seeing the negatives from that. The only reason Trump pushed the vaccine on everyone is because he made the huge mistake of shutting down the country and passing a bill that paid corporations and people not to work and the vaccine was his way out of that.

No. I wouldn't take it. In fact, Trump's actions are the reason I'm not taking it.

You people lack nothing but consistency in your arguments.
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You'll die from too many speedballs before I die of covid. I'm assuming you didn't listen to the Neil Oliver video.

Lol so William Wallace here basically says we should be like teenagers full of angst and just because mommy and daddy tell something would help us we should do the opposite because of “freedom”. Continue cutting your nose off to spite your face.
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In what universe would it be less political if Trump was still president?

We would be on impeachment number 5 by now.

Trump is the one that allowed big pharma to bypass animal testing and start clinical trials on over a 100,000 willing participants. Now we are seeing the negatives from that. The only reason Trump pushed the vaccine on everyone is because he made the huge mistake of shutting down the country and passing a bill that paid corporations and people not to work and the vaccine was his way out of that.

No I wouldn't take it. In fact, Trump's actions are the reason I'm not taking it.

You people lack nothing but consistency in your arguments.
I could be wrong, but I think it would be less polarizing mainly because the science community is so liberal. So you'd have Trump and most (not all) of his supporters fully on board. And you'd have the public health community (vast majority liberal) on board.

The media would be much more hesitant about pushing the vaccine as hard as they are currently pushing it, but I think ultimately a majority of the left would end up receiving it...just more reluctantly.

It would still be political. I think ultimately, people like Kamala would hold their nose and receive it. It's truly insane to me that a vaccine could be a political issue.
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I could be wrong, but I think it would be less polarizing mainly because the science community is so liberal. So you'd have Trump and most (not all) of his supporters fully on board. The media would be much more hesitant about pushing the vaccine as hard as they are currently pushing it, but I think ultimately a majority of the left would end up receiving it...just more reluctantly.
I agree that the media would be against taking the vaccine if Trump was president and they would be pushing for lockdowns and more stimulus.
With Jen Anniston change your stance?
Not me, she’s Top 5 most overrated celeb women of all time. Plus, I dont let any woman tell me how to live my life.

Agree 100%
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Few people are dying from covid. That hasn't changed.

If it's so great, why do they need to force it on people?

You believed you would be saved so you got in line and took it.
I absolutely would not support forcing people to get it, I’m pro choice all the way.

668 unvaccinated Americans died yesterday, per the CDC. Well statistically I supposed there’s a chance 1 or 2 of them were vaccinated.

Let’s keep going at that pace for a while and eventually all these ridiculous new voting laws won’t even make a difference!
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I want you to get vaccinated not for my safety but so that life doesn’t have to keep getting shut down/masks required etc. I wish we could just let folks who don’t want to get vaccinated get Covid and suffer - their body their choice. But it’s not that simple because it impacts those of us who are vaccinated. If we could guarantee life would go on uninterrupted without yall then yeah you do you
I understand the logic and I support vaccination for all that feel comfortable with it. However, doesn’t this logic fall apart when the vaccinated are getting the virus. Which is common right now.
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I absolutely would not support forcing people to get it, I’m pro choice all the way.

668 unvaccinated Americans died yesterday, per the CDC. Well statistically I supposed there’s a chance 1 or 2 of them were vaccinated.

Let’s keep going at that pace for a while and eventually all these ridiculous new voting laws won’t even make a difference!

Your interpretation of pro choice means I have a choice not to work for my company any longer when Duke-Energy states that we all have to be vaccinated to keep our jobs. There is no shortage of Karen's working here who are non stop advocating and threatening to quit if they don't enforce this rule. None of them can analyze a plant for safe shutdown. If it comes to that, I will leave out of principle. At my age, I don't think I can find another full time job working at a nuclear power plant. That's ok.

I refuse to be ruled by tyrants and Covid Karen's.

I'm sure your people who complain about new voting laws won't require a vaccine passport to vote. I guess you're in the far left wing on that issue.
Your interpretation of pro choice means I have a choice not to work for my company any longer when Duke-Energy states that we all have to be vaccinated to keep our jobs. There is no shortage of Karen's working here who are non stop advocating and threatening to quit if they don't enforce this rule. None of them can analyze a plant for safe shutdown. If it comes to that, I will leave out of principle. At my age, I don't think I can find another full time job working at a nuclear power plant. That's ok.

I refuse to be ruled by tyrants and Covid Karen's.

I'm sure your people who complain about new voting laws won't require a vaccine passport to vote. I guess you're in the far left wing on that issue.
What? You obviously have the choice to quit your job if they enact a policy you don’t like. Are you under the impression that you don’t have that choice?

I wouldn’t support a vaccine passport for anything.
I understand the logic and I support vaccination for all that feel comfortable with it. However, doesn’t this logic fall apart when the vaccinated are getting the virus. Which is common right now.
No because it's still less than 1% of the vaccinated that have documented breakthrough infections. On their face, the numbers appear huge, especially when you hear all the stories about sports teams or tightly packed vacations crowds, but in relation to the hundreds of millions of vaccinated without breakthrough infections, the numbers are still low.

What? You obviously have the choice to quit your job if they enact a policy you don’t like. Are you under the impression that you don’t have that choice?

I wouldn’t support a vaccine passport for anything.

No. I'm not saying that at all. I know I can quit. Also it's easy for you to say that I can quit my job. No shit sherlock.

For me it's a choice I will make out of principle even if it means giving up my standard of living. I can tell you this. I won't be going to any football games. I wouldn't want to risk running into you who thought this was such a heavenly idea to fill up the stadium.
No. I'm not saying that at all. I know I can quit. Also it's easy for you to say that I can quit my job. No shit sherlock.

For me it's a choice I will make out of principle even if it means giving up my standard of living. I can tell you this. I won't be going to any football games. I wouldn't want to risk running into you who thought this was such a heavenly idea to fill up the stadium.
No bro
Lol so William Wallace here basically says we should be like teenagers full of angst and just because mommy and daddy tell something would help us we should do the opposite because of “freedom”. Continue cutting your nose off to spite your face.
No bro, its because some aren't scared of a <1% death rate. It's a real thing, and it's more like you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. People can make their own decisions, you made yours, so just leave it alone.
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No bro
No bro, its because some aren't scared of a <1% death rate. It's a real thing, and it's more like you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. People can make their own decisions, you made yours, so just leave it alone.
I’m not scared of it either for myself. Im scared of it for my grandmother who it damn near killed and is still not right. I mainly just want life to go back to normal. I think the more people with the vaccine, the faster that will happen due to it being harder to catch it. If people have had it fairly recently and don’t want the vaccine because they still have antibodies I’m totally fine with that as well.
No because it's still less than 1% of the vaccinated that have documented breakthrough infections. On their face, the numbers appear huge, especially when you hear all the stories about sports teams or tightly packed vacations crowds, but in relation to the hundreds of millions of vaccinated without breakthrough infections, the numbers are still low.

I can produce documentation of much higher rates. Hard to trust the news these days. Everyone has an agenda.
I can produce documentation of much higher rates. Hard to trust the news these days. Everyone has an agenda.
I too can link a ton of other sites that say the same thing as the one I posted. My post was intended for those that don't think everything is a conspiracy. ;)
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I’m not scared of it either for myself. Im scared of it for my grandmother who it damn near killed and is still not right. I mainly just want life to go back to normal. I think the more people with the vaccine, the faster that will happen due to it being harder to catch it. If people have had it fairly recently and don’t want the vaccine because they still have antibodies I’m totally fine with that as well.

My mother is 80 and she had it. My father is 85 and he had it. You might want to get your grandmother checked out for whatever other health issues she may have. Your post is just a typical example of people posting to get this vaccine force down people's throats. Me not getting the vaccine is not contributing to the risk imposed on your grandmother. May I suggest you stop having covid parties and if you are actually truly afraid for for your grandmother's life, then stop bringing people who you believe to be at risk near her.
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So obviously you'd get to hit that once for the first shot and once for the second?

If a booster is required, she's available for a hook up again?
I too can link a ton of other sites that say the same thing as the one I posted. My post was intended for those that don't think everything is a conspiracy. ;)
Let’s not fall into the - if I disagree with you it must be because you’re a “conspiracy theorist” trap. It’s happening far to often. And it’s a tool to discourage conversation and learning from each other. Here is what I believe to be a fact - Iceland has the third highest vaccination rate in the world. It also has a higher case rate than it has ever had. Would indicate a greater than 1% rate.
* Less than 1/2 of American citizens get the flu vaccine
* Thousands of people die every year from the flu
Yes - of course that's the point and that's not such a great outcome, IMO. Influenza struck in 1918 and we didn't have vaccine available until the 1940s. This lag was unavoidable, but now it is avoidable because of mRNA technology and advances in manufacturing. We could potentially eliminate COVID if we vaccinated the world's population.

Do you prefer the vaccine becomes ineffective and thousands of deaths annually? I would prefer the vaccine to be used, remain effective, and eliminate the virus.
Yes - of course that's the point and that's not such a great outcome, IMO. Influenza struck in 1918 and we didn't have vaccine available until the 1940s. This lag was unavoidable, but now it is avoidable because of mRNA technology and advances in manufacturing. We could potentially eliminate COVID if we vaccinated the world's population.

Do you prefer the vaccine becomes ineffective and thousands of deaths annually? I would prefer the vaccine to be used, remain effective, and eliminate the virus.

Understand. You think we should not allow people to drive, take drugs, drink, eat fatty foods and we should force them to exercise and get vaccinated.
Let’s not fall into the - if I disagree with you it must be because you’re a “conspiracy theorist” trap. It’s happening far to often. And it’s a tool to discourage conversation and learning from each other. Here is what I believe to be a fact - Iceland has the third highest vaccination rate in the world. It also has a higher case rate than it has ever had. Would indicate a greater than 1% rate.
I'm not calling you a conspiracy theorist but you immediately cast doubt on the link I shared. Maybe what I posted is wrong, but it's being widely reported by plenty of reputable sites that the documented breakthrough cases are a small percentage of the total vaccinated. And the numbers also bear out that in areas where vaccination rates are the highest, breakthrough cases, hospitalizations and deaths are lower than areas that have low vaccination rates, so logic would dictate that vaccinations do help slow the spread. Maybe I should have called you a doubting Thomas instead ;) .

My numbers were in regards to the US, but as far as Iceland goes, the majority of the population is vaccinated so it makes sense that most new cases would be breakthrough, though still a small percentage of the total vaccinated. Also, keep in mind that that they use a lot of Astra Zeneca which isn't as effective as the mRNAs that we mostly use here.